
The Call

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-13-2014, 10:01 PM

She leaned her pale body against the large slate wall, coldness coursing through her veins as she seeped down into the soft layer of snow, flurries landing upon her alabaster snout, masking with the pure white and melting at the warm touch. A sigh escaped her lips, billowing a gust of warm air out of her muzzle and letting another freezing one in, creating a mass of fog that surrounded her silver eyes, preventing her from seeing more so than even than the snow flurries. For miles the tundra stretched as far as she could see, the pure snow unmarked besides her trail of small paw prints leading up to the great barrier of gray. She seemed to be alone.

At the sudden feeling of loneliness, her thoughts enveloped her, dragging her under their harsh thoughts and words until finally reaching a point of sanity. Pups. The sudden thought of her future litters rose into her mind, whirling thoughts around at top speeds as she continued to think of her life with her precious mate. Her alabaster tail swept over her shivering haunches, attempting to keep her warm in the breezes of snow. At an instant, all seemed to freeze. Her silver orbs widened and her breathing hitched in her throat. Her pack. What would she do once she had the litter? She had already told her alpha that it was not an issue and that they would most definitely be staying with her, but what if Suzaro had changed his mind over the course of the days that had gone by, his presence neither seen nor heard. What if he decided to take the pups from her?

An urgent howl arose from her inky lips as she called for a mate. Her howl was a distinct one, one that her mate would recognize as her own if she called loud enough. Raising her pitch she howled once more, ensuring that the alabaster male had heard her call. She needed to speak with him. Lowering her slender crown back down she sat, shivering, in await for the response of her mate, looking at the horizon, awaiting the shadow of his muscular body to appear soon. This was urgent, and she needed him now.




4 Years
11-13-2014, 10:19 PM
The alabaster male had begun to start to hunt for Trica. The snow had fallen in slow droplets, dropping down upon his coat and surrounding it in small flakes. He went to go down upon his knees and charged forward, shaking the life out of the hare that he had caught for his mate. A smile overcame him in an instant, when a distinct howl arose into the air and reverberated throughout his lobes. His ears perked forward as he remembered the sound of Trica's howl and ran over to where she had been located. The howl seemed urgent, for she must really need him as the hare bounced against his ebony lips, small drops of blood landing onto the freshly laid snow that covered the landscape. Golden optics only focused on what was ahead, nothing mattered to the brute accept for reaching his mate if something was wrong.

When he reached the den they were staying in, he dropped the hare down and pushed it over to Trica, a small smile crossing his lips as his golden orbs focused on the alabaster she-wolf. He loved her too much, and ever since the incident that had occurred with herself and Migi, he had become jealous and made sure to stay even closer to the woman as possible. A small pool of blood surrounded the hare as he looked to his mate.

"Please eat, Trica, you need keep your energy up. Since winter is coming soon, it will be harder for me to find a meal so please eat while you can," he explained to her and walked over beside her, his large paws causing the snow to crunch underneath the pressure and spread apart, showing his prints. He laid down beside her and wrapped his tail around her bodice and brought her close to him, sharing the warmth that his body possessed with her. He did not care about himself, he only cared about her.

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-13-2014, 10:38 PM

The rich smell of hare surrounded her as her mate stepped into the den, clusters of snow still visible in his ivory pelt as he sat beside her, pushing the still bleeding carcass over to her. He was right, Winter was fast approaching which meant very little food, but most importantly, mating. A shiver ran up her spine as she recalled the fact that her season was close and the fact that her mate was even closer. A small cloud of fog rose from her nostrils as she sighed deeply. She didn't wish to eat, she wanted to talk, but she knew that her mate would become upset if she didn't eat properly and so without hesitation she blankly ate the warm hare, the taste of blood flowing across her tastebuds as she munched on the tasty hare.

Once half way through the hare she nudged the leftovers to her mate, knowing that he was too kind to have eaten before seeing her. She wondered if the scent of her new friend, Migi, still lingered on her coat. She hoped not, for she worried that if it did, they would argue. A flash of worry crossed her silver gaze as she turned to face her mate, what if he decided to take the pups, she couldn't let that happen. She refused to be away from them. "Thank you for the meal, love, but I am a hunter you know..." she hinted, a giggle escaping from her onyx lips as she struggled to hold it in. Her mate seemed to think she was a princess, unable to do anything but love.

All happy thoughts were pushed far away as she remembered the real purpose she had called for him. "I-I actually need to speak to you about something..." she stated, worry laced through her tone as she stared into her mate's golden orbs. She needed to get this over with, she couldn't worry about this for any longer, plus it would be soon that her season arrived and she needed to be sure that having this litter was the right idea, that her and her love wouldn't separate before they were even born. A frown etched across her features as she looked back towards the ground. What would he say?




4 Years
11-14-2014, 11:06 AM
Suzaro's eyes shown a bit of curiosity as his optics focused upon his mate's gentle, silver orbs. All he could think about was her soft touch and gentle voice, but that would have to wait for a while. The sounds of the wind echoed throughout his lobes, causing them to shift slightly to make sure nothing, such as branches, twigs, or anything else came into contact with him and Trica. There was no way he would let her get killed, no way in hell would he ever let someone come between them. His golden orbs, after making sure there were no other issues, looked back over to the alabaster woman and tilted his head slightly in confusion. What was it that she wished to talk about? Did it have something to do with the lost pup, Migi, or family matters?

"What is it, Trica?" He would ask, bring her crown closer to his chest and making sure that she was warm in the den. He wondered when he should be ready to head to the pack, or if he would even decide to go to the pack that his mate had resided in for some time now.

There was no way he would not stop seeing his pups when her due date had occurred. They were his children, ad she, he know, would be a good mother for his pups. At least his craziness would not rub off of them, if it ever did.

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-14-2014, 11:46 AM

A hesitant smile graced her ebony lips as her mate pulled her closer, heat flooding through her veins as she got lost in his warm touch. She didn't want to ever leave his side, she didn't want to ever have to spend a night alone again, without him by her side. He was her other half, and whether she admitted it or not, she needed him more than anyone. These past few days without him by her side, whiteout his words whispering in her ears, had been too much for her to handle. She needed him, she wouldn't be able to go through all of this without him, and she surely didn't want to go through any more without his alabaster coat by her side. They were made for each other, that much she knew.

Reluctantly, she pulled her crown away from his downy soft chest fur and looked into his goldenrod depths. A hint of worry was buried in his gaze, he seemed to be thinking about their future as well, but perhaps she thought she knew him more than she did. Thoughts stormed her mind, forcing the smile to be tugged away from her lips and a frown appeared in its place. A sense of apprehension settled in her core as she looked back towards the snow the lined the floor below them. Images of tiny paw prints crossed her mind as she imagined a happy family in the depths of winter. Shaking these thoughts from her mind she looked back towards her mate, her silver gaze meeting his gold one.

"Well..." she began, wondering how she should best bring up this conversation to the ivory male. A grimace crossed her features as she started again, "Our litter. Umm...what will we do if we aren't in the same pack?" she blurted, stuttering as she continued to ramble on, "I have to see those pups and I really want you to see them too and I just don't know if we can continue doing this. My alpha stepped down, leaving a new alpha in her place and I just don't know how she will react to me leaving constantly." Words flowed from her inky lips, trailing without an end until finally she took a breath, a long sigh leaving her lips as she tried to calm her racing heart and mind. What would he say?




4 Years
11-15-2014, 07:33 PM
The brute focused in on his mate, her tone gentle yet worried. He cocked his head slightly in question when Trica told him about what will happen with the pups and if he would even think about joining the pack. He sighed and looked to her, nudging her cheek in a calm and gentle way like he had done so many times before. The thought of a pack never came across the brute's mind for some time now, even though he and Triica have thought about it a couple times beforehand. His golden optics focused on her crystal colored orbs as he sighed and soon, after a couple minutes, came up with his decision.

"I don't know, Trica. I have been alone and being my own wolf, it kind of seems like I would not be good with keeping a pack safe or hunting for anyone else except for you and myself," he sighed and soon turned back to look at her, "Well, I guess I may not know unless I try." He licked her cheek, "Let's go and see your pack."

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-15-2014, 08:38 PM

A sigh escaped her onyx lips as he explained himself, her worst dreams coming true. Wait. He said what?! Looking up from the ground her silver orbs met his gold ones, shock visible on all of her features as she looked surprisingly at him. Her mouth gaped in the shape of an O and her eyes widened to the size of bowling balls. He- He what??? Her breathing hitched and her heart stopped. Forget nightmare, this was the best day of her life! A large grin spread across her maw as she realized what this meant for her and her mate.

Leaping to her paws, she jumped on top of her mate, surely knocking him to his back as she smothered him in licks across his ivory muzzle, silver orbs lit in happiness and...lust. She surprised herself as she realized what emotion she was feeling at the moment. It must be close to Winter, close to her being in heat. A wicked grin spread across her face as she looked deep into her mate's golden gaze, knowing that he wanted a litter as bad as she.

"Oh, love, do you understand what this means for us?
her words dropped off of her tongue like honey, sweet and smooth, as she licked her mate across his jaw one last time before getting off of his broad chest, taking her time and admiring his rippling muscles as she got her small frame fully off of him. Oh how she loved these playful moments with her mate. She could never picture anything better than waking up every morning with him by her side.




4 Years
11-15-2014, 08:49 PM
Before he even realized it, his mate had thrown her weight upon him, causing him to be topple over upon his back, feeling her salmon tongue across his maw. He chuckled when she soon got off of him and looked to Trica with happiness in his gaze. He couldn't help but smile. The thought that they would soon be having a family, and also that he would finally be in a pack with his mate by his side. His eyes could soon see that she was soon eyeing his muscular form, causing Suzaro to chuckle as he soon stood upon his forepaws and listened to his mate. The alabaster man brought his mate close to his chest as he could hear her soft breathing.

"And, now our family will be larger once our pups will be born. And, no matter what happens, I will always be with you and our pups," he said and licked her cheek as his stomach growled slightly to make the touching moment a bit awkward. "Would you like to go hunting with me?" He asked his golden optics focused on her silver ones. It was soon becoming dark, and he was sure she was becoming just as hungry as he was.

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-15-2014, 10:13 PM

The ivory femme chuckled at the awkward grumbling, distracting her from what she was going to do and making her realize that her own stomach was feeling the pangs of hunger as well. She didn't want to leave her mate though, she wanted to stay beside him all night and never leave. Her soft pearly fur pushed flush against his as she cuddled deep into his broad chest, inhaling his lovely forest rich scent. Her silver orbs slid shut as she tried to stay as close to him as possible. She never wanted to leave his side again.

"But...babe...I would rather stay here and cuddle with you..." she groaned, her stomach growling in synch. A chuckle arose from her inky lips, causing her stomach to grumble again. A sigh arose and she finally gave in to her hunger pains by standing up and walking out of the den, determined now to find food and show her mate that she could fend for herself. Tilting back her crown she smelled a hint a rabbit, upwind from her. A smile overtook her features.

Looking back towards the den, she awaited her mate's figure to emerge from the den before hunting down the rabbit. She wanted him to see her catch.




4 Years
11-15-2014, 11:05 PM
Suzaro chuckled and soon arose from the safety and warmth of the den as the thickness of his pelt began to keep him warm from the surrounding climate. Her coat seemed to blend into the snow such like his own as she could smell the oncoming scent of rabbit that stayed intertwined in his nostrils. His lobes swiveled from side to side, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the prey, but, they were probably too far away to even hear a single thing. The alabaster male turned his crown to Trica, a smile spreading across the brute's maw as the sound of his stomach echoed throughout the forest, almost making it seem as if he were growling.

"Lead the way," he said, paws pointing forward to show Trica that he was ready for the hunt. He knew Trica probably wanted to show him that she could hunt as well, but, he thought he would be a gentleman and be the one to hunt and bring back kills so that his woman did not have to lift a single paw.

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-16-2014, 05:21 PM

A soft smile swept across her muzzle, watching her mate let her take the lead. He better. A competitive look flashed in her silver orbs, causing her veins to pump with adrenaline, loves the thrill of the hunt and especially the race of competition. A mischievous smirk spread across her maw as she looked at her mate with a competitive glint in her crystal orbs. She would show her mate that she could hunt herself, maybe even better than he. After all, he wasn't the only one that had to hunt, and she had to feed an entire pack, not just herself and mate.

Her ivory tail swishing side to side with anticipation, she looked over her mate, trying to think of the rules of the game. "Love, we are going to play a game." she stated, giving him no choice but to agree. "Since you seem to think that I can't hunt for myself, we shall compete." A smirk crossed her maw, as she looked towards her love, licking her jaws as she looked over his body for the third time that day. Man, she needed him.

Turning around she took the lead towards the woods near them, stopping at the skirts of the dense woods. Tilting her crown back she smelled the rabbit she had scented before. Perfect. Sitting on her haunches, she turned towards the male approaching her. "Do you want to hear the rules?" she questioned, knowing that her mate would give in and play her game, he loved her too much not too.




4 Years
11-19-2014, 08:37 PM

Suzaro sighed and shook his head. He decided it wouldn't hurt to try and see what her game was, but, if she thought that she couldn't hunt, that was another thing that he thought she should not have to do. His golden optics stayed focused upon her crystal orbs, showing signs that he was indeed paying attention to everything that she had said. His lobes swiveled slightly to make sure no danger lurked before them, and when nothing occurred, continued to listen to what Trica had to say about the game.

Playing games was not something that Suzaro usually did when he was younger. He had usually stayed focused on hunting and fishing with the males of the pack when he became the right age to learn. Games were usually a rare occasion for males, nonetheless, but, most of the females had to focus on healing and gathering herbs whenever wolves of his pack came back from battle injured or was bitten by something poisonous.

The alabaster brute soon shook the memories and thoughts out of his cranium so that he could focus on his mate. Since she wished to play a game so badly, then, a game she will get from him.

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-19-2014, 10:09 PM

A chuckle rose from the ivory dame's chest as she looked lovingly at her mate. Oh how she was going to LOVE this game! Gliding her tail under his soft muzzle she looked into his golden depths, falling in love with him again as she stared into his soul, the one that he had tried to clear of all evil just for her. Lust built inside her yet again as she looked her mate up and down, lingering her gaze on his broad chest. God she needed him...

Suddenly, she remembered her game that she had commanded him to play and her face lit up in joy as she searched his golden eyes. A trace of pain lingered in his gaze and she felt a pang of sadness for her mate. She would be sure to get rid of whatever memories plagued his mind after this game of hers. Scenting the air one last time, she pinpointed the location of the hare.

"Alright! Here are the rules. Whoever kills the hare first wins. Though, the prize for the winner is something super special. They get to demand anything of the loser. Alright?" a sly smirk rose on her maw. She knew she would win, she already knew the territory pretty well and she could outrun her mate any day. This game would be her's for the taking.




4 Years
11-21-2014, 02:24 PM

His eyes focused on his mate. The thought of the game made his competitive side kick in for him, causing the brute to smirk. But, Trica was his mate, and he did not wish to make her depressed or sad if she didn't win, thus making the alabaster brute sad that he didn't just let her win. So many things came over him until he sighed and shook his head, his mate had already made a loser out of him for thinking that he did not think that she could hunt or do anything at all. She could, for she had proven it to him in more times than he could think. His golden orbs focused on her crystal ones as he licked her cheek.

"Trica, i would love to play a game with you, but, you thinking that i don't think you can hunt or fight is something that is definitely not true. I only hunt for you is because you're the only thing I have in this world, and believe me when I say that losing you would be something that I'd never wish to see. You're my life basically, and you being dead in any way would make a wreck out of me." The alabaster male blurted out, almost as if he were talking in a poem to her. He did care about her, more than anything in this world, and he would love their pups just the same. "I will play this game with you, but, I am letting you win already because I don't know why you decided to do this just to make a point."