

Virgil I


4 Years
11-10-2014, 11:25 AM

Victory is hers once more, as she had known it would be. She defeats her opponent, jaws crushing down around the throat, the opening which Virgil had been awaiting. Strength sits within her blood and bones, and with swift justice she prevails. Perhaps for a moment there is the temptation to go further, to clamp down and refuse release. Alas, she had already decided she would not kill the ebon.

She steps back once her victory is assured, waiting for Katja to rouse. She hopes that the woman will begin to move, for she has a few choice words. Once Virgil thinks she is conscious, the golden woman begins to speak. ?I had every intent to kill you. I could have just now if I had wanted. I was going to rip your legs off one by one, then go for your eyes, your tongue, until you were nothing but a body upon the ground,? she says. It had been her plan, Katja?s punishment for taking out her aggression upon children who did not deserve it.
?But I am not like you. While you may deserve such a fate, there are some children who are very dear to me. Children whom I have wronged, who would be devastated by your death,? she says. She refers, of course, to the Xanilovs. They may despise her, but it does not stop her from acting in their favor. ?You gave me no choice. You had no right to do this to my children, my children who are innocent of any of my crimes,? she snarls. ?If you dare claim my children again, if you come even close to breathing on them, I will have far less restraint than I do now,? she says.
Her gaze then falls upon the traitor, the one who had been fighting her aunt Natalya (Chryseis). A distance relative, one who needed to be quelled. ?What is your name, and from whose loins do you come from?? she inquires. She does not remember this woman all that well, and her hackles raise in dominance. Virgil has a plan, and should this woman not submit, she will feel its wrath.



10 Years
11-10-2014, 12:42 PM

Silently he would watch as Yfir was taken. A pack so young, barely refined and having not yet made a name for themselves -- despite Katja's strength and relentlessness, it didn't come as much of a surprise that greedy paws were already groping for power here. Hidden from sight, Kapras?us would watch in awe as the battle unfolded, eying the heretic with distaste as she finally conquered his cousin. Oh, the reign of the Finnvis had just begun; and it wouldn't end quite so quickly, despite what this stranger thought. A snarl would escape the tawny male's lips as he slid from his cover silently. He wouldn't have dared leave Katja to this fight alone, though he hadn't dared interrupt it.

"You may have won," he hissed, slinking low to the grow as he approached her, eyes full of flame as he eyed Virgil with unease. Paws carried his slender frame forward slowly, hackles raising along his spine as he made to protect his cousin's unconscious form. "But someday, when you feel you are safe, when you feel as though you have evaded all the wrongs you have done, you ought to sleep with one eye open," he would began, a soft trickle of laughter beginning to escape his parted jaws. "For I pray to the Aesir that they send a dragr to you, to haunt your dreams, to devour you limb from limb, to feast upon your blood and pick their teeth with your bones. " A wide grin would replace the snarl that once curled his lips, obvious mania beginning to gleam in his wide gaze. If she did not suffer at his own paws, he was certain she would be punished by the gods themselves, but it was his duty to enact their law whenever possible.

"Perhaps I may have a taste myself... " He was not afraid of Virgil, nor was he afraid of blood or of pain. The mere possibility of feeling her cringe beneath his jaws would help him endure nearly anything. This woman had made herself an enemy of the Finnvi family and their gods, and he felt an insatiable anger growing inside of him now. Tongue would slither from his mouth to lick his lips, coating them with saliva as he sized her up, bristling as his body longed to bleed and to retaliate with all the strength he could muster. "Does your blood taste as sweet as I think it might, H?ndin?"

ROUND 0 / ? - MAIM for jaw fracture

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



5 Years
11-10-2014, 04:17 PM
ooc: quick post before I have to leave

The battle reached its final, bloody conclusion. D?gmar's attention had swiftly abandoned the oddly colored wolves in favor of the spectacle before her eyes. The golden woman and the black woman locked in battle, shredding into each other. They were both evenly matched, exchanging violent blows until finally the golden Olympian emerged victorious. There was no doubt in D?gmar's mind though that if Katja had not lost consciousness the battle would have continued until one or both of the combatants was dead.

D?gmar watched the going ons for a moment more before turning to Laufey and muttering quietly. "Come Laufey, we have places to be." With that she turned to leave. As much fun as it would be to finally have her spar with the golden goddess she was not terribly thrilled of being in a "family" pack. She'd be denied the virtue of her skills in favor of the virtue of blood. It was a completely different value system and one she had little interest parading around in. She was certain she'd have the chance to do battle with the other woman, she just had to be patient. Her eyes lingered for a moment on the captive healer before she shrugged and turned away. Let the fluffball do what he wanted she had other matters to attend to.

Exit D?gmar



11-10-2014, 04:29 PM

Orochi's ears flicked as he watched daegmar call his brothers name. His eyes narrowed slightly, would Laufey leave them. He wasn't sure if his brother had totally forgiven him, but this was their family. After discovering that Katja was their cousin, and the other their uncle. He didn't want to leave he wanted to stay by them, just that family. "Wait, daegmar, Katja is family I'd like Laufey to stay with us. I wanna see what he thinks." he stated before looking at Katja and narrowing his eyes at Virgil. Glad that uncle kapra was attacking her for hurting their Katja.
Yet ultimately the choice was up to Laufey, making him calm down he looked as his brother a little sadly before sitting down again. He'd wait and see, Katja was his family. Virgil had taken away his chance at a new life and he didn't want to just vanish into thin air.


Shilah I


6 Years
11-10-2014, 04:34 PM

Shilah could barely bring himself to watch the battle, watching these women tear into each other with such brutality. Why was it things always had to be settled this way? There was also the fact that his future, his freedom was on the line. On of the things he valued most but he did not know which woman to root for. Could not bring himself to side with either of the monsters before him. After all, he did not know if the golden woman would release the slaves or keep them and there was always the fear that a new master might be worse than the current one.

The fight ended with Katja loosing consciousness. For a moment everything held silent in a few aching seconds. Shilah turned to see D?gmar take her leave and his heart leapt for a moment before wrenching in his chest as his eyes fell on the wounds of the warrior women. No, no, he should use this chance to escape but his heart had always been too soft. Shilah would tend to their injuries, Katja first as her's were currently more severe.

However, as Shilah gathered the herbs in his jaws Kapra rushed past him to attack the golden woman. Mouth stuffed with herbs he could not cry at the man to stop. What was wrong with these wolves? Barbarians! How they tore at each other like mindless beasts. But the healer knew better than to interfere. He did not know the situation and would not put himself at risk while there were others to tend to and even after both those fools finished fighting he would offer to help them as well. It was just who he was.

"Lady Katja? Katja can you hear me?" He reached out his right forepaw to gently shake the woman's shoulder. Her chest was badly bruised and the broken toes were definitely a concern as she would not be able to walk on them. And now the one family member she had was risking his own limbs and for what?. anger? Honor? Who was going to look after her? Who was going to help her walk out of here? Was he expected to? Shilah snarled to himself. What a mess?.. he really just wanted to go home.


Virgil I


4 Years
11-12-2014, 11:08 PM
Victory is not something easily taken. She?d won fair and honest; no tricks, no deception. It had been strength against strength, and once more her strength had found itself superior to Katja?s. And yet, of course there could be no accepting of this. Crowns were challenged for often; such is the way of life. This time it had, admittedly, been personal, but she hadn?t killed the ebon woman. She had merely freed her children. ?You would fault me, sir, for freeing my children? I gave her weeks to heal, so this would be an even fight. I won with no trickery, just a simple matter of superior skill, and yet you find fault with her weakness in me,? she says with a snort.

Defenses fall into place; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed across all four grounded limbs, toes spread, claws bite into the soil for traction, limbs bend, body lowers and with it her center of gravity, tail wavers out behind her large bodice, shoulders roll, hackles rise, head lowers to align with her spine, neck scrunches, jaws part, chin tucks, eyes narrow, ears pin backwards, muscles tense slightly.

She aches from her previous wounds. Her chest is bruised (although her fur hides it, so this might not be a noticeable injury), her shoulder bruised, her muzzle and elbow bleed. None of these things, however, are sufficient enough to stop the goddess from her assault. She seeks to close the three foot distance (OOC: distance confirmed by nyx) swiftly, aiming to approach head on. However, she hopes to, at perhaps last moment, move to her own left. Right shoulder seeks to slam into the center of Kaprasius?s chest. Virgil?s body lowers even further, head seeking to sneak beneath Kaprasius?s jaws. Her head turns to her own right, jaws parting, hoping to bite down around his vocal chords near the top of his throat, close to his jaw.
Her wishes? To damage his vocals, to rid him of his ignorant voice. Her top jaw seeks to land on Kaprasius?s upper front left side neck, her bottom jaws aiming slightly lower on his upper right side neck. Meanwhile, her left leg lifts, weight redistributing across her three grounded limbs. She aims to hit the middle of Kaprasius?s lower outside front right leg, seeking to knock his limb off balance. She wants to be able shove him off balance with a combination of her chest and leg attack, and then she hopes for a grip that will give her a good chance at pinning him down and punishing him. She hopes to inflict damage he will forever remember.

virgil vs. kapra for damage to vocal chords

Katja the First


8 Years
11-14-2014, 02:35 PM

She returned to consciousness as though awaking from sleep, the thrall-healer nudging her to wakefulness but for a moment she could not understand why he was there, why he was waking her and why she'd fallen asleep outside instead of within the cave she had claimed as her own. She rolled to her stomach and had to close her eyes as a wave of dizziness and pain swept her, bringing memory back into focus as it did. The challenge.

Her eyes cracked into slits, tracked the golden Olympian's movements as she began to spill her claims like blood upon the earth. Katja was unmoved by the threats, though her eyes opened further into a narrow-eyed stare within uncaring features. She is unaffected by the woman's claims of what she would have done until she makes mention of the Xanilovs, and the gray-toned viking's hackles rose silently. "You should have done so," she tells the Olympian, her tone oddly reasonable, if somewhat hoarse. Ignoring the healer by her side she forces herself painfully to her feet, only to watch as her cousin stalked forth to curse the Olympian before his priestly bearing dissolves into eagerness. Discomfort washes her and she is indecisive - her cousin has ever been closer to the priesthood than the marauders and though he was trained as she was she would have considered him godi rather than warrior.

Her body hunched and a conflicted light marks her eyes as she attempted to circle to the midway point between them, to face perpendicularly to them on Kapra's right side. It was not her place to stop Kapra if he wished to do this, but nor could she stand by idly while he risked himself. Her lip lifted in distaste at the Olympian's words - why would Kapra care for her children? He was taking blood for blood, not avenging Katja's loss of Yfir. That had been on her and it would be on her to redeem herself to the gods, not Kapra. But she couldn't just watch this... Virgil Olympus was vindictive and cursed with an insanity that Kapra had not seen, that he could not understand. She had seen it when Virgil had fought so viciously against her to steal the Xanilovs when Katja had refused to simply hand them to her. Kapra would not have cared even if she had told him. But she could not see her godly cousin mangled by a prideful demon who held a grudge against Katja.

The Olympian charged for Kapra, and Katja made to spring forward as well. Her battered body slipped naturally into a fighter's stance, her paws positioned as she ran at an angle to provide the best balance, most fluid despite the right foreleg tucked to her chest. Her weight was evenly distributed between the three as they struck the ground, her joints loose and fluid to absorb the impact. Her three paws were spread wide, the toes flexing with each step so that her dull claws sank into the earth to propel her. Her head and tail were both held level with her spine, and her shoulders were rolled forward to bunch up her scruff - painfully, as her scruff was damaged. Her ears lay flat to her skull and her eyes were narrowed despite the pain of her facial cut. Her hackles bristled.

"Don't touch him." The snarl that tore from her was fury and desperation as the need to protect her family overrode practicality.

She gathered her hindquarters beneath her to attempt one more leap, as she did trying to turn her head to her own left to bring her right shoulder - otherwise useless for balance anyway with her paw tucked up - forward in the intention of having the front blade of her shoulder strike low on Virgil's left hip, trying to knock the Olympian off balance. Her jaws flashed as she attempted to gain a grip on Virgil's side midway down and immediately behind her ribs, trying simply to pull the Olympian away from Kapra. Nausea made itself known as injuries from her very, very recent loss protested the attacks.

KATJA (joining KAPRA) vs VIRGIL for PROTECTION OF KAPRA AGAINST MAIM (I would guess? She's not trying to do a maim, just protecting Kapra basically)

Round 1/2



10 Years
11-17-2014, 09:08 AM

?I do not care what has happened between you and Katja,? he scoffed, his voice mocking and amused at the same time. ?Should I applaud you for giving her time to heal?? His gaze was entertained as she readied herself for the fight, shifting her pose to protect herself from an impending attack. ?I do not care about fairness, woman,? he explained matter-of-factly, cocking a brow as he studied her, his brilliant emerald gaze intense. His hackles would raise in defiance, his voice steady as he spoke. ?I am a viking. I only care about blood.? Perhaps a more honorable man would?ve given her a chance to heal from her wounds before challenging her again, but the Finnvis were not known for their outstanding character. Katja was, perhaps quite humorously, the most honorable of them all.

With that he would shift his stance, head dipping to the earth as it fell even with his shoulders. His head would tuck to his chest slightly, aiming to protect the vulnerable parts of his throat. Kapras?us would mirror her stance, his limbs spreading as he let his weight settle evenly on all four paws. Toes would spread, flexing lightly as they sought to gain traction on the earth below as his shoulders rolled forward to ensure a fully defensive position.

With no more than a brief warning she began to rush forward, closing the short distance that separated them (note: we agreed on three feet). She came toward him directly head-on. His ears flattened against his skull, the skin on his muzzle furrowing and his eyes narrowing sharply. He would also bare his teeth, snarling silently at his opponent. His tail would lash out behind him as his opponent rushed toward him with fervor that could not be denied. His instinct was to duck to the side, but as he aimed to shift to his own right, he watched as she shifted slightly to the left ? failing to avoid her right shoulder attack, wincing as it landed squarely with the center of his chest. A moderate bruise began to bloom over the muscle there, a sharp pain that slowly ebbed into a general soreness throughout his chest. The pain was real, but not debilitating, and immediately he felt adrenaline began to course through his veins as the fight unraveled.

Her body would lower suddenly to the ground, aiming to duck beneath his head, coming from his right side. His reactions were nearly instantaneous as he sees her ducking lower, unwilling to let her reach his throat so easily. Quickly he would aim to tilt his own head slightly dowward, tucking it toward his chest to refuse her easy access to his throat that she so badly craved. With a loud snarl he would aim to counter the attack she had aimed at his throat, his own jaws parting as he sought to lean forward and grasp Virgil?s muzzle in his own. His upper jaw would aim to land perpendicular atop her snout, coming at her from her right side, while his lower jaw would aim to grasp beneath her lower jaw. An injury was visible on her snout already, and he would attempt to use the force of his jaws to crush her own jaws, wanting her to suffer and to bleed as Katja already had.

As she lifted her front left limb up, aiming to knock him off balance by swiping at the outer part of his own front right leg, he would aim to rear up on his back legs ? adjusting his full weight to those two paws, his tail shifting upward to balance himself fully ? to avoid her trip attempt. His muzzle still tipped downward, wanting badly to protect his throat, hoping that his height advantage will give full strength to his attempted counter attack, wanting to push her to the earth and crush her snout and jaws between his own.

Despite what Virgil thought, he was not trying to make up for wrongs he thought she had done; he did not care for vengeance, but instead was suddenly aroused by the thought of tasting this woman?s blood and of bleeding himself, for his family and for his gods. His suffering would be rewarded, and if lucky, perhaps he could maim this woman in the process. If not, alas ? he knew by fighting for the deities he worshipped that he was winning, no matter the outcome of the fight.


ROUND 1 / 2 - MAIM for jaw fracture

(Note Kapra is trying to counter Virgil?s main attack.)

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


11-18-2014, 10:42 AM

A pity. The viking woman lost, and Kau wasn't sure whether to feel glad that he hadn't joined or merely shake his head in disappointment. It had been a good fight regardless, both sides showing their strength, but it seemed the golden female was doing just a bit better, a bit more. He would give a soft sigh, moving from where he sat. The show was over, or so he thought. Just as Kau was making ready to leave it seemed that a supporter of the former alphess was now trying to maim the other female. Goodness, what a barbaric sort. Kau smirked. He rather... liked it.

So the man would stay, though he cast a look at the black and gold female. She looked ready for a fight, to tear into any beast who dared so much as speak to her. He did not seek a challenge here, but he was more than willing to watch. He had to wonder who she had been rooting for, and if this was only the beginning of a serious of fights and insanity here today. He would watch, amusement growing as the former alpha seemed to recover to come to the aid of the attack. My my, where on earth was the popcorn? This was getting good.


11-18-2014, 11:09 AM

The boy had been a little on the late side, but regardless he had been here to see his mother take back what was lost. He was silent, Katja, pondering the will of the gods. Was it just for Katja to take the pack from his aunt, yet still just for his mother to reclaim it? Were the gods responsible for this particular part of the mortal's lives? The boy had been doing a lot of thinking, wondering, and well, honestly avoiding his rather scary looking mentor. The woman now looked like a beast ready to tear something to shreds the first chance he got. He remained on the edge of it all, watching from a distance.

Thanatos' eyes would narrow slightly as Kapra would challenge his mother next. Was it not enough she proved herself in battle? She had given some sort of honor, yet he threw it back in her face? Had Katja's initial challenge not been to redeem her own honor? There was no honor in fighting an opponent already injured, who justly had reason to challenge and take back what she had lost. To take the children who were stolen to settle one hurt. This, Thanatos felt, would become a feud that would never end, and he felt agitation, as well as anger, because of it. This was no long a situation of right and wrong... it was spiraling down a dark path. The boy would give a low sigh, ears flicked back against his head as he awaited the outcome of the second fight.

Walk "Talk" Think

Virgil I


4 Years
11-19-2014, 08:22 PM
She should have expected that the cowardly woman could not stand a fair fight. Oh no, that would be too much to ask for. The fiend before her had started this challenge; Virgil?s move had been nothing short of self-defense. Virgil isn?t sure what possesses the ebon woman to demand she not touch him; it wasn?t as if Virgil had targeted him randomly. This man had called his own fight, and Katja could hardly blame the goddess for not sitting by and letting the fool tear into her.
Her opponent is of medium build (thirty two inches to be exact) whilst Virgil stands large at thirty six. The woman knows that size and strength will be her advantage here, and she hopes that her expertise will as well (although she knows not if it is useful against this male; she may now be familiar with Katja?s style, but she is unaware of the prowess of the strange male she fights).
A shoulder collides with her left hip. Moderate bruising blossoms there, and Virgil lets the hit of Katja?s blow push Virgil to her own right. Her hips pivot rightward with the force, but her defenses gather and stabilize her; her three grounded legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed across them. Toes spread, claws bite into the soil for traction, hackles raise, tail lashes out behind her, shoulders roll, head lowers to align with her spine, shoulders roll, neck scrunches, chin tucks, jaws part, eyes narrow, ears pin backwards, lips curve up slightly to form a snarl, muscles tense in preparation for movement. Although Virgil?s hips had initially moved rightward as a result of the force of Katja?s blow, she stabilizes her movement, and keeps pivoting her hips rightward in an effort to keep both opponents within view. Perhaps if Katja had hit from Virgil?s right the woman might have toppled; it is her front left leg off of the ground, after all. However, Katja?s force had merely pushed into Virgil?s two grounded right legs, and thus the Olympian merely bounced with the force.
Katja?s jaws cut moderate lacerations upon her mid-ribs; perhaps it would have been a grip, had Virgil not been in pivot forced by Katja?s own shoulder that pushed her the opposite direction of Katja?s jaws, and had she not continued that pivot after the initial shove. Virgil?s shoulder hits Kapra?s chest, and she feels victory. The area she hits is fleshy, not bone, and so only light bruising occurs upon her own shoulder.
Kaprasius?s attack comes as no surprise; no fool would leave his throat unguarded. Alas, she does not stay stationary. She shoves her head forwards and up, seeking to grasp onto the male?s front lower right limb (she aims around the center of the lower right limb) with her jaws. Her legs seek to carry her forwards, seeking to carry the golden woman beneath the tan heathen, her limbs bending and seeking to pull her into a crouch (for the heathen lifts up, perhaps granting her enough room to worm her way beneath, but she wishes to be certain that she can attempt to get beneath him). Skull shoves upwards, hoping to slam the crown of her head into his front right-side chest, aiming behind his right front arm, hoping to have a grip on his right leg. Her intent? To contort his right limb beneath him and shatter it with great force, whilst also slamming at his chest so as to perhaps encourage his right shoulder to also dislocate. Her movements are attempted to be swift.

As for Kaprasius?s attempted attack, when Virgil had shoved forwards in her attempted attack (which she aimed to attempt at a sort of V-like angle with Kaprasius?s right front limb, hoping that his leg and her snout would form the vertex), the attack had lost its ability to maim. Not to mention the potential size differences; Virgil was large in size and Kaprasius was medium in size. Virgil did not know certainly, but she felt as if the male?s jaws ought to be smaller than her own, and thus not capable of wrapping around her jaws as they had been parted in attack. Alas, the goddess is not all-knowing, no matter her own opinion of herself. Not to mention Virgil?s head had been tilted to her own right, and during the pursuit of her attempt on Kapra?s right front leg she tilted it to her own left.

Thus, the tan male?s top jaw had landed on her top snout, but her forward motion and rightward pivot had prevented his grip. His top jaw worsened the lacerations already there; the thin tissue gave way to the bone, blood heavily flowing. His bottom jaw scores along her lower right-side lip, tearing the flesh there moderately. However, her forward motion prevents them from crushing her jowls together. She does not both with Katja; it is not her insolence being punished here. Virgil seeks to end this foolishness now; the ebon woman is not involved in this fight. It is between Virgil and her idiot relative, and if they wish to assert it has nothing to do with Katja?s loss, the goddess has little understanding as to why Katja herself seeks to get involved. To the woman, this is just a cowardly blow at trying to fix the ebon woman?s ego and incompetency, seemingly a planned move. The goddess cares little; she will defeat them all the same, in her own arrogant mind.

virgil vs. kapra and katja for damage to kapra?s vocal chords

Katja the First


8 Years
11-25-2014, 11:45 PM

As Virgil pivots away from her hit Katja attempts to follow, her injured right forepaw tucked to her chest. Her tripod stance as she moves is widened to better balance with less points of contact, her weight evenly distributed between the three. Her toes were spread for greater surface area and traction, her claws flexing into the dirt with each movement for grip. Her knees were bent slightly for freer movement. Her head and tail were both balanced at the level of her spine, her head pulled back slightly as her shoulders rolled forward to push up the sore scruff of her neck in folds to protect it, and her chin tucked to protect her throat. All along her back and neck her hackles rose, her ears pressing back into them and her eyes narrowed despite the wound.

Virgil's pivot ended as she attempted to scoot beneath Kapra, and Katja attempts a pivot of her own, weight shifting to her forefoot as her hindquarters continue to shift to her right in an attempt to come in behind Virgil, facing Virgil's tail.

Her head seeks to dip slightly, in a bid to grip Virgil's left hindleg at the hock just above the joint. Her teeth seek to grasp the tendon there, hoping to sever it, intending to pull back on the hind leg.

Simultaneously her injured right foreleg tries to reach in an attempt to curve around the outside of Virgil's right hindleg. With that foot already raised to her chest to protect it, there is no need to adjust her balance for it but she does dig her dull claws into the ground further to grip as she prepares for movement. Katja's leg, attempting to hook around the front of Virgil's hock joint (with the point of impact on her foreleg rather than her injured paw, the the motion jolts the broken toe and sends heat through the paw) with the intention of jerking backwards, hoping to pull the foot out from under Virgil or to pull her backward, and seeks to land at the same time as her jaws seek to grip the other leg.

Inwardly Katja is grimly fixated on the fight, intent on dragging Virgil's attention away from Kapra. She both cursed and admired his bold challenge... he sought battle as any true follower of their faith, his fervent belief clear in his desires, yet it was folly for him to have risked all for this - did he not realize that the hopes of all future Finnvis rested with him? She needed to protect him, one of the last Finnvi scions in Ala.


Round 2/2



10 Years
11-30-2014, 01:55 PM
Katja’s arrival into the fray only further excited the already stimulated brute. The adrenaline pumped relentlessly through his veins, the pain in his chest throbbing dully with each movement. His senses are zeroed in on Virgil’s movements, mostly unaware of his cousin’s own position in the battle, though her presence filled him with more fervor and passion then he thought was possible. This was what the Finnvis were meant to do. To fight, tooth and nail, to defend one another at all costs – or die trying. His hackles raise in defiance as the fight unravels, ears pinning down against his skull, muscles tensing as something akin to rage courses through his veins.

His attempted grip on her jaws is to no avail as Virgil shifts her position downward, as though aiming to crawl beneath his chest as he rears up slightly on his hind legs. Despite his slightly smaller stature, he knows he is not at a vast disadvantage. He is pleasantly rewarded with the bitter taste of blood as his upper fangs graze the top of her snout, worsening the wounds that already existed there; the cut was deep and to the bone and a wicked snarl leaves his lips as his tongue tastes her blood. His weight is adjusted fully on his hind legs now, his tail still straight behind him, aiding him in balance. Still he keeps his shoulders pushed forward, trying to protect his throat from her hungry jaws.

Of course, Virgil does not stop there -- her fangs aim to grasp his front right limb at a V-like angle (coming from his left side). His instinct is to move back and he attempts to take a few steps backwards, trying to move no more than a foot or so away. Her crown simultaneously slams into his chest from below, causing a sharp pain to emanate through his chest and shoulder, moderate bruising instantly forming there. Her bite does not crush his leg as she had hoped, as he was not foolish enough to remain still during her assault, but her teeth graze the skin on his front right leg – the wound is moderate and he can feel the warmth of blood beginning to flow down and trickle between his toes. Continuing to attempt to pull back slightly, his front paws attempting to come down with the ground and allow his weight to shift to all four of his limbs, wanting to interrupt her position beneath him, toes spreading and nails seeking to grip the dirt as his paws seek contact with the ground. At the same time he would once again thrust his head forward, jaws parting as a snarl ripped from his throat and as he lunged down toward her, aiming to close his jaws around her snout from above and to end this fight once and for all, to crush her jaws in his own.


ROUND 2 / 2 - MAIM for jaw fracture

The Judge


12-18-2014, 06:02 PM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2014, 06:10 PM by The Judge.)
Sorry for the wait, I was busy with finals <3




Round 1

9 for clarity- which leg is she trying to lift? i know its obvious, but hind leg or front leg? -1
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
7 for attack. shoulder check to the chest +2, bite to the throat/maim attempt +4, kicking Kapra’s leg +1
10 for injuries.First round

Round one VIRGIL Total: 46/50

10 for clarity- was clear to me
10 for powerplaying. None seen
9 for defenses. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. shoulder check to Vir’s hip +2, bite to Vir’s side +3
10 for injuries.First round

Round one KATJA Total: 44/50

6 for clarity-so in your attack, you say he’s trying to bite her snout, and his lower jaws are aiming to connect with her lower jaw, is he trying to bite only her lower jaw, thus placing his upper jaw in her mouth, or is he trying to get her entire snout in his mouth and thus force her mouth closed? -2, which way is his head tipping to bite her snout? -1, where exactly on her snout is he trying to bite? -1
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
4 for attack. bite to the top of Vir’s snout/maim attempt +4,
10 for injuries.First round

Round one KAPRA Total: 40/50


Round 2

8 for clarity- which side of her ribs since kat bite, left or right? -1,  which shoulder is bruised? -1,
9 for powerplaying. None really sure that Virgil is able to shatter any major bone with a headbutt -1
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. bite to Kaps lower right leg +3,  headbutt to Kaps chest +2
2 for injuries. moderate bruise to left hip -2, moderate lacerations to her left ribs -2, light bruise to her shoulder -1, severe lacerations on her snout -3

Round two VIRGIL Total: 34/50

8 for clarity- What damage did she receive for colliding with Vir’s hip? -2
10 for powerplaying. None seen
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
5 for attack. bite to Vir’s back leg/maim attempt +4, trying to pull Vir’s back leg out from her under +1
8 for injuries. moderate bruise to her shoulder -2

Round two KATJA Total: 41/50

8 for clarity- how is he trying to come down her snout? -2,  
9 for powerplaying. a foot is a rather large distance to move -1
6 for defenses. +1 for each seen
4 for attack. bite to her snout/ maim attempt +4
6 for injuries.moderate bruise to his lower chest area -2, moderate lacerations to his front right leg -2

Round two KAPRA Total: 33/50



VIRGIL: 80/100
KATJA: 85/100
KAPRA: 73/100

And the winner is...


KATJA and VIRGIL! Kapra must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. Virgil and Katja may continue fighting.



VIRGIL- all wounds will have been healed by now, but since knock outs are involved, I shall list them:  moderate bruise to her left hip, severe lacerations to her snout


KATJA- all wounds would have healed by now, but since knock outs are involved, I shall list them:  moderate bruise to her right shoulder


KARA- All wounds would have healed by now, but since knockouts are involved, I shall list them: moderate bruising to the center of chest,  moderate lacerations to his right foreleg, moderate bruise to his lower chest, damaged vocal cords



Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Muse

Very good, clear posts, just a few minor details.

For Tea

Very good, clear posts.
For Nyx

Try and use more complex attacks, it will earn you some more points. And remember to be super clear on the positioning of your attacks.

- By [saffie]

The Judge


12-18-2014, 06:44 PM
After some deliberation, it had been decided that in order for Kapra to be successfully maimed, Virgil must defeat Katja, since Katja is fighting for Kapra's protection. If Virgil is unsuccessful in defeating Katja, then Kapra will not be maimed.

To continue with posting, Virgil would be the next to post in the fight after Kapra's submission.