
Elementas Family Adopt!


11-15-2014, 11:31 PM

Elementas Adoptions

The Elementas are a family whose coats follow the patterns of the elements. The parents of this family where colorful themselves, both parents holding all the colors of the elements across their coats in rippling patterns. Their offspring hold a similar trait in that they are born with the colours of the elements in their fur. The only different is, each child has only one color, one element to their name.


the oldest children of the Elementas will be Ice and Lightning, two brother and the sole survivors of their litter. The parents of the family where rogues that lived alone on an island but for their children. They shared little to nothing about their past with their offspring but it was clear from their manner that they where hiding from something, or someone. Eventually when the two oldest brothers came to the age of two, the parents told them to leave and to never come back. As each litter grew older, the age two stayed the deciding age, and then they too would receive this strange command, it was clear that the children where not welcome with the parents through they where never told why. The first litter waited outside but near the island, not understanding why they where no longer welcome in their home and expecting their parents to come to their senses. They waited for a year before The lightning and Ice brothers led the way for their younger siblings (who at the age of two where also kicked from theirhome) in the hope of making a better life for themselves, weary about what frightened their parents but clueless to its origin. their paths lead them to Alactiris.
The third litter has now come of age and the brothers have gone back to the home they have started to hate, to collect the siblings they love and bring them back to the home they are making for themselves in Alacritis.

Iridescent and Opaline


Element (name), gender age - played by

First litter:

Ice (Glacier), Male 4 - Sea

Lightning(Voltage), Male 4 - Arin

Second litter:

Earth(Terrae) Male 3 - Millie

Fire(Serefina) Female 3 -Evelyn

Air(Gale) Female 3 - Mouser

Water(Locha) Female 3 - Rina

Third Litter:

Storm(Arcus)- Male 2 - Andrew

Moon(Selini)- Female 2 - Lolaf

Sun(Solaris)-male 2 - Shelby

Stars(Astrea)- 2 - Taske


- I reserve the right to take back an adoption through inactivity

- You have free creative reign to write the personality and name your adoptions

- Most designs will be created for you but we are open to suggestions, bot of designs and elements available

- The litters are in the order of their age, the eldest first in a litter, then all the ones born after


- Water 1
- Water 2
- Gale 1
- Gale 2
- Earth 1
- Earth 2

I will make an Avatar, profile banner and one table for anyone who gets a wolf and asks

Request form:
Character name:
Design: Idea of your own or preference of ours