


05-15-2013, 10:14 AM

Lightning flashed, and the winds ripped through the trees. Rain poured in torrents from the heavens, not to be blocked by the thick forest. Puddles formed everywhere, and where the water soaked in it left squishy mud. The trees billowed back in forth, thrashed to and fro by the violent winds, as if caught in a dance. His fur was soaked through, but he pushed forward. Mud coated up his legs, and the water poured off his body.

Another flash of lightning illuminated the forest around him, followed by a shaking rumble of thunder. Leaves and sticks fell from the trees, thrashed by the raging storm. Here and there, the leaves and sticks would smack into him, causing him to bit his tongue in frustration. The beating of the rain stung against him, and he picked his pace up into a steady lope to escape it.
Turning to his right, he raced onwards, looking as he went for shelter.

Lightning again, illuminated the night, this time exposing a fallen log with a hollowed out looking den under it. Cautiously, he slowed scenting the air, he couldn?t scent much with the storm, but he was pretty sure that no one was there. He squeezed inside and was pleasantly surprised to find it spacious and dry, and mostly un-inhabited.

He rested slowly onto his haunches, and let out a sigh. This storm had been a surprise, and he wondered what else would surprise him tonight. Two toned eyes stared out into the dark clearing, occasionally illuminated by the storm. Relaxing slowly, he laid down, resting his head on his paws to wait the storm out.


05-15-2013, 10:35 AM
The storm was something she didn't expect to meet. When she had woken up that morning, the weather didn't seem at all foreboding. Now, as she walked through the thunderstorm, she missed the warmth of the sun and the clear blue sky that was cloud-free. She thought of the prickly feeling she got from being warm, then realized the rain drenching her fur was making her get goosebumps. Aeil shook all over, trying to lighten the load of water that soaked her body, but to no avail. She sighed deeply and trudged on through the storm's path.
Light-footed and the same type of build, she changed her pace to a steady jog as she made her way from the last place of safety. The crack she had found in the earth earlier had given her some shade and shelter from the wind, but she wasn't so lucky with the storm. When a lightningbolt had threatened her place of shelter a mile away, she knew it was time to leave. The thunderstorm gray color of her pelt kept her from standing out against the sky, but she wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. The four-year-old femme's spirits remained positive and high as she thought, 'It could always be worse.' The rain then hammered down, causing her to become wet to the bone of her slender limbs. Aeil increased her speed, eager to get away from the storm.She hadn't gone too far when she caught sight of a darkened hole above the earth. Her blue eyes brightened when she saw the fallen log and hope was restored in her chest. Aeil's brisk jog became a flat out run and with her heart racing, she shortened the distance between her and the den. She slipped into the entrance and felt relief from the rain as her whole body made its way inside the den. Panting heavily, she looked out to the storm and sighed happily. It wasn't until she regained her breath that she heard the soft panting of another. Slowly, she turned her head to the deeper part of the den and her blue eyes met two others, one red and the other blue. Her own opts widened and she silently shivered.


05-19-2013, 07:34 AM

Adonis had never been disrespectful a day in his life. His mother had raised him better, and then followed his years of militant pack life. The man was a hardened fighter, but he knew how to be respectful to a lady. Now, he thought this thunderstorm would have been his only surprise tonight, but the sudden appearance of the other wolf in the small den, certainly capped the storm. Taking a deep breath, he realized she was female and he relaxed his body slightly.

Inclining his head, in a polite gesture, he spoke in between the storms performance. ?Evening, miss, I hope I?m not intruding on your den. I didn?t scent anyone, but I?m not an infallible wolf. Assuming I?m right, miss, and we jumped in here at the same time, I?m alright with sharing until the storm passes if you are.? He would push the female, and he knew that tight spaces could often lead to aggressive conflict, but he kept his tones warm and friendly, in efforts to dissuade such a reaction.

He could see much of her, but when the lightning illuminated the den he could tell she was a darker color. Though he couldn?t guess an exact hue, due to her wet fur, he could see that much. The light revealed her eyes to be a blue color, and they didn?t make her seem overly threatening, though his years in combat had warned him to be wary of any soul.

?M?names Adonis, ma?am.? He said formally, as a way of introduction.



05-19-2013, 11:50 PM
What she had expected from the stranger's mouth was definitely not manners. Her blue eyes widened as he spoke and she plopped onto her haunches with a definite thump. Even though the storm raged outside, the sound of her sitting echoed off the den's surrounding walls. She didn't do anything but listen to the words that rolled from the male's brain and to her ears. Those sandy white dipped ears perked with intensity and curiosity as he continued to speak. Aeil took in the words and understood them, but the way they were spoken was something she wasn't used to.
'Uh oh,' she thought. 'He's finished talking. Say something!' Aeil swallowed her heart that was in her throat and cleared it before she spoke. "Umm-" she cleared her throat again and shook the blank stare from her wet muzzle. "It's-it's quite all right," she said with a brief hesitancy. "I was out for a nice stroll in this weather-" 'Oooh, you LIE!' she thought, "and I didn't realize the storm would be this...lovely." Her head turned to the raging piece of nature outside and the thunder rolled to confirm her statement. As her mind swam, she took a deep breath and let it clear for a few seconds. "Actually.." she said, a gentle seriousness in her voice as she turned her gaze back to Adonis, "forgive me, I didn't mean that." Relief appeared in her blue eyes when she told the truth and her features relaxed into a warm smile. "I got caught in the storm and this was the only place of refuge I saw. It's not my den, but I'm thankful it belongs..or someone because I would still be drowning out there." Her blue eyes searched his face curiosly and when the lightning flashed, she saw a better description of his features.The male's politeness had definitely thrown her for a loop. She still struggled to think of what to say as she said, "I wouldn't mind sharing this den with you, especially if you are not infallible." The temptation to shake off the dripping water was creeping into her medium frame, but she stopped herself and said, "It's nice to meet you, Adonis. My name is Aeil..not very long, but it works."


05-22-2013, 11:43 AM

The brute had turned while the wolf was speaking, facing her to invite conversation, and let out a warm chuckle at her words. She was younger than he, at least, he was pretty sure. She introduced herself as Aeil, and he realized that though the name was short it was a beautiful name. Turning his head, he felt a familiar twinge of pain in his shoulder. He remembered vaguely the injury that he had sustained there. If he remembered right, it was just in the turn of the war in his homelands. He had been jumped by an enemy- the enemy caught him from atop a border by jumping down and biting into his shoulder. The pain had been excruciating then, and because he never saw a proper healer, the shoulder had never properly healed.

?I suppose we are both lucky that this shelter happened to be here. I was out wandering, as you were, when the storm broke.? His tone was warm, and quiet. ?Aeil, that is a lovely name.? He remarked in a friendly tone. ?Are you a member of a pack?? His last question was asked in a curious tone, he was interested in the particular pack known as Valhalla, it seemed peaceful, though not so that he?d never get to use the skills he had learned over the years.



05-23-2013, 07:52 AM

"You and I both," she happily agreed. "I would have been happy with a rock to curl under." Her eyes roved to the storm outside, thrashing and making as much noise as it could. That steady gaze moved to the sky above and she silently admired the lighting flashes and darkened clouds where the thunder rolled. "Although, now that I am out of it, this storm seems like a beautiful dance...How the lightning cracks, thunder rolls for sound, and the rain pours in all directions." She snapped back from the voiced thought and turned her gaze back to Adonis. "Sorry...I tend to observe things that I don't see very often."
Aeil didn't realize how much room the two of them shared. She figured that because he was bigger, there would be less room for him. As she watched him move around to get comfortable, she backed up to the adjoining wall. Slowly, with her gaze on the warm stranger, she reclined to her haunches and then to her stomach. Once she got herself comfortable, the space in the den seemed to expand. Aeil crossed one front paw over the other and wrapped her tail around her hind legs. "Thank you, by the way," she added after getting comfy. "I have a longer name than Aeil, but I don't tend to tell many people...I don't meet enough people to share it with, I suppose." Her ears perked to his question and she blankly blinked before speaking. "There are...packs around here?" She hadn't been in Alacritis for too long and this question showed it. Her heart hammered as she felt like a pup who didn't know her way and her tail curled tighter around her legs. "I...didn't know any existed."



06-02-2013, 01:14 AM

The storm raged above the spacious den that the two wolves had found themselves sharing. Each of them pressed against opposite sides of the den, and polite conversation has taken hold of their time together. Always the gentle-men Adonis tried to keep the conversation going, but not digging to personal into her life. Instead he asked about abstract things, such as pack life and weather, just trying to keep them comfortable. He was at ease as he listened to her speak, at first agreeing with his earlier statement then her observations about the storm. A chuckle escaped his lips, vibrating deep inside his chest as he spoke. ?Yes, even though the storm was quite the surprise, it is certainly an art of nature.? As he spoke, his head turned to gaze again out into the storm, and he as he watched the lightning illuminate the trees around them he found himself in awe.

As she thanked him, he shook it off with a flick of his ears. ?No thanks is needed, ma?am.? He rumbled with a warm smile. Politely he nodded, as she spoke of her name, he understood what it was like to meet few wolves to share it with, and decided not to press her full name out of her. Her blank look and blank words at hearing of packs was interesting to him, clearly she hadn?t been in the lands long. ?There are several packs in the lands. I haven?t heard much about any of them really, but from what little I have heard I think the pack of the West called Valhalla is where my paws are taking me, ma?am.?



06-02-2013, 04:28 PM

The thunder rolled and the lightning flashed, one following the other without seconds spared. The sudden dramatic noise could make anyone jump from surprise, but Aeil merely gave a look to the storm outside and enjoyed watching it. The dancing of the lightning reflected in her eyes when she looked back to study Adonis's face. A gentle smile appeared on her face and she nodded to agree with his reply. "Nature's art is quite a beautiful thing, Adonis. I try to be patient and look for it anywhere I go. Despite the drenched fur I received earlier, it was worth finding this den to watch it with someone nice like you."
Her tail thumped against the ground of the darkened cave as she watched Adonis with interest. The pack he spoke of was unfamiliar to her ears, but he knew of it and she was curious. "Valhalla? That sounds like a name of a regal place...what can you tell me about it?" She wasn't sure she would be pack material for sure, but the more she heard about the different choices, the more options she had.



06-20-2013, 12:04 PM

curled up in the den with the female, as the storm raged outside. nature released its fury, lightning and thunder echoing around the clearing. ?Nature's art is quite a beautiful thing, Adonis. I try to be patient and look for it anywhere I go. Despite the drenched fur I received earlier, it was worth finding this den to watch it with someone nice like you.? the females words rang true, and Adonis offered her a polite nod in agreement. nature truly was a beautiful thing, mightily wonderful in it?s destructive power. one moment, the world could be at peace and the next it seemed that the world ripped into each other, causing war among the elements. a lesser wolf, one that was easily frightened might find the storm to be terrifying, but this young female seemed to have guts and brawn, which he admired. "Few wolves find the true beauty in nature, Aeil. It's nice to meet another who can see it."

His ears tilted towards her, as he heard her tail rustle against the ground, and a warm smile grew upon his jaws, alighting his eyes. "I haven't heard a lot about all the packs, but from what I have heard about Valhalla, it is a regal pack. I've heard the pack is good natured, and good place for a wolf to live. I met a wolf from there, and she was quite lovely." He hinted at his meeting with the lady of valhalla, that he had met- Evelette. The beautiful ivory dame had proven to be a very capable hunting partner, and he had enjoyed the hunt with her. In general he was heading towards the borders of Valhalla, to seek acceptance into the pack, though he wasn't in any hurry. Adonis rarely hurried.



06-20-2013, 02:41 PM

Aeil lightly chuckled and her smile widened at the sudden action. She nodded in return to Adonis's statement before saying, "That, in itself, is an observation I haven't been able to see in other wolves in quite awhile. I'm glad that you love the storms and other types of dances that Nature tosses to us every once in awhile." Her gaze moved to the edges of her eyes before turning her head to look at the storm. It didn't seem to want to end, but she knew that at some point, it would tire itself out and move on to another place.
The fae's ears twitched and moved towards the direction of Adonis's voice. As he talked about Valhalla, she turned her head again to face the male. "It sounds like Valhalla is a place you would want to be for such an atmosphere." Aeil's eyes twinkled and she continued. "I hope she left a good impression on you to want to venture for such a pack, Adonis." She chuckled again and placed the long-haired end of her tail across her front paws. Her paws began to groom the fur as she kept her gaze with him. "I, myself, have thought about Seracia...I can only hope that it is all I hope it will be."



06-25-2013, 03:59 PM

Rumbles of nature began to calm, the sounds becoming less frequent , as the strength of the storm journeyed on and past the forest. Adonis regretted that the storm was passing so suddenly, for the wolf he had met because of it seemed to be good conversation. He would be sad, to see the young wolf go one her way, but eager to see what she would become. She had a unique perspective, of nature and the beauty it held. It was a welcome break from the monotony of wolves he had met throughout his years. A slight sigh escaped him, wisping into the Autumn air, in a slight poof. The evening had cooled, and his breath showed in small crystalline features, as it wisped away and into the blossoming night.

Almost as if nature sensed his reluctance for the conversation to end, a new rumble of thunder shook the den that the two wolves had taken shelter in, and his claws dug into the dirt automatically, to steady himself. Her words graced his ears, and a warm smile was his return, as he nodded his head in assent and agreement. She spoke of Seracia, another pack that he had heard of, and one that he had honestly considered, until he met the dame- Evelette. Aeil?s teasing words brought a chuckle from his mouth, a chuckle that remained present as he opened his mouth, allowing his articulation to spill forth.

?Though she causes us many hardships, nature is a beautiful thing. Perhaps, it is as intriguing as the wolf I met of Valhalla. Evelette, if you ever cross her path, she is a delightful hunter and good company. I believe, Valhalla and Seracia are packs that, will have our paths cross again one day, Aeil. I think you?ll be happy there.? His words were light, whimsical but they gave way to deeper roots as he spoke of the pack, she hoped to make into her home. He hadn?t heard a lot of Seracia, but from what he had heard, that pack was a good home- good to its wolves. He held no doubts, that if the young female decided to make her home there, she would be happy.



06-25-2013, 11:26 PM

The expected thunder caused Aeil to lightly jump. Her hind legs quivered, but she quickly wrapped her tail around them to silence her moving muscles. A slight rise in adrenaline caused her heart rate to increase, but she remembered that she could always run if the cave decided to fold in from the ceiling. She couldn't help but move her eyes up to that said ceiling, but it looked as sturdy as an ox. Her ears perked to Adonis's words and her smile broadened, revealing her pearly white teeth.
"I hope that your future home treats you well, too, Adonis. With a mind like yours and the manners you have shown me, I know you won't have a problem getting along with other wolves." Aeil's eyes twinkled and she continued. "I bet Valhalla is a wonderful place. From what I have heard, they are ally packs, and very eager to keep it that way. Vahalla's princess and Seracia's prince are betrothed to be married." The idea of marriage pleased Aeil and her tail released its hold on her hind feet. "I can't wait until I find the one for me. I know I am halfway there in my life, but I won't mind being a late bloomer for my happiness." A light laugh escaped her. "I hope that, if everything works out right for you, that Evelette will be the one who makes you happy. I know it may be too soon to say that, but since you seem interested in her, there can be a possibility."
Aeil leaned her head to the side and listened for the storm. It had definitely lessened and the thunder wasn't as close as it had been. The company she kept with Adonis was something she didn't want to give up. Their conversations had been enlightening and they were something she didn't mind having every now and then. A friend was definitely made to her during that storm, and she welcomed Adonis as her friend with open arms.
