
The Daylight Breaks[Nnoitra]


05-14-2013, 07:59 PM
Early, just how he had rose every day for every moment when he was in the pack and when he had been out. Lost, and hunted, the male was already aging, and when the pack he had found to be his home suddenly turned around it was when he had vanished. Tavros had his reasons, but somehow, it had brought him to bring his younger sister here as well, however she had seen him off as soon as she had done in those wretched killers who had been after him. His golden eyes looked up at the top of the volcano, wary of every moment he made. Tavros had to admit this place was definitely different from their old home before the move. It seemed more isolated, and that was what made it that much more enjoyable. However he certainly did not have his high rank to throw around any longer. After such a build up to be broken down, Tavros wondered if his lord was even still in the pack. That other wolf was to have supposed to have taken over that was the last of it. Neither had the old man been able to tell Nnoitra his feelings in which he still was in love with the white wolf. Tavros had even come to the conclusion even if he was rejected which would most likely be the case, he would continue to serve his lord to ensue the safety of the future in which he enjoyed for himself.

Now standing at the edge of the scent markers the cat like male reflected off of his first encounter of joining Tortuga, now only to be doing it all over again. Tavros silently waited, giving no noise. Usually he would expect the new higher ups to be out at this hour. If not, he would sit and wait. He knew he was below, he knew that, but he would work his way up again. Unless he found something to derive his attention. The scents filled his nose, one's that he knew very well, and ones that he did not. What had become of his beloved family as he had tried to handle the stupid journey in which assassin's had come after him. Had they become stronger, or far more corrupt into breaking apart? Tavros was eager to discover, to destroy, and to taste the pleasure of the future that could be sewn for him.



05-23-2013, 07:54 AM

That scent? It was so strikingly familiar. Why was it? A name suddenly popped into his head. Tavros. The scent was barely familiar considering it no longer bore the scent that Tortuga carried, but regardless he remembered it. Nnoitra changed routes completely and then began to run towards the borders in which the man silently waited. Lanky figure finally slowed and a few minutes later the multi-hued man came into view.

Two toned gaze studied the man. It was an ungodly hour for most, but he could always be found wandering the borders or stalking the territory like some ethereal ghost.

"It's good to see you again Tavros. I had feared we'd lost you in the fire. Tell me. What brings you back?"



05-29-2013, 10:54 PM
Nothing could compare to the joy when he saw his lord venturing through those shadows. Tavros' golden eyes flickering with no sense of emotion as he looked at the molten sky tainted by the volcanoes ashes. He had no intentions of leaving Tortuga in the first place. Yet he rather the family affairs be left out of the pack so to avoid war or otherwise he had foolishly dealt with it himself. "I was chased for awhile apparently my father and mother got into a dispute and a fight started. Thanks to my sister I was able to escape the grasp of three wolves who were after me. So we spent our time looking for Tortuga, as soon as we found it, she went her separate way. Never been one for pack life the ruffian. That is if you will accept me old friend." Yeah, old friend. His love still remained the same, and the fact the fire ruined his chance to tell him. That was the jist of it. His fur long grown over his scar on his chest.



06-05-2013, 06:12 PM

Ears flicked forward as he listened to the hardships of his ex Beta. It was interesting to have them come back. May had returned as well. He was pleased to have them return. It seemed there weren't many Tortugans left of the older days when the pack had first come together. Scream was gone. Cyanide had gone to Valhalla. Secret and Ulrike were thankfully still here, even if they hadn't been there in the initial beginning. Everyone had slowly started disappearing though. It was somewhat depressing in a way.

"Of course you'll be welcomed back Tavros. You've done nothing wrong against Tortuga and it's members, so your return is welcoming."

[ooc: and my muse took a horrible turn for the worst. I'm sorry :/]
