



3 Years
Extra large
11-19-2014, 04:09 PM

It is time.

His illness has been quelled by his impeccable immune system. In fact, he had only been sick a few weeks as opposed to a season like Fiamette had. He was larger, stronger, and his massive body could easily fight off pathogens, unlike the carmine queen's tiny bodice. He is a tyrant, he is a god, and no ill act of nature will bring him to his knees. Now that he has his health, he cannot help but allow boredom to consume him, there is not much to do as a loner whom has no one to stir trouble up with. He has not come across Jupiter, the woman who slaughtered his father and everything he had worked for (selfish whore!), and so he has nothing else to do with his time. Well, besides search every corner of the earth for his siblings. Unless... Maybe he could see what Cataleya was up to. He has heard rumors of her arrival, hell, he had even heard that she had her own pack again. Could it be true? Could the silver queen have quelled her depression, and have returned to reek havoc within the pitiful lands of Alacritis? Well, only one way to find out. He would need to seek her out.

Massive paws carry the behemoth silently toward the Western region of Alacrita, his nostrils quivering as the silver queens unmistakable scent infiltrates his senses. Ahh, so it is true? The silver queen reigns supreme. He approaches her borders without caution, his body language screaming supremacy. His head is held high above all others, his pelt is bristled, his tail is raised high above his hips, and his eyes are narrowed into his usual heart-stopping glare. He thinks about trespassing deliberately into her home, but he refrains after a few moments of thinking. He does not know what kind of warriors she had picked up since their last meeting, hell, there might even be someone here who could give him a challenge. Instead, he stops directly on the lines of her borders, his massive front paws sitting dangerously close to crossing completely over. He throws his head back, a deep and husky roar seeping from his circled lips. His call rings out eerily across her territory, and as his summon ends, he lowers his head down to its usual elevation. Mevia comes to stand beside him, her beady red eyes glaring into the territory, her defenses raised, and her senses sharp, as she is waiting for any signs of this silver queen.



11-19-2014, 04:22 PM

The voice that rang out for her was not one she expected to hear ever again. Her lips would curl into a vicious smile that bordered on a snarl. He had slipped from her grasp without so much as a scratch. She would move across her home without hesitation. She would see him before she even made it to the borders. His behemoth shade staining the ivory backdrop of her home. Her pace was a steady walk, she didn't rush to greet him. His posture was pure dominance and the sight pulled dark laughter from her lips. He stood dangerously close to trespassing, his toes teasing her border. At his feet stood a strange pale creature, but she paid the animal no mind. Her coral gaze rested on his dark features, eyes dancing with wicked mischief.

"Well, well, look who it is." He had changed so much since she last saw him. He stood tall, proud. He apparently had a friend. And a leather harness covered him from head to toe. A singular would lift as she peered up at him through her lashes. Her own posture mirrored his, her tail curled above her hips, her crown elevated above her shoulders. But she was no match for his height, though his height was something she was accustomed to. Idly it would cross her mind if he was more loyal than his brother. Basilisk had vanished too many times. But Neios, at least when he vanished, he came back better.

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
11-19-2014, 04:40 PM

It does not take long for the woman's form to become visable along the horizon, and within a few more seconds, she was standing before him. A pleased sigh would rumble within his chest, seeping out his lips almost silently as he gazes down at her. Last time he saw her she was bigger than him, but now, it was him that towered over her. She still held that menacing glare within her coral eyes, so not much must have changed. "Cataleya... It has been too long." He breaths the sentence quietly, as his words are only for the silver queen to hear. He does not know if others could be lurking somewhere nearby, but he wants to ensure this meeting is private.

Her posture matched his own, both of the tyrant's bodily language screaming supremacy. It was obvious that these two were not meant to be subordinates, no, they were meant to rule with an iron paw. They could vanquish anything that foolishly stepped into their grasp, and he did not doubt that they would continue doing so. But... He still had questions for her before he even thought of returning to her pack. "You left." He states the obvious, his tone husky and lifeless. "But you returned. What brought you back, Cataleya? And who's head did you sever to regain your crown." He starts out with some questions, as they both know they have a lot of catching up to do before discussing another alliance between them.

Walk "Talk" Think


11-19-2014, 04:48 PM

His words came out surprisingly soft. A complete contradiction of his posture. "It has." Her own words would soften, coming out on a breath. Desire curled in her belly, and immediately her thoughts would drift to Kylar. She was keeping him more than busy this winter. But it never seemed to be enough. Her perfume clung to her pelt, alerting the entire world to her state. But his words would pull her back to reality, stating the obvious. But he didn't dwell on the past, instead he wanted to know who's crown she had taken. A chuckle would rattle her throat, her head shaking. "My dear, the past is hardly worth mentioning. You should be more concerned with who's head I plan to sever." Her body quivered with delight, her pleasure evident in her words. He had missed so much, she wondered if he would stay to see the rest. Part of her hoped he would stay. He had been loyal in their time spent together, he was a force to be reckoned with, and it seemed that he had finally found his place in the world. But first, they needed to catch, find out where they had been, what they done, before the possibly of rekindling their relationship was possible.

-short tag before class ends-

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
Extra large
11-20-2014, 02:47 PM

She agrees with him on the fact that they have been separated for far too long, and it is at this moment that her alluring scent infiltrates his senses. Instantly his nose crinkles as his muzzle curls into a devious grin, his pupils dialte (like that of a shark who has scented blood in the water), and his head cocks slightly toward his right as he inhales her scent deeply. How intoxicating. How... tempting. You should hide your scent better, darling, you never know who might go crazy to have a taste..." A light chortle seeps from his lips, and he makes no advancements toward seizing her while in her prime, as he does not know how many suitors the queen has in mind. Then again... Who could be more superior than himself? Who's genetics would she choose over his own? It was a mystery even to him, but raping instead of reuniting with her was not in his best interest. No, he would need to wait for his moment to seize this opportunity, should he get one.

It is her mentioning of severing a new head from shoulders that draws the monster back into reality, his pupils returning to their normal size as his gaze hungrily ravages her own. "Oh? And who has managed to scorn the silver queen, hmm?" His toes flex beneath him as he grips the moist soil, his paws begging him to step over the border line just to test the queens patience. He refrains, but soon he wont be able to control himself, especially around a tyrant who reeks of heat.



11-25-2014, 10:45 PM

She would see the change come over him before he even spoke. His nostrils quivered, lips curling into a devious grin while his pupils dilated. A humorless laugh was pulled from her lips when he finally did speak, his warning subtle, yet very clear. "They would have to be crazy indeed." She would murmur softly, peering up at him suggestively through her lashes. He didn't move any closer, wise of him, because no matter what promises fell from her lips, they would never come to fruition. 

He would come to back reality, his expression normalizing. Obviously her reign of terror was enough to catch his attention. "Solstice, a pack in the south, ruled by an incompetent whore and her idiotic husband." Malice laced her sultry tones, each contradicting each other. It was a rather fun game, toying with them so, but she couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for them break, to snap under the pressure. 

There was brief pause in her words, her gaze lazily ravaging his dark features. "Come, I'd rather not standing in the cold." Demanding words were deceptively soft as she welcomed the devil himself into her home. Lips curled devilishly as she peered up at him, pivoting to her right, not quite exposing her backside to him just yet. Her gaze never left his as she waited for him to follow, to find his place beside her once more.

"Burn Baby Burn"




3 Years
Extra large
12-16-2014, 06:18 PM

A single brow quirks in amusement as the silver queen halfheartedly laughs at his statement, and his right ear turns atop his head to face Mevia, who is shuffling her paws beside him. She seems anxious, and he doesn't blame her, but her jittery personality annoys him sometimes. A low growl would rumble from deep within his chest, and Mevia would instantly stop, her beady red eyes slowly rising to look up at her master. When Cataleya speaks again, he instantly stops his rumbling, and his attention is once again ensnared. Ah, so some weak pack has managed to scorn the tyrant. How perfect. He had been running around other lands trying to cause trouble when he could have been here, right in the middle of terrorizing another pack beside his previous queen. How ironic. 

"Sounds like this "whore" and her "idiotic husband" need to be eliminated." He scoffs loudly, amused emphasis put on the words whore and idiotic husband. If Cataleya deemed this pair unworthy, then they were. Neios had no doubts in her judgement. He is taken by surprise though, when she offers him inside her home. Both brows quirk above his eyes, and a devilish smirk curls the corners of his inky lips. "Oh Cat, but it's just a little cold..." He teases her, his robust right limb extending outward as he takes his first step into her territory. "If you wanted me to come home, you could have just asked." A boisterous chuckle seeps from his cracked lips, amethyst eyes hungrily consuming her coral gaze. He takes another step into the territory, his movements aiming to bring him beside the queen's left side. Oh, what fun the duo would have now that he was all grown up and ready to antagonize the world.  

Walk "Talk" Think


12-22-2014, 07:32 PM

The pale creature at his sides would shuffle with discontent, though it was easily silenced. She would pay no mind to it, other than shooting a questioning glance at its master. He would scoff, speaking what she had already planned. A bark of humorless laughter spilled from her charcoal lips. If only he knew. His devilish grin would not go unnoticed, nor his evident surprise that he was been so easily welcomed in. A wicked smirk would curl her lips back, the tips of her fangs dancing in the light. "Don't make me change me mind." She would coo softly, jaws tipping upward as he came to her side. It had been so long ago that he had once occupied this space. And now that he had returned, he was all grown up, more than ready, and capable, of taking on the world. All she needed to do was point him in direction and unleash his fury. "Perhaps you will stick around a little longer this time? I'd hate to have to track you down like your dear brother." Words were like silk dripping from her lips, laced with the sweetest of sins. She would peer up at him through her lashes, batting them innocently at him.

"Burn Baby Burn"




3 Years
Extra large
12-31-2014, 02:08 PM

The queens lips curl and she flashes the tips of her fangs at him, and as she says her statement, he cannot stop  amused laughter from seeping through his clenched fangs. Change her mind? HA! That would never happen, despite her porcelain facade he knew she was more than eager to have him return. If she didn't want him back in her clutches, she wouldn't have so easily re-invited him into her ranks. He remains on her left side as they make their way into the territory, the monsters heartless glare locked on the coral hues of the queens eyes. He waits for her to say something, anything. Then, she does, and his audits swivel atop his skull to face her in interest. "Oh, darling, you won't leave my sight ever again." Sarcasm rolls smoothly within his deep voice, his right brown quirking atop his forehead as he gazes into her stare. "And my brother, what has become of him?" The ghoul asks, as he has not seen hide nor hair of his brother since their time together in Arcanum. He wonders if Cataleya knows something he doesn't about his dear big brother. "Oh, and what rank am I receiving this time around?" He throws in shortly after his previous question, his unwavering attention locked on the tyrant.


01-02-2015, 03:34 PM

His booming laughter would fill her ears, pulling lips into a faintly amused smirk. It would appear as though he thought rather highly of himself nowadays. He remained beside her, his gaze downcast to her. She said nothing to the sarcasm that dripped from his inky lips. Though she would speak when he questioned the whereabouts of his brother. A nonchalant shrug would lift her shoulders. "Presumably alive for now. He had returned when I first took this pack, but vanished shortly after." If he ever returned, he would be dead before he could even think of an apology, no long would he play games and come and go as he pleased. No, she was done. He would die, one day, she would watch the life drain from his eyes.

A request for a rank would fill her ears, and she would laugh wickedly. "Hmm perhaps a slave." Her words were thoughtful, though thoroughly amused. She would peer up at him from the corner of her eye, a smirk toying with her lips, tempted to break into a full fledged grin.

"Burn Baby Burn"