
A wish I have


05-23-2013, 03:26 PM

(OOC: Blane is his father, and Lavender is his mother)
The boy was an interesting amount and collection of colors. Although there were whites and grays, there was only a bit of brown on his paws and ears, black seemed to be the boy's base color. His name would be called as Leviathan, or Levi to keep it at that. Oh his mother hated when the others called him Levi, she named him and absolutely adored her pick. His nickname came from his father, and maybe that was why she hated the name.

But Levi's Father had made her hate him. All he knew of families, or well between mates, was the abuse his father gave. But because the abuse also led onto him, he didn't want anything on his poor son. Maybe if Levi had been his daughter it would have been different. Well everything Levi's mother took was set out on him, so really every time Lavender received a beating, Levi got one later. Only once did she snap at him and that was the last time Levi saw her beat. The way Blane had felt about the abuse on children made him go crazy and beat her until she couldn't move. So knowing that this may be his only chance, Levi took a run for it.

It wasn't necessarily dark, but it was after noon in the Stone Steppe. The place was already gloomy and dead from the destruction set out across the ruins. Almost like the sky let off an evil sky of blood with the few clouds that made parts of the sky almost pink. The moon was faded by the sun, set between the moving clouds and refused to become anymore solid. Levi already had his plans set out, how he would survive and where he needed to rest. His age was almost nothing to him, a little over a year old and he was taking responsibility already. But did he really want this?

A set of blue swirling over green orbs looked out across the lands, was this really what the world was? The massive destruction of whatever the hell did this? Everything crumbled underneath the small boy's paws. His eyes looked up at the tall structures around him, and he went down with a plop. He didn't want this, he didn't want to be alone. He didn't want to be apart of a monster that destroyed the world. And at such a young age, he understood everything. Well maybe not everything, but his perspective on this land seemed wildly different from any pup his age. He wanted to cry, he wanted to let out a call, but he wasn't so weak in his heart to do so. Instead he laid down in what seemed like ashes looking up into the crimson molted sky.

Walk "TALK" Think


05-23-2013, 03:36 PM

((forgive me while I figure out her character >.>))

Long slender legs carried her at a brisk yet not overly exhausting pace. She felt like she had been running for forever, Sade had told her that deserters would be killed if they left without permission but Lux had done just that, she had fled the jaws of Lentajin after the female had been murdered. She didn't know what was happening to her sister, but it seemed she was in a headlock with the new queen and Lux didn't want to be around when they self destructed. So the lanky female had done what she had always done, she had fled. She hadn't stopped moving since she had left the pack, not sure if she was being followed but not wanting to stop long enough to find out. Her fear drover her further and further east, already having almost looped the entire island. There was no escape from here, apparently whatever land they had come across after the volcano had been reclaimed by the ocean. She trembled slightly as she moved, eyes attentive and flipping to and fro as she allowed her audits to swivel atop her skull. No one was around, no one was ever around it seemed. But still she moved, slowly upwards towards a mass of stone it seemed though it was arranged in a strange mannor.

The fox like female slowed her pace, white forepaws delicately leading the way as head tipped curiously. She had only been to one or two human ruins before but her uncle had always spoken of them to her. He had always told her the grand adventures he had had when he was younger. An ache arced its way through her chest and she gasped, it had been getting worse lately. But her step barely faltered, it simply changed her train of thought. For all she knew her whole family was dead, well except for Zara but it seemed like nothing could kill her. That was how it had always been. Zara and Joker out to conquer the world. Friction being groomed to be the new Beta and then eventually take over their mothers position while she was just lonely little Lux. She had been forced to make her own way, find her own path. But even in her growing age she hadn't found it, hadn't found her reason for being on this earth.

She moved cautiously over the foundation, moving towards the center where her eyes were drawing to the looming statue of something... There was a pause at it's base, head craned back to large eyes blinked up at it. What was this place? She head a soft thump like a small body hitting the ground and immediately hackles were up. Balance centered as she slowly inched her way around the stature to see... A pup? Head lifted slowly, hackles slowly smoothing as she took in the black, white and brown from laying amongst the stones. "What are you doing here child?" she asked as she took a cautious step towards him, eyes flitting around to see if his parents were near, if this was some kind of trap. Were they here for her? Or was this pup simply lost or worse, orphaned?



05-23-2013, 05:12 PM

It wasn't long before someone came through the abandoned place, a women of browns and what looked like a cream on her front legs. But really her legs were white, the dirt from her running spree must have jumped everywhere. She led a cautious step toward the pup, his size made it obvious he was older than a year, but maybe he was too large for a year. His head flicked toward the girl, showing he seemed to worry about an attack, but he didn't really jump or flinch like he was terrified. As she spoke, he set his head down letting all natural defensive actions escape from him, what did he have anymore anyways? He had no family, no friends, it didn't matter to him if this girl was a cannibalistic psycho who wanted to rip the flesh from his bones. He just didn't care anymore. His jaw set on his front paws, some of his head leaning on the ash.

He had almost let the words go unanswered, he was actually blocking the girl from his pale ears, but then after a moment of silence the question lingered through his brain and he shouted out an answer, "Just...running." Though he hadn't eaten much in the past few days, it didn't really show on his body. It was definite that he hadn't eaten much in the past couple weeks, but he didn't look severely malnourished. He didn't really eye the woman, his eyes just scanned the ground trying to let off a few thoughts from his head but the boy paid barley enough attention the the girl who stood before him, something a pup would have never even thought of.

Walk "TALK" Think


06-03-2013, 02:10 PM

((Sorry this took so long :( back now!! Sorry for the shortness, wanted to get a reply up so I'm on my phone :D))

He looked just as lost, alone and confused as she felt, for a long time refusing to answer her. She was almost to the point were she thought he hadn't heard her and was going to repeat herself before two words slid from his lips. Just running. Head would tip curiously as she took her time letting the words float through her mind. What did he had to run from? How much more frightening was the beasts her fled then the ones she fled? Would both sides meet up here and bring both their worlds crashing down? Maybe she should just leave him. He was older, a large boy who looked fairly capable of caring for himself. But at the same time some part of her wanted to take all that pain away, to take him away from whatever he was running from. She stood where she was for a long moment, watching the strangely coloured male with a frown creasing her forehead. Slowly she cast a glance over her shoulder, scanning their immediate surroundings for any signs of danger.

Sharp gaze returned to the male after completing their scan, satisfied that for the time they were alone. Head lowered as dainty paws carried her towards the large but younger male. She drifted around to his side before slowly lowering her haunches to the ground and then allowing her forepaw a to slide across the rubble and ash so she pay beside him. "My name is Luxuria Sovari. But you can call me Lux if you like?" Her tone was hesitant, questioning, but still soft and soothing at the same time. She had always wanted children... That part of her that she had thought was gone seemed to bubbling up, resurfacing and pushing her towards this child. She could help him, it was in her power and she would help him if he would let her. "What's your name?" she asked after a moment, head tipping as she nudged at his shoulder gently in an attempt to get him to lift his head.



06-03-2013, 02:50 PM

The girl had walked over to his side, dropping beside him to maybe offer him some support. Levi's eyes tried to watch as she came around, but his head refused to move. She had offered a name, and a smaller name to make it easier. And of course like any other would, she asked for his own name. He kind of shifted his weight towards her when her nose touched his side, and then he flipped over on his back moving his head to her and looking in her eyes.

Their eyes were close in color, only his swirled with green over blue as hers melted together to make a teal. He let their eyes connect before looking up at the sky and speaking. "Lux? Okay." His ears pointed at the sky as his eyes searched for the wondering clouds. His two front legs were bent up against his chest and his back legs just lay limp in the air. "My name is Leviathan. I like Levi better."

It seemed almost sad, and Levi's head didn't move from the sky as the stars started to show themselves and the sun was hidden by the leafless trees in the far distance on the horizon. The red was disappearing from the sky as it turned blue, it was close to becoming dark now, the other side of the horizon was turning black making the clouds evaporate as it made the stars stand out and twinkle afar from each other.

Walk "TALK" Think