
Whispers in the Wind (joining)

Sand Striker

06-05-2013, 09:12 AM
Striker had walked a long way, from the desert to this place crossing the lands in between all for a rumour a whisper in the wind, he had noticed as he walked the chill coming across the air colder then he was used to, now a thin dusting of snow fell around him misting his sandy coat in white, he paused for a moment shaking loose the snow from his back. His fur was neat and clean a little damp from melted ice but presentable none the less and he was well rested, he did not know what sort of greeting awaited him, and so he was ready for anything. He had been born in a warrior pack had learnt how to fight and how to survive when every person looked at you as a toy, beneath them and unworthy of any recognition unless it was administrated by tooth and claw. Leaving had been the best thing he had ever done, he had fought had killed to survive and he would do so again, it was a dog eat dog world out there, a small smile crossed his lips as he thought about it, sometimes in more ways then one.

The snow drifted down ceaselessly and he let out a soft huff of irritation, he did not like snow he decided,, sure when he had first seen it he had been excited a new substance to learn about, having spent most of his life till now in the desert there hadn't been much chance to experience snow. But now it was just cold and wet it stuck to his coat and chilled his paws, unpleasant, but if this pack was as he had heard then he would learn to deal, even if the snow came everyday for the rest of his life. He would not admit it but what he really wanted was a place to belong a place where his silence would not be considered a strangeness or a sign of ill omen, if he could find an alpha who would judge him on his actions, both success and failure and not on the words he spoke, or didn't speak as the case may be, then he would willingly offer them his skills both as a hunter of prey and other wolves alike.

A scent filled his nostrils strong and full he lifted his head testing the scent, yes this was it a pack border, he hesitated for a moment then turned taking a few steps back before he sat still and silent waiting,he did not call to announce his presence after all what was the point? It was such unnecessary noise. A patrol would come, and find him waiting, and if it didn't? well if it didn't he might just have to find his own way to the packs den and have a word with the alpha about their lax security. After all a pack of shadows, as he had heard them called should guard their borders most carefully, you never knew when some young upstart might come and try to drive the shadows away.


06-05-2013, 06:07 PM

He hated this fucking snow. Powerful legs drove the man forward as he made his way toward the borders where a potential member await someone in power. He could scent the male even though he had not called, which displeased him. If one needed assistance, they needed to call, not dilly dally around until someone comes across you. His lips curled into a silent snarl. Bastard. What did he think, the king had all the time in the world to patrol every inch of his borders? No, he had servants for that. The fact that this male hadn't called for someone really got beneath Kaios's skin. As he approached the border the man came into view, and the look on his face wasn't very pleasurable. Surely he hated this goddamn snow too. Who wouldn't? It was freezing, clung to your pelt, and wasn't the easiest thing to walk in. "Waiting for death to consume you? Or looking for some assistance?" He asked, husky voice holding an annoyed tone. Why couldn't he have just called like every other wolf who came looking for a home? The lords tail flicked behind him as he waited for a response.

Sand Striker

06-05-2013, 10:55 PM
Striker saw the black male approaching and gathered himself pulling to his feet, he could see that he had started off on the wrong foot the males posture screamed hostility still he dropped a low bow as the male drew nearer. The black brutes words where stiff and unyielding, death or assistance, striker tilted his head he was looking for neither and opened his mouth to say so but no noise came out, snarling silently in his head, cursing himself.

His voice had always been a pain often impossible to use he really bothered trying to speak and howling? well he hadn't even tried since he was a pup, but he sensed a game of charades would not endear him to this male so he lowered his head slightly and tried again, it came out a grating whisper loud enough to be heard between them but not the kind of voice that would ever make a wolf swoon or carry across a battle field, ? my apologies,? he croaked, to the other wolf ?I have come seeking the phantom pack, as I wish to offer my services as a pack member,? he paused swallowing to ease the ache already starting in his throat before continuing, ?I would have called unfortunately that option was not open to me, nor did I think intruding on your pack lands to seek attention would be an advisable act,? he raised his gaze meeting the purple gaze of his counterpart.

?my name is Striker and if I may ask to whom I speak, only I have come a long way and would like to ensure that I am indeed speaking to the right wolf before I continue.? with that he closed his mouth swallowing several times to calm his throat, his golden eyes scanning the other male ears erect but tail held respectfully low, he sensed that this was not a lowly member his bearing and scent said something of command though how high standing in the pack Striker could not say.


06-29-2013, 04:02 AM

The avenger stood in the darkness. Eyes alight as they followed the heart that called her home. Strangers stood in waiting, always waiting, and yet it brought them joy. Strength in numbers was a key role in pack life. So the more the merrier. A promise loomed in the mind of the insane. The role of queen had been stolen by force and delivered by death as the crown sat atop her head. She had warned the heart that should he try and steal her home from under her that she would break him. Regardless of the throbbing that she felt each time he touched her she would break him if he broke her home.

It seemed he wandered towards the stranger. He was sitting, waiting; yet he never called for a single soul. The shadows that the red barked sentinels casted were clever enough to hide the monstrous frame of the woman in shadows. Violet eyes trailed him as he spoke of death and assistance. Riddles were common with in her mind. Asking but never quite asking a question and never quite answering either. Yet still giving a enough to satisfy the curiosity. Her ears strained to hear the oddity lost in the stranger?s voice. Communication without words was a hard skill to learn. She had done so, threw violence, it was her way should she chose to speak it. Kaios knew the way to her words and heart.

She could not help the desire to sooth that painful sound. It was her purpose now. to collect those that others would cast aside. To ensure they were protected and given the opportunity to thrive where others would have disregarded their oddity. She withdrew from the shadows slowly, quietly, as to not disturb the duo. She was careful not to push to hard against the ground to alter them of her presence and soon enough she was beside her male, twin violet eyes searching the stranger.

?You speak with those that protect this phantom pack. We who are dubbed the Queen and King. I hear the snap of pain in your voice. Your call would go no further then a whisper I take it. You come to the shadows seeking admittance. Well, the shadows take all those that desire them. I am Newt. This is my mate, Kaios, and before I allow you the option of joining our odd little congregation. I must request what services you bring to us in return for our protection and love. Selfishness is a thing I dislike for my heart pulls to every wolf that touches this packs soil. They are mind and I am theirs.? she stated softly. Impatience was something that needed to be tossed aside and though Kaios meant well, this wolf needed to be dealt with in a different manner. Riddles and games were a waste of time. A direct approach would fair far better for the poor soul.

Sand Striker

06-29-2013, 07:47 AM
Strikers eyes widened and his fur prickled as he caught the moment from the corner of his eye head snapping around to watch as the black dame moved to join her male counterpart, he did not like how easily the lady had approached them and he did a quick but thorough scan of the woods around them he supposed he should not be surprised after all this pack, if it was the right pack was prided for its subtlety and stealth, he only hoped he would receive the chance to learn how to move in such silence. The girls words made him smile slightly he had found the right pack and as she continued he bowed low to her as well. A slight look of guilt crossed his face as she mentioned his voice and he lowered his eyes giving a nod, then his ears stood up had she just said... he resisted the urge to smile like a pup but his tail swayed hopefully behind him. He could understand her point of view in many ways he shared it selfishness and disrespect both made a wolf less tolerable in his eyes and he nodded a few times to show he understood and agreed. But what could he offer? He sat for a moment before the two he had nothing but the skills he had learned on his own crude in comparison to this dames if her show of silence was any indicator.

Striker raised his gaze and struggled for a second before wheezing, ?My Lady, I have very little. My skills in hunting and fighting are self taught and are tested only by my survival, I can not heal the wounded and I am not a commander,? he gave a breathy huff that might have been a laugh, the truth was he had been told these things many times as he had grown in the pack of his birth and as he had travelled alone in the wilds, ?but what I do have I will give willingly my teeth and my claws,? he showed each as he said them mixing silent and voiced communication, ? shall be at you disposal and I will apply my mind to any task you set,? he did not mention the fact that muteness could be its own advantage that people who could not or would not talk where often considered dumb and that this assumption usually led to secrets being whispered within hearing this was something he kept to himself, though he was sure any wolf who looked spies would see its possibility.