
Forgotten in a world that still whispers my name


11-19-2014, 05:51 PM

Pandora... Her name was whispered upon the winds, waking up the cobalt-coated babe. Large turquoise blue eyes opened to darkness, quickly adjusting to the night atmosphere surrounding her. Automatically, she yawned and stretched her front paws before rising and stretching her hind legs. She didn't know why she had napped so long that afternoon; all she knew was that it was past sunset and the night was hers to take. Without a planned destination in mind, she slipped from the den she shared with no one and set out on a road that wasn't hers.
She left the safety of her precious Wolfpaw Lake, ignoring the soft twitters of birds that had been woken up by her brisk movements. Her paws walked across now familiar terrain, memorizing the roads she had taken before for future use. Yet, she ignored all of the familiar tugs and continued to head farther down south. What she would find there was unbeknownst to her. All she knew was that her name had been called, and she wanted to know by whom.
The moon had risen more after she reached the unfamiliar forest. She didn't know that the world had broken apart, exposing an unknown land to the continent she had grown to adore. Everything she saw gave off a strange vibe, but she pursued the masked stranger, whose face was shrouded in darkness and too far for her to see. She didn't strain her eyes and stepped from familiar lands into a black, tangled unknown.

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8 Years
Extra large
11-19-2014, 06:53 PM

He'd find himself with out Gwena in his presence, an oddity in his life now. Especially with the winter season he didn't really want to leave her side at all. Still, the pair still needed to eat and he would be in search of a nice dinner for them now. His giant paws would navigate the lands expertly, his massive form moving through the wood with hardly a sound, he was just a gentle breeze through the trees.
He'd find himself on the trail of a javalina, a rather small one by the look of it's prints. Somehow it had separated from its pack. He'd follow it carefully, finding himself suddenly distracted by the scent of a Northerner. White marked ears would fall to his skull as he became ever more aware of his surroundings. He knew very well to be wary of the women of the North.
Not meaning to actively search her out he would be surprised at how close she actually was. Bright yellow eyes would catch the cobalt and gold form that wandered easily into the clearing before him. Keeping himself low he'd stop, hoping she would be on her way quickly so he could return to his hunt.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


11-19-2014, 07:14 PM

Even though the forest had swallowed her whole, the moon still punched holes in the darkness. She walked through various patches, becoming illuminated with each one she touched. It wasn't until she stopped in the largest moonbeam that her vivacity was obvious to anyone nearby. She halted, body quivering all over from the sudden gust of winter wind. Her golden markings were more obvious as she shivered, the tattoo-like emblems on her shoulders and zebra markings on her haunches gleamed as they moved in silent ripples. Golden-backed ears perked intently for a second or two before she cleared her throat. A mist of white air rose in front of her dark lips and she gave a soft chuckle as it took to a weird shape. How fascinating.
With the humor came the business. She caught an unfamiliar scent that was probably known to everyone else used to living in the forest. Bright turquoise blue eyes shimmered and she looked around, wondering if someone would pop out of the darkness to question her presence. Instead, no one came and she remained alone...That didn't mean she was the only living being in the same vicinity.
She scanned the dark, catching nothing but more blackness that wasn't pierced by the moon. Slowly, she blinked, nose working overtime to grab any more of the scent that rose in the cold air. Nothing else was given and she almost gave up, except for one thing... "Do you understand me?" she asked, tones clear upon the night wind. Her Romanian accent sliced the air like her words, a lyrical question that wouldn't be taken back for anything. Curiosity was Pandora's bestie, and she had to satisfy its dying thirst.




8 Years
Extra large
11-20-2014, 12:24 PM

He'd watch her from the corner of his eye, not wanting their shining brilliance to give him away. She seemed curious, and young. Though as her scent washed over him he'd realize she was not so young. Her heat was more obvious than anything, and he would keep himself very much quiet and unmoving. He'd hear her call out in the tongue most, if not all, the northerners he'd encountered would speak in. Still, he wouldn't move, he would barely breathe. She knew someone was here, and like a cornered deer he would wait for the opportune moment to flee back to his mate. He had no business with a she wolf in heat, he'd gotten a taste of promiscuity, and he hadn't liked the effects in the least.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


11-20-2014, 01:52 PM

Pandora wasn't a dumb wolf, but it took her minute to realize why the stranger didn't voice his presence. Her eyes widened and a small gasp escaped her when she took a whiff of her delicate perfume. The stranger was obviously a male of some kind, for if it had been a female, she would have appeared...maybe. Slowly, she reclined to her haunches, clinging her fluffy tail around her hind paws, and placing a lid upon the tempting, boiling scent. Even as she tried to deny the want for satisfaction, the heat raced through her veins. The adrenaline was not as bad then, for she was trying to calm herself down and keep her wits about her. Pandora sighed and her ears flattened against her skull. What could she do??
Instead of setting off for home, she closed her eyes and let the cold breezes sweep around her cobalt frame. Golden tips could be seen on the edges of her lids, the only things that showed her opts existed on her shadowy face. "Sorry," she finally said, her tones proving her embarrassment and concern. She didn't want her heat to be the reason she didn't make a new acquaintance. Even though he wasn't responding, she figured he may be listening.




8 Years
Extra large
11-27-2014, 11:29 PM

The cobalt beauty would seem to suddenly realize her predicament, he'd watch her from his squinted gaze, still only wanting to keep himself hidden from view. Though as she took a seat he'd fully realize that she knew that someone was out here. He wasn't fluent in any sense of the word when it came to english, but he did know the meaning of this one. He'd sigh, she didn't seem too terrible from here and he knew that he could at least give her s hot. There was always running away if needed. The sound of his breath would clue her in on his position, but soon after his massive paws would push against the earth to bring him to his full height. His decorated tail would shift, causing the beads to melodically bounce together. He'd emerge from the brush slowly, still not saying anything but eyeing her softly. He'd take a breath as he thought for a moment, "Should go." he would say simply in the tongue she spoke.

"yoruban" "english"


11-27-2014, 11:56 PM

The presence in the forest finally revealed itself, showing his full height and all of his intricate tribal decorations. Pandora took them in all in with a bright turquoise blue gaze, wondering what the stories were behind such feathers and beads. She could only imagine that he was part of a tribe, a group of wolves that probably did not like strangers appearing from the middle of nowhere. Her eyes roved across his body to take in the details that would be missed if he ran away, but she was so mesmerized by his sudden appearance that only her ears perked at his broken English. She broke contact from his dark form to only look at his soft gaze. He was definitely serious.

When he had approached, she had been tempted to rise and move to a spot further from him. However, the thought of him becoming upset by her heat scent made her stay glued to the ground. Her tail tightened around her grounded paws and she moved her front legs to daintily plant her golden-dipped paws side-by-side. Ears remained perked with attention and she felt her skin prickle, creating a wave to run down her spine. Pandora timidly blinked and instead of submissively agreeing and departing, she flicked both ears in random directions, wondering if there were other wolves out there like him in the forest this late at night. Finally, she cleared her throat and softly asked, "Who...are you?" If he didn't understand that, then she would have no choice but to leave.

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