


11-26-2014, 02:01 PM
(Liquid timing this after "Let The Crowns Join" thread & Mating thread.) 

 The Queen paraded through the forest, her stomach full of butterflies. She'd just admitted her feelings to Drashiel, and he'd in turn shared his- they would join their crowns and rule together. Fehu and Regium would merge, and though it wouldn't affect Regium's members that much she wanted to alert them of her new king and the sudden potential influx of members. She was sure they'd be okay with it- perhaps even thrilled that maybe some of the Fehu wolves would strengthen their ranks. She paused at their meeting place, and let out a strong summons for the pack. This should be a quick pack meeting, it shouldn't take them long to let everyone know of the news. 

She waited for Drashiel to join her- perhaps with him close, her nerves would settle. She also would hopefully be bringing pups into Regium soon, if her gut was correct.  The night she'd shared with Drashiel would bring blessings upon them. She wasn't yet to show- even the healers wouldn't know. She wasn't sure herself- rather she speculated that her fertility would bring them heirs- and future warriors. 


Please allow Drashiel to post first- and then there is no posting order. Please post ASAP, preferably by Dec. 5. (Exempted are Amalia & Talvi- as they are traveling-- unless they're done traveling)  



2 Years
11-26-2014, 02:25 PM

Despite the frigid bite of the north wind Drashiel felt a steady warmth in his chest.  It radiated out to his limbs and kept his steps confident and almost light.  There could be no denying the spring in his step and the reason for it.  His Queen.  The dragon king was familiarizing himself with Regium's borders when he heard Roman's call that it was time for them to have a meeting.  Loping at a quick and even pace he entered the meeting place and moved to stand next to his queen, offering Roman a quick lick on her left cheek.  

Drashiel tipped back his head and howled as well, mainly a call for any members of Fehu who wished to transfer to Regium to answer.  If they did not it would be assumed they wished to go elsewhere.  He rolled his shoulders lightly and smiled, eyes searching to meet hers.  "I haven't the words to express how excited I am to travel life's roads with you, Roman."


Vesta I


1 Year
11-26-2014, 05:12 PM
(Assuming that this is after Elli's leave so I will not be posting with her - just Vesta and Mordecai)

Vesta Armada had been summoned and so she would answer the call of her Aunt Roman. Curiosity piqued her interests and she wondered what was happening. She would run towards the call while taking in her surroundings. She was still learning the Red Forest but for the most part she had Sparse Pines down. She traveled from one territory to the other while heading for the call still. She arrived with a halt and her jaw dropped. It was the man who had claimed to be her uncle when he had saved her from being force claimed. "You..." Her words were cut out in shock as she shot her aunt a confused look. What was he doing there?


11-26-2014, 07:20 PM
Mordecai was simply fantastic in everything he thought about and did. While he had high opinions of himself, he wasn't talking about doing everything perfectly. He loved everything he did and he felt fantastic for it. When the call reached his ears, they flicked back and he ran towards it. Why was his alpha in a different territory? He was slightly confused but he had promised loyalty to Mordecai and so loyalty would be given. The boy would arrive and notice other wolves from another pack. He dipped his head to the alpha and the woman he stood next to. He shot a small smile to the other girl present who was a pup to his knowledge but barely so. She was just a season younger than himself at most. "You called Drashiel?"



8 Years
11-27-2014, 11:36 AM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2014, 12:53 PM by Abelinda.)

The call hadn't gone unnoticed, much less the fact that there seemed to be family members here in the pines. A home she had once known, for awhile before her unexplained disappearance one day. The wraith once more found her self in the lands her half-brother, Isardis. The Ice King or scourge of the lands, known to take and bed many women in his time. The dame knew his tendency's fairly well, perhaps more then she knew her own. Her disappearance would be one of those traits, but for now such things were shoved aside as those paws took her into the lands once more.

It didn't take long for her to find the gathering, a rather small one never the less. Those ghostly eyes drifted over each face and knew most of these here weren't from their lines. The ghost said nothing, merely she took a seat to the right of everyone, not hiding but she didn't speak either. It was clear she had stumbled into a meeting of some sort and so, the ever patient serpent would wait.

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-28-2014, 04:47 PM
Shuffling through the pines, the ivory dame heard a call, one that sounded familiar to the last. At least they hadn't switched alpha's again. With a soft sigh, the femme made her way over to the call, intrigued but annoyed. She hadn't gotten the least bit of a break the past couple of days, especially with the thought of babies looming in her mind, the last thing she wanted to do was to go to some meeting with the pack. At least Roman wasn't going to waste their time it seemed. A new scent drifted towards her nostrils, one that smelled like that of a different pack. What was going on??



3 Years
11-29-2014, 01:54 PM

[Image: 312ixzb.png]  

Devin was already aware of what was going on, and he was rather happy that they would be growing in their numbers. And love was love all the same, he may have had his quirks here and there but he believed that Roman and Drash could over come things thrown at them. The healer settled himself near them dipping his head, his purple eyes scanning over those who had already reached the meeting. Though he did not see Athena and Vereux yet with their children. They must have been busy he supposed.

Devin let out a yawn for a moment, he must have stayed up too late last night. Well he had yelled at Trica, she was probably still mad at him as well, not that he cared anyway. He settled himself and waited patiently for the meeting to start. He was confident in himself, and hopefully something new would come of this. 


-I put a new song on him :D

 ?  ?  ?

cait at btn




3 Years
11-29-2014, 05:03 PM
She had been gone for longer than she intended, caught up in her travels and yet more details of her past and so called family. At last though Talvi was on her way back home, the only surprise she expected was perhaps to meet the children that Athena had surely brought into the world by now, what were they like, her little nieces and nephews? As it stood though the blue and silver woman would be in for quite the shock as she returned from her travels, never would she have predicted such large changes would occur whilst she had been away.

The scent was the first clue, stale at the Mile-High woods and fear had hit her then, worried that something may have happened to her pack whilst she had gone. There was some reassurance as she reached the Sparse Pines however, the scent of the pack still strong though there was a difference one she had no time at all to place her paw on as a call suddenly rang out across the lands. She had arrived in time for a meeting it seemed.

The voice was not Athena's however, who was calling a meeting? What was happening? Still with concern spreading through her she would venture into the lands, caring little for possibility that she may no longer be welcome upon them. Who was to say her rank hadn't been given away, that she was still considered a member of the pack from whoever had taken the title from Athena. Had it been peaceful change or had someone ripped the crown from her sister? Athena's scent was still present, though whether from choice or imprisonment Talvi had no way of knowing until finally she arrived at the gathering.

Her gaze would search for her sister though there was currently no sign of the silvery woman. Devin and Vesta's presence would fill her with some sort of relief though certainly not entirely enough, still disliking this lack of knowing and now she would let her eyes rest upon the pair they were all gathering before. Roman wasn't overly familiar to her, Talvi had never really visited the other Armada pack whilst the tribal marked woman had ran it, Drashiel however was certainly a face she recognised and his voice too she now felt somewhat ridiculous for not having picked up upon back at the borders. Hadn't he left with Isardis and Argent though? Did this mean that they had returned as well? She certainly had mixed emotions about that possibility.

"Drashiel" She would address the man first, seeking the answers that she wished for. Perhaps it was rude of her to do so though surely one could understand her need to know what was going on, whether she even ought to be present at all. Where she would go if she wasn't welcome though she had no idea. "What is happening around here? Where is Athena?"



6 Years
11-30-2014, 04:23 PM

Satu had been doing her own thing for a bit, learning Fehu's pack lands and practicing her hunting skills. The pack had been really quiet since it's inception - little did she know that it was because Drashiel had been off plotting something, she just assumed that was a fact of pack life since her time in Ludicael had been even less eventful. When Drashiel called the pack, Satu leaped excitedly to follow the sound. She was surprised when the distant voice led her out of Fehu's pack lands and to the border of another one. She hesitated at the border a moment, chocolate eyes confused (was Drashiel invading another pack or something? why was he calling them here?) but her indecision broke and she bounded across the invisible line, plowing through the snow to where Drashiel's call had come from. He was with a group of strangers, but didn't seem at all distressed so Satu hopped up to him with a wagging tail and a grin. "Drashiel! I thought you'd forgotten about us! Hey what's up? What are we doing? Who are all these people? Are we invading? Did you capture all of these guys by yourself?" She turned her head to study the purple-eyed white female next to Drashiel. "Hi! I'm Satu! Who are you? Are you Drashiel's prisoner? I really like your face paint, it's really cool."



12-02-2014, 04:43 PM

Fehu had just formed, and already they were being moved, summoned to the north. Isis lumbered towards her destination, where she assumed the calls had come from. Ears were held atop her head and positioned forward, steps relaxed, but head held lazily in line with her spine. She was wondering why the male had decided to bring them up here in the snow and cold, not even a word to the wolves till now. Whatever it was the female would find out soon enough, pace quickening but not quite a jog. Within a few minutes she would arrive to find a small group of wolves already gathered, some she recognized from the formation of Fehu and others she didn't know. Nose flared, a hint of annoyance making its way to her face, the overwhelming estrogen in here would be quite annoying. Sovari girl slinked through the back, making her way around the unfamiliar wolves, stopping and eating behind those who had come forward when Drashiel formed Fehu.


Awesome table by Canttina <3


12-03-2014, 05:34 PM
There was another call. Some meeting of importance that requested the attendance of not just one pack, but two. Arietta's ears twitched nervously as she heed the call, coughing up some phlegm as she made her way. The woman had fallen ill, the sickness deep within her chest. She wasn't sure whom to speak to as far as getting herbs went and had spent much of her time alone, denned up and even hidden from her daughter. Arietta felt like she was drifting apart from her last child, that Vesta's heart was becoming as the frozen landscape was. She would shudder, fur fluffed up against the cold.

When she arrived she sat alone, a distance away from the others. Her head pounded, the sickness making her forget that Devin, whom had stayed with the pack even after the change of crowns, was in fact a healer. Another cough racked her form, her gaze shifting back to Roman after the spell ended.

Athena I


9 Years
12-04-2014, 12:11 AM

What a weird mess her life had become. Adjusting to motherhood had not been an easy thing for her, but it was something she had been enjoying. That is, she was until Vereux suddenly vanished. Her worry for him over powered any other emotions she might have been feeling and she searched for him every waking moment. But, of course, it wasn't like she could leave their children. She would wake up in the morning, if she had been able to sleep at all, make sure they were feed and cared for before she left to continue her search. She always came back just as the sun was setting, sometimes making it in time to see her children to bed, sometimes not. She was simply lucky to have Amalia to look after them in her absence. Without her beautiful wife it wouldn't have been possible to search for her brother and husband as long as she had. But she couldn't do it any more. She was constantly exhausted and hadn't been able to do a single thing to help Roman with Regium since her sister had taken over. She felt guilty not only to Regium and Roman but to her children. She had made a vow to be more present than her parents had been for her and she hadn't followed through with that vow.

When Roman's howl echoed through the territory she quickly rose to her paws and began to gather up her pups to take them with her, but then she heard Drashiel's howl as well. Ah, so that is what this meeting was about. Even in her semi-absent state she was aware of the combining of their packs. She wasn't against it in any way, she even thought it was a good idea. It would just take some getting used to. She led her little family over to where the meeting was being held, coming over to where Talvi was standing with a tired smile. In all honesty she would rather be sleeping and sorting through the storm of emotions that Vereux's absence had brought. "I'm right here, sister. You've missed a lot. I'm glad you're back." She had arrived just in time to hear Talvi's exclamation and she settled onto her haunches next to her, resting her shoulder against her blue sister's shoulder. She glanced back to make sure her young pups had come along as well before focusing back on Roman and Drashiel, ready for this meeting to be over so she could rest. 




7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-04-2014, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2014, 02:59 PM by Tiburtius.)

Tiburtius bounced along behind his mother, completely oblivious to Athena's tired state. He hopped from tree to tree, peering up into their branches curiously, but never falling more than a few feet behind her. Soon enough they came up to a big group of wolves, well, big in his little eyes anyway. It was more wolves than he had ever seen in one place before! Well, he did have a lot of brothers... Ah well, still a lot of wolves. He grinned and looked around at them all, his tail wagging madly behind him. He bounced up to a white woman up at the front of the group with red and yellow marks on her face. He was almost certain she was Ramen or something like that. Aunt Ramen. "Hi!" he called excitedly with a big smile and with a passing glance to the green-eyed man beside him he hurried back to his mother's side and plopped down beside her. Gotta be good or Mom and Momma Ama would fuss at him later!



12-05-2014, 10:28 AM


As she stood on the log that her father had once stood upon- a place where he had commanded power from, she could almost feel a surge of that power within her. She had a chance to revive the lands- she had a chance to make their name  f e a r e d.  In the wake of her call, she stood alone, reveling in the fact as she scented her King approach that she was no longer alone. He would rule beside her, taking some of the burden of the crown and he would help her make the decisions that were in both the best interest of power- and her family. Weren’t power and her family exchangeable terms?

As Drahsiel arrived, he would place a quick kiss to he cheek, and she’d turn her face- her smile beaming at his. As he let out the summons for the wolves in Fehu, she leaned forward and nipped lightly at his muzzle, a wry and challenging grin on her face. He would speak to her, and she’d smile. His words sent a trickle of warmth through her, like honey soothing a sore throat. ”My dear King, I cannot verbally express my delight in your presence.” She would coo, her eyes betraying the meaning of her words. Gods, she was pregnant. She had to be pregnant to be this constantly aroused. She would physically express her devotion to her King- and her appreciation. She also.. may need to have a talk with him about the life she was growing certain of growing in her womb.

Gently, she pressed her shoulder into his, and straightens as the first wolf appears. Vesta. A slight smile pulls at her jaws, though her brow furrows in confusion as the young wolf speaks. She and Drashiel knew each other? Oh brother. Roman couldn’t decide if it were a friendly encounter or not. ”Vesta.” She greeted, her tone soft welcoming. It was time the youth was truly addressed as an Armada-it was her heritage after all.

Then a stranger would appear, and his scent claimed he was of Fehu. Roman studied him, taking in his build and appearance. Roman nodded slightly as she took him in. She wondered what he was- a hunter, healer, or fighter. Would he stay? What would he become under their guidance?

Another wolf would then appear, a wolf that Roman scarcely recognized. She couldn’t remember officially meeting her- but she was an Armada. That much Roman did recognize. Roman spoke. ”Welcome.. I can tell based on appearances that we must be related, but I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you. I am Roman Armada.” She would introduce herself. Was this another sister? Or another type of family? Only Armada’s held such graceful and to be frank, beautiful, appearances. Roman didn’t move from her perch, and had spoken to make the woman realize she was welcome. Her job done- her attention drawn to the next arriving wolf.

Trica was the next to arrive, and Roman greeted her warmly. ”How’s the prey running?” She’d inquire, her attention also turning to Devin who arrived as well. She nodded at him, acknowledging his presence with a simple greeting and statement. ”Devin. I need to speak with you after the meeting.” Surely the healer would confirm her suspicions of pregnancy… he’d have to notice, right? She gave him a meaningful look before her attention shifted to the next arrival.

Talvi was a wolf Roman had never really met. She knew who she was- and respected Athena’s faith in her as a beta. So Roman had kept the woman at her rank even though she’d been traveling when Roman took over Bevroren. Roman could only assume that the dame was confused. A whole leadership had changed, and now the new Queen was announcing her King. ”Tavli.” She’d greet softly though she hadn’t been addressed. She or Drashiel would need to speak with her after the meeting to catch her up. A lot had happened.

Another stranger of Drashiel’s pack would arrive, this one was a bit more eccentric that the last and Roman found a slight wry grin pulling at her features at the girl. She spoke in a whirlwind and Roman struggled to keep up, though when the girl turned to speak to her- she let out a soft laugh. ”Definitely not his prisoner. Thank you, I’m glad someone else appreciates it. ” She replied, with a gentle nudge of her shoulder into her Kings and a warm smile at the girl. Perhaps this merge would be easier than she’d feared. This wolf seemed to be a whirlwind of activity, but it didn’t daunt Roman. Admittedly, the fifty questions could get annoying if it were an everyday thing- but she found it almost endearing at the moment.  In the shadows of the tan wolf another appeared smelling of Fehu. Roman nodded in her direction but she didn’t speak- nor did Roman.

Arietta arrived and almost immediately, Roman knew something was wrong. The shy female…. seemed off. Roman’s brow furrowed slightly, her expression soft as she gazed at her. She’d have to see that Arietta received some medical care. As Roman watched her cough, she felt her worry increase. Another epidemic? She shook her head slightly, to clear that dark though and mouthed at the lithe hunter. See Devin. If the healer daunted the young mother- Roman would gladly go with her. She just wanted her to be well.

Athena arrived then- in tow with a little ball of energy that scampered up toward Roman and Drashiel. Roman smiled at the pup, lowering her head to speak to him. ”Hi there!” She spoke warmly. She hadn’t been to visit the pups yet, she’d wanted to give the family time to adjust and she’d noted by scents that Vereux had seemed to vanish. She wondered how Athena was doing. She eyed the wolf, giving her a sympathetic look- and noted her speaking to Talvi. Good, perhaps that would sooth some of the she-wolf’s worries. Roman hadn’t eaten Athena. She noted the lack of other pups- and only assumed they were with Amalia. Athena had mentioned Amalia was her lover- and though the relationship was strange.. Roman didn’t question it if it made her sister happy.


She stared at the gathered wolves. Their number was growing- in part to the merge and also due to the pups. She only hoped this merge would signify that some of the Fehu wolves would stay. She cast a glance at her King and spoke. ”I’ll try to make this quick, I know we all have things and duties to return too.” She said quickly. “Drashiel and I have decided to rule in unison, to strengthen our packs, with he as my King and I as his Queen. As such- our neighbors-Fehu- will be merging with us. Athean will remain our heir- in case something should happen to either of us.” She looked to Drashiel- to let him speak.  He could decide if his wolves would be forced to stay or to go. Her eyes would shine with affection as she waited to see how he’d address the other wolves.

In the pause she’d given Drashiel a chance to speak, she’d study everyone’s reactions. She’d tried to make this painless- and just wanted to alert the wolves of the change. ”I’d like to personally extend a warm invitation to the wolves of Fehu to join Regium’s ranks. I would enjoy getting to know each of you.” She said softly, looking at each wolf in turn. ”I’d also like to welcome Athena, Vereux and Amalia’s children into the pack. Perhaps by now you’ve ran into one of them?” She asked with a wry grin. ”Elli has left to potentially challenge or form for her own pack in the future.  That means a beta spot is open. I’d like to fill in the higher ranks with loyal and capable wolves- and I will be holding trails for these ranks soon. I’d also like you all to welcome our new members as they join. It seems that our ranks are slowly but steadily filling.” She paused, pride evident in her tones and then she looked at Talvi. ”Talvi, you still have a beta rank. Athena spoke highly of your leading capabilities, and I know you’ve just returned home, but I wanted you to be aware that the rank you’ve earned is still yours- should you want it.” She glanced at everyone again. She wouldn’t take away her half-sisters rank, that she’d earned under Athena’s rule for no reason- but she wouldn’t force her to remain in that position either. ”Devin is our lead healer.  Though the ranks of General and Commander or lead hunter and fighter have yet to be filled. I’ll be watching everyone closely to see whom has the ambition and aptitude to fill those ranks.” She had to work on getting those ranks filled.  They needed unity and strength. ”Also I’d ask you all to remain wary of the other packs as you travel. We haven’t established allies or even neutrality with other packs yet so be wary when meeting other pack’s wolves. We don’t know yet- whom is friend or foe.” In Roman’s mind… there was no other pack they could trust. If they weren’t led with primarily Armada blood… where would loyalties come from? These other families were fickle, lazy, or filled with incompetence- as far she’d noted. Who would be worth her time or their reputation to ally with? Oh she’d almost forgotten! ”In my mother’s tribe.. she would mark her wolves- some with marks of valor and loyalty and I would like to continue that tradition. As such.. if any of you would like to be tribally marked, please say so- or see me and I’d like to set it up for you. This mark will show you a loyal member of the pack- and I think it could be a nice way of forming unity within our ranks.” And that about wrapped it up… didn’t it?  ”News wise… I think that’s all this time… Unless you have anything to add?” She inquired to her King. Smiling slightly she spoke to all the wolves. ”As always, I am here to hear any questions and concerns you may have. I want this merge to be as smooth as possible.” She murmured- turning the floor over to her king, and whatever words he would possibly have to say. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 

1,779 words later, and over 1,000 of that were greetings xD. 

Please let Drashiel reply next!

2nd round replies due on the... 19th at the latest. Please at least let us know if your wolf will be staying (for new wolves/fehu wolves) and feel free to voice any concerns or interests your wolf may have. Also please go check out Regium's page here:click. There have been some additions and rule changes.  

Also on the tribal markings- there is a note on the customs part of Regium's page. If you're interested in that- please feel free to contact me or Lunar! <3 Thanks guys. 



2 Years
12-05-2014, 09:17 PM

Drashiel blinked in surprise at the first fae to arrive.  It was the young girl he'd rescued from that black brute all those years back.  "You!  You're one of Arietta's pups, I remember you.  I don't believe I caught your name though?" He felt a slight pang of guilt for having disappeared almost right after bringing her back to Glaciem but he'd been a bit of a different wolf back then and felt that Athena would be a far better mentor to her than he ever could be.  Their conversation would fall short though as more wolves quickly answered the call of the alpha pair.  

"Mordecai, glad you could make it!" Drashiel nodded to the other male in greeting, glad to see that the Fehu wolves were at least willing to hear him out.  Several of the wolves that answered he didn't know but there were others he recognized from Glaciem and Bevroren.

"Talvi, how are you?" The young king shrugged lightly.  He had not seen Athena in what seemed like ages.  A sudden cry caught his attention as Satu came bounding into the meeting.  Oh goodness….  for being a few years his senior she certainly did act like a pup but at least she was enthusiastic.  He did appreciate that.  Smiling he reached over to lick Roman's cheek.  "All will be explained in a moment Satu."  Isis also appeared and he tipped his head to her in greeting.  Hmm… no sign of Erion or Aldoro though, shame.  Drashiel was going to recommend ranks for the members of Fehu.

"Arietta!…  goodness are you alright?" He wasn't sure if the other woman remember the choking, ash-covered pup that had fallen into her den all that time ago.  He probably looked quite different.  Attention shifted to Athena and he offered her a nod of respect.  He wasn't quite sure where they stood and he made note to talk with her later.  Drashiel's eyes widened at the pups that pranced along after her.  There was no mistaking they were Athena's.  He grinned, an unusual feeling spreading through his chest.  "Hello, little one."


Roman soon began the meeting.  She paused to look at him and he nodded.  "Indeed, we've fallen for one another and there is always the possibility of us starting a family.  If we do, I do not want our pups to be split between packs.  I want to be there for them and for Roman so I felt it was best.  Fehu wolves, it is up to you if you wish to merge with Regium.  If you do not you are free to go in peace."  He knew this was rather sudden and would not hold it against them if they would rather go elsewhere.

Roman discussed the opening of the beta position as well as welcoming the new members and, as he'd assumed, Athena and Vereux's children.  Speaking of Vereux, Drashiel did not see him present and wondered lightly if something had happened to the other male?  He paid attention as Roman introduced the wolves, taking in the name and rank.

Drashiel nodded as Roman spoke of caution with the other packs.  "Indeed.  In Fehu respect was of the upmost importance.  Not only respect for your superiors and fellow pack mates but that of other packs as well, regardless of how you feel about them personally.  Go out of your way to cause trouble and you will be left to reap what you have sown.  I do not go out of my way to aid those that would bring danger upon the rest of the pack, especially with pups so young."  As King he wanted to do his best to protect this pack, especially the little ones.  Gaze lingered momentarily on Athena's children before turning back to Roman as she spoke of tribal markings.  Hmm… well that explained the unusual markings she bore.  Funny, he'd never thought to ask.  It did not bother him though.  The tradition meant something to Roman and he was not bothered by it.  She looked to him and he nodded.

"I will add a few notes in regards to the Fehu members who have arrived here.  Should you agree my Queen, I'd like to recommend Isis and Satu as warriors and Mordecai as a hunter." That was it for now though he knew Mordecai had several talents and was interested in organizing others.  He definitely had the potential to be a beta but as of yet Drashiel still hasn't interacted with him much.  Hopefully that would change.  "I look forward to getting to know all of you better and to rekindling bonds I may have lost since leaving Bevroren.  That is all.  If you've any questions or concerns for me in particular do not hesitate to ask."


Vesta I


1 Year
12-05-2014, 09:24 PM

Vesta had kept her posture stiff as she held her large self up tall. She was nearly one and she needed to start acting like an Armada who deserved a crown because one day she was going to be like all of the great Armada wolves and she was going to take her rightful place on a throne and she would rule with integrity. She had often dreamed of what her grand kingdom would look like but she knew that it would not be so in real life. Drashiel recognized her, taking a shock to the fact that she was there. Was it so shocking? Drashiel didn't know that when he had brought her to Glaciem, she had not joined and instead she had traveled back to her mother before they both returned to Bevroren. The pure white niece listened with interest to her aunt's words and was not very shocked to hear that they were there for but more change. She took note of the new wolves whom shared the same scent as their king before clearing her throat to speak. "Aunt Roman, I'd like to begin training as a fighter as soon as possible. I realize that I still must master the basics in the other skills I must know for survival but I want to start focusing on what I'd prefer to claim as a role." She did hope that the words did not come as a shock to the queen as she was fairly sure that Vesta had wanted this for a long time. She was going to be better than her father. She refused to look at Drashiel and instead kept her gaze focused on that of Roman's body.


12-05-2014, 09:29 PM
More wolves piled into the meeting and he noticed interactions as he took in names based off of the greetings that Roman had given. The wolf to arrive before him seemed to be Roman's niece named Vesta and she appeared to know Drashiel which would make sense. Carefully, he took in every word and when Drashiel gave permission for wolves who wished not to stay to leave, Mordecai scoffed. "You can't get rid of me that easily. You're stuck with me." The words were meant as a joke as he let a small smile start to grow. He listened as  Drash suggested a rank for Mordecai and eagerly, the boy nodded, accepting the words that his King had put forth in royal decree.


12-06-2014, 03:29 AM

When the woman beside Drashiel began to speak, Isis perked up her ears, tail curling over her paws. She announced that they decided to rule together, combining the packs to strengthen each side. Roman would act as Queen and Drashiel the King, Athena would remain heir if something happened to either of them. The yearling kept her gaze on the two, not sure who this Athena woman was but didn't bother trying to figure it out at the moment.

With the pause, Isis looked towards who was her original ruler before they moved up here. He informed the gathered wolves that the two had fallen for each other with the possibility of starting a family, merging together so that the children did not have to be separated. They thought it was best to bring the two packs together. Leaving it up to his Fehu members to choose whether to stay or go. She would be staying, joining Drashiel in merging with this Roman lady. It would allow her to have others to train with, improve her fighting skills and assist the pack when needed.

The Queen spoke once more, extending an invitation to the Fehu wolves, as well as welcoming somebody named Athena and Vereux and their children. A member left to either challenge or form their own pack which left a beta pot open, she wanted high ranks filled with loyal and capable members, she would hold trials for them, she wanted her members to welcome the new ones, etc. As soon as she said a beta spot was open the woman gave it to somebody named Talvi, a blue tinted female, if she wanted it of course. Someone named Devin was head healer. The rank of General, lead hunter, and Commander, lead fighter, were not filled and would be observing those with the ambition and aptitude to fill them.

The Queen wanted the wolves to be wary of other packs wen they traveled, having not established any allies or neutralities just yet. The King would speak up about this matter, bringing up respect being of the upmost importance, both the the leaders and fellow packmates, as well as other packs regardless of how they felt about them. If you sought out trouble, you would get what you deserved, he would not aid them.

Roman brought up something from her mother's tribe, marking wolves. Isis raised a brow at this, interest showing in her eyes as the woman explained what earned these marks, forming unity within the ranks. It was a tradition to the queen, and she was allowing the wolves to choose whether they wanted to follow it as well. Isis for sure wanted to participate this, both for it being unusual and new to her, and to make a place for herself in this new place.

With that she was done, explaining she would be here if anyone had any questions or concerns. Drashiel would then take the stand, speaking in regards to the Fehu wolves who had traveled over with him. He wanted to recommend her and Satu as warriors, and Mordecai as a hunter. To this the girl held her head high, feeling some form of pride in the man recommending a rank for her and the few who had joined. That tied it up, the man repeating the same as Roman.


Letting a young female then Mordecai speak, Isis would take the chance to stand up from where she had been sitting. Clearing her throat she dipped her head to Drashiel briefly before looking to Roman, demeanor relaxed. "If you will, my Queen. My name is Isis, I was beginning my journey as a ranked warrior before my King brought us here, I would like to continue that." Voice was loud, clear, strong yet was respectful. "I would also like to participate in your marking tradition to further integrate myself into the pack as a whole." With a dip of her head to the woman, the girl would sit back down in the crowd, waiting to hear what would be said about her fate here.


Awesome table by Canttina <3



3 Years
12-07-2014, 08:32 AM
The white woman at Drashiel's side would speak, apparently somehow she knew Talvi's name despite the fact that the girl herself could not recall Roman's. Before Talvi could respond or enquire as to who she was and before Drashiel had the chance to answer Talvi's previous question the woman that Talvi had sought would appear quenching any worries that may have lingered within the girl's mind. The tired manner in which her sister spoke would trouble her slightly, though for now she would be satisfied knowing that not all had completely crumbled in her absence.

Besides there was now the distraction of a child at Athena's side, the boy held that prominent blue colour that seemed do dominant within the Armada genes though splashed with the silver colouration of Athena. There was no doubting that this was was her son, Talvi's nephew. "Is this one of your children?" She would enquire, asking the question though she was confident in her guess. "They're so big already!" Honestly she wasn't exactly an expert on child development, had no idea how swiftly they grew or even when Athena had actually given birth in the first place, all she knew was that she had expected to come back to smaller pups than this.

There was little time to talk and catch up now though, there was still plenty to be explained in the present moment, nearly every wolf present at least half as lost as she was and curious to discover what was happening why there were two packs present in this meeting. All would be revealed very soon though, with the meeting soon coming to a start. Talvi would fall silent with the others now, listening to whatever explanation would be given though it was almost certain that she'd end up with further questions afterwards.

For one until Drashiel mentioned the woman by name, Talvi still wasn't sure what to call her beyond the fact that she was apparently now to be her new leader. How this change had come about still troubled her however though this was likely one of those answers she would need to get later from Athena herself. After the discussion of the packs merging they would go on to talk about ranks. Athena was a heir apparently, still somewhere within the higher ranks though still with little explanation as she why she was no longer the Queen nor why the pack she had returned to was no longer Bevroren but Regium. How ridiculous it seemed now, that she had been visiting allies and giving greetings from a pack that was vanishing behind her.

The beta rank was to be discussed next, the title she had once held, perhaps pessimistic though there were doubts that it was still hers. Between two packs of wolves there were surely others that Drashiel and Roman trusted and knew more about. There would be trials though, perhaps there would still be a chance to regain her rank. Funny how much she had grown to care for that title when it had originally be thrust upon her as a clueless yearling.

And yet now Roman's eyes would be upon her. Would this be to tell her she was welcome to participate in the trials if she wished or that due to her absence her own rank had been placed up for the taking as well? Was she even aware of the rank that Talvi had previously held? Apparently. None of her thoughts would be confirmed, instead she was still a beta now if she wished to be. There was the slight problem that she knew little about Roman or even Drashiel anymore, how would they run their pack, would she even want to be a part of it anymore? She would simply use Athena as her basis, she was still here and still held a respectful position. "Thank you. I would like to keep my rank." She responded with a small dip of her head, falling silent now to allow the meeting to continue.

The warning about allies perhaps came a little too late. She had spent her time visiting other packs that Bevroren had previously allied with and even befriending a member of another they knew little about. Perhaps it had been a silly move venturing off with Caeto like that, though she had realised it for herself, not informing even Athena of her full plan nor mentioning the russet man she had met up with. She certainly wouldn't mention him now, though a part of her was no opposed to seeing him again, ensuring he hadn't gotten himself into any more trouble.

And finally that marking she spoke of. Talvi certainly wasn't sure she wanted that. Why would she suddenly mark herself as loyal to this pair she knew little about and who was to say that they and the pack would remain loyal to her. It wouldn't be the first time she had been let down. Though some were enquiring about the mark already, the blue and silver girl would remain silent for now perhaps one day they would prove themselves completely worthy of her time, but so far only one leader had ever earned Talvi's full trust and that had been Athena.



6 Years
12-19-2014, 08:43 AM

The white female didn't seem offended by Satu's barrage of questions which, in hindsight, she could have been. If anything she seemed amused. Drashiel told her it would all be explained and, well, that made sense. They wouldn't want to repeat themselves every time a wolf walked in to the meeting, would they? But then Drashiel leaned closer to the white wolf and licked her, and Satu's eyebrows shot up. Oh hoho, that was the way it was, was it? She grinned at them as she settled in to contain herself long enough for everyone to show up.

Roman's voice addressing them all pulled her back from her daydreaming, and Satu sat up, ears pricked forward as she listened. So they were merging the two packs? That made sense, if the two alphas were mates. Saved a lot of trouble in the future, that was for sure.

Drashiel recommended her as a warrior, and Satu sat up straighter in pride, her tail wagging through the snow behind her. Wow, this was really, really happening. "I'm definitely staying," she declared. "And... I really would like to be a warrior. I'd work really hard at it," she added earnestly. She really would - she liked to be doing things, channeling her restless energy into something physical and productive. Having that encouraged here already did much to endear her to the pack.
