
i'm coming home



2 Years
12-04-2014, 05:09 PM

He breathed. Hard, fast, heavy. The woods whispered to him, beckoning him further, deeper into their depths. He obliged. The darkened boy was larger than before, handsomer, more graceful. Where once had been puppy fat and foolishness now stood thick muscle and intelligence. Where once stood the prince of an empire none could fell now stood simply Kyarst Armada. He remembered well the events that had led to his departure, and it had not been regret that brought him back. He still was displeased with certain wolves, still loathed others, and still desired power and prestige beneath the umbrella of his father's namesake. Still, he had come back for his family. Isardis would not approve of his leaving them all - even if others did it all the time. Kyarst should know better - and now he did. He would find them, unite them if he could. Make a name for himself - even if that meant doing it apart from his father. He breathed again, this time heavier, harder, faster. His heart raced as he neared the spot where the ash had overtaken him. His mother had been there then, but it wasn't she who had saved him. Who was it? He could scarcely place her name in his mind. He stopped, curling his hips to the earth in the very spot the once young prince had fallen. Tail contorted around his hips as he paused to ponder his predicament. It was clear Glaciem wasn't here anymore. Athena had probably run them to ruin. Of that he was positively sure. Lip curled in distaste for the wretched woman. She would pay for stealing his mother's crown from atop her ailing head.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-04-2014, 05:55 PM

She'd left the sanctuary of The Red Forest and returned to a wood that had once been home to Bevroren. Her mind was full with useless prattle- and though Drashiel proved to be very distracting, she needed to get out. She needed to clear her head. She moved at a slow trot, her breathing was slightly increased, and she could feel the pregnancy that she carried beginning to seep into her energy. Her stomach was slowly swelling, but it wasn't overtly noticeable. Still- she'd need to tell her King soon of the children they were to have. She slowed to a walk, letting out a heavy sigh. How had she found herself pregnant again? She had to learn to control that. She took in another breath. Her head snapped up in curiosity. Her ears pricking with interest. She recognized that scent.... Turning towards it, she'd pick up her pace until she emerged from the wood- she hoped she'd emerge at his left side. "Kyarst. Long time, no see." She spoke, her eyes studying him curiously.  Her greeting was casual in nature, a slight glimmer of curiousity behind her words. Kyarst had grown since she last saw him, and she wondered where he'd been. She'd only spoke to the youngster once, when he was younger. But she did remember him. She stood about seven or so feet from him, her head raised proudly as she gazed at her younger half-brother.  She glanced around them, her eyes studying the forest. She'd made a good decision- choosing the red forest over this. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 



2 Years
12-04-2014, 06:55 PM

The chill in the air was enough to make his breathing hurt just a bit, but it was nothing he wasn't used to. Besides, he liked the winter. Things were more beautiful in the winter, or so he thought. He had no idea the pallid wraith Roman was lurking nearby, if he had known he would have found her. He had, after all, returned to find his family. He'd never been particularly close to Roman, but she was a fine enough woman in his eyes - and she was half of a sister to him. Be breathed in sharply as her voice split the air, awakening his senses and sending them into overdrive. He detected whom it was almost immediately, by scent primarily. “Roman,” he voiced in a smooth bass - much deeper than it had ever been before. “You're knocked up,” he muttered matter-of-factly. It wasn't so much a question as it was a witty quip. Eyes swiveled to scan over her, noting that she wasn't showing tremendously, but her scent gave it away. Much to his dismay, he had come across more than his fair share of pregnant bitches in his wanderings. He waited perhaps much longer than he should have before letting loose a brief, very brief, chuckle.  “It's been too long. Where is everyone?” Everyone being his entire family that used to live, breathe, and thrive in this very spot. There was nothing left but snow - snow that he imagined had long, long since covered any paw prints he might have followed to their current location.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-04-2014, 07:33 PM

 As Kyarst spoke, she noted that his voice had deepened, it seemed his size was not the only thing that had changed since he'd last graced the lands with his presence. A slight smile pulled at her jaws as he spoke, and it was then replaced by a wry grin as his next words came. 'You're knocked up.' "Oh dear. I am? I would have never guessed." Her tone was dry, though amusement glimmered in her violet eyes. She was indeed pregnant. God if others could tell- she really needed to break the news to Drashiel. It was a wonder he hadn't called her out on it, yet. Perhaps he knew it, but he was waiting for her to tell him. Or perhaps she'd blindside him.  A pause fills the air, as she eyes him and he speaks again. "It has been a while." She noted with a slight pause before moving on to explain. This isn't our territory anymore. We have the Sparse Pines and the Red Forest, now." She explained. The territories were directly connected and much easier to defend. Plus, Roman had her own affinity for The Red Forest- it was perhaps her favorite place in the whole land. No one else would claim it. She could only wonder what Kyarst reaction to losing parts of his childhood home would be- it had to be nostalgic, and perhaps it had to hurt. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 



2 Years
12-04-2014, 07:48 PM

Of course she didn't need him telling her she was pregnant - it was her body after all, but he still felt it his prerogative to note her only scarcely evident oncoming motherhood.  “I do hope Daddy approves of the father...” If he was outside of the family, it was unlikely he would, but it was also that Isardis was around at all anymore. He had scarcely been around in Kyarst's youth. She noted that this wasn't their territory anymore. He could hardly believe his father had moved them - and so he concluded that his father had not ever come back to take his throne away from Athena. Was she still a phony queen of a pack she hadn't earned, but had instead stolen?  “The Pines and the Forest.. who is in charge now?” Anyone but Athena... he prayed to a god he didn't believe in.  “When I left it was Athena,” he noted with a slight bit of distaste in his voice as he spoke her name - as if he'd vomited just a bit into the back of his throat. It was a childish way of expressing himself, perhaps, but no one said he had to grow up all at once. It stung slightly that whoever had control had blatantly moved them out of the home that Isardis had purposefully chosen and defended with every ounce of himself. Then again, he had left the entirety of Alacritis, and therefore couldn't say much about that topic. He switched his tail idly against the earth, swiping away flakes of snow that had only recently fallen - perhaps just before he'd gotten here. The woods were always beautiful cloaked in snow.  “I'll miss it here,” he noted - almost in effort to convince himself that he couldn't stay. He had to find the rest of his family, reunite with them - reestablish his presence in their lives.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-04-2014, 08:37 PM

And so the conversation continues, with Kyarst speaking again. Roman's brow raises slightly. "I've no doubt, Father would approve." She conceded, pausing before explaining. "Drashiel is the father." She'd speak with a slight air of pride to her voice. 'Lo she was prideful in taking her brother to bed. As Kyarst spoke again, she felt a slight smile pull at her jaws, and she raised her head proudly- pausing before speaking and as she was ready to announce her title. He spoke and she noted some distaste as he spoke Athena's name. Athena hadn't been that popular, in the family at least- from what she'd noted. It was oddly surprising. "I rule now." She spoke firmly. "I took the crown from our dear sister, as she wanted to spend more time with her children. Drashiel is my King." Her tone was strong though perhaps slightly scathing. She understood why Athena stepped down- but Roman's own mother had ruled their tribe while still being a good mother to her. She knew she could do it just as well. A slight silence filled the void, and her ears flicked forward as Kyarst spoke. 'I'll miss it here.' He said, and her brow furrowed slightly. "Coming home? Or trying to find your place elsewhere?" She inquired. She hoped he was coming home. They needed wolves with potential to lead- wolves she knew would be strong in blood, and therefore in mind. However, she wasn't blind to the rather... lose feelings of loyalty the younger siblings seemed to have. They always seemed to leave to find 'themselves.'- without realizing they would find themselves with their family. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 



2 Years
12-04-2014, 09:29 PM

She seemed perfectly confident that Isardis would approve of the father of her children. He got the smallest of snorts out before she named the man responsible for impregnating her. Drashiel. Eyes of emerald widened to an unusually large degree. Pupils dilated, and hips raised into a standing position.  “Drashiel,” he stated, almost as if he needed further convincing from his own voice. There was a pride in her voice, one he was very familiar with, and he knew at once that this was more than just a fling or an accident. They were mated. Drashiel, his old buddy had a mate - and he did not. The tip of his tail flicked idly, though perhaps it was more out of surprise than idleness.  “I suppose it would be proper of me to congratulate you, when can I expect little half-nieces and nephews?” Children weren't exactly his forte, but he suspected if he intended to be around his family he would have to learn to be around whelps. Then came more news. Roman ruled, with Drashiel at her side. It seemed Athena's crown had been taken, or rather given up - but he preferred to think of it as taken. There was a certain amount of gratitude welling up in his chest for Roman's taking the crown, but he only expressed it briefly with the slightest curl of a smile.  “Coming home - wherever that is. Have you seen my mother, father, or brother recently?” Or Lysis? he thought to add but didn't for a reason not yet known to him.  “I've been gone a while and I'd like to see my family again - all of them.”


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
12-05-2014, 08:36 AM

Lysis Armada was used to being alone. Even during her earliest months -- she'd been born a sickly and frail thing -- she had quickly grown used to caring for herself and expecting little from others. The Armadas were not generally known for being compassionate and her father had been scarce at best during most of her life. Though it had felt very much like she hadn't been destined to make it beyond puphood, she had flourished in her own way; and with the help of no-one but herself. Much of her development had happened away from lands familiar to her. She'd escaped the northern lands, disappointed in the disappearance of her brother and father, jaded by Kyarst's own abandonment so long ago, irritated by how little everyone seemed to care.

But now --  it was time to return.

Lysis knew these lands like the back of her paw. Navigating the terrain was easy, despite how treacherous winter made the north. The land was caked in ice and snow and the tall trees loomed dangerously overhead, their boughs swaying and creaking under the weight of winter. Nobody ruled these lands currently, something she was thankful for. Nostalgia washed over her as she weaved between the trees, slender paws slapping audibly against the ice as she roamed freely. For some time she lost herself in memories of a life that was no long, of being a child and wandering amongst these trees, protected by her father and those that ruled Glaciem around her.

It took her a long moment to recognize the scents that intruded upon her senses. Nose wrinkled as she tested it, knowing precisely who it belonged to. A sudden rage filled her chest as she turned to make her way toward her two half-siblings, the rawness of the sudden emotion surprising her and leaving her momentarily stunned, even when she finally reached him. "You fucker," she snarled, tail lashing behind her, clearly speaking to Kyarst and not to Roman. Eyes narrowed as she watched him. He was considerably older now, but so was she; clearly a woman and no longer a child. Lysis had filled out a bit since she was young, and her voice held a svelte tone despite her obvious anger. "You left me." Slowly her gaze would turn to Roman, a genuine smile dancing over her features, her mood shifting quickly but only lasting until she finished speaking. "Hi, Roman."


12-05-2014, 09:15 AM

She was prideful about her choice in both her mate and the father of her children. Drashiel was strong- he carried so many traits of her father, and how she had adored Isardis. Yet, Drashiel also had a softer side- a side she saw when she confessed her fears to him, and Roman could only wonder if Isardis had any fears. Kyarst spoke, as if he needed to confirm the name she'd uttered as the father of her children. She nodded in response. A slight smile pulled at her inky lined jaws as he spoke again and she replied. "I think they'll be born towards the end of Winter. I haven't really spoke to a healer to have it timed or anything." She shrugged. Part of her feared they would miscarry like the last litter- though she still blamed even that on the poisons that had led to their conception. Her half-brother replied to her earlier question about his intents, and she felt slightly relieved and as she began to speak she was interrupted by a new scent. 

Her violet eyes would widen as another familiar face appeared. Were all the Armada's returning? She watched with interest as Lysis approached Kyarst- her tones harsh. What had happened between those too?! The dove turned towards Roman, greeting her with a smile and Roman felt her jaws pull in a smile in return. "Lysis." She'd greet, her voice nearly a coo. She'd eye them both- waiting to see where this interaction would take them. She didn't want to just leave- not when she was so close to having one of her brothers home, and even possibly her sister. Finishing her statement- she turned her attention back to Kyarst, but her words were for both of them. "I haven't seen Father since he killed the Adravendi male... with the funny jaw.  I think Kuvio lingered at the challenge, but I didn't speak to him" She had, had her own issues to keep an eye on. " I haven't seen Sendoa since before the death match... It's been... eerily quiet in these lands without all of them." She noted- and glanced at Lysis. "Drashiel is King of Regium- He rules with me now." She would note to her half-sister in case she wondered about her brother.  She took a step back- to look at both of her siblings."I'll let you two.. um.. talk, fight, shag or whatever, but know this... you are family. You have a home in Regium. You both have a home with us- if you'll take it. Together we can take back the fears that Father put into our names. What do you say?" She paused- waiting to hopefully hear some kind of answer, before she'd take her leave to them let bicker things out. They could make Isardis proud

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak 



2 Years
12-05-2014, 10:04 AM

Hell had no fury like a woman scorned, and it didn't take long for that woman to arrive and bite (metaphorically, of course) promptly into his ass. Kyarst gave a snarl in return, eyes narrowing to emerald slits. His tail lashed behind him, mirroring her own, whilst his cranium dipped down into line with his spine almost instinctively. Fucker, she called him, oh how time had changed them both. His lip twisted up into the slightest of smiles as his head raised to a more natural level and voice slithered forth from between pointed jaws.  “You always did have the sharpest of tongues, Lysis.” Her voice was smoother, stronger and less delicate than before. Her frame was the same, though she was still a tiny little thing. He took a step closer, testing the limits of her anger, as she chastised him for leaving her.  “It wasn't personal. I left Roman too and she's being positively civil about it.” He took another step, finishing it with his left forepaw suspended in the air. It was a quirk he had taken up sometime in his wandering, and truthfully was not quite aware of it. His breath hung in the air in a gentle fog oozing from his nostrils as he watched her, his features softening ever so slightly. Voice lowered as he uttered a query in her direction.  “Am I to be presumed guilty without first offering an alibi?” His head cocked to the right a few degrees as the question fluttered delicately in the air. He heard then Roman answer his questions, letting him know that the three nearest relatives he had were all nowhere to be found. He suspected his parents might be dead - the odds of it were too high to believe otherwise. But his brother.. gods knew where that puzzling creature could be. Roman then excused herself, offering them both a home in Regium and the promise of a future. He twisted his gaze in her direction, nodding once and offering forth a short reply.  “Goodbye, Roman. I'll see you again.” He lingered on her figure for a moment more before snapping his neck back toward Lysis, still on guard.  “Lysis,” he murmured, this time softer than before and as close to pleading as the fallen prince could get. If there was any relationship he cared about at all, it was the one he had with her.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
12-06-2014, 08:46 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 08:46 AM by Lysis.)

She'd always been a sweet girl on the surface, though inside she was farm more tactless -- if anyone knew that, it was Kyarst. How could she not feel as though she'd been abandoned? Just as they'd grown close, he'd left her. Her mother had hardly stuck around beyond her birth and her father frequently and expected absence in her life was another issue entirely. The sudden emotion that overwhelmed her was surprising and she would simply stand there for a long moment, seething and snarling silently. Lysis hadn't stuck around much after Kyarst had disappeared; the north seemed strange without him, and she hadn't been particularly close to another siblings, so leaving for awhile had felt like the best choice.

Kyarst turned to face her, a smile appearing on his lips. For a moment she would mirror the expression, her genuinely sweet expression as she had spoken to Roman lingering, as though lapsing back into her own demeanor. "It was personal," she would retort sharply. "You knew I'd be alone." Being alone was something she was used to though, and while it hadn't been unbearable, losing him for so long had been deeply unsettling.  "Tell me then, where you went." 

Gaze would avert to Roman, her head shaking delicately. She offered them a home, and her smile would appear again. It hadn't felt right being under Athena's rule; it was a tempting offer.  "You don't have to leave," she would insist, nose wrinkling. Tail would sway as it curled slightly above her back, posture slackening ever-so-slightly.  "But thank you for the offer. I will consider it, and find you again soon." Hazel eyes would return to Kyarst, waiting for some kind of explanation that might soothe the sudden ache in her chest.



2 Years
12-06-2014, 09:33 AM

Stretching elegantly Drashiel resumed his tracking.  A herd of musk oxen had been moving through the area but as of yet there was no sign of calves.  The male paused for a moment.  He had been debating calling the wolves of Regium together in a hunt for one of the adults. A truly daunting challenge but he was certain they'd be up the task.  Nose glided lightly over the ground, taking in the scents.  A collection of scents caught his nose and he paused for a moment.  Kyarst…. Lysis?  No, it couldn't be.  Perhaps the scents were just old and lingering…. although that didn't really make sense either.

Drashiel started off at a trot that soon broke into a run.  His heart was in his throat at seeing the two of them again though he was also nervous, uncertain where he stood.  He'd uped and disappeared to go train with their father with very little warning as too his leaving.  He was almost certain he'd hear about it from Lysis.

The King came upon his Queen talking with both Kyarst and Lysis!  By the stars above they were actually here!  "I don't believe it, you two are actually here!" It was then it finally dawned on him that Roman seemed to be leaving and there was a distinct tention between Kyarst and Lysis.  His right ear flicked back but he couldn't quite bring himself to leave. 


ooc:  Roman can drag his ass out I just wanted Drashiel to at least see them  xD


12-06-2014, 02:54 PM

As she hesitated before her leave, Kyarst would speak to her, and she'd give him a solid nod. A slight smile pulled at her jaws, as Lysis spoke and she nodded then she chuckled. "You two need to talk-" She broke off as her King appeared. She stepped close to him, pulling at his scruff affectionately. "We'll let you have your privacy." She bumped Drashiel's shoulder with her own- urging him to leave with her. "We can catch up with them later." She'd murmur to him. Her violet eyes tried to meet his emerald gaze, with a knowing look. Those two needed to talk... or something. Tensions like that spoke mounds of whatever relationship they may have had. Lightly she'd reach to nip at Drashiel's ear, and she'd step forward, her hips swaying as she would leave his side- hopefully with him in tail. They could come up with something to do to pass the time... surely.

-exit roman-

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



2 Years
12-06-2014, 06:56 PM

He remembered fondly the moment's they'd shared together. More than moments, memories. She had been closer to him than his own brother. Not that that was saying much. Jigsaw had always been an... unusual creature. Perhaps the only being he was closer to was his mother - though even she had lost a lot of love for him during her illness and subsequent lapse in sanity. He pitied her, for losing herself, but there was little he could do for her then, or now. It had been best for him to leave, even if Lysis couldn't see that. Even as he begged to explain he knew he had nothing concrete to share with her, nothing of substance that would truly get him off the hook. He might've stayed for her - she was the only being he truly trusted anymore, but his foolish youthful mind hadn't allowed him to process that knowledge until it was far, far too late. He knew he'd been stupid as a lad, and in some ways he probably still was stupid, perhaps that was his only true excuse. 'You knew I'd be alone,' she spat at him. He had known, but he hadn't truly considered it until now - as her gaze shot daggers into him.  “You know I don't think things through,” he stated matter-of-factly. At least he was aware of a few of his flaws. Lysis told Roman she could stay, and soon after Drashiel made his appearance. Roman excused them both and seemed to be working hard to get Drashiel to leave. Kyarst would offer the young King only a nod before turning attention back to Lysis.  “I went away. I don't even know where. I just ran. Everything was falling apart - you saw it. The point is I'm here now, and I guess you'll either have to hate me or learn to trust me again.” He wouldn't apologize to her. He'd done what he'd wanted to - which was precisely what he'd intended to do. Though he didn't relish in upsetting her it wasn't something he could change now. 


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
12-07-2014, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2014, 02:51 PM by Lysis.)

Why did this sudden theme of abandonment seem to envelop her, anger threatening to boil over to the surface? It was surprising when Drashiel arrived, having missed the previous conversation between Roman and Kyarst, and Roman nipped at him affectionately. A slight nausea began to whirl in her stomach -- perhaps anger, or even jealousy -- and she found another slight snarl beginning to form as her lips curled back. Her own brother had left her, too, and for what? To go fuck their half-sister? Was that really what had been so important? She was ignorant of what had happened, and part of her didn't even care to listen to any explanations. Tail lashed again behind her once, stance stiffening. "Just go," she'd sigh to Drashiel as Roman tried to get him to leave. "We'll talk later." Even if he had a perfectly good explanation, she was still furious; but he gaze averted to Kyarst again.

'You know I'm not good at thinking things through,' he'd state. Was that his sad version of an apology? A low growl bubbled in the woman's throat as she drew a bit closer to him. Though she didn't hate Kyarst, it seemed that all of the emotions she'd felt had built up and had suddenly toppled over. Quickly she'd shift to nip at his cheek, though the bite was slightly too aggressive to be considered entirely playful. "Whatever," she'd snap as she pulled away from him. "You better be staying this time. I won't forgive you if you leave again." Gaze was piercing as she eyed him, finally noticing just how much he had changed -- visibly appreciating the way he had grown into his frame, standing a pawful of inches taller than her and boasting significantly more strength.



2 Years
12-07-2014, 03:37 PM

He breathed in slowly, as if by doing so he might anger her further. There was no chance he'd do that again, at least not on purpose. But alas, it seemed her anger - for but a moment - was directed upon a new wolf. Drashiel. Tough break, Kyarst mused within the confines of his mind, but he wasn't about to complain for being temporarily out of Lysis' crosshairs. She quickly dismissed her brother, her stance identical to the one she'd taken up when angry at Kyarst. He thought to crack a joke, but instead bit down on his tongue to prevent himself from doing so. He was smart enough not to dig a deeper hole for himself. It seemed, though, after she had attended to her frustration with Drashiel she was now focused once more upon him. There was a stinging in his left cheek as she bit into him, venting her frustrations physically instead of verbally. She seemed to be willing to move past her anger, though, as she warned him he'd better not screw up again and leave her.  “I promise to give you two weeks' notice next time,” he mused with a twinge of jest in his tone. He hoped to lighten the mood, though he feared he may have stoked the fire. His tail lightly batted to and fro,  “So what have you been doing all this time without me around to get you into trouble and life-threatening situations?” His cheek smarted a bit as he spoke, but it was well worth the pain to be near her again.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
12-08-2014, 09:56 PM

Despite everything, Kyarst was home. It would not make up for his abandonment, and it would not erase the painful, aching loneliness that had plagued her heart for so many months -- but she was no longer alone and she felt a slight sense of calm wash over her. Lips would purse as he spoke, frowning at his sarcastic promise that he'd give her two weeks notice next time. Though she was honestly glad he was home, she still felt a bit of rage twisting at her insides.  Since when had she grown so fiery? Even she was surprised at her own ferocity. She'd been a sweet girl as a child, albeit a bit mysterious, but it seem time had changed her into something considerably more intense.

He did not jerk away or retaliate as she nipped at his cheek, which felt rewarding, as though he'd taken a punishment that she had dished out. She did not want to hurt him -- much -- and she pulled away quickly from the sudden attack. Tail continued to flick idly behind her slender frame, still eying him with a bit of wariness.  "I ought to be asking you the same thing," she snapped. Her hazel eyes held a bit of playfulness now, though the fire had been stoked and continued to burn brightly in her stare.  "I've just been wandering, away from here. It didn't feel right without you or father here." Some of the aggression had faded, her voice taking on a far more sweet tone; reminiscent of how she might've spoken to him when they were younger.



2 Years
12-09-2014, 10:47 AM

He'd never known her hazel eyes could shine so hot and fiery, but there they were, eyeing him suspiciously as if she knew better than to believe him. She probably did know better, he wouldn't doubt it. She mentioned that this place didn't feel right without he or his father here, and for a moment he would glance around him at how empty everything seemed to be.  “I don't suppose it will ever be the same again,” In that moment he missed his mother, perhaps more so than he missed his father. Isardis had certainly been awe-inspiring, but his mother had loved him with everything she had. She had been there every moment, every second of his existence - right up until her mind had been stolen from her by the plague. Even then she had tried to know him, had tried to understand - but in the end she failed.  “Do you suppose.. he's gone?” It seemed almost foolish to think of Isardis as a mortal being. He had been so supernatural, it almost seemed impossible for him to die. No, he must have just disappeared - vanished into thin air like the enigma he was. That seemed a more plausible excuse for his absence. Kyarst rocked back onto his haunches, allowing his tail to curl around his hips. He wanted a moment more in this place, a moment more to pretend things were alright again - like they used to be. He would move on after that moment, he had to, they both did.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
12-09-2014, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2014, 04:07 PM by Lysis.)

Her life had never been particularly exciting, but wandering on her own had been considerably less so; why was it that she felt signifcantly less whole when not surrounded by family? The Armadas were all she had ever known, an abundance of half-siblings, many of which she had never even met. Though she was angry with Kyarst, she truly didn't know where the sudden rush of emotion had come from -- and she wasn't willing to drive him away. Slowly she would relax, no longer coiled as if to spring upon him at a moment's notice, tail no longer flicking in irritation behind her but instead curling gently above her back.

Lysis had never known her mother well. She couldn't even recall her voice, nor the sound of her voice. The memory she held of her was dreamlike, tarnished by time and likely not at all an accurate picture of the real woman that had given birth to her. But the vision she felt of her father was real and quite tangible, and even now as she recalled his strength and perseverance she felt an aching in her chest and a restlessness creeping into her veins. The head of their family was gone, the family fractured, though it seemed many of them had found their way to Regium. 'I don't suppose it will ever be the same again,' he noted and slowly she found herself nodding in somber agreement.   "It won't be," she said matter-of-factly. It was painful to imagine Isardis being gone for good, and she didn't want to consider it.   "I can't imagine he won't come back..." When, though, she wondered? There was no doubt that their family could function without him, but she also knew they owed everything to him -- and with him here again, their potential would only grow.

A moment of silence would cloud the woman's mind as she remembered. He had been scarce even during her childhood, perhaps afraid that her sickness would be contagious -- or perhaps afraid that one of his children did not have the strength to survive. She had beat the odds, though it had taken most of her childhood. Slowly she would creep a bit closer to Kyarst again, this time not aiming to strike the same cheek she had nipped at, but offering a lick to her half-brother's face.   "I'm still mad," she'd remind him seriously.   "But I didn't really mean to hurt you."



2 Years
12-10-2014, 12:30 PM

He could sense the tension drain away from the scene as her body uncoiled and relaxed beside him. Good, there was significantly less of a chance that she would lash out again. He felt his own posture relax somewhat, though his thick muscle still kept his frame rigid and prepared for anything. 'I can't imagine that he won't come back,' Kyarst could, though he wouldn't admit it out loud - not with any certainty, at least. There was always a chance, and so long as there was he would allow some part of himself to hold onto it for dear life. Without Isardis, what use was there being an Armada? He had been their patriarch, the driving force of everything they had come to be. Without him Kyarst could see little but turmoil. He felt her creep closer and instantaneously he would stiffen a degree. However, his features would soften substantially (much like melting butter) as she licked his face gently.  “Yes you did,” he quipped as she told him she didn't mean to hurt him.  “Damn little fireball,” he called her with a note of seriousness in his tone. She had certainly grown fierce the last several months - and in some secret way he liked it. He allowed his tail to bat back and forth a few times before he stepped forward, hoping to lightly bump into her with his chest.  “The other territories we used to have all stunk of packs - strange ones. Know anything about that?” Roman had mentioned they now ran a pack called Regium, he tried to recall where she'd said they took up residence. Ah yes, the forest and the pines. Well, at least the pines would be familiar to them - if they ended up going there at all. He wasn't certain he wanted to jump right back into things so quickly. He knew his family was important and he wanted to be near them, but that didn't mean that he had to assimilate back into the fold so quickly, did it?


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.