
You Can Count On Me


12-05-2014, 01:28 AM
[Private, for S'alkrie]

It was along the eastern shore he traveled, his head low and eyes narrowed. He didn't look up to gaze across the infinite waters. His paws kicked the delicate sand irritatedly, letting out a small annoyed grunt. So many things were going on in his mind at that moment. He had left his family and friends for a change in his life, but he would wake up each day feeling like a rejected mess. Perhaps it was his loneliness that was getting to his emotions. He wanted someone in his life, someone who he wouldn't leave.

He finally tilted his head to the side, noticing faint islands in swimmable distance from his position. He had to get himself away from the continent, escape his thoughts. Splashing into the numbing, freezing water, the man began to paddle his way to the closest and smallest island. It was quite a distance, but the large creature managed to use all his effort and pull himself to the island's beach. It was beautifully deserted with a wide beach, lush forests and many creeks leading deeper into the island. A cold breeze ruffled his fur as he bounded towards the closest creek, further into the greenery. Bending down, he took a long sip, savouring every drop of water he took. His mind held the impression he was the only one on the island. Was he?



2 Years
12-05-2014, 12:27 PM

The petite babe had grown rather bored as of late. Loneliness, was the main cause of it. Though it was truly her fault, she had chosen to push everyone away and well... could she truly blame them from moving on? She was beginning to piece her life back together again, months wasted of doing nothing but simply surviving. She had found a home, she had started socialising and now... she was starting to become happy. She would look at the waters, the peaceful and calm look it gives of, and well, the islands looked rather tempting to go to. With a small hesitation, the nymph would slide her form within the liquid, letting it engulf her whole before swimming towards the islands. It took great  effort, the coldness of the water numbing her limbs. It took her a while to actually set foot on the island, but once she did a sigh of relief would slip her maw. Her breaths would become sharp and heavy, taking a moment to regain her strength.

She felt frozen, and simply wanted to warm up. She would move her limbs, eyes drinking in the scenery before her. This place was rather beautiful and well- S'alkrie was always drawn to the beauty of the world. She would stay in silence, almost zoning out of reality while  taking so much care in looking around her. until BAM. She would knock against another form, and instinctively she would bolt back a few feet, alarmed by the sudden realisation. And if a wolf could blush, she would defiantly be doing that right now. Her crown would lower slightly, maw parting ever so slightly. " I... Im sorry, i wasn't watching where i was going." the porcelain babe would not make eye contact with the man before her, becoming rather shy. The water would drip from her form, her fur pulling towards the ground.

image by Luisiana


12-05-2014, 06:44 PM

Moments had passed of utter silence until a figure had collided with his quiet form. The force had awoken him from his deep thoughts, startling him. He looked curiously around for the creature who had wandered aimlessly into him, his gaze soon spotting a pure white wolf before him. Her head was low as she apologized, shyly avoiding his eyes. He smiled sympathetically. There was no need to release his annoyance on her.

"You don't have to apologize, really," He assured her kindly, his lyrics deep yet gentle. His cyan eyes examined her wet form. Her height was similar to his with flowing radiant locks. And her eyes, well, he couldn't see them. "Can you look up? There's no need to be shy."

It had been so long since he had come across another being, another soul. Talking and socializing were like new skills to him. He felt just as shy as the strange girl, maybe even more. But finally he had the chance, the chance to be around someone else. Even if she could leave at many moment she wanted.




2 Years
12-06-2014, 10:27 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 04:44 PM by S'alkrie.)

She really didn't know what was coming over her, The woman was probably all over the place. Though, still not used to interacting with others, she would hesitate before looking up.  She would let a few moments slip, before Slowly her cranium would raise, and for the first time looking upon him taking in every detail he had, swallowing in his dark appearance and vibrant eyes, simple but no doubt handsome in her eyes. the woman was still new to this whole thing, and well she still had much to learn. She would still keep her distance away from him, though by now she was sure he was no real threat. The albino didn't really know what to say, and would let a moment of silence slip between them. " I'm S'alkrie" her words would drip from thin lips, sweet and gentle. Was he alone here on this island? She wouldn't expect to see anyone living here. It just seemed so desolate. A paw would skim the floor beneath her, as her gaze would venture over him. " Do you live here?" 

image by Luisiana


12-07-2014, 02:34 AM

She was hesitant, but she finally allowed him to gaze upon her features. She was unlike any creature he had seen before. Sparkling crimson eyes against papery fur. In a way, she was like his opposite. Black and white, blue and red. He wondered how the girl would start the conversation but she simply announced her name. S'alkrie was a pretty name whether it was hers or not.

"I go by Dusk," The brute introduced slyly, knowing that his name suited his appearance. He next gave a warm chuckle before continuing with an answer. "I don't live anywhere."

It was true as far as rogue life went. As a loner he never stayed in the same place for a long period of time. He was always on the move. Even if he was to establish some form of residence, it certainly would not be on these islands. His nose took in a silent whiff of the female's aroma. He could not pick up the scent of a pack, however she could have disguised it well. He expected her to inform him where she resided, unless her answer was similar to his.
