
Looking for Trouble- On the border

Asukal- Kallie


10-18-2014, 09:16 PM
Asukal trotted along the border of Arcanum, not looking for any trouble with the pack in particular, but maybe just a little tiff with a member. She chuckled at the thought, her gray pelt shining silver in the moonlight. Again, the silver she wolf found herself chuckling, she was going to have fun tonight. She needed to blow off some steam from the week, stupid rogue wolves. Her howl pierced through the air, knowing that it would bring someone to the border. She didn't really care who showed, she just knew that they weren't going to be happy responding to the call. Her muscles twitched under her coat as she waited in the cool air. She was trying not to be impatient but it was easier than it looked. Her piercing yellow orbs cut through the dark night.


10-22-2014, 02:24 PM

She would never understand why people insisted on calling her while she was sleeping. Eyes would flutter open at the howl, a sleepy growl vibrating her form. With a glance at Kylar, she would slip from the den and head for the border. Hackles bristled, her eyes narrowing and ears pinned. It would not take long to pick out the dark form of the foolish stranger. "Most of us are asleep at this hour. " Her words were cold and hard, unforgiving for the crim committed. She would stand on her side of the border, looming over the girl. She stood as a silent prsence, waiting for the girl to explain herself. Chances were that this one would not be leaving her tonight. Not unless she was incredibly lucky. And already luck was not on her side. Her tail curled high above her hips, an open display of dominance. Lips would twitch in the beginnings of a snarl, her eyes hardening into faggers that she repeatedly stabbed the girl with. Toes player and claws dug into the earth, her patience was nonexistent at the moment, she was on the verge of launching herself at the girl.


Asukal- Kallie


10-22-2014, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2014, 08:40 PM by Asukal- Kallie.)
Kallie widened her piercing yellow orbs at the threatening female wolf. She chuckled, already liking her. She had hoped to get a rise out of the infamous male alpha here, but she took a sudden liking to this fierce female. Her orbs ablaze with fury, struck Asukal as the type to never back down. "And you are???
Kallie taunted, making sure to sound higher than the wolf, knowing that it would upset her even more. Kallie's attitude bested her as she spoke yet again, "I was expecting someone...a little..tougher...
She smirked, making sure to put stress on that last word, hoping to break through the already cracked exterior of the she-wolf. Her yellow optics narrowed, challenging the she-wolf to an argument. Asukal was all bark and no bite. That was one thing she would never do, actually fight. She preferred her dirty work to be done by others, her mouth fighting for her.
"Burn Baby Burn"


10-25-2014, 09:59 PM

The foolish girl taunted her, a smirk lifting her dark lips. The woman would tsk, shaking her head. "Strike one, two and three." She would murmur softly. Immediately her defenses settled in. Her eyes narrowed, ears pinned and hackles rose. Her shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched as her head fell even with her spine and her chin tucked. Legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed and claws dug into the ground. Her weight was evenly distributed, her tail flagging out behind to act as a rudder.

She struck like lightning. She would launch herself forward, aiming to come at the girl head on. Her left shoulder would jut forward at the last moment, aiming to slam into the soft flesh between the girls chest and left shoulder, hoping to dislocate it. Immediately following, her crown would tip to her left, aiming to come down across the left side of the girls face. She aimed to sink her upper fangs into the girls left eye while her lower fangs sough the tender skin of her left cheek. This foolish whore would pay dearly.



Asukal- Kallie


10-27-2014, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 10:14 PM by Asukal- Kallie.)
Kallie would take note of the white wolf's defenses, quickly realizing that this was more than a heated argument, but instead a fight and she was not going to be a push-over. Her stance evened out, all four legs spread an equal distance apart as her fur bristled, gray fur standing on end, making herself look bigger than she really was in an instinct to intimidate her opponent. In an instant, the white she-wolf had launched herself at Kallie. She would adjust her stance quickly to the right, causing the alpha to slam directly into her left forelimb. The white crown would try to damage her eye, only managing to grasp onto Kallie's ear, tearing it, as the gray wolf tilted her head with her body, to the right and downwards, coming into her chest, in a fluid motion to the right, protecting herself from the blunt of the blow that the white she-wolf had aimed to cause. Her teeth would bare as she finished the fluid motion by side stepping quickly to the right, aiming to avoid any other blow to her body if the she-wolf realized that she had moved to the right. In an effort to regain some balance while hobbling on her right side she dug her claws into the ground and stuck her tail out, touching the ground for a brief second before coming back up to even out her stance.

With blood dripping down her face from the wound to her ear and her left shoulder aching from the force of contact, Kallie angled herself towards the she-wolf head-on, snarling as she would yet again even her balance by digging her claws into the ground, paws and equal distance apart, and her tail straight behind her, parallel to the hard ground as she balanced herself again. Her weight though was forced upon her right side as she tried to keep pressure off of her left limb before launching herself directly towards the white dame. Her right shoulder would aim towards the alpha's collar bone, in an attempt to force her backwards, giving her an advantage as she swung her jaws forward, teeth bared attempting to grab on to the soft sling underneath the muzzle of the white wolf, trying to bring the taller wolf's crown down to face her. Jaws would then swing upwards even farther in an attempt to damage the she-wolf's right eye by digging into the soft fur of her eyebrow and delicate skin of her cheek. She refused to let the she-wolf maul her and her efforts would not be useless.


"Burn Baby Burn"

OOC: Got permission from SecretAffair (aka. Cataleya) to edit post due to coding errors.


10-29-2014, 11:47 PM

She would collide with the girl, a light bruise flaring across her chest. Her jaws missed the girls eye, though she obtained a grip on her ear, and thus jaws would aim to clamp shut, hoping to shred the soft appendage between her daggers with a vicious shake of her head. She would find it amusing how the girl stumbled, needing to right herself before launching herself forward. A dark shoulder would collide with the silver queens chest, causing a moderate bruise to form, the already bruised flesh screaming with outrage. Attempting to throw herself forward, the queen would push off with her hind legs, aiming to collide their chests and further rip the ear that was between her jaws. The girl would then attempt to reach up and grab the underside of her left sided mandible, but all she grabbed was the fat of her left sided neck, defenses preventing her grabbing much more. Fangs sank into fat, piercing flesh and leaving behind no serious damage. Fangs would flash again, aiming to pierce her eye.

To avoid pearly fangs, she would tip her skull to her right, causing fangs to sink into the soft skin of her cheek, easily tearing the tender flesh. She would aim to keep a hold of the girls ears as she brought her left forelimb off the ground. Her weight would redistribute across her legs, hind legs bending deeper to take her weight. She would aim to wrap her left foreleg around her opponents left foreleg. She hoped to obtain a grip that would disrupt her opponents balance. As soon as her leg extended, flailing for the appendage, she would retract it, hoping to catch the limb and jerk it out from under the girl. She would then release the girls ear, jaws gaping and once again aiming for her left eye, upper jaws aimed to pop into the orb while her lower jaw aimed to pierce her cheek.

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head leveled with spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, necks scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, and her weight was evenly distributed.

CATALEYA vs KALLIE for CLAIM: round 2/3?

ooc- claim fights are usually 3 rounds at a minimum, we can keep it at 3, or if you want it short, we can make it 2


Asukal- Kallie


11-01-2014, 03:02 PM
Asukal would manage to hit the silver alpha square in the chest, colliding with the part that had hit her shoulder, as she tilted her head upwards to grab the eye, the alpha would push upwards as well, tearing her soft ear even more than she previously had, due to the death grip that she held on it. The soft appendage would scream in agony as it ripped, blood dripping down her now red stained fur. Her attempt to grab the alpha?s right eye had failed, leaving her with only the soft skin of her cheek clamped in between her pearly daggers. Once she felt the soft skin come in between her canines, she clamped her jaws shut and locked them, attempting to prevent the alpha from moving from her grip and she shook her powerful head to the left and then to the right, in an attempt to rip the soft skin of the cheek even more.

As the silver alpha pushed further upwards, she was left with no other choice than to rise onto her hind legs as she held her grip on the alpha. Suddenly, she was forced downwards onto all four paws as the queen came down again, her grip on the soft cheek torn away from the force of the landing. She quickly balanced herself again, balancing evenly on all fours and digging her razor sharp claws into the hard ground and her tail shooting out behind her for a split second before lowering again, the pain from the shoulder all but forgotten about as she felt the alpha reach for the limb and attempt to pull it out from under her. The alpha would succeed in unbalancing her as she grabbed the forelimb, but she would manage no grip onto it as claws raked across the limb, missing the grip she had intended by merely a centimeter. The balance the dark female had just achieved was slightly disrupted, but she quickly fixed it as she dug her claws further into the soil, tail flying out behind her yet again. The alpha?s death grip on her ear was gone in an instant and the dark female lunged forward towards the alpha, in an attempt to disrupt her balance as she reached her head downwards and to the left, barely missing the alpha?s attempt to yet again grab hold of her left eye, the grip only managing to grab onto the soft skin beneath her ear and her eyebrow, tearing the skin easily. Pain shot through the dark femme but she ignored it as she lunged toward the alpha?s jugular, not wanting to kill her but wanting the alpha to feel immense pain as she attempted to grab hold of it, her position having shifted due to the defense she had taken in order to miss the alpha?s fatal attempt to grab her yellow optic.

As she fought the alpha, all her defenses had stayed intact; her fur bristled, her eyes wide to see every movement, her balance even, and her growls deafening. She was unbalanced a little by the alpha?s attempt at grabbing her left forelimb but she regained it quickly. She hadn?t been injured severely, though her shoulder still was in pain and her ear had been ripped by the alpha?s grip.
CATALEYA vs KALLIE for CLAIM: round 2/3 "
"Burn Baby Burn"

OOC: 3 rounds sounds fine with me


11-04-2014, 01:03 AM

The battle raged on. Blood was spilled and soon she would teach this little fool a lesson in respect. The foolish girl would spend an eternity as a slave, never allowed to forget the mistakes she made. Fangs sank into the tender flesh of her cheek, immediately drawing blood. But soon a new pain would flare at the little bitch shook her head back and forth, shredding the skin on her cheek. The wound would undoubtedly scar as her skin was torn away from the flesh beneath it. But feel the girl tumble made it all worth the pain. She and successfully grabbed her opponents foreleg, though she had obtained no grip, thus her paw would immediately plant itself on the ground, her weight redistributing her legs spreading equidistant once more. It was however, disappointing to once again miss the girls precious eye. Instead her fangs would collide with the skin below her ear, teeth jarring against her skull, causing a small bruise to form that would cause her teeth to be sensitive. She would attempt to drag her fangs across the girls face, wanting nothing more than to causing scarring and rip flesh.

Boldly, her opponent would launch herself at her throat, fangs aimed for the vital artery beneath her pelt. But due to her scrunched neck and shoulders being pushed forward, the girl would only grab fat and fourth, fangs sinking to cause moderate puncture wounds that would heal with no issue. Her jugular was safe, for now. In retalion, she would again attempt to throw her weight into her opponents chest, so that her left shoulder was nearly centered on her darker opponents chest. She hoped to either knock the girl back or continue to cause bruising. Her crown would then abandon the girls face, tipping to her left sharping in an attempt to grab the top of the girls scruff, just at the base of her skull. She hoped for a grip that give her control of her opponent so that she could force the girl to the ground.

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head leveled with spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, necks scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, her tail straight and aligned with her spine, and her weight was evenly distributed.



Asukal- Kallie


11-06-2014, 08:08 PM

Yellow eyes glowed with a flash of triumph as she witnessed the blood flow freely from the alpha's cheek that she had ripped, sure to leave a scar. Though that joy soon vanished as teeth clashed against her skull, starting to form a bruise that flared in pain, ricocheting all the way down to her fangs, causing any bite to feel pained. The stupid bitch. Her anger flared as she snarled threateningly at the wolf in front of her,ears pinned against her head, her stance evening out.

Her stance was soon unbalanced as a harsh shoulder found its way against her chest, forcing her to stumble backwards. A bruise flared across her chest, reigniting the pain of her previous ache on her shoulder. Her breath was forced from her body as she felt the ache of her chest grow. Her tooth ache was long forgotten as frustration and anger towards the alpha. Forcing her breath to come to her, the she wolf would reestablish her balance before launching straight at the queen, aiming her shoulder straight at the collarbone, hoping to ignite the bruise that she had already caused and force her off balance. Her shoulder wailed in anguish at the impact and her chest flared, her teeth clenching in agony, further igniting more pain but she didn't let it over power her. If she was gonna be claimed, she was at least going to earn some respect from the queen.

As she fought, the gray warrior would keep her defenses in check: weight even, snarl painted across her muzzle, ears pinned tight against her head (one bleeding from the tear, never to recover from the injury), claws dug into the ground, paws equidistant, and tail flung out behind her as a propellor.

CATALEYA vs KALLIE for CLAIM: round 3/3

"Burn Baby Burn"

The Judge


11-21-2014, 02:52 PM

Cataleya v Asukal- Kallie for Force claiming

Round 1

10 for clarity- all clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +2 for shove +3 bite to left side of face +1 for maim attempt

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 46/50

Asukal- Kallie:

1 for clarity- -2 adjusting stance to the right doesn't really make sense, do you mean move to the right? -2 how did Cataleya miss her intended mark upon asukal's face? -2 it doesn't really make sense tilting her body to the right and downwards, coming into her chest. -2 where abouts on the collar bone did she try to hit? the left or right side? -1 'soft sling' doesn't really make sense

0 for powerplaying. -2 you must attempt the movement of protecting herself by the blunt blow. -1 must attempt to move to the right. -2 must attempt to angle self head on. -2 must attempt to launch self a cataleya. -2 'giving an advantage' basically assumed the attack was successful. -2 its highly unlikely you'd be able to do two jaw attacks.

4 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +2 for shove +3 for bite to face on eyebrow/cheek.

10 for injuries.

Round one Total: 20/50

Round 2


7 for clarity- -2 where on the chest did asukal hit? -1 where abouts on the left side of the neck? Nearer the top? centre? bottom?

7 for powerplaying. -3 shaking crown, attempting to clash chest, attempting to worsen ear, attempting to unbalance and aiming for left eye is way to much movement and it seems unlikely for them all to be successful

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +2 for trying to unbalance +2 for trying to tear ear +1 for trying to worsen +1 for attempting to collide chests

4 for injuries. -2 for bruising to chest -4 for bite to cheek and neck

Round two Total: 34/50


6 for clarity- -2 where had her position shifted against the opponent? -2 overall i found it rather difficult to follow.

8 for powerplaying. -2 attempt needed when lunging forward. -2 attempt needed when lunging for jugular.

4 for defenses. +1 for each seen, try not repeating the same attacks over and over.

6 for attack. +3 for attempting to tear flesh from cheek +1 for attempting to worsen. +2 for attempting to grab jugular.

3 for injuries. -2 injuries behind ear and eyebrow, -3 injury to ear worsened -2 for bruising

Round two Total: 27/50

Round 3


6 for clarity- -2 not very specific on where she wanted to scar on face. -2 where abouts did she get wounded on the neck? the side, front?

8 for powerplaying. -2 must attempt to left shoulder to be centred near chest.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +2 for attempting to slam chest +3 for attempting to grab scruff +1 for attempting to control.

5 for injuries. -3 scarring to cheek -2 wounds to neck

Round Three Total: 35/50


8 for clarity- -2 where about's on collarbone?

6 for powerplaying. -2 fangs to skull would cause much more then bruising. -2 must attempt launch at cataleya

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +2 for shove +3 bite to collarbone

5 for injuries. -2 for bruising -3 injuries to skull

Round Three Total: 29/50


Cataleya: 115/150

Asukal-Kallie: 76/150

And the winner is...

Cataleya! Asukal-Kallie must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.





For Cataleya good fight, i think you just need to watch out for to much movement, overall you did great!

For Asukal-kallie good job! I suggest attempting more defenses and not repeating the same ones. You should also attempt every action you make and be very specific when targeting an attack! pm me for questions

- By [Luisiana]

Asukal- Kallie


11-26-2014, 09:29 PM
A final growl emerged from her ebony lips, grimacing as she crouched lower and lower onto the ground. She hated submitting, but it was obviously what she had to do. The large femme had easily overpowered the smoky dame, leaving her with minimal injuries but a pounding migraine and a permanently torn ear that was still bleeding down her muzzle. With a final spit she laid completely on the ground, her ears laid flat against her small crown.

Silently, all traces of defiance fled from her yellow gaze, replaced only by respect and a tinge of pain as she relished in the brief darkness with each blink. This migraine was killing her. Her ashen tail swept across her medium frame, her gaze timid and submissive as she looked towards the silver queen. Damn wolf. Stupid headache. With a. Sigh she rested her pounding head on her paws.

"You win." she muttered, her piercing gaze hidden behind her eyelids as she tried not to cringe. Stupid bitch.

"Burn Baby Burn"



12-05-2014, 07:42 PM

The girl would go limp, rolling to the ground as her silver paws. Victory rang out in her gaze as a twisted grin lifted her bloodied lips. She would release the girl, towering over her as the now prisoner admitted her defeat. "Welcome to Arcanum." Soft words dripped venom. "The only way you'll be leaving, is if you successfully fight for your freedom. And if try to run, I'll kill you." She would murmur softly, a sweet coo almost, to her defeated opponent. Lips curled into a grin that bared her bloodied fangs before she turned away from the girl, moving back into her home. Audits tipped back, listening for the telltale signs that her newest prisoner was now following her obediently into her new home. There was no changing her fate now, unless she managed to successfully beat her in a fight to secure her freedom. It was a rarity that the silver queen ever granted her slaves their freedom willingly. And when she did, there was always an ulterior motive.

