
To condemn a man


12-02-2014, 05:15 PM

The darkness enraptures him, it disguises every inch of his being until he is one with the night.  The shadow caresses him, lightly it touches his flesh, the taut and ugly skin which disfigures his face.  A tenderness plays over him, the chaste fingers of a love lost and later - through hardship - renewed.  He resents the timid affection of light's absence.  The faux fidelity of night, which in time will betray him to the harsh brilliance of daylight.  Time and again it has given him up, peeling away to fall into the desperately seeking arms of another, so he finds no solace here.

A lipless muzzle offers a bitter snarl to the world.  His brows, hairless as the day he was birthed into this harsh and unforgiving existence, knit together and he is the picture of cold indifference.  His Brother has fallen away into the black abyss, he knows he follows but at what pace he can't determine beyond foolishly slow.  So in to new lands he goes alone, arrogant but uncertain, never the confident brazen young beast he might have been.  Rejection hangs from him like vines, weighs him down until he feels as though his paws are encased in mud.

It is this well tended fear, harboured and nourished until it burns in every inch of his body, that makes him embrace the dark.  Hidden where none can se him unless he wishes it, disguised as being nothing short of normal.  Perhaps, in this pitch black emptiness he can even be called handsome... Perhaps.


Helios I


9 Years
12-03-2014, 02:17 PM
Helios did not like the field, it carried too much blood, too many memories. Still he knew he had to travel them from time to time. Wolves often put themselves up for claiming and Pantheon would not flourish if it was left to stagnate. New blood would be necessary at all times and the lands they had chosen didn’t exactly lend itself well to encourage others to search them out; blocked as they were by the ocean and the rivers. So the russet man made the long trek to the field.

Ears were cocked, turning with each noise. It seemed the field was never really empty, calls always going out for fights. A sigh filled his chest, why the wolves of these lands could not just make peace he did not know. Deep ruby orbs roved over the horizon, landing upon the form of another wolf. There had been no call though, whoever this boy was he had not actively sought to make his presence known. Helios approached with caution, tail high over his rump and head held high in sign of his position. The man stopped some distance away but assured that he would not be missed. No words passed from black lips but he watched. 


"Burn Baby Burn"


12-04-2014, 11:24 PM

Occ: Newly acquired ruler of Isokan, just haven't had her updated yet.

No call was given, no summons and yet the male came here. For one reason or another, he seemed to be a rogue. Question was, was he right for the pack. Tail flicking the demoness pulled her self out from the shadows, that frosted gaze falling upon another form. Another wolf; perhaps from a pack she had yet to visit. But alas, she hadn't visited any of the other pack lands as of yet to determine an alliance or standing with her now, acquired pack. Ascending to the throne had been easy, the previous alpha had been weak and unwilling to uphold their leadership. Thus after a bit of fun, Morgana had found her self with the crown upon her head. It had been interesting to say the least.

But putting such aside, the women turned to the rogue; not bothering with a dominance stance as the male had. However she was still regal in her movements, as if every shift or step had a precise purpose. "I suppose you are seeking a pack, or are you here for a fight?" The question was simple and yet asked both of such a thing at once. It was either or the male was here for, the question was; which one?


12-06-2014, 04:08 AM

When he sees the man in the distance he glares at him, the arrogance of the brute.  Alpha or not, to flaunt ones power simply shows vanity and the young wolf would have curled his lips if he'd had any to curl.  Lowering his rump until he was sitting the beast supposed there was no point continuing on his way as the other man had clearly spotted him, the shadowed fiend parted his jaws, ready to address the man when she arrived.

His left ear folded back toward his skull, the right a lump of scarred flesh fused to the top of his head.  The skin of his ear scored the skin of his head, hot on cold.  "Monsieur, Mademoiselle."  He dips his head, rearing back until he is certain the shadows have fallen across him.  Purple eyes eerily illuminated by the darkness around them.  The bitch questions his purpose and the monster tilts his head, feels pressure rise across his spine.  His eyes flick to somewhere to her left, not quite looking the Woman in the eye - he can't.

"Perhaps it is both I seek ma chère."  With the addition of the other male his confidence is peeked, gaze not on her but not visible flitting away, this is a game he has played before - he is a master at it.  Avoid the female, let her think he is more than he appears, hide in the darkness until you have lulled her enough that she will not run from you.  Hide.  "Perhaps I seek neither."


Helios I


9 Years
12-06-2014, 09:50 PM
If Helios had known the boy’s first impressions of him he’d have laughed, or grown annoyed, probably a combination of them both. He had never flaunted anything in his life, at least he didn’t think so. No the posture he held now was more formality than necessity, a possible warning to the less brave wolves skulking the field that he would not be an easy target, even if he went down there would be a pack of wolves seeking their heads in revenge. In truth despite how used to it he was, the role of leader still felt wrong. His wife was the queen he was just along for the ride, supporting her silently while she lead them into a new age… he was more like to lead them all off a ravine. So despite the appearance of his posture it felt more like a coat two sizes too big than an actual dominant stance.

Another figure approached and Helios stiffened, narrowed rubies roving over her form. The way she held herself set him on edge and his stance shifted slightly. Tail dropping a bit and head lowering, a slightly more defensive position though he was not eager for what he was sure would eventually come. She smelt of Isokan… had something happened to Arian? A slight twinge of worry entered him as he wondered after the fate of his former pack mate.

Then she would speak and the boy would reply. Helios would finally settled upon his haunches with an eye roll. He had little time for the game the boy seemed determined to play but wasn’t quite ready to back down in front of the unknown woman. "If it’s neither you seek I do recommend you not linger long. " He cast his gaze about briefly, his ears twitched back towards them the whole time. "The field has tasted enough blood for ten life times, it doesn’t need to taste yours too." He gave the boy a pointed look, no threat in his words but his tone not wholly concerned. 


"Burn Baby Burn"



12-06-2014, 10:10 PM

The demoness would wait, awaiting a response from the boy. Yet what he said caused that ead to tittle slightly, so he spoke french. "Eh bien, est -ce pas intéressant." The women purred freely, speaking her native tongue. The one her family had upheld throughout the generations in their own lands; their roots were deeply set in the lands as were their traditions and culture. To find one outside of it was a rare thing indeed, much less once that spoke french such as she.

But Morgana knew not to remain in such a tongue for long, for it would undoubtedly confuse the other poor fellow here. A pity, she missed speaking her native language as freely as she had done so once before. However it seemed her appearance had put the other male on edge. Good, he was right to fear her and yet she wasn't quite giving him a reason to do so. "While I would normally disagree, I do have to agree with him." The demoness spoke softly but slightly pointed her muzzle towards the russet man. The women wondered what the rogue's response would be. "But neither am I here to play games." Normally Morgana would be more then willing, but in heat and grouchy as all hell, she was doing her best to be nice. There was a very thin line between being nice and just outright force claiming him on the spot. Still, the women refused to take a seat, she wanted to do what business that needed to be done and to get out of here. Not take all day.