
i lost control and i don't want it back

Vesta I


1 Year
11-20-2014, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2014, 01:13 PM by Vesta I.)
Hoping to transition Vesta from her normal self to her chaotic evil alignment that Sin would have made her. AW/Maybe Roman????

The pasty white girl had been keeping herself busy. She thought herself too young to training because she wasn't one year of age yet. She had been teaching herself some hunting but she had made a sport of it. She had been trying out different forms of hunting and that was what had brought her through the sparse pines of Regium's territory that day. She had her eyes narrowed and she was crouched down. She slunk along the ground, her face filled with focus and determination. Cross my heart and hope to die. Burn my lungs and curse my eyes. I lost control and I don't want it back. I'm going off this track. She had plenty of time to think, remaining isolated from the pack to contemplate the change. She decided that she was alright with the change. The fact was that she could learn a lot from her aunt. Her full aunt, Roman, was alright and hopefully the queen could teach her niece a bit about what it was like to be a leader. One day, she would lead a pack on her own.

"Damn you." She cursed under her breathe as she was once more reminded of her wretched father and how he had abandoned them. She wasn't the same helpless girl she had been when her father had left. She was strong. She was independent. She was proud. She was strong. She was brave. She was Vesta Armada. She needed to stop talking to herself in simple sentences.


11-24-2014, 08:34 PM

 When it came to change- Roman was not yet done surprising the wolves of Regium. With the merge of Fehu and Regium practically breathing down her neck, she wondered how the wolves she cared for would take the news. She wandered her forest, the worries of politics breathing down her neck- and that definitely didn't help the feelings her heat brought to her. She was disgruntled and about to die if some of these feelings weren't released. So she patrolled, and patrolled hard- trying to exhaust herself so she could sleep. It was as she loped along the borders that she scented Vesta. Curiousity drew her towards her niece, and mentally she wonderd what Sin would think of her interest in his daughter. Roman and Sin hadn't seen eye to eye on.. anything, at least in the time they had been in Alacritis. She couldn't really remember their childhood. 

It didn't take her too far from the border- nor to long in time to near the young she-wolf. Softly, she'd speak to announce herself. "Such language." She commented softly, her were warm though- lacking any sense of disapproval. A slight smile pulled at her jaws. She halted a few feet from the youngster, her haunches folding gracefully to the ground. "Learning to hunt?" She inquired of the girls posture. Curiosity lit her face, as she stared and waited to see what was going on. 



Vesta I


1 Year
11-25-2014, 01:24 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2014, 01:25 PM by Vesta I.)

She turned to the sarcastic and humor laced scorn from her leader and full aunt with a shy smile. She couldn't help but give a small snicker. If only she has unleashed her full vocabulary when her aunt was in her presence, then perhaps Roman would have meant those words for real. Her aunt asked her a direct question and she gave a swift nod in response. "Trying to anyway. I'm afraid that I fell ill some time back and with my father walking out on my life, I haven't been focused on my training like I had originally intended." Her words were carefully placed as she looked up to the new leader. This woman was alright... she supposed.

Vesta wondered what her esteemed leader was doing out and about. Vesta often wondered if the leader was always around watching everyone to make sure they didn't slack off. Perhaps that was why Roman was with her that day. Perhaps Roman had noticed that the girl had been slacking her off with her training and learning. Was Vesta in trouble? She hoped not.


12-10-2014, 08:46 PM

Vesta was quick to answer her, and Roman gave an approving nod. It was nice to see that the girl was working on her training, already she was showing some ambition that was hugely prevalent in the Armada bloodlines. Already Roman wondered what the girl would grow up to be. "You cannot help falling ill- nor your father disappearing." She said simply, she couldn't blame Vesta for falling behind. "I dare-say I should appoint a wolf to mentor you soon. You're close to being yearling, yes?" She inquired curiously. She didn't remember when Sin- had conceived this litter, Gods- she hadn't even known that he had this litter. "I'd offer to mentor you myself- but I don't want to let you down, since I tend to get wrapped up on politics and pack relations. I will definitely keep an eye on your progress, though." She would have to find a able wolf to mentor the youngster. Roman wouldn't have time with the packs merging- to be committed too it, and she didn't want to disappoint her. "How are you and Arietta doing?" She asked, her tone gently inquiring and curious. 

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak