
You can't spell slaughter without laughter


06-16-2013, 02:33 PM

Segolia wandered through these new lands. Snow crunches beneath her paws as she messed a herd of buffalo. That's odd for them to be here this far into winter, perhaps I'll hunt one of the weaker ones tomorrow. the thought absent-mindedly to herself. An even offer thought was nagging at the back of her mind. She didn't know what it meant, so she ignored it. Segolia finally came to a smash stream, frozen over. She crashed some ice with a purse and later up her fill. It was a peaceful evening, and the sunset was beautiful. Oranges, reds, yellows, little did she know that it might be her last.

After a while she crunched a few mint leaves from her herb bag and lay relaxing on the bank. The wonderful hues of the sunset warming her and making tho colours in her purely dance upon her skin. She sighed and closed her eyes, at ease.



06-16-2013, 03:11 PM
The bite could see his breath as be breathed out. Breath....what did that signify? Life. And without're a dead man. Amethys eyes sweeped the lands as the male spotted a few buffalo here and there. Such odd, hairy, day and ugly putrid creatures. Of course probably delicious, juicy, and divine to the palate. Baxter kicked his lips as he kept on walking. Why catch something on his own when he could have others do it for him. A smirk appeared on his maw as a scent reached the male's nose. Bax scented a dame not too far from where he was .

White tipped ears perked up as the male came closer and closer to the scent of another wolf.Hm, how did he feel today? Merciful or a bit moody? Whatever, why not kill the bitch then be on his way....or would he dare to try to take a bite of her flesh in an attempt to feed his hunger. Perhaps...or just go and eat something a civilized man would do. Sure Bax should have his paws staine with blood but he wasn't unsophisticated and civil. Baxter Karvichi wasn't like those mongrels that did whatever they desired to do withou thought.

As of now the wolf just had a desire to get his claws dirty with crimson today. It would be..."fun". Too bad his brother Kovu wasn't around to join in. Bax knew his brother would have liked this. A sigh passed the brute's lips as he then came upon the white and black dame. He stood upright while displaying his sharp and handsome frame. Amethyst eyes looked at her up and down then did he give her a smirk of a smile.

" name is Baxter, Baxter Karvichi...what may your name be?" he asked in an alluring tone.

First a sliver of trust would be established before he decided to have a sudden claw spasm....patience...patience...


06-16-2013, 03:38 PM

Segolia heard a rising in the bracken just as a handsome brute came into view. She immediately stood up, eyeing the man. He looked strong, with a certain, violent air about him. But she mustn't judge a book by its cover, so she dismissed it. The brute spoke, name is Baxter, Baxter Karvichi...what may your name be? the brute says with a smile upon his maw. Segolia replied, My name is Segolia, and why are you interested? She said, cutting to the chase. She didn't like small talk. Segolia looked into the brutes eyes, which were liking her up and down. She snorted, Men. The lovely sunset failed across her fur and allighting the stream beside her.



06-16-2013, 04:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2013, 04:12 PM by Baxter.)
Baxter looked at the dame as she stood up before him then said her name.

"Segolia..." he said, letting her name roll off his tongue.

Then she asked him why he was interested. Then she snorted at him. A brow raised as Bax narrowed his amethyst eyes. How dare she, the little bitch! At least she was pretty...the male would give her that. Such a rebellious tongue she had...yet he didn't like it when it was directed at him.

Hm, so she was one to speed things up was she? Did this mean Bax should just kill her then and there? No..stick to your mind. Baxter knew it was way too early to strike. His mind had begun to decide a Plan as he continued.

"Well if you really want to know, I came over here to kill you." he said as he made a serious face.

Then the corners of his mouth turned upwards as he smiled and broke out into a chuckle. Baxter knew where he was going with this, it was the perfect plan.

"I bet you really thought l meant that, and probably judged me when you first saw me!" he said with a friendly smile and tone, making this sound like he made a joke.

"Of course the real reason I came over here is because I just...come on you're very attractive and I just couldn't draw my eyes away from you." he said while cautiously taking a few steps closer to her then giving her a charming smile.

Baxter drew in closer so he would have the opportunity to nuzzle her neck if she didn't move away. The brute knew that after she replied he would strike. Right after she replied, and if she didn't move. He would go in to nuzzle her neck but he wouldn't nuzzle it...he would bite it... The Maka's plan was almost too ingenious! Even if it didn't work he had to reward himself with the though of a brilliant plan. Or maybe he would fuck the bitch then kill her. So many options.... Heck, he had all the time in the world.

"Listen...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable...but I-I'm very attracted to you" he said in a coo in her ear.

Bax hoped she would give in as he then rubbed his side against hers, fur against fur. A slow rumble came from him as he tried to soothe her thoughts. What would come next...he didn't know. Hopefully she wouldn't move or hopefully she would also show a little affection in return. Bax didn't care which part of him would be satisfied at this sunset. Either his cock or claws, no preference was there.

So he waited and wait did be do...patiently...quietly...and at the same time tried to show affection and make him look like a male swept off his feet for this dame called Segolia...whatever would work. Amethyst eyes looked at her with a sliver of care in them. He wanted to make it look like he cared about her...hopefully she would buy it.

Sixx I


06-16-2013, 04:20 PM
?? ?Sixx gave a quiet growl from the bushes. He could sense a possiblity of blood spilling in this place. He let out a crooked grin as he watched a dame and a stud speak. He didn't know the male, but a phycopath knew one of his own when he saw one. And by god he saw one. He listened as the male went on about how beautiful she was. And yes, he was right.?

?? He took a step from the bushes with a rather sweet smile on his face. "oh yes she is very beautiful indeed." He hoped the other male'd be willing to share this catch. He gave a chuckle as he smelt the girl. What a sweet scent. It'd been forever since he'd eaten female meat... Well... It seemed like forever.

?? ?His ill intentions didn't radiate off him at all though. Just a glace to the other male signaled he was on his side. He circled around, blocking the path of exit, his ivory fur swaying as he stepped, his saffire blue eyes hypnotic in a sense. He wanted blood tonight, and by gods he'd get it one way or another! "i hope your willing to share the sweetheart"


06-17-2013, 10:01 AM

Choose Wisely, on your next move!

Segolia was killed by the sweet talking voice, but she hadn't lost all her common sense yet. The man repeated her name, in an almost, thoughtful way. What's he planning? After a while the man said, Well if you really want to know,I came over here to kill you. the man looked like he was serious, but busy into a smile almost immediately afterwards. I bet you really thought I meant that, and probably judged me when you first saw me! Baxter made a smile like he was just kidding, but Segolia wasn't sure.She gave him a almost trusting glance, but not completely.

Of course the real reason I came over here is because I just...come on you're very attractive and I just couldn't draw my eyes away from you. Segolia narrowed her eyes, What's this guy playing at? [/I ] He took two steps forward, stopping a few steps away. He shot her a smile, and at last her sense snapped, [i] so what, what's the worst that can happen? When he got close enough, just past her face, she withdrew a bit. He said, Listen...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable...but I-I'm very attracted to you. Do I come across as submissive? Pretty boy? She took a step back and sat down, eyeing him. Two can play at this game

The brute rubbed his fur against her soothingly, she rubbed back, the sweet sticky sent off her heat running onto his fur. She stayed still, the tension to great. After a few minutes she saw some rustling in the bushes and a large brute appeared. Panic returned to her, her heart beating fast. The new brute spoke, saying that she was also beautiful. What are these men playing at? She didn't dare move, just in case. The new brute carried on to speak, I hope your willing to share the sweetheart A grin was plastered in the brutes face after he spoke, sending a chill down Segolia' s spine. Her sense want going to last for long. Maybe two could play at this game, but three?



06-17-2013, 10:15 AM

Perhaps the oddest feature about the sinewy dame was her eyes, bi-colored eyes stared ahead of her, as she paced through the lands. The colors offsetting her personality, hinting at the madness within, one neon pink the other a cyan blue. The colors stood out from her tawny colored coat, and also from the white snow surrounding her. She didn?t know how she ended up out here, but that wasn?t unusual, she often ended up in places with no clue as to how she got there. Tonight she was hungry, and craving a meal she hadn?t had in months. She moved at a quick and agile pace, her legs eating the ground beneath her with every lope.

Land was clear here, but it was evident that buffalo had been here, and as she came top of a rather large hill, she saw three other wolves at the bottom of it. Curious she strolled down it, her pace slowing leisurely. Attention of these wolves seemed rather fixated on one wolf, a female, and as she neared the conversation she picked up tidbits here and there. ?Now, now boys, hasn?t mother taught you not to play with dinner??She asked, her voice whimsical, as her jaws parted to reveal her teeth, a smile growing as she looked at the other female. By, and by, dinner was sounding really damn good.



06-17-2013, 10:33 AM
OOC: May contain some bad language

She had been lying low since first reuniting with her brother, lurking quietly in the shadows. This evening was no different. Sensitive audits twitched at the nearby sounds of voices, and the distinctive smell of a bitch in heat. Lips curled back in a sneer, two brutes were with her. The scent of her own heat emanated around her. Powerful stilts pushed her forward, paws crunching the snow beneath her paws. She had no use for being quiet. As she made her enterance, a second bitch had appeared. There was no surprise that she was the largest out of the three, both males competing with her size. One brute was unknown to her, but the other she had encountered before, before her brother came barging in, hopefully he stayed away this time. Her grey form appeared shortly after the newest dame, catching her words. "I must say I agree." She purred to the group, coral gaze shifting from unfamiliar face to unfamiliar face. Dinner sounded wonderful. The though of spilling this bitches blood made her mouth water.

It seemed as though she was quite popular in these parts, drawing quite a crowd to her. And for what? She didn't appear to be dying or wounded. Was she just that unlucky? Well now that Cat showed up she was. She was dead woman walking. A predatory glance landed on the oddly marked she-wolf, who seemed nearly oblivious to the danger she was in. It was apparent that everyone here, wanted a piece of her. However the more wolves that appeared, the more panicky she appeared to become. Who wouldn't? She was standing at deaths doorstep, and it was only a matter of time before she was beckoned inside.

ooc- wasn't sure how tall Baxter or Sixx are, so I'm just assuming XD

Sixx I


06-17-2013, 01:09 PM
?? His let out a madd cackle as two mors bitches made their way in. Both looked damn near as crazy as he was! ?"HAHA! hot girls galore! Today's Sixx's lucky day!!" His voice was low and dangerous, creepy enought to rattle the dead to life! His white fur puffing out around his thick body, making him look like an even bigger monster than he really was.?

?? ?He placed a massive paw infront of the other as he inched closer, his teeth showing through his phycotic smile. He heard Jeezbelles snide remark about his 'mother' and let out another cold laugh. "She has such pretty eyes... I call dibs on eyes and rib meat." He growled lowly.

??He snarled and launched a sudden attack at her left flank, aiming for the soft belly and hoping to do damage. He wanted her to die slowly and painfully. ?His muzzle wrinkled in his growl showing his deadly arsenal of teeth, his front paws reached out to attempt to snag any flesh. His tail was straight out from his spine for balance and his muscles tensed. Sixx was tired of waiting for a meal.

( ooc: nom nom)


06-17-2013, 01:43 PM

The brute felt her fur rub against his in return...his nose took in the scent of her heat. It was only until a few more wolves arrived did he narrow his amethyst eyes at them. Not so much at the dames but at the other brute. Bax knew he was on his side but he wasn't done with Segolia yet. Patience was obviously not one of the brute's attirbutes. It wasn't long before one of the dame's told them about their mothers teaching them not to play with their food. With a small chuckle Baxter replied.

"My mother may have told me that; but I put her in her place and sent her to her grave." he said

Baxter then watched as the other brute went for the first bite. With a growl the male followed and went for the throat. As his powerful paws on his long and powerful legs hit the ground he tossed up some snow. With a loud snarl Bax opened his maw and closed his jaw on the dame's neck.He didn't bite down too hard but light enough to pierce the skin a bit and hold her there.

"Sorry sweetheart, I guess we'll have a nice little fuck in the afterlife then eh? Stop by hell sometime when I'm dead so you can please me as I return the favor." he said as he held onto her neck, his amethyst eyes meeting her own.

Then as soon as he had finished his small speech to her his jaws clomped down on her neck hard. Baxter tried to bite down as hard as he could while shaking his head to try to tear the flesh. Blood, he could taste blood. The male's tongue greeted the salty and coppery taste as it flowed into his mouth.

"WELL WHAT ARE YOU TWO WAITING FOR?!?!" he said to the two dame's who had also shown up. This was a feast for them, and he and this other brute had opened up the buffet table.

Then turning to the other brute he spoke his mind as well.

"AND YOU! COULDN'T YOU HAVE HELD YOUR STOMACH?!?! We could have fucked the bitch before we ate her! Such a thing gone to waste." He said before turning to clomp down onto her throat again.

Baxter then looked at the brute again before speaking once more.

"You can have whichever part you want. As long as you can crack open the head for me so I can get the brain." he said with a small chuckle.

Oh how the man wanted to let his canines bite into the soft tissue of the brain. And how the blood would drip down his lip...Baxter almost moaned at the thought.

As the brute looked at Segolia he let go of her throat but in fact went in to nuzzle her neck, giving some sort of comfort if she wasn't already dead yet. Maybe she would forgive him...but what should he care. This place had made him soft! To hell with kindness! If he had been alone the wolf would have fucked the shit out of this bitch THEN eat her brains and drink her blood.

How this seemed like heaven but he knew he was going to hell. If so...maybe she would hold him up on that little rendezvous when he himself died. With a grin and a cackle Baxter then continued to tear at Segolia's flesh.

Sixx I


06-17-2013, 02:27 PM
Sixx growled "well whats stopping you! Shes not dead yet!" he barked at baxter. "ill hold her down for you " he let go of her stomach, carefull not to wound her fataly yet and assumed a position on the back of her neck to allow for easy accsess. "only if you give me a turn as well. However, i personaly dont mind banging on a corpse... How she'll make a pretty one." he purred evily.?

His cold paws dug into the ground for a good hold. He was getting a rush just from holding her down for someone else, he only immagined how great itd be to have a turn himself. He glanced back at jeezbelle. "perhapd you'd like some as well after the meal?" he was obviously hitting on her, he was more of a one night stand man, not really one to spark a relationship.


06-17-2013, 02:31 PM

Two more sadness showed up, the first one saying something about his mother, but she was to scared to take notice. The larger brute didn't waste time as he sunk his teeth into her left flank, getting her belly in the first lunge. She was almost screaming with pain, but she knew there was no point in fighting back, and smaller point in running. She was outnumbered, and outstrengthened. The first brute made a line at her aswell, wanting her brain. Segolia just stood there, letting it happen, screaming. She let loose a terrible, bone rattling howl, shaking the earth, her final note of her life. The light left her purple eyes, her herb patch fell from her side, and she dropped. She felt a soft nuzzling at her side and saw Baxter at her neck. huh? She shook the thought away quickly now wasn't the time. She thanked anyone who has ever shown kindness to her, and looked up at Sixx and Baxter with cold hatred in her eyes.

Ooc: now a seracian wolf should come and see and then report the news.



06-17-2013, 02:55 PM
The two brutes wasted no time in attacking her. Pushing forward, Cat approached the screaming dame, eyes glued to her chest. She would have this bitches heart. Lip curled back in a snarl, jaws parting in order to grab her flesh. Crown shook violently as she tore flesh and muscle from the bone, wanting to reveal her pretty little ribs. Daggers snapped, jaws clicking together audibly, trying to get ahold of her ribs, her intent to snap them. She tuned out the two brutes, ignoring their desire to fuck her, all she listened to was the sound of the girls screams, her blood curlding howl. Blood began to stain her pelt, crimson blending in with the light gray. It had been so long since she had tasted another wolfs blood, or so it seemed. She felt the brutes shift around, switching who held the bitch by her throat. Cataleya usually kept her killings private, or with her just her brother. The second brute had moved to grab the back of her neck, leaving her torn throat exposed. And that was when she struck.

She looked down as the soft purple eyes of the woman, seeing nothing but hatred. A small smile tugged at her lips, lowering her crown, she cooed softly in the dames ear, "Don't fret my dear, this will only hurt a little. Words never lost their soft comforting purr as her jaws wrapped around the womans muzzle. Her grip was at an angle, lifting her head up so that her skull tilted to the side. Her screams where silence for a moment. Until Cat clamped her jaws together with crushing force. At the very least, the bones in her lower jaw would snap, rendering her jaw useless. She spit the womans jaws from her own, a devilish smile gracing her features. Her salmon tongue appeared, gently caressing her torn neck. The bitch would feel nothing but pain before she shook her last dying breath. Returning her chest cavity, the massive woman reared up, paws crashing down on her ribs. She didn't care if the bitch lived long enough for the brutes to fuck her or not, she wanted her beating heart. The was satisfying crack as her ribs began to facture under her heavy weight.


06-17-2013, 04:13 PM
With a sigh the male suddenly lost interest in the subject. He wondered if he was full enough to leave. Even so, the brute hadn't even ate a bite of flesh from the dame. Should he? Or should he not? Baxter then looked at the dame Catelaya as he remembered their encounter not too long ago. His amethyst eyes watched her as she seemed to butcher the body. It was only the scent of the flowing blood and the scent of the late dame's heat that kept Bax at the scene. With a snicker the brute leaned down to quickly lick the deceased Segolia on the cheek before he started to run away from the scene.

The brute left the other wolves to have their fun and enjoy the buffet. But this brute was out. Baxter never quite liked working in a group anyways. Maybe it would have been more fun if his brother Kovu was here.

-Exit Baxter-

OOC: Maka's gonna throw in Vlad to try and shoo away teh wolfies so a Seracian wolf can come and ya know do whatever has to be done with Segolia's body or whatever. idk xD gentle...xD lol


06-17-2013, 04:29 PM
Vladimir had made it to Winter alone...of course he had not seen anyone from his family and was getting a bit pissed. Didn't they care for him? Didn't they want him back...even go looking for him? Heck no, they probably rejoiced in the fact that their son was gone, and with his smart ass mouth too. Vladimir had to change and he had to do something good. The boy wasn't getting any more mature so he had to make a change to that. Damn...Vlad couldn't do anything right could he.

Dark gray ears perked up as the handsome brute stood still. His sky blue eyes looked around as he heard screams then a howl. What the hell was going on? Whatever it was the young brute better get as far away from this place as possible...but then another thought came to mind. Who was he again? Vladimir Bellator of course. Isn't he always the one to make a smart ass reply? Well...unfortunately yes. So why can't he be bold enough to go look at what's happening and help? With a determined look in his eyes the young male's dark gray paws hit the ground as he ran to the scene.

Vladimir arrived at the scene as his gaze set on a gruesome sight. His breath was taken away as he saw the blood and the wolves gnawing at the fallen wolf. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a russet brute flee the scene. Smart bastard...

What was Vlad to do? He had to get these wolves away from the carcass.

"Hey!" he yelled

"Party's over, I'm afraid you're going to have to leave now."

"And don't think I don't know what you're going to say. You're just going to protest and think who is this bastard of a brute to tell us what to do. Well to hell with that. I'm sure you've had your fun but this is completely uncalled for! I just suggest you go. Now!" he said in almost a growl.

Vladimir looked at the body and the three wolves left. What had he gotten himself into. He had no intentions of fighting but had a deep determination to get these wolves away from the butchered body. This wasn't right and he knew that this all was very uncalled for. Perhaps this was a probably was. But the male didn't leave or flee. fight or flight...he just chose to stay and fight with his words. Maybe his smart ass of a mouth can be used for something good for once...something such as this.


06-17-2013, 09:54 PM

She had held back, while the males ripped into the female and enjoyed the tastes of their mindless kill, waiting until the creature died and watching her last breathes with glee before daintly stepping forward, plunging her jaws into the corpse. Slurping and tearing, she ripped the meat apart, enjoying the taste. Enjoying how taboo it felt to drink down the blood of one of their own. God, it felt so good. The first wolf left, though she paid him no regards as she left, and as the new one showed up, she turned looking at him. Slurping the piece of muscle she had been ripping into her blood stained jaws, she smiled a toothy smile.

?And just what are you going to do about it, birdy?? She crooned, the blood of her meal staining her chest and face.

ooc; Eris isn't a Seracian wolf, but she's a healer and a kind soul. I'll have her run the news to Seracia if you'd like :)


Sixx I


06-17-2013, 10:12 PM
Sixx gave a deep growl at the other male. He stepped on top of the girl he'd just attacked and placed the other paw on the ground intimidatinly, stalking closer. "If he has any balls he'll join in, and if he has any sense he'll run." he gave another deep growl from the back of his throat. His teeth were stained red and his white fur was died crimson. His blue eyes shining as he stalked closer to Vladimir.?

?? Vladamir's scent hit Sixx like a ton of bricks. "Y-you smell like my brother. He's a black wolf with green eyes... Likes to feed crows surely youve met him. He's a goodie twoshoes now but at one time he was the wolf to fear. Afew months ago he'd be here, helping us crack the ribs to get into the good stuff!" He slammed his paw down in rage. "But now he's left for dead. When sacrement comes she'll tear him to shreads. No wolf can survive a tiger's mauling." He sighed. Sadly, Sixx actualy liked Awaken. What a shame he'd have to die.?

?? ?"Go. Tell my brother whats comming. Tell him he's beaten her before and he can do it once more. If he can remember how he defeated her the first time he can make her his bitch the second time, but its not easy." He recalled seeinb his brother bounding off the boulders and using the fact that she couldn't turn as sharply as he could. He remembered him ordering six boulders to be placed in a cirrcle around a battlefeild that was about ten feet across, wich sacrement took up the majority of. He recalled each boulder having a slight curve to them, allowing Awaken to run up it and jump from boulder to boulder and eventualy land a catasrophic attack to her neck witch made her give up. "Tell him to find six boulders and get the pack to place them in a cirrcle. The boulders have to be curved or they wont do any good. He's in Glaciem but I'd run if I were you. Sacrement's on her way and she's comming to kill him!"

?? ?He turned back to the kill and rammed the ribs hard with his head trying to crack them open. "Hey, help me get this open will ya? The good stuff's in there!" he said to jeezbelle.


06-18-2013, 02:53 PM
It was getting too crowded. Another wolf showed up, trying to scare them off. What a brave soul. Her pelt soaked in the blood of the fall wolf, matting it together. Lips twitched in a faint snarl. The bitch was dead, this was too much trouble. She stepped away from the mangled carcass, she would wash up later. With a low growl she turned away from the group, following in the tracks of Baxter, leaving the scene of the murder. Her front paws left red imprints as the snow washed away the blood from her pelt before they finally vanished, along with the gray she-wolf.

-exit cat-

Pontifex I


06-18-2013, 03:12 PM

There was something going on. He feel it in his bones. Something was terribly wrong, but what it was he wasn't sure yet. He'd wandered outside of the Seracian border, simply to explore some of the other lands of Alacritis he had yet to be discover. He wasn't going to be out for long, just simply a quick look over of the places closest to his home before returning to Seracia. He'd only been out for about an hour or so when he got an uneasy feeling within his gut, alerting him to the fact that something was up. He couldn't spot any immediate danger, whether in the shape of another wolf or something else. So why did he feel like something was wrong?

Pontiex decided it was nothing, he was just being ridiculous. He needed to get to back to Seracia. He didn't want his king to think that he was ignoring his new duties. Wandering outside of his new home didn't seem like a good way of impressing the king. As the newly dubbed esquire began moving back home, he caught an interesting scent, or scents actually. There was a collection of them, all completely unfamiliar except for one. A certain female's perfume stuck out to him, but not because he knew the woman; she smelled like Seracia. Another Seracian outside of the border? Curious, the two-toned man followed the Seracian woman's scent, golden gaze darting across his path as the mixture of scents became stronger. Just as he was nearing the origin of her scent, a scream split the air. Was it the Seracian woman that he'd scented? She sounded as if she were in pain, like she was being attacked. The brute stirred into action, limbs propelling him quickly to an unbelievable sight. He halted, sticking to the shadows as he observed the scene unfold before him. There was a group of wolves, three or four, he couldn't be quite sure and they were attacking the Seracian woman, tearing her apart. What madness was this? He wished to rush in and help the woman, but he was severely outnumbered. Was he to jump in it was possible they would turn on him and then the woman would never get help. He had to go tell his king. And with the thought Pontifex disappeared, powerful limbs carrying swiftly across the rogue lands as he raced back to Seracia, the scene he'd just witness heavy on his mind. Hopefully the king was somewhere close by.

OOC: hope you don't mind I threw Ponti in here Roam c:


Talk like this


06-18-2013, 03:36 PM
The brute narrowed his sky blue eyes as he watched a dame slink away. Then he turned to the other girl as she asked him what he was going to do about it; she even called him birdy for some reason...odd. Then Vlad looked to the last brute there who started talking about a tiger and his brother Awaken. The boy had only seen the brute once. There was no way he could possibly run into that wolf again. The brute advanced as Vlad stood there. Even so, the young male did not move. Was this stupid? yes...but was it worth it?........yes, yes it was. He had to get them away from the carcass so there would be something left for the deceased dame's pack to remember. At least someone tried to save her body...but a bit too late.

A small snarl escaped Vlad's maw as he held his tongue. Now was not the time to give any of his usual smart ass comments. His eyes wandered back and forth from the brute to the other dame. Back and forth back and forth. Vlad paced and moved as the other brute did. But the male was careful not to get in the range of the female.

"I have no idea that mumbo jumbo you're talking about buddy. But I've only seen your brother once and I don't think I'll run into him again. Now I advise that you both leave this carcass alone and be on your way. Show some respect!" he snarled at both of the wolves.

Vladimir didn't know why he was being so persistent but he had a feeling that this was the right thing to do. Dark gray ears pinned back against the young brute's head as he bared his teeth and tucked in his neck in case the other brute made chase. His feet were ready to move as Vlad glared at the two wolves before him.

A growl fell from his lips as the boy took a step forward; he wasn't scared of these two. He was just too stubborn...and that came in handy.