
Don't believe me, just watch! [Kyarst]


12-04-2014, 07:47 PM

The fog was normal for the Forest, keeping everything below three feet hidden in its clutches. Pandora's vivacious form rose from its depths, head perking high enough to prevent her from completely drowning in the darkness. Nostalgia was something she hadn't experienced yet, but as she walked through the woods, she began to realize that she had indeed missed this place. Arcanum had been here a long time ago...the Arcanum her Aunt Sibelle had taken over after Cataleya's first disappearance from Ala. Now, it was unclaimed, unwanted...and Pandora couldn't be happier.

She walked through the trees, wrapping her slender frame around a trunk or two as she did so. Her heat, the sickly perfume of her birth season, followed her like a lost puppy, ensuring to leave its mark on each tree she touched. Turquoise eyes looked up to the sky above her and the trees, taking in the details of the early evening stars. Snow also began to fall in the gaps of the trees, landing on random parts of the ground. She stopped moving and let the flakes fall around her cobalt blue form. Eyes closed and she inhaled a deep breath of cold air. For once, she was enjoying the snow...and that meant she was in another universe.




2 Years
12-04-2014, 09:38 PM

There was no sweeter smell in all the world to the nearly-two year old than a woman in heat. With his coming of age he found his loins almost always on fire and this moment was no exception. He followed after the scent instinctively - the dame several hundred yards ahead of him. Her stench clung to every tree or bush she crossed near, leaving him the perfect trail. His breathing was heavy and ragged as he strived to narrow the gap between he and her. The snow certainly didn't make his task any easier, and as he labored through it he would be forced to stop from time to time to catch his breath. Strenuous exercise always got him winded, even as a man just beginning his prime. Alas, he stopped again, breathing hard, panting, and gasping for air. His lungs were on fire - hotter and fiercer than the fire in his loins. He coughed and spat in vain, lungs clawing at his insides in protest. Finally he breathed in, and again, and again until his lungs was sated. He breathed in, relishing in each breath he could now take, and noted a certain familiarity in her scent. He cast it off as useless knowledge and continued his quest, now rejuvenated. It didn't take him much longer to narrow the gap, and soon enough he could see her form weaving through the trees - occasionally dipping into the thicker portions of fog. He smiled semi-triumphantly and neared her from her right, slowing his pace as he got within a few yards of her.  “What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?" There was a hunger in his tone, and a powerful note of danger. He had smelled her, seen her, and now he wanted her. Limbs sought to carry him across her line of travel, to stop her in her tracks and force her to get a look at him too.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-04-2014, 10:05 PM

Pandora wasn't surprised when another wolf appeared nearby. She was the kind of woman to entice both genders and their curiosity about her form (aside from the other obvious reason). She heard hacking not too far from her, indicating that a lung problem must be present in this wolf. Her brows furrowed at the thought. What if he had to run for his life and couldn't because he began to have an asthma attack? Such a shame if he was indeed a powerful wolf?

Her eyes remained closed as the male approached, his scent strong on the cold winds. An ear perked in his direction and in response to his question, she only chuckled. The golden eyelids she had inherited from her mother shined in the semi-darkness as she heard the hunger in his voice. Ohhhh, he was a bad boy, eh? Hmmm, little did he know she was just as eager for a challenging courting.

"Nooow..." she drawled, Romanian accent hitting the air at all of the right points, "who said I was alone in this deep, dark fog?" She turned her head in his direction, ears perking forward and eyes opening to reveal a turquoise gaze. "I could have guards all over the forest, making sure my safety wouldn't be compromised." Pandora raised an eyebrow as she looked him over, taking in the details that the night's light would reveal. "Then again...why wouldn't I want to be in danger? Especially when my potential spy would be so dashingly handsome?" She knew she was pumping up his ego and she wanted to relish in his reaction.



2 Years
12-04-2014, 10:34 PM

He noted first her physique, how elegantly she moved despite her size. She wasn't the largest woman he'd seen, but she was far from the smallest either. He enjoyed a woman with some muscle. Next he noted her incredible markings of gold. He could see some of them, others were cloaked in fog that seemed to cling to her, purposely hiding her from his view. He gave a wry smile as she toyed with him, noting that no one said she was all alone. She could have guards.  “A beauty like you should have a thousand guards waiting to die for your protection,” he played into her game without hesitation. He took a step forward, then another, and another until he was but a mere yard from her - drinking in her beauty with eager emerald pools.  “You'll find, my darling, that danger can be well worth the risk...” His chin lifted ever so slightly as she named him handsome, calling out his obvious attractiveness. Lungs no longer plaguing him, he would put them to work taking long, slow breaths, puffing out his chest in rhythm with his inhale.  “You are like a dark angel... or perhaps the devil in disguise.” Tongue was fluid, perfectly eloquent - a trait he would forever thank his father for. He had a way of stringing together phrases and making them sound like liquid gold. His son had inherited this trait and so many more.  “Will you let me find out which you are, temptress?” Right front forepaw lifted off of the earth tentatively, waiting for her permission to close the narrow between them even more. He appeared like a great stallion, posed as if he were going to paw at the earth and charge. Head was held high, regally so as he eyed her wantonly.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-04-2014, 11:10 PM

The connection between them was hot pink, a line of energy that didn't stop moving. The electric current was strong and Pandora's eyes lit up in the darkness that surrounded them. Snow continued to fall, illuminating bits and pieces of her frame that he was lucky to be able to see. She slowly turned herself all the way around, directly facing him as she took in more of his large body. He was taller than her by two inches, but that didn't stop her from being impressed. Radiant confidence brimmed from his dark pelt and for some reason, she felt pulled to him.

His words were indeed liquid gold, the kind of rich that you would want to obsessively put away. She lapped it up, knowing that her words would do the same for him. Her tail flicked behind her idly as she softly smiled in his direction. "Those guards would probably cease to exist if that is what they were assigned to do," she retorted, Romanian accent clinging to every word that came from her lips. "I don't usually remain in one place for too long to establish any type of...permanent dwelling."

When he spoke of her being either an angel or a devil, she couldn't help but softly chuckle again. "That is up to the eye of the beholder, my dark one," she said. "I wouldn't be so rude as to ruin the fun of adventure for those willing to seek my true identity." Her eyes flashed, teeth shining beneath the dark lips Taurig's genes had blessed her with. She saw him step forward, but politely remained a proper distance from her before she answered him. "What makes you worthy enough to find out what I am?" She inquired, eyes meeting his without hesitation. "And...what would you do in order to find out? Give me some credit, I must be prepared for anything..."




2 Years
12-05-2014, 10:22 AM

There was no denying the tension in the air, one could cut it with a knife. He relished in it, drank every ounce of it in that he could. She noted that her identity was up to the eye of the beholder, and as he remained there - frozen in space and time - he knew she was right. Her teeth shone dangerously between inky lips and he allowed his to do the same for but a moment. Her gaze locked upon him as she posed a question he honestly didn't know the answer to. Still, it would take him only a fraction of a second to offer his reply.  “Perhaps it is best if I don't know.. why should I have the answer to a question so interesting as you?” Suspended forepaw lowered to the earth slowly and definitively as he voiced his thought, neither stepping toward her or away.  “I believe in time I can convince you that I am indeed worthy of knowing your secrets, angel. But until then.. how about a stroll with a dashingly handsome spy?” He lifted his paw again, this time pivoting away from her, tossing his tail in the direction of her face. He took a step, then another, and another. With the question still upon his lips he tossed his head over his right shoulder, gazing back at her - wondering if the angel in disguise would reveal just a bit of her devil nature.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-08-2014, 01:09 PM

He was definitely intriguing, something she hadn't seen in a man in quite awhile. Ever since her last encounter with Scorpion...well, that was a part of her life she hadn't visited in a long time. The memory of their morning on the beach tried to resurface, but she blew it away without a second try. Her present situation was much more interesting, spicy, and...possibly complicated? Only time would tell and she wanted to know the answer.

Both of his questions would remain unanswered until he offered to share a walk. Her coy smile widened into a bright grin, showing off the radiance her golden features that danced across her shoulders and hips. Her golden-dipped paws didn't hesitate to move her towards him, tail flicking behind swinging hips as she took her time approaching his right side. Turquoise eyes shimmered as they met his, golden-backed ears perking forward as her grin faded into a sly one. "I wouldn't mind that," she purred, tongue dancing with the words and her Romanian touch. "It's not everyday a dashingly handsome man crosses my path...and keeps my interest." It was true; some of the guys she had met in the past were duds, causing her to be left bored and craving something that would bring her out of a potential rut.

She began walking, but hesitated until her right paw fell into step with his. Once their rhythms became synchronized, she could focus more on the specimen in her presence. Silently, she wondered what he would bring to the table, what he would want in return, and if she could rise to his standards. For now, however, she knew that she liked what she had in front of her, and wanted to keep it that way. "Do spies have names?" she innocently inquired, left shoulder gently bumping into his right as they walked through a couple of large trees.




2 Years
12-08-2014, 07:12 PM

His devil in disguise would purr her sweet response, not daring to deny the handsome spy what he wanted. A smile glinting with pride spread across his lips as she slithered up along his right side and took her position for their stroll.  “Mmm,” he growled as she called him dashingly handsome once more, and noted that he was keeping her interest. Oh, did she know how to push his buttons. Tail flickered with excitement, though it was hidden behind them both - hopefully out of her view. He had to play it cool, after all. He began walking only a moment after she, allowing their rhythm to fall together almost instantly. They moved along in silence, their two darkened bodies vanishing into the fog, only given away by the crest of their necks and crowns. He could sense she wasn't a woman he could rush anything with, but going slow was not a practiced skill of his - not yet anyway. How exactly did one woo a woman slowly? He hadn't a clue. Still, he was confident he was off to a good start as she inquired his name and bumped flirtatiously into his shoulder. It was something Lysis used to do, and for a moment his mind paused - thinking of her. Had she been flirting back then? Was she aware of it if she had been? How had he missed it? He quickly tossed those thoughts from his mind, but not before leaving a note to ask her at a later time.  “I don't know why they wouldn't,” he chirped back smartly whilst bumping into her shoulder. He allowed a moment or two to pass, hopefully letting her think he would keep his name from her. Then, at long last he voiced once more:  “Kyarst.” He had long since dropped the 'Armada' surname, as his father was no longer around to shout it from the rooftops and it had grown to have little meaning with the wolves he encountered. Had he been home he would have tagged it on in an instant, but with this woman he would delicately leave it off.  “And what is my devilish angel's name?” Tail sought to intertwine with her own, adding to the palpable tension in the air.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-10-2014, 09:32 PM

They began to walk in unison, each paw following the other that previously stepped before it. Her delicate steps were muffled by the fog and darkness, leaving small imprints behind her voluptuous frame. She could feel the energy still radiating between them, the pink line of static still dancing between their gazes. Even as she watched him, she knew where to sidestep and avoid any roots or oncoming trees. Her attention was based on him, knowing that he was eating it up like a greedy fat child. Maybe it was because Pandora was greedy herself.

He answered her question without hesitation, giving her another reason to tenderly smile at his words. When he gave her his name, she had perking ears that indicated her divine interest in everything that radiated from him. Now the dashingly handsome man had a name. "Kyarst..." she softly repeated, letting the name roll off her tongue with its Romanian accent and into the air. "I wouldn't mind saying that for awhile," she teased, eyes sparkling in the moon light from above.

As they walked through a more lit part of the forest, her facial features were revealed to the opposing gender. Cobalt fur shimmered as her gold markings showed themselves off in a totally different fashion. Her golden mascara twinkled beside her turquoise eyes as she blinked and replied to his question. "Pandora...Pandora Artenie." It was then her tail flicked around to his, boldly rubbing against it before deliciously wrapping its tip around his. She gently squeezed it, not wanting to have them unwind from their embrace. "And, just for the record," she timidly added, "I am the perfect mixture of a heavenly devil."




2 Years
12-10-2014, 09:57 PM

They moved in such a perfect unison they could have been one being. They seemed to hover alongside each other - and he wasn't rightly sure if either of their paws were still on the ground. The forest was hushed, and the fog and moisture killed any sound they might have made aside from their voices. He liked it this way, there was nothing to distract him from her - not that anything could besides an earthquake or firestorm. Even then he wasn't sure he could take his eyes off of her. More of herself was revealed, including her gorgeous golden markings that almost seemed to glow in the little amount of light that hit them. He was curious what she looked like in the full blown sun. Was that why she lingered here? To conceal her beauty from the common filth of the world? He didn't blame her for that. She breathed his name back to him, noting she wouldn't mind saying it. A brow raised seductively as he slithered his muzzle toward her nearest ear.  “Darling, I'd love to hear you scream it,” he murmured in the most sensual of tones he could muster. He certainly didn't have that much practice at this, but it all came naturally. Oh, he was his father's son. He felt her tail intertwine with his as her name was spoken. Pandora Artenie, she called herself. It was a pretty name for a pretty girl. He locked it within a special chamber of his memory.  “Pandora,” he breathed, nearly as a whisper. He wouldn't dream of detangling his tail from hers, and instead returned a bit of the pressure she offered him, assuring her he was as eager to continue whatever this was as she was. She would then tag on an afterthought. She was the perfect mixture of a heavenly devil.  “Yes you are,” he confirmed with a devilish tongue, inching his frame just a bit closer to hers. He could feel his guard hairs along his side touch hers, it felt like electricity running through every inch of him (several particular inches especially). He would retain this newfound space between them, that is, if she didn't oppose him narrowing the gap.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-10-2014, 10:48 PM

Kyarst was bolder than she thought he would be upon first meeting her. He moved closer, lips moving up to her ear, and what he said made her shudder. Her spine tingled, creating a visual wave of cobalt fur to grace her back to her tail. A soft moan slipped from her mouth and eyes closed as the image began to create itself in her mind. Followed by the moan was a sharp, soft intake of breath as she retorted, "Only if you have what it takes to take me to that level of ecstasy."

She knew she was playing with fire, but since she had the Armada and Artenie blood running through her veins, what else could give her such a thirst? Her eyes slowly opened as she felt him move, the air between them narrowing with each second. Changes were happening between them and she could feel it as he moved closer to her cobalt frame. Yet, they continued to walk through the forest, not caring if someone or something broke their focus on each other. Pandora had no objection to him moving closer to her slender form. Better yet, she sidestepped and slipped into a comfortable walking position beside him. "What of you?" she curiously asked. "Are you an angel? A devil? Or simply a delicious combination?"

Talk like this



2 Years
12-12-2014, 12:20 PM

He felt her shudder and it electrified him to his very core. Oh, girls were so much fun. Her moan nearly sent him over the edge as he struggled to retain his wits. She quickly retorted something about him having what it takes, and he let out a masculine chuckle followed by a quick response.  “It's in my blood,” he noted with the upmost confidence. He could have been walking into a mine field, but at this very moment he couldn't have cared less. There was a coy smile painted across his cobalt lips as she slithered up alongside of him, narrowing the gap even further. It seemed they could read each other like a book, and it was nice for something like this to feel so natural. She inquired about him, to which he would snort and continue to tease her.  “A spy can't reveal all his secrets,” he quipped. His tail flickered, continuing to ensnare her own.  “Where did you get those golden locks, darling? They are lovely, he queried with a hunger in his voice. There was only so much teasing a man could take, and he could feel himself getting closer and closer to his breaking point. Could he prevail throughout the temptresses attempts at rattling him? Or would he fall like so many brave men before him to her wiles and her wits? He certainly knew he had to try, and try he would. One day, perhaps not this day, but one day he would conquer the beauty that was Pandora Artenie. He would sidestep just then, plainly and smoothly, until his side was brushing ever so lightly against her own. He could feel the heat from her bodice seeping onto his own. It felt like hot, burning coals, and he adored the sensation. He could feel the rhythm of her paws delicately rising and falling in unison with his own, the gentle roll of her shoulder blades and the motion of her hips. It was intoxicating, and he knew in that moment if he could walk like this forever, he would.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.


12-14-2014, 02:50 PM

The atmosphere that surrounded Pandora and Kyarst continued to be made up of fog, slivers of moon, and chilly temperatures. The two wolves moved like ghosts through the fog, paws rising and falling to only create rising curls and swirls around their sensual bodies. Both were so young, so vibrant, and full of energy that couldn't be contained for long periods of time. Even though they had only been with each other for half an hour, it felt like an eternity to Pandora. Silently, behind her turquoise blue eyes, she desired the prize that dangerously loomed to her left. A part of her told her to be patient; the other half wanted to simply jump his bones. Such was the thought process of an Armada/Artenie mix.

She noticed how her sounds made him shudder, how his desperation to conquer her was obvious in the pale moonlight. A knowing grin rose upon her dark lips as they met each other's gaze again, but she didn't tell him what was on her mind. Instead, she softly chuckled and retorted, "As it is in mine." Her words rang true, but Kyarst had yet to come to the realization that she was bred of champions like him. In due time, however, he would know.

Spies can't reveal all of their secrets, huh? An eyebrow rose over her right-eyed jewel, making her questioning expression to radiate due to the natural light around them. "Hmmm." She said, as if she was thinking over his statement. "You do have a point," she seriously concluded, but the serious tone disappeared when he inquired about her designs. The conversation's atmosphere shifted and she changed gears to keep up. "The divine, intriguing legend that is my mother," she admitted. Eyebrow lowered and eyes flashed within their sockets. "I am blessed to have come from her loins, as she is very lucky to have me as her child." The perfection of the Maija and Taurig collection, a rarity in itself. However, she didn't voice this opinion to herself, and let her vanity shine through her physical actions instead. Tail tightened its loose grip upon his own as they walked, his hunger evident across the small, pink energy vibrations that were shared between their bodies. "No one else I know has such locks as I do...along with my other...perfect attributes." Ah well, why not say it every once in awhile? "I assume that you can say the same for your tenderly enticing body, Kyarst..."

Talk like this



2 Years
12-14-2014, 05:29 PM

It would only be then that he would notice the chill in the air. With the heat emanating from his bodice he had scarcely noted it since meeting her. Nevertheless he liked it, it only served to stand as a contrast from the fire burning inside of him. They continued to pad alongside each other, and he was doubtful either of them cared which direction they were going or where they ended up. The only thing he cared about was the gorgeous, devilish angel at his side. Pandora Artenie, the perfect enigma.  “Oh really?” he queried inquisitively as she noted her own 'ability' was in her blood as well. Did she come from a familiar line such as his? The thought never crossed that she could share blood with him, but he wondered if she might be the spawn of some other empire. He surmised then that it didn't much matter to him, his blood alone was enough to make their coupling something special. There had yet to be an unattractive Armada - at least that he knew of. 

She noted that he had a point, to which he would let loose a falsely indignant snort.  “Of course I do,” he jested in arrogant fun. She noted that her designs were straight from her mother's loins, and he would smile fondly - as his own coloration came straight from his dam, whilst his build came from his sire.  “My own mother graced me with her steely complexion, and both of my parents passed on their superior genetics. One could say I am the perfect culmination of the Armada line.” Of course there was his brother, who was certainly unique, but Kyarst would consider him a rarity. Little did he know he had divulged a seriously important fact about himself, and perhaps simultaneously sealed the deal with Miss Pandora Artenie. Only time would tell what her reaction would be, and Kyarst Armada would remain blissfully ignorant.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.