
...Where? [Lebrah]



2 Years
12-15-2014, 04:18 PM
Her paws thumped against the snow covered in a song of happiness, of playful joy. She hadn't been to this place long, but so far she decided that she liked it very much. There was so much land, so many places to play, so many gorgeous sights. Even this place seemed marvelous. A cut of ocean against the land, the tall walls. It was exciting, wasn't it. She stared with the gentlest of smiles upon her face, her gold eyes shining against the deep deep grey mask upon her cheeks.  ""bellum..." She whispered at the sunset against the deep blues of the ocean, at the yellows and pinks that sparkled against the white along the ground. There was nothing that could compare to this sunset against the ocean. With a deep breath, she settled onto her haunches at the shore. The wind cut through her fur so gently, the gentlest of touches from mother nature herself. With the smallest of smiles she tilted her head to the ocean, her tail swishing behind her. It was as if she couldn't sit still, even if it was just a small part. ""¿Cómo fue que terminé en un lugar tan hermoso"

"Burn Baby Burn"



7 Years
12-15-2014, 04:30 PM

A bored sigh filtered through the boys lips, golden eyes rolling as he flopped over on to his back. Paws flopped in the air as he wiggled around, not sure what else to do. Anais was busy taking care of the little one, he was no longer the only one in her charge. With the little runt taking up most of her time he was left a lot to his own devices, and unless he woke up from this locked down stage, he felt utterly bored. He didn't want to wander too far away, the need to be loved and touched was growing stronger by the minute. A whine sounded, Lebrah's red marked ears folding down towards his skull. He just wanted to be close to someone! A friend, that is what was in need. While he loved Anais, he needed someone else to play with when she was busy. He couldn't keep whining at her to come and play, she had other things to do. That is when the sweet song of another wolf came towards him, her words asking how she had gotten here. Not really knowing that he spoke all of these languages, he heard her words as if they had been spoken in English. His mind processed it as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Lowering his head to look at the stranger, his tail beat on the ground as he rolled to his paws. She was little, and pretty too! Letting out a chuff he bounded over to her, a goofy grin on his maw.

"You probably got here by walking, silly!" he called, racing towards her before skidding to a short halt. Feeling the need to be touched he leaned ever so slightly against her shoulder. Even though he looked older, there was no way that he was acting like it. That was because in his mind, he really was just a child. "Llegué aquí por caminar demasiado ! Pero sí, este lugar es muy bonito. Yo vivo aquí con mi madre ," he so easily slipping into Spanish, not even realizing that it had happened. "I'm Lebrah! Wha'ts your name?"



2 Years
12-16-2014, 07:00 AM
For one second she was alone and enjoying the sea-breeze and the next a boundless ball of energy was nearly crashing into her side. He spoke several languages at once, but none of it was unnerving. Instead, the brightest of smiles and the jolliest of laughs was bubbling from her. Shaking her head, almost in confusing at the suddeness that was this new character, she grinned at him. He was larger than her, but then again, most wolves were that she met, and he seemed far older. Yet, he acted so young, his energy keeping the wrinkles of age away, and his words sounded nothing of age and maturity. He was a child, if not by age than by mind, and it was easy to see. With a tilt of her head she reguarded him, her ears perked and her bright gold eyes shining with her ceaseless happiness. Instantly she could see herself in him, if not for his white fur, his gold eyes, and his child like wonder, and just as instantly she declared, to herself, that he would be her newest friend before this day was done. ""¿Qué pasa si yo nadaba , su lugar?" She teased, but the laughter in her voice was short lived as he leaned against her. She nearly stumbled before she laughed and pushed back against him to keep them both from tumbling to the ground beneath his weight and her lack of strength. ""Usted vive aquí? Estoy más allá de celos!" She returned in their shared tongue, a grin upon her lips.

"Faye Athas Viisrix" Her tongue rolled lightly over her name, a name she was proud of for it sounded quite beautiful. Her mother had been smart to name her something she loved so dearly. She dipped her head, if only to be polite, to the exciteable boy. ""Es tan encantador conocerte, Lebrah." She laughed before so gently slipping away from his touch to bounce towards the waters edge and spinning around to face him head on, grinning up at him and tilting her head. "It is not often I meet someone who can speak the languages I know. Do you know more?" It was exciting, almost like she shared a secret tongue with her new friend. Her new very best friend, yes. That's what he would be, before this day was through. She had decided.

"Burn Baby Burn"