
i'm coming home



3 Years
12-10-2014, 03:48 PM
Whatever future she had once envisioned had all but been shattered when her father had left; he had been plagued by sickness for some time, but then he had simply disappeared as though he was naught but a ghost. Lysis hadn't formulated much of a future at all -- she'd never expected her departure from the northern part of Alacritia to be permanent, and she certainly had not considered a life away from the Armada family.

Something new was forming now in her heart as she gazed at Kyarst. The air held a very subtle iron smell, from the brief bite she'd inflicted upon him. She laughed as he visibly tensed at her approach again, a light sound that filled the air with sudden childlike joy, despite the intensity of her hazel stare. She smiled at the contact between the two of them. It reminded her of when they'd been younger, far more innocent than now; those days seemed so long ago. A soft sigh would fall from her velvety lips at the mention of their former packlands being inhabited by others, and she found herself shrugging slowly.    "I don't have a clue, and don't really care to," she said with an irritated shake of her head. If it was not the Armadas ruling in the north, was there any reason to care? The north belonged to her father and to her family, and it felt wrong to know that others believed they were deserving of their home -- their birthplace.

"Will you join Roman and Drashiel?" Lysis would interject then, a question weighing heavily on her mind. She'd much prefer to be ruled under her own litter-mate and Roman, rather than most of her other half-siblings.... but what did Kyarst thing? Still she felt some animosity toward Drashiel for effectively abandoning her, too, but she missed him far more than anything else she might feel toward him.  "They surprised me," she'd comment conversationally, finally relaxing enough to settle to her haunches before Kyarst, searching his features and trying to gauge his own feelings before he spoke.  "I didn't really... expect them to be a thing."



2 Years
12-10-2014, 08:57 PM

It seemed the fire crackled and heated up when he mentioned their previous lands being claimed. She was awfully touchy, wasn't she? He didn't remember her being so quick to anger, as if she might explode at any moment or wrong phrasing. Still, there was something alluring about the uncertainty of it all, and so he would not recoil from her. Personally he was nearly as frustrated as her that their once homelands had been overtaken by filthy vagabonds. He hadn't explored the entire north so there was still a chance that some part of it was held by the Armadas, but he had a feeling at least some of it was claimed by flea-bitten god-knew who. She broke him out of his thoughts, asking if he would join Roman and Drashiel. He idly pondered this question, wanting to give her a valid answer.  “I can't be certain, but it's something to consider.” He tilted his head, posing a green-eyed gaze in her direction.  “Will you?” He wasn't certain how much his decision weighed upon her own. Would she join them if he did, and leave them if he did? Or would she choose her own path, the little fireball she was? She mentioned they surprised her with their coupling, and his eyes rolled idly.  “I never suspected they would amount to anything more than siblings,” he noted plainly.  “Looks like they fooled us both.” He would follow her lead, allowing his blackened haunches to kiss the earth lavishly. He couldn't honestly say that he was thrilled with their mateship, but he wasn't openly against it either. It wasn't as if he had any say in the matter anyway, so why bother putting much thought into it? Still, he wished he did have a say, but that only came with power - and nothing less. Unfortunately, power was one of the things he was without.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
12-18-2014, 04:34 PM
Another sigh left her lips. Why did she feel so frustrated with all that had changed, when even he childhood had never been particularly stable? Her mother had been absent for so long and her father had been scarce at best during her childhood, and yet knowing he was truly absent now, and that they no longer controlled the lands she had been born in... it was frustrating. Intense hazel stare fixated unblinkingly on Kyarst, studying him again -- marveling at how much he had grown since she had last seen him.

It took her a long moment to come up with an answer for him, and even then it felt unsatisfactory to her. "I might as well," she stated with a sort of finality that she hadn't expected. "Where else might I go?" At least in Regium, she would be among family, surrounding by those who were loyal to the Armadas. She would be cared for there and she knew there was nowhere safer for her to be. "I think I would like to stay with you awhile, wherever that might be," Lysis would add finally, leaning a bit closer to him as though she might nuzzle him, but she pulled away just as quickly.

There was an undeniable jealousy that she felt in regards to Drashiel's apparent relationship with Roman. She wouldn't admit aloud, even to Kyarst, but his absence has affected her quite deeply; and to see that he'd been spending so much time with his half-sister Roman, rather than his own littermate, was slightly distressing. "Whatever," she'd quip finally. "Honestly, I'd rather be under their rule than Vereux and Athena's...."



2 Years
12-20-2014, 09:45 PM
He blinked as she rather lackadaisically stated that she would be joining with Roman and Drashiel. He breathed a sigh, as she seemed uncertain where else she could go. Sure there was family there, and safety in numbers - but who said that that meant you had to compromise your own way of thinking to have those things? Somehow he knew he couldn't serve comfortably under either of them. They hadn't earned their crown any more than anyone else in the family. He didn't hate them for that, but he didn't respect them for it either.  “Stay with me, just.. for a while at least.” He didn't revel in the idea of them parting again so soon, and although that might mean he held the responsibility of looking after her, it didn't seem as daunting to explore this once familiar world with her at his side. “We don't have to be joined at the hip or anything, but it wouldn't hurt to go looking for our family together, right?” He had grown accustomed to being alone and would probably always want time to himself, but there was no law saying she couldn't or shouldn't come along with him in his endeavors. She seemed irritated that her own brother had taken up a mate and left her behind. It was a reasonable thing to be irritated about. Kyarst pondered this for a moment, glad she was directing her anger somewhere else for the time being. His tail flickered idly behind him, tapping at the cool earth.  “I can't help but feel like there's something out there, for both of us, we just.. haven't found it yet.” There had to be more than this, there just had to be. 


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
12-22-2014, 11:28 AM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2014, 11:29 AM by Lysis.)
So much time had passed... and yet it felt like she had been a child just yesterday. So much of her early life had been stolen from her by sickness, and even now it felt like only weeks had passed since she had seen Kyarst last when it had, in fact, been seasons. The girl studied him for a long moment with her fiery gaze, her stare so calculating and distant as she considered everything. Kyarst seemed less eager to join their siblings in Regium, and she wondered why. He'd always been headstrong, even as a child, but would serving under her brother really be so bad? Roman didn't strike her as an awful leader, either. But she empathized with the want to be the one in control, rather than to be the one on the bottom. She couldn't help but wonder if he would rather be a rogue than anything but a King.

A smile danced across her lips at his request, a bit of playfulness shining through her cold stare. The expression was sweet, and seemed thoroughly genuine. "I like that idea," she agreed carefully. Lysis had missed him, and would not deny that the possibility of him running off again made her feel a bit anxious. Tail would slap the ground gently behind her "Just the two of us." Her smile widened a bit. Perhaps they could join Regium in the future. At the very least, she knew they had a place to stay if they needed food or shelter, or help of any kind. An Armada was not known to turn away family in times of need and she knew her brother was no different. "Just tell me where you wish to go, and I shall follow." No, she was not quite so easily swayed -- but one could pretend. She leaned to press against him then, content to have found a companion in Kyarst again, no matter what had happened. It was something she had longed for, for so many months, and finally she had found him again.