
It's goin down for real



10 Years
Athena I
12-21-2014, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2014, 08:42 PM by Evelyn.)

It was like something from an all too distant dream. She stared ahead of her into this cavern that she remembered vividly, but at the same time hardly recognized. That part of her life felt like a whole different life time, like she had been a completely different wolf. And yet, was she really? Sure, she could play the role of the loving wife, the caring mother, the dedicated pack member... but was she lying to herself? Or was she two different wolves all together in one body? Her husband and her children had been scarce as of late and in their absence her mind had begun to wander back to those memories, the ones she had tried so hard to forget or at least bury deep down where they would never be found again. They can rising back to the surface with a vengeance and she had been pulled here like a moth to a flame. Of course, she had no clue if he would actually still be here or not, but perhaps just seeing the place where they had met would be enough to satisfy her curiosity. At least that's what she told herself.

She carefully stepped down that steep slope that lead down into the cavern below, hesitating as she stood in the circle of sunlight that shone down on the cave floor. Her russet coat shone vibrantly, but she knew her red-hinted fur couldn't hold a candle to the orange coat of the wolf that haunted her dreams. She saw touches of his coloring on her daughter, a constant reminder of him and what they did. Her ears flicked indecisively while her silver eyes peered into the darkness, wondering to herself if this was one huge mistake. He probably wouldn't even remember her. She should just go...

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-21-2014, 04:50 PM


His voice called out to her, her flame like body alight in the sunlight. He had been hiding here, ever since his little puppet gave birth to that tiny whelp. She looked nothing like him, the one that had his colouration died. He was only interested in ones that looked like him, that he could alter and mold to be just like him. A wicked grin spread across his face as he stepped out of the shadows, orange body emerging from the darkness. It would seem that it was worth it, waiting here. Seemed like his little Hawk has returned for more. But then again, who didn't? He was one fine piece of ass, if he was a bitch he would keep on coming. He chuckled at the double meaning, slinking forward and pulling himself around the woman.

Charaz cooed, his body pressing tightly against her as he wound around her, drinking in her familiar scent. While he normally didn't remember the large amount of woman he had slept with, but this woman had bitten back, hard. Her smell was slightly different, but he didn't pay any attention to it. All he cared about was that she was here, with him. Another rumbling laugh left his lips as he tried to nibble on her scruff. "Didn't get enough the first time?"



10 Years
Athena I
12-21-2014, 05:21 PM

She wouldn't get the chance to quietly escape. He appeared from the shadows like a ghost that she had summoned with only her thoughts. He was just as dazzling as she remembered. She heard his voice first, calling out that nickname he had given her so long ago, making her pulse pick up to a rapid tempo. Her gaze darted toward the sound and settled on his fiery form. In a way it was like seeing a myth come to life, seeing a memory take flesh. A small voice at the back of her mind this whole journey had been telling her that he wasn't even real, that all of that had been a figment of her broken mind, but here he was, all too real and all too eye catching.

He pressed up against her and she leaned into his side without a hesitation or second thought, letting him nibble her scruff and almost forgetting for a moment that she had ever left. For just a second she forgot that she had Hera and Aura and Conan. Oh gods, Conan. He was going to flip when he found out. But... it was so hard to care with her Mouse pressed against her. "Apparently not," she finally managed, her voice instantly falling back into that smooth, tempting cadence she had used so many times before, back in the days before she had responsibilities. She grinned at him and added, "I tried so hard to stay away, but I guess this Hawk couldn't resist hunting you down again."

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-21-2014, 05:50 PM

The woman pressed against him, her delicate form so warm and fresh. Mmm, that voice called out to him, saying that she in fact, could not resist. Well no shit. Who in there right mind could avoid this fine hunk of meat? She allowed him to nibble on her scruff, to which he took as 'bite harder'. So indeed he did. His jaws parted and he sought to chop down harder, hoping to draw a bit of blood. His breath hissed through his teeth, and he didn't really want to talk much more. He wanted to get right down to it, down to rocking her world like he had so long ago. But that would be too easy, would it not? No, he wanted to play with his little Hawk now that he had her here again. If they were only going to meet up once in a blue moon, he was going to be damn sure to make her remember him. Not that he was exceptionally hard to forget.

Stopping his circling he came to face her, his similar hued eyes boring into her own. Letting out a rumbling purr he bore his teeth, salmon hued tongue snaking out to lick his chops. "So tell me my dear Hawk, why exactly have you come back to me?" he asked, his voice slow and low. He knew exactly why this bitch was here, but to hear it moaned from her lips is what he truly desired. To have her beg and plead, that was all he ever needed.



10 Years
Athena I
12-21-2014, 06:51 PM

Lightning bolts of feeling shot through her at his bite, his fangs pulling drops of blood to the surface of her skin and staining her fur. That shock shook her to the core, pushing her real world worries down and letting whatever part of her craved him come to the surface. Her tail flicked and hit his flank as her liquid mercury gaze rested on him, a small, sly curve to her lips. He questioned her presence and so many answers came to mind. I see you in the faces of my children. I dream about the last time I was with you, even when I'm laying next to my husband. I wanted to make sure you were real. But none of those went along with their game. All of those things were far too real. What really came out of her mouth though was, "No one can make me feel alive like you can." 

She turned her head and reached to place a small bite on his shoulder, feeling his skin under her teeth and, with any luck, tasting his blood on her tongue. It was a quick, chaste bite, but it was enough to bring this side of her fully to the surface. Phoebe roughly ran her tongue over the small wound and chuckled, glancing up at him with a grin. There was no denying it, she had missed this, probably more than was healthy. With each passing moment she was more and more ready for him to destroy her again and no longer held any doubts about her coming here. Conan would be furious, so would Natalya, but she would deal with them later. For now she only wanted this flame.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-21-2014, 08:39 PM

"Damn straight, Hawk. There is no one out there like me," he cooed, is breath hissing between his teeth at her bite. Blood pooled to the surface of the wound, only to be lapped up by her wet tongue. His body tingled with delight, his toes digging into the cold dirt. He nuzzled her soft cheek, his lips pulling up to her ear. "And just how would you like me to make you feel alive?" he hissed into her ear, dragging his fangs down the side of her face. He thrust his chest against hers, pushing up against her with a great amount of force behind it. He wanted her to beg for him to take her, to plead for Charaz to concur her form once more. Delicious memories of their last meeting flashed through his mind, the amount of blood they drew while he took her roughly. Teeth gritted together, the lust easily building up in his orange form.

Pulling back from her he walked so that he was behind her, his chest pushing against her rump in a teasing manner. A guttural growl left his mouth as he placed rough nips around the curve of her hips, growing in roughness as he pinched her skin between his teeth. He wanted to hear her moan, for the whole cavern to be filled with her call. He would make her scream, there was no doubt in his mind. He would concur her form over and over again, until she dragged her tired body from this hole.



10 Years
Athena I
12-23-2014, 10:23 PM

Why did he have this power over her? Around him it felt like she lost all sense of who she was. Or did he remind her of who she was really supposed to be? Was her whole life a lie? His fangs sent fire across her cheek and the force he applied to her chest forced her to take a half step back even though he pushed back against him with nearly as much force. Before she got a chance to reply to his delicious question he moved around behind her, clearly getting right down to the reason they were both here. She was tempted to scoot away from him and play her games of cat and mouse, but the moment he nipped at her hips she knew that would be useless.

Instead, she pressed her rump back against his chest in response to his teasing. Shivers darted up her spine at each of his harsh nips, causing her toes to curl and each of her claws to draw lines in the dirt under her. She threw a look back over her shoulder at him, her silver gaze burning with desire. "Do what you do best... Rip me apart." She waited with anticipation for him to do just that, her family and her pack the furthest things from her mind at this moment. Any moment now everything would come crashing down around her when she realized what she had done, but for now she would live in this fantasy world and love every second of it.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-24-2014, 02:11 AM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2014, 02:19 AM by Evelyn.)

Her reaction to him was nothing less that what he expected. I mean really, who could resist this orange piece of ass. Any one? Nope. Good, then they could go on. Her toes curled and dragged through the dirt, making him chuckle softly. Ahh, yes. How badly she wanted him drove him on, her words filling her ears. Charaz cooed softly, jaws parting as he bit into her scruff. "Beg me," he whispered, biting down on her scruff harder and tugging it back. He trust his own chest against her rump as she moved it back, and then he moved so that he was standing over her. He was perfectly positioned above her, ready to take her fast and hard, but teased her with being so close. Charaz nipped all the way up her spine, breathing into her left ear. Nibbling on her sensitive lobe he continued to bite into her skin, careful not draw too much blood. He didn't want her to pass out on him now.

"Mmm, little Hawk," he whispered, drawing his teeth from her ear down to her hip. He pressed them into the base of her spine, holding them there as he pressed himself even closer to her. He let out a guttural moan, his own lust building to a peek. He was starting to tease himself as much as he was to her, but he wasn't going to just let her have it. No, she needed to beg for it.



10 Years
Athena I
01-01-2015, 10:39 PM

Every bite and touch sent shock waves through her. How on earth did she stay away from him for so long? Really it was a wonder that she had managed to make herself be good for as long as she had. A simple command met her ears just as his teeth dug into her skin again and she felt him pull back on her scruff. Moments later he was above her and she knew there was no turning back now, not that she wanted to. As conflicted as she was about this whole situation she was still all to happy to give into her sinful, lustful guilty pleasure. Her silver gaze fluttered closed and her head tipped back toward him just a bit as he nibbled on her ear and whispered that nickname he had bestowed upon her the last time they met.

"Please, take me and rip me apart," she breathed, her words hushed, but somehow still sounding like an echo to her ears that were rushing with the pounding of her blood. It wasn't many words and she wasn't even entirely sure it was enough to satisfy his craving to hear her beg for him, but it was the only words she could manage and the only ones that accurately represented exactly what she wanted him to do. She wished she could sink her teeth into him and give him a taste of the stinging, delicious pain he was giving her with each bite, but from this angle that was hard to do. Oh well, she could certainly have her fun later if she wished.

"Talk" "You" Think