
It's time for a feast[pack hunt]



3 Years
11-27-2014, 03:52 PM

Now was his time, now was the time to prove himself and make something of himself. He was briming with pride from the edges, he may not have been strong, but hunting was one thing he could do. The lost prince stood tall and proud with a smile on his face. His first group hunt with his family, though there was no telling what the others thought. His sister definitely didn't like him, and Akemi, well his only connection to her was his cousins that she birthed. Yet still Colman felt the need to do something for them, to do something for himself. The entire point of healing was making an effort to do so. Whether his broken heart would find love again he didn't know, but he needed to put the past behind him.

Colman raised his head in a summoning howl for those who wanted to participate. He hoped that most of the pack would get involved. After all, Rune had said they needed to be more active in the pack. This was what it was all about. His cyan eyes looked forward as he flicked his white ear. There would be a herd not too far from here since he last checked. They were just getting ready to move for the winter so it was their last chance to get a large piece of kill to feed most of them if not all.

ooc:; yay for thanksgiving day xD anyway due date for posts is the 2nd of december! 




4 Years
11-30-2014, 04:49 PM

A pack hunt, eh? Warja was game. She made her way towards the caller at a leisurely pace, her mind on her own task. She assumed the brute was the one who had shown interest in the Hunter position at the meeting. Really, she wasn't sure what to make of him. The kerfuffle at the meeting had not gone unnoticed and while the aspiring Healer didn't know the history of the little fae and her child, it hadn't been any of the male's business--that she knew for sure.

Reaching the caller, Warja dipped her head at him in greeting and then settled back on her haunches as she awaited the arrival of others.

Speaking --Thinking



3 Years
Extra large
11-30-2014, 05:50 PM
If he was entirely honest Kismet had never actually experienced a pack hunt. He'd been too young to participate in such activities back in Valhalla and had been unwelcome and unwilling to try in Glaciem. With Soren's help perhaps the pair could have tried hunting together, preparing themselves for teamwork though his brother sadly hadn't exactly been the most cooperative fellow for such tasks and he'd spent all of his hunting days alone. This was another feature of belonging to a pack that the boy would have to get used to and he would have to start now it seemed before properly acquainting himself with the rest of the pack first.

The howl that rang out almost made it sound optional, the call was for those that wanted to participate. Kismet knew better than to ignore it though. If he wanted to be rid of the bad impression he felt Rune had of him lazing around and avoiding pack events was not the way to do it. Quickly he'd make his way towards the source of the call, Colman or something his name was if he recalled correctly from the meeting though it was of course Warja that he would silently move to stand beside.

Eirik I


3 Years
12-01-2014, 02:36 PM
Walk | Talk | Think
His perfect timing of showing up at the pack meeting just when it had been called to order had allowed the boy to narrowly avoid getting another talking to from his father, but he knew better than to think he was in the clear. With Rune's strict expectations, ones that felt exponentially greater on him because he was his son, Eirik knew it was only a matter of time before something else happened that threw him into the burning glare of his father's gaze and he needed to do something to prevent it. He knew next to nothing about plants and though he was a guard he considered himself rather poor at it, so heading out to accompany Warja did not sound like the best option - not to mention he was not at all sure his sister would have tolerated his disinterest and obvious lack of insight when it came to her job. The other two up and coming events, however...they were fair game. 

So when the call went up for those of the pack wishing to participate in a hunt to join the caller, Eirik, for once, wasted no time in answering. There was only one moment of hesitation when he considered trying to find Keiki to take her along, but without knowing exactly where she was and being unable to simply call for her he knew it would only slow him down and make him later. He just hoped next time she could be closer at hand so that she could do things around the pack with them, which he felt she had been doing a lot less of lately. 

Dark paws carried the large, pale grey boy across the Prairie and toward the small gathering that had already started around Colman, the caller of the pack hunt. And Rune was not here. Feeling slightly relieved - he had beaten his dad here if his dad intended to show up - Eirik allowed a smile to settle on his face as he looked over at his sister and her friend, the one she had spent so much time sneaking away to meet when they had been younger. He tried hard to keep his smile neutral while it threatened to widen into something goofy and teasing, and instead forced his rosy gaze away to take note of something else. Saga was not here. She had not shown at the pack meeting but Eirik had been hoping to see her pop up around the pack elsewhere, willing enough to assume she just had not been able to make it the first time but would make it for it later. The smile on his face faltered and fell away as he took up a spot opposite Warja and Kismet and stood facing Colman, inclining his head with a neutral, "Hey," to everyone present.



2 Years
12-01-2014, 03:24 PM
{Yay for nosy pups!}

   She was there before her "father" could even react. "Come on, daddy! A wolf howl!" She barked, wagging her tail. Her violet eyes shined as she ran, no, bounced the entire way there, her white tipped tail wagging. Bouncing every time she passed another wolf, she attacked a bug whenever it scuttled between her paws. It made her wonder where her brother was, and if he was okay. But, then again, she hadn't really looked for him. She had seen Freyr's missing ear, and Akemi's wounds, but she wasn't as bothered by it. Her family was strong. But, sometimes, her father scared her. His fur bristled, and his lips twitched in a snarl. But, last but not least, a low growl would rumble out of his throat. A whimper escaped her, and she sat down heavily, her happy mood gone. "I wonder what makes daddy so mad sometimes." She muttered, quietly, to herself.

Rune I


5 Years
12-01-2014, 05:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
The first of the chosen few's tasks was underway. Rune's ears perked as the remnants of Colman's howl echoed around him, fading into nonexistence, and considered what his own course of action should be. Though he had not originally thought to, he felt tempted to jump right into the hunt and participate just as the other members of the pack were expected to. It would have given him a good indication of how Colman functioned as a leader and enable him to witness first hand the skill that he had attested to having. There was a little concern that being so involved might also lessen his ability to keep a wide perspective over the whole scenario, but the immersion experience still appeared the better choice. 

He did not want to be the first one to arrive in answer to the Hunter's call so he hung back, allowing those first few early birds to make their arrivals and get situated into their hunting party, but eventually there was no need to drag it out. He followed the same trails that the rest of his kin and pack had to get to the Prairie where Colman was presently surrounded by a small gathering of wolves. Two of his own children - oh, look at that, Eirik was already there - and two others. His blue eyes traveled approvingly over the older wolves before they alighted curiously on the youngster - was she not too young to participate in this? His brow furrowing, keeping an eye on the Youth, Rune lifted his gaze as he sat apart from those gathered and nodded his head in greeting to Colman, saying nothing as he fell into a quiet, observant silence. 



3 Years
12-03-2014, 11:15 PM

As wolves started to arrive, he felt a little more at ease. He was used to this, he hadn't told Rune maybe but he had a background of leading wolves. That was what his childhood had been centered around, and it had been hard considering every time he passed his mother he couldn't do much about her being a slave. Though Akemi's child appeared, his cousin. As he smiled mildly, of course his first impression on these wolves was obviously not the best. He had stepped out of bounds and he knew that, now though it was time to prove he wasn't just a nosy little prick because he was far from.  "Hello there." he said softly. "Do you know where your mother is? You should find her, because one day when you're big and strong you'll be able to help catch the food." Colman said. It was his best attempt at trying to get her to realize she couldn't participate. Though maybe she could watch but that wasn't his decision to make. He lifted his head and looked at the others.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming. For those of you who don't know me my name is Colman. I'll be instructing the hunt for today." he said in a loud voice, his ears perked forward. He was not swayed by Rune's presence on the outside, though on the inside he was having a little panic attack. "There's a small herd lagging behind for their migration not far off. I'm hoping we can catch something big enough to be able to feed all of us." he looked over them for a moment. "Warja and I will separate the target from the herd, and then Kismet and Erik I'd like you to try and take it down. After you have a hold of it, me and Warja can help." his tail flicked mildly he smiled. This was a group effort if any.

"Let's get started." the male started towards the scent of the herd. He felt alive again if anything.

ooc: second round due the 9th! If you have any questions feel free to ask. 


Saga I


3 Years
12-04-2014, 07:50 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2014, 07:51 PM by Saga I.)

It was no surprise that Saga hadn't exactly integrated well into the pack. Her sudden arrival had seemed to have taken Eirik's father by surprise, and as she knew he likely didn't trust her much, she was careful to keep to herself. Solitude was familiar to the young girl, though she knew it was necessary to at least attempt to integrate with the pack at some point.

The call rang out sharply over the lands that she had become familiar with over the last season. Ears would perk and swivel, examining the sound. It was not someone she was directly familiar with, but she was not surprised given how few wolves she really knew here. Saga would delay her arrival for some time, for no reason in particular. Punctuality wasn't something she was known for, and likely would never be adept at. Finally a sigh would leave her lips as she decided she ought to show up, and the lanky girl would head toward the gathering.

She was undeniably late. The possibility of punishment was a reality, but she didn't expect it nor fear it. Her expression was guarded as she approached the group, instinctively searching for Eirik and moving to sit near him, wondering if he would be disappointed at her late arrival. Despite being late, she caught the end of what Colman had said, nodding and offering him a simple "Sorry," and hoping she still had a place in the hunt despite her awful record of attendance.

Rune I


5 Years
12-15-2014, 10:35 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
It took only a short while after he had arrived for the hunt to be called for order, and with curious attention Rune listened as Colman instructed. He seemed to have the knowledge that he had spoken of possessing back when he had been recruiting, and Rune was happily pleased with the realization. At least it meant the man had integrity and had not lied in order to get himself a position in the pack. And with the scenario that he set out, it seemed likely that the small hunting party would turn out to be successful under his careful and experienced eye. 

But one in particular among their group continued to draw his eye, and when none of the other adults who were supposed to claim the child appeared he took it upon himself to step up and intercede. After all, he was merely here to speculate; the others had a job to do. 

Lowering his head so as not to appear threatening - he had no idea yet how Akemi's children viewed him, the Guardian rose to his black paws and walked over to the youth, his blue eyes assessing her and trying to determine how well she might mind instruction given by him. Pups were rowdy, testy little things; there was always the chance they might try to challenge him. "A little young to hunt with the big kids," he warned, his strict tone a little heavy with the warning, "You'll be smart to stay next to me and watch." Refusing to budge on the matter and hoping the pup knew better than to object or defy him, he sat again beside her, once again righting himself but keeping a close eye on her to make sure she did not go getting herself hurt. 

Eirik I


3 Years
12-22-2014, 03:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
Go figure his father would show up so soon after he did Eirik thought rather glumly as he spotted the blue-eyed Guardian approach with a quiet, assessing look and only a nod for the man in charge of their hunt. Eirik's own rosy eyes watched him with a moment of wariness, only glancing away when nearly he had been caught staring, and tried not to let his nerves take off away from him. How was it that the mere presence of his father being here could make him so unsettled like that? Why did it have to matter so much more? Even with his kind-hearted, sweet little mother he never felt this way. It almost made him wish his father had decided to be elsewhere. 

As a bit of relief for him, Colman called them to order and handed out their assignments. Doing his best to pointedly ignore the man who made him uncomfortable, the pale grey youth forcefully focused his attention on the black, grey, and white hunter, his black-tipped ears perking when his own name was mentioned. With a sidelong look, he shifted his gaze toward his soon-to-be counterpart, his sister's best friend. Knowing so little about him aside from his association with Warja, Eirik hoped he and Kismet could work together as needed for their part in the hunt. A little nagging, insecure voice inside his head seemed to think the other might be better suited for what they would do than he was. 

Distraction from his dismal, less than optimistic thoughts came in the form of the petite tan and white wolf who he had originally been on the lookout for, and the sight of her silently sneaking into their midst caused him to do a double take. Unbidden, his tail even waving a few wags before he could still it, Eirik grinned, and then brighter when he realized she was coming his way. She said nothing to him, only offered a quiet apology to Colman as she stopped near where he stood, but that did not stop him from attempting to break the ice. "Hey," he murmured happily, delighted that she had shown here after all. He had feared for a moment that she had gone without a word, deciding Secretua was not where she wished to be, but perhaps he had been wrong. Maybe she would stay and give him more time to talk to her. 

Now was probably not the best time for talking though. Promising himself to make an effort to find her later, to see how she was doing within the pack as a whole, the rosy-eyed boy made himself direct his attention back to Colman, still consciously aware of the pretty, green-eyed wolf beside him and for the moment forgetting his father watching it all, and followed as the group was led away in pursuit of their desired prey. 



3 Years
Extra large
12-22-2014, 04:02 PM
It wouldn't take too long for others to begin joining them including a pup and Rune. The former, like most he felt was perhaps a little too young to join in, he certainly hadn't participated in a hunt at her age although to be fair he hadn't exactly had a model upbringing and probably shouldn't make judgements based off of it. Others shared his view though it seemed and Colman would inform the young gir of this fact before giving the full details of the hunt to the rest of them.

He would be working with Eirik. Kismet couldn't say he knew much about the other at all beyond the fact that he was Warja's brother and apparently source of annoyance at times. He probably wouldn't learn much about the other here and now, not with a hunt to focus on though he'd at least make an effort of sorts with his partner for the hunt, moving from Warja's side to walk along beside Eirik. He kept silent though as they travelled to locate the prey, now was hardly the time for a conversation after all.