

Dutiron i


8 Years
08-31-2014, 09:56 AM
OK so if you haven't heard of the Destruction family by now where on earth have you been? If you've only just joined your forgiven and you just need to know they are one big amazing family.

So Kat and I have some more members of the family that need adopting. We want the players to be active with them, if you fall inactive with them (without good reason) they may be put up for adoption again.

We won't reserve any of the characters for people but it's not a first to finish the app will win. We'll give people a week to finish any apps from the first person to apply for the character and then choose.

Harmony Destruction
female · two · summer
Harmony Destruction is probably better known as the sister of Bass. Lighter aligned, a healer and close to her family. Her name and appearance are not to change and she will also  be Tagavor in Abaven, which is a very high rank. She is head healer and in charge of training all other Mruni's and Vor's, so she must remain active. Her siblings miss her, and would love her to be played and kept active, ideally posting at least once a week.
There is an Avatar with her image and there are a few tables lying around for her as well though you'll have to run through old posts and find those. There may also be some more lovely art made for the person who adopts her...

Howl Destruction
male · five years · spring
Howl Destruction is the son of Novel I and Dutiron I and was part of their first litter. His name and appearance are to stay the same, though you can of course make your own personality keeping in mind that the Destructions are close family. He's had some issues with his parents and his sister Song in the past, though apologies have been made time and time again and all should be forgiven by now. Had been in Ludicael (Song's reign) since Spring Year 2.
His name links to his profile and you can see there is an Avatar with his image (click it and it links to a lineart Kat made). He also has some tables as well though you'll have to look through old posts to find them and there may be some more lovely art made for the person who adopts him...

Story Destruction
male · five years · spring
Story Destruction is the son of Novel I and Dutiron I and was part of their second litter. His name and appearance are to stay the same though you can of course make your own personality keeping in mind that the Destructions are a close family. His litter were brought up in a much better environment and though he has been a witness to some of the strained relationships in the family has never actually been involved with any of them. He has yet to reunite with the family though left his home in Ahlon when he was about a year old.
As you can see there is an Avatar with his image (click it and it links to a lineart Kat made). He also has some tables as well and there may be some more lovely art made for the person who adopts him...

Series Destruction
male · four years · summer
Series Destruction is the son of Adrenaline and Maia and was part of their first litter. His name and appearance are to stay the same though you can of course make your own personality keeping in mind that the Destructions are a close family. He is the second oldest in the first litter and would have been rather close to his siblings later on in life. Adrenaline loved them for about a year before he would grow harsh to his offspring. Any alignment will be allowable, but it would be nice for him to be darker.
His name links to his profile and as you can see there is an Avatar with his image (click it and it links to a lineart Eld made). He also has some tables as well and there may be some more lovely art made for the person who adopts him...

Poem Destruction
female · four years · summer
This she wolf came from the first litter of Adrenaline and Maia, she is likely to be very close to her siblings. her alignment can be anything, but it would be nicer if she was darker and caught back up with Scorpion. She has littleart, but will be given more when adopted.

[b]Appearance:[/b] (If Applicable)
[b]RP Sample:[/b]


09-28-2014, 06:32 AM


Legend Destruction


(Same Appearance of course)

Legend is a medium wolf with a very average build. He stands at 34 inches tall and weighs 132 pounds. He stands tall and proud, but doesn't like to over power others with his stance unless provoked.

Legend is a base color of brown, his pelt looking a bit dusty but soft at the touch. This comes more from his father, Dutiron. He has thin white strikes that underline his eyes, along with white "eyebrows." His underbelly is also white, but does not go in between his front legs or to the underneath of his tail. His white color comes from his mother, Novel. Both his eyes are a dark blue, pulling from his father's eye color.


(will be written like other Profiles, take a look if you'd like)

Legend is a quiet, reserved wolf. He knows how to react in difficult situations and can calm someone down if they are injured or scared. Even though he may look awkward or unsure how to act around kids, he really enjoys them and works well with them. He enjoys being around his siblings more than anything, being social with his brothers and protective over his sisters. Though he may look to other females, he would rather spend time with family he already has then make a new one. He would give his life protecting his family.


First off to reunite him with his family, I might have him go to Sawtooth before Threar, but I plan on him staying in Threar. Most likely will have him look around for mate, wont have him just chillin with everyone if you know what i mean.

Personality change: I noticed he has a bit of an awkward social way of speech ("Erm", "Um"), I would like to change that to a more quiet, contained personality. Read above for more details.

RP Sample:

Soiled paws gently padded through the light forest. The boy's nose rose to be sure this was his place of origin, and he was correct. He could smell so much of what he used to know; parents, siblings. This is where he wanted to be no matter how long he had been gone. He had thought over and over about it, and finally decided that home is what he needed.

He was excited to see his siblings again, see if there was anymore family he could meet by them. He wanted to know of nieces, nephews, if he had become a new brother. And all the thought made him stop in his tracks. Had he crossed the border? he wasn't sure. But he hoped his parents wouldn't mind.

Singers would let loose a cry for anyone that knew him, and he would wait patiently as he listened to the falling stream in the background. Soon he would recognize the light man that approached him, "Father." He spoke in greeting, "It's been a while."

Finch I


4 Years

11-30-2014, 12:15 PM
As for Harmony, her rank once she becomes active will be Tagavor, which is a very high rank. She is head healer and in charge of training all other Mruni's and Vor's, so she must remain active. I would really like her to be posted AT LEAST once a week, and to remain very active within Abaven. Her siblings miss her, and I would love her to be played and kept active.



2 Years
12-15-2014, 07:23 AM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2014, 08:43 PM by Arivae.)

NAME Harmony Destruction
APPEARANCE She is staying the same!
PERSONALITY In general, Harmony is a very sweet young girl. She is very careful about what she says and what she is doing, and doesn't breathe down the necks of others without a good reason. And, being a healer, she is naturally very gentle and understanding. This making her very easy to speak to and approach. Although, chances are she wouldn't have the courage to ever get stirred up from misbehavior. She may be pouting and screaming on the inside, but on the outside her body refuses to do anything. Ultimately she remains too gentle and fragile to ever try and take charge of things such as fights or arguments. This leaves her on a bit of a sensitive and almost shy side. But, otherwise, she is extremely sweet and willing to help anyone who is in need of her assistance.
PLANS As far as I know, Harmony is gone or on a trip or something. Away from Abaven? I plan to bring her back so that she can reunite with her siblings and such. Then do healer stuff, etc. I'll think of something!
"Walking in a winter wonderland," She sung softly, her multicolored eyes beaming as she skipped through the chilly white snow. Her small paws kicked up little portions of the wintery powder, while she hum and sing to herself casually. Still on her little 'vacation' away from home, she was busy sniffing around for herbs and other little items that she could bring back with her. It had been a long time now, since she's seen Bass, Motif, Rhythm, and Chord. The dame did indeed wonder how they were all doing. Not just her siblings, though. The pack altogether. Were they coping, especially after the violent storms? How about through this snowy weather? The questions that flickered through her mind could go on forever. She missed them all, and wanted to see them again. But first...she wanted to put some use into her little trip. Even through the snow, finding little scraps of useful herbs was possible, right?


12-22-2014, 07:00 PM
Dee's breaking down and trying out for Poem as well -_-

Name: Poem Destruction
Appearance: (If Applicable)
Plans: To meet back up with Scorpion, maybe urge him into making a pack for the Destructions. Be all dark and stuff. She will be chaotic neutral though. Maybe amass and army around herself.
RP Sample:



12-26-2014, 05:30 PM
Salmon, if you still would like her Harmony is now yours