



2 Years
12-28-2014, 08:51 PM

A sigh of relief swept over the chocolate hued doe. Sprinkled snowflakes had made their heavy home above the angelic toppling of the liver colored foliage dawning such an elegant young lady. Young she was, though her personality did not follow suit. A rather aged young fae in words, though still youthful in physique and movement. This tends to put the doe in many a troubling situation seeing as the only protection she had brought with herself to these lands, is nothing...

The walls surrounded her in a cascade of overwhelming, yet strangely comforting warmth. The hue of the cavernous walls nearly matched the doe in color, but were hardly mobile any way, unable to curve themselves so lovingly about her as she walked so slowly. The drawings upon their bodies seemed to fly to the heavens, and she turned to each of her sides to follow them all the way up, until her bi-colored gaze could see them no more. Turning her attention forward the doe felt herself slow down to a stop, and would give a hearty shake as to rid herself of the snow that had made it's home upon her. A lick to her maw would ensue, not satisfying the hunger she felt, but instead allowed her to feel more comfort in where she was. So far she knew of only one way out of this place, and with that thought tucked away safely in her mind, she wandered with a steady head and relaxed figure, allowing her gaze to caress the art of the past inhabitants as she moved.

"Speech" Thoughts



5 Years
12-29-2014, 05:37 PM

To appease his ever ravenous curiosity, Nagendra had, despite his aversion to the cold, slipped deeper into the reaches of the snow-covered north. He carried with him a very faint, prickling sense of danger that crept up along his neck like a spider; he was new to these lands, and he was aware that he had no clue where he was going. He had come from a rather temperate environment, and would not know how to survive should he get lost. However, alongside that lingering alarm, there also was a smidge of excitement. Risks gave life substance.

For a while, he saw nothing but snow and ice, slipping farther and farther from the only landmark he knew – the dry riverbed. His high spirits began to dwindle as the cold seeped farther into his flesh. But then, oh joy! he saw it! It was but a dark shape pressed into the snow, but it brought his mind relief. Even if it was just a rock to look at, it was something besides the white, white, white (although he found that it would be wrong to dislike the endless expanse of snow – that in itself was a marvel to ponder upon). He picked up his pace some, thin legs lifting extra high to pull above the snow.

As he came closer, Nagendra could see that it was not a rock, but a hole. A cave, in fact. He paused momentarily outside, his body stiff and his tall ears perking as an expression of childish curiosity played across his face. The breeze tugged at his wild fur as snowflakes caught on his eyelashes. He blinked, and then sniffed. He couldn’t smell much here, with the overpowering blank smell of the cold, and the dusty scent of the cave drifting out. Caution was something Nagendra held close, but kept quiet. It was ever-present, but would never direct his actions more than his curiosity would. And so as he became aware of his own caution, he also knew that he would be going in anyways. He supposed if something attacked and ate him, then he just wouldn’t be too surprised about it.

Still holding himself rigid and tall, the wolf pranced in, each narrow foot barely touching the ground. He halted just a few feet in, with the breeze that scooped at the cave brushing at his hind. The first thing he noticed was that it was much nicer in here than out there. Snow peppered the entranceway and piled in a few small nearby crevasses, but farther in, there was none. Next, the markings on the wall. Before he could examine them much though, his attention was demanded solely by the figure of another. A small female, just visible in the dim light, stood up ahead. Could it be possible that many wolves lived in here, taking shelter in this sanctuary from the snow? He sniffed again subtly. No, it didn’t seem so. Then allowing himself to relax, an amused and sharp smile danced across his lips. ”Hello there,” he crooned, grinning slightly. ”Am I intruding?” She looked pretty.



2 Years
01-03-2015, 09:28 PM

As her optics wandered over the cave drawings, her feet seemed to wander as well without a thought as to where or how far. Luckily, they moved slowly, carrying the gentle, petit doe upon lithe, narrow feet, every step done in utter silence and serenity. With quiet breaths she would stare at the seemingly endless wall, both confused and marveled by these beautiful sketches. The red caverns curved around her bodice as she moved at a snails pace, her mind suddenly beginning to wander as she did so, her mis-colored eyes causing her mind to slow down as they curved around the black and sandy colored art stained to the walls, man and beast at battle with one another. Beasts at a rampage in wide open spaces, man with wolves at his side even, and that's when she stopped and stared, the wolves upon the walls caused her eyes to widen and moisten with a thin layer of curiosity and wonder.

What if she had been in this time? What would it have been like? What would she have done? Would her life have been different? Of course, these questions raced within her brain, rotting it profusely wit un-answerable questions left to be answered by ones imagination only. And so a gentle sigh would consume the stagnant air around her, and she continued to stare forward, taking in the beautiful, neutral scenes stacked one on top of the other, created by another individuals imagination and experience combined, for a moment the doe felt somewhat overwhelmed, causing her to lay her ads back upon her skull, and shut her watering gaze gently. Her dial dipped low back toward the ground before a single aud twitched in the direction from where she'd come.

Words soon to follow caused her optics to snap open, minty turquoise and soft silver cascading over an individual. This male, fine and elegant in many ways peered towards her with such suddenness that the chocolate red doe startled for a moment at his words, bringing her back to reality. Stammering for a moment the doe averted her gaze, lowering her hackles and taking a while to gather her words as she usually did. "Hello." Her voice was quiet and nearly inaudible as she let them seep from her lips with careful intention. "No, no, not at all." She hastened to speak though it was still near-silent. Angelic words flowing forth, unsure of what to say afterwards. Finally relaxing herself she managed a very slight smile, sweet and innocent in every way. "I'm so sorry, did I happen upon your territory, sir?" She quickly spit out, still quiet yet abundant. His scent was strong and wisps of the smell of cold came off of him, filling her lungs with the rich empty smell, crisp and cold.

"Speech" Thoughts