
I claim this land as my own


02-04-2013, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 06:22 PM by Pepper.)

Coming to the land of Ludicael she smiled widely. Finally she had found the land up for grabs, no scent from another wolf even lay within the land yet. She looked around and everything she saw she liked. The land was beautiful open and bright in some places and in others it was shaded and filled with trees.

This was it, the place that would make her mother proud of her. Her uncle Luke already been proud of her for wanting to better herself. In her time of being away from home, he only visited her twice and only long enough to tell her how every one was doing and make sure she was doing all right. She would tell him everything was fine, and it was.

In the year that she had been away from home she had learned a lot. Granted her mother and uncle had taught her everything she knew before she had left, being alone had taught her other things as well. Her mother had taught her hunting and her uncle had taught her how to fight...but being alone enhanced her skill. Out of all the loners she had met she had ended up having to kill three of them, only made friends with one and avoided others.

The peppered woman, finally ready to let every one near that she was claiming the land for herself and if they didn't like it then they could challenge her for it. Her head lifted with her nose tilted toward the sky. When her maw opened in a howl her soprano voice spilled out and filled area.

As she finished her challenge, her head lowered and she began scanning the area. The smile that had once been placed upon her face had now faded and nothing but the look of seriousness remained.

For her young age she knew a lot, not quite as much as her friend Lennon, but enough to know that she would probably have to fight another for this land. All the work she had placed into finding the place in its own should have earned her right to keep it for herself but she knew better than that. If some one else wanted it there would be a fight over it, or an agreement...but she didn't want to share. She hadn't come all this way to share.

No matter how hard she hoped, she knew there was that almost guarantee that she might have to fight some one.

word count: 418




02-04-2013, 05:27 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2013, 05:28 PM by Ardent.)

So you think you can claim?
Pepper has stated a claim on Ludicael. There are 5 days before the pack is hers and true fights in the battlefield must happen to gain this territory. Anyone may challenge to make this land their own.


02-04-2013, 07:01 PM
It is said that when a fallen angel has fallen to earth, the world morns the creature. That is nothing but a myth, angels don't fall to earth, and if they did there was no chance in hell that the creature will live.A Fallen Angel had landed in the lands such as this, but that angel will soon find out that this land will not be kind to it. It won't be kind to anyone who cross it's path.Walking through the grasslands a scent came across Ulrike's nostrils, The smell was that of another wolf, Female, young too.Walking to the other you could see his muscles rippled under the skin with every step that he took.

Each paw hit the ground with ease as he continued to carry himself across the land that rests right before him. The scent at this point was becoming stronger and stronger, and soon as his huge frame came into view of this femme, who had seemed to claim this land that he too wanted for him self, his eyes locked on her. His black eyes never left the female as he made his way to her, she was the enemy at this point, nothing but someone who is in his way of his soon to be land. A snarl escaped his lips as he moved closer to her holding him self tall and proud. He was not up by her, Her scent filled him even stronger now. "My name is Ulrike and i challenge you for this land" He spoke as he stood there looking at the young female.

This female was nothing but a child compared to him, he liked the spunk that she held in her but he was determined to beat that spunk right out of her and gain this land for his own. His own land where he can rule with his mate and pup. This was his chance to gain his own pack and he was not going to let this go. Who ever comes across his path he is determined to claim this land and keep it his for generations to come. Ulrike stood there and waited for the female to come to the battle field and get this fight on the road.

word count:382


02-04-2013, 09:23 PM
Approaching the land of Ludicael the Brute walked with careful paw-steps as he came closer and closer. Every step forward thoughts flashed through his mind. They were all of the past, present, and future. Sure the past had left him lonely and with something no wolf his age should have experienced at the time. The death and war he had witnessed truly scarred his mind but he couldn?t help but wonder about what he had gained. He may have lost his entire family but he had gained courage and bravery along with many other attributes. At the present he had gained a new responsibility and a new purpose in life, he knew in the back of his mind what he was thinking of but dared not think of it too much. He did not want to hurt the wolf in his thoughts in any way, he wanted to keep her safe and close for she was the only family he had now, or had recently gained. At the present once again he was making his way to Ludicael to supposedly check it out. What did he have to lose, surely his life was one thing he did not want to put on the line but some things are worth taking a chance. The male was wise beyond his age but young with new opportunities ahead of him. For the future he smiled at the possibilities. Hopefully someday he would be surrounded by family like he was once before. He did not know what would surely happen but anything could.

He walked with ambition as his posture was still that of a regal manner, something he should fix but he had grown up that way. The male?s white lined ears perked up as he heard a challenging howl, closer than he expected. His black fur rippled over his fit frame as he walked faster. The male let out a returning challenging howl as he came closer to the other wolf. He bound across the land until he slowed to a walk and locked eyes with a she wolf that seemed to be scanning for challengers like him.It was not long before he spotted another wolf, a brute. This was not something he wanted to get out of hand; his serious face stayed composed as he looked at the femme and the brute with his aqua blue eyes. Her serious face showed determination in his opinion as her face reflected his. The Brute's face he could not determine for it seemed very hostile. Soon after he nodded his head and let out a small smile, a smile which showed recognition in the other wolves.

"Hello, my name is Thane."

He expected the wolves to react in several different ways. Reasonable, defensive, or kind but that was what he expected the least. This was a serious matter but if it came to walk away he would still leave with the same respect for these wolves as he had now. There would be no need for sore feelings as life would go on.

Jupiter I


7 Years
02-04-2013, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2013, 10:02 PM by Jupiter I.)
- and so she arrived, gliding across the ground in a rolling stride, long-haired pelt of orange draped over her large frame, stalwarts hidden under layers of hair lightly matted with natural wear. celestial eyes lingered on those before her as she approached, an endless smile plastered upon her countenance, and her gait became more of a bounce, whole form seeming to vertically ripple with every spring-like strike and lift of her limbs. her tail flashed from side to side, but a fiery blur that dusted the air of its stagnancy.

- earth-rimmed auds slanted forward to quench their ever-lasting thirst upon two introductions. one was tainted strongly with confidence and undeserved power, the liquid of what would have been pure sustenance soiled by these characteristics. the second was of neutral tones; the syllables were not pure but not harmed, and jupiter found this timbre to her liking, so it was the male that she turned her attentions lightly upon, though her optics remained steady on the what would soon undoubtedly be two fighting canines.

- a giggle of cheerful and light proportions bubbled from the fae's cavernous chest before she could introduce herself. observant gaze had quickly discovered what was pride in the other fae's eyes, and the source of such was easy to guess. who wouldn't be proud of themselves for finding what they thought was a land void of another wolf's scent? what else was there to be proud of? the irony was appalling! under a masterful veil of her outward personality--which was nothing but innocent humor at the moment--jupiter scoffed at such stupidity.

- "it's funny," she whispered to the brute who had evenly introduced herself, still stifling giggles that had been forced for so long in the past that they now were as natural and instinctive as breathing, "because she probably thinks that she's the first one to have ever found this land!" another peal of choppy, almost-childish laughter pushed uncontrolled from her form. jupiter was native to this land, and to think that these newcomers (or at least this one) was so idiotic to think that these paths had not been walked before by lupine paws was ridiculous. already the lass within her guise was making bets on how long they would last. not more than a month or two, she commented, but then revised her mental statement. well, for this pack, if this one rules.

- a land so lush in resources and prey required a natural predator to control the population of creatures stranded on the lower link of the food chain--thus was the simple law of life and nature. to think that such a plain fact could evade the conscience of any creature sucked hope for her race's intelligence from her mind. all of these thoughts occurred safely under the ploy of an actor's skills, and even her bright eyes revealed not her inner musings. jupiter widened her beam and allowed her path of sight to rest upon and examine the obsidian lad a few feet before her.

- "anyway, i'm jupiter! but you can call me jup if you want!" she introduced cheerfully, settling comfortably upon her haunches and prepared to watch a lovely show unfold. "isn't this so exciting?" came her ecstatic, enthusiastic exclamation as she appeared to struggle to sit still. jupiter's tail created a steady drumbeat against the ground as it collided again and again with what was the familiar soil of her homeland, and she waited.

? 579 words ?

[ o o c ; ] hooray for decent starting posts. c:

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


02-10-2013, 12:38 PM
The brute stood still as he wondered what would occur next or what event would take place. He greeted the femme Jupiter who had introduced herself.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Jupiter,andmy name is Thane."the male said with a nod.

Thane enjoyed this moment of peace for he did not know how long it would last. Did he feel nervous,no he felt cautious. He did not underestimate this femme for lies can be told in deceiving looks. For the time being he stood thinking about past, present, and future. What wouldoccur next was what was on his mind. WHite lined ears perked up as his aqua blue eyes settled their gaze on Jupiter. It was almost an unfortunate occurance that he would possible have to face this femme in matters more than greeting one another. if anything such as that had to occur then so be it but he knew this is what would have happened as soon as he lay his dark paw onto this land. What did he have to lose, dignity? No his dignity was fine and he respected himself enough to allow such behavior. If only he knew why he was doing this; but somewhere deep down he knew. If so long ago he was the one being trained lessons of responsibility and behavior along with life skills what had happened to that. He knew all too well what had indeed happened.

Where is his sister, where is his family. The mbrutelooked up towards the sky and smiled as the Sun sparkled in his aqua blue eyes.

"There they are." he whispered silently to himself.

If anything was to happen to him it would be under their will and he would respect the way of the world as he did.

Jupiter I


7 Years
02-10-2013, 01:44 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2013, 01:45 PM by Jupiter I.)
- as she stared at the male, a peculiar feeling whisked through her body, pulsing through her blood and making its presence known in the shadows of his conscience. she had felt anger before. oh, had she felt anger before. but this was different. this was rage. and it wasn't just rage. it was righteous rage. it had a purpose; it had a just purpose and motive that couldn't be matched. she controlled it, chiding its insolence. how dare it rise and threaten her carefully-crafted guise! it hadn't shown outwardly, but it had been dangerously close.

- "thane, it's nice to meet you!" she greeted cheerfully, but there was a different, withdrawn quality in her tone that was peculiar, and though it wouldn't reveal her rage she knew that she could no longer be so blatantly nice to someone who was trying to rob her of her home. "but... i can't let you just take my home... i can't let any of you do it... and i'm sorry..." she murmured, voice sounding genuinely disappointed as she redirected her eyes to her paws. jupiter was keeping iterjup deeply in character, from the disappointed tone to the sad look, and praised herself on her ability to keep the submerged part of her mental iceberg unseen. she altered the distance between them so that they were only about a two yards apart.

- her stance shifted, large frame tensing as her head lowered, legs spreading to allow for increased mobility and readiness. muscles coiled and her neck scrunched, offering extra protection for the vein that throbbed with vitality in her throat, shielding it under additional layers of skin and fur. she didn't waste her energies on petty displays of dominance such as raising her tail--instead she kept it even for additional balance, planting her paws firmly into the soil below her. celestial eyes of glowing violet peered from glaring brows and the lass deemed herself battle-ready. her defensive motions took only a few seconds to form, but she felt as if time were dragging. her eyelids fluttered as she blinked, trying to clear the odd euphoria that plagued her conscience.

- it seemed as if she were going to wait for him to attack because of the hesitant pause she initiated after she set her defenses, but then suddenly she moved forth, the only forewarning to her attack being the millisecond's-worth of her muscles further coiling to spring. her motion was shallow in angle--instead of jumping upwards and exposing her stomach, jupiter lunged horizontally with her paws outstretched, careful to keep her neck scrunched, turning her head slighting to the side aiming to bring her gaping jaws to crunch down on the brute's muzzle and keep them there. she also hoped to get a grip upon his chest with her claws in an attempt to inflict some damage in case her initial attack missed its mark. when her back legs touched the ground they would also be slightly spread to offer stability, her toes splayed and pressed solidly into the pliable earth, leaving prints in their wake.

? 506 words ?

? defenses ?
scrunched the fur and skin about her neck for added protection of it; kept her tail even for balance; spread her back legs upon landing so it would offer more balance

? attacks ?

lunged horizontally forward at thane to try and bite and crunch down on his jaws to hold them; also aimed to sink claws into his chest for both her own stability and to inflict injury

? round ?

1/4 - no full dodge used

[ o o c ; ] really excited for this, haha. and edited to put in the '-' at the start of every paragraph. /forgot. :P

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


02-10-2013, 06:43 PM
The moment of silence was broken as Jupiter spoke. She apologized for this incident as she seeemed to hold on to the last part of her sanity before the rage of defense took over. He knew how she felt as she hid it because he knew all too well of the hunger for something.

He watched as the femme got into her own stance and kept her tail for balance, this battle would be interesting for both of them. As Thane stood he got into his own stance as well. With his forelegs lined up with his shoulders and his head down and pulled he kept his white lined ears down as well. The brute's aqua blue gaze settled on Jupiter as he readied himself for an attack. His tail was out straight for balance as well and one of his back legs was set back further than the other in case he had to push off suddenly. There was a brief moment which seemed as if the femme were waiting for him to attack but he was all too patient.

Suddenly Jupiter lunged at Thane and he took the few brief seconds to rethink everything. He saw he gaping jaws heading towards his muzzle and her claws heading towards his chest. As the femme lunged at him horizontally Thane pushed off of the ground with his back paw so that her muzzle would miss his but her claws would surely create a long scratch as his lower body was slower than his upper.

For his own attack his forlegs were splayed out with claws ready before him and if she did not move he would try to impale the skin and fur on her back as he landed.

Attack: claws ready to scratch down her back if she did not move.

Defense: pushed off from ground protecting his muzzle while having neck covered.

Injuries: should recieve long scratch on his underside but not too deep for he was jumping over and up.

Round: 1/4 no dodge was used

Jupiter I


7 Years
02-10-2013, 08:03 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2013, 08:45 PM by Jupiter I.)
- she was mildly disappointed as her jaws snapped powerfully down on nothing but thin air as he drew his body upwards, legs pushing into the ground so that he lunged over her. she brought her claws quickly down the planes of his chest and underbelly, her haste in doing this enough to leave only a very shallow scratch that trickled very little blood, but also giving her the time to press her paws into the ground so that she could raise up to meet him as he began his descent. she tried her best to shift her weight so that they wouldn't collide, but as she felt her body tipping backwards she knew immediately of her mistake. she would land on her back, with him atop her, and this was not a position that she wanted him in. too late to correct her idiotic motion she tried to make the best of it, aiming once more for his jaws a moment before her back hit the ground, hoping to have an advantage this time at the angle he was coming from. his own momentum, which should be halted with the impact with the ground, would probably send his head downward toward her, the male hopefully not having enough forewarning to yank it out of her reach. the attack may seem repetitive, but it had a distinct purpose that was dangerously clear in her mind.

- anticipating his arrival above her, she drew her powerful hind legs to her stomach and began to kick, trying to gouge her back claws into his stomach, especially aiming to try and gouge open the slight wound she had left only moments before. her mind worked frantically to try and figure out a solution to the predicament she would momentarily be in, breathless from her landing but relentless and unyielding in her attempts to deal damage. she shifted her shoulders upwards to help protect her neck once more, a snarl thundering from her chest. determination pulsed through her as solidly and as persistent as her righteous rage. had religion been known to her--had she believed in some god or higher power--jupiter would have felt as if she were sent by them to wipe the scum present her from the lands she was expelled upon from her mother's womb. her negative attitude extended only to those near her, for the lass was sensible enough to keep unwarranted hate from tainting her mind, but with its area of concentration being so small, its force on each individual was great.

? 421 words ?

? defenses ?
though she is on her back with thane possibly destined to land upon her, she still raises her shoulders to scrunch her neck

? attacks ?

aims for jaw from under him as they land, hoping that gravity and his suddenly-stopped momentum will naturally bring his jaws further within reach as all heads do when wolves land; aims to continually kick at his underbelly as he lands

? injuries ?

set of about 1/4 inch-deep gashes on the middle of her back

? round ?

2/4 - no full dodge used

[ o o c ; ] almost halfway there! c: and edited to add injuries counter; I forgot to mention that Thane's attack hit but I did not edit it into the IC portion post, only made not of it in the injuries counter. Of course, I take full responsibility for this, so it automatically hits with full force. c:

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


02-10-2013, 09:08 PM
As Thane was in mid-air he was surprised to see Jupiter attempt to leap at the last moment towards him after he had made 1/4 inch deep gashes down her back. As she had only left a shallow scratch on his chest he knew he shouldn't underestimate her which he planned to do. It was only that when the femme fell backwards did he watch as he went over and she fell down. Thane intended to land upon her but he knew she had an odd advantage. So he pulled in his back legs and tail over his stomach so it would not be accessible for injury as he kept his head pulled back into his neck.

He tried to make it over the falling femme but he would make it short and she would gouge his stomach if he wouldn't move. So the brute shifted his weight to the right and it would cause his head and neck to shift left out of the way while his left shoulder would take place of where his chest was and was accessible to her back claws. He now had his right foreleg to the right of him where his head was he intended to land, with his paw on her chest and he would scratch her chest deeply as they landed which would cause impalement of the skin from the impact.

He knew she was a clever femme and one absolutely engraged at that but he had to fight smart. With aqua blue eyes full of determination he did not growl yet for he had himself composed but alert.

Attack: claws dead center on chest ready to impale skin from impact of fall or landing.

Defense: pulling in legs and tail to cover underbelly. Having neck pulled in and protected. Shifts weight to the right causing different places to take injury.

Injury:Shallow scratch on chest from first round. Should take shallow scratches or mild on the shoulder from moving of the underbelly to the shoulder.

Round: 2/4 no dodge used still

Jupiter I


7 Years
02-10-2013, 09:59 PM
- his tail, curled to guard his underbelly, could not stop the fact that she was going to kick the hell at anything she could reach, so his tail fell victim to the wrath of her back legs as she twisted her hindquarters to follow the movement of his body, trying to push the irritating appendage of fluff out of the way and hoping that the pain would cause him to move it of his own will. luck drifted to her in the form of a mistake of his own; as his body weight shifted to the right to avoid the brunt of her attack, his head didn't quite follow the momentum and remained leftwards: right where she wanted it. short-lived triumph blossomed in her mind as she felt her jaws clamp securely down upon his muzzle, and she crunched down with her jaws, front set of her largest four canines reaching just past the bridge of his nose in a fit almost perfect to her own maw. she smirked past the mass of bone, flesh, and enamel held forcefully within her teeth as she tried to injure him enough, but her pride faltered after a second or so as his left paw met her chest with painful momentum, his ivory claws digging past her fur and into her flesh. surprise caused her grip to slacken slightly, but it would be barely just enough for him to free himself if he pulled upwards. if he took that course of action, though, it was highly likely that her teeth would still drag across his jowls and lips on both sides, as she had not loosened her grip enough to completely release him from her hold.

- whether he jerked his maw from her grasp as the force lessened or not, she had no plans to keep it anyway, as she had already hopefully inflicted enough damage to lessen his jaw strength or temporarily disable use of his muzzle completely. no matter the consequences of her previous action, jupiter would roll to her right and out of the grasp of the paw planted in her chest, but as the 180 degree revolution would be completed she would plant her own paws into the ground and push from the earth, aiming to horizontally throw her weight back into him. his tail--one of a wolf's main source of balance--had been tucked in to protect his underbelly, so unless he had moved it during the assault with her hind legs, it would be easy to throw him off of balance, and hopefully there would be an element of surprise to add to her advantage. no one really ever expected an escaping enemy to come back at you, did they?

- as she lunged she would just so happen to glance at the shrubs nearby, a few yards away, and see the silhouette of a small, round black figure tensed and with its fur raised, snarling but still. she would smirk and await the outcome of her attack, pleased with the presence of the creature. its hostility would also remind her to reset her defenses and scrunch her neck once more and extend her tail for balance, aware of the warm blood matting her chest fur.

? 528 words ?

? defenses ?
scrunched neck for added protection; made tail level for balance

? attacks ?

rolls from under him and then reverses her weight, trying to throw herself into him and catch him off-guard and off-balance so she can knock him over

? injuries ?

set of about 1/4 inch-deep gashes on the middle of her back; deep, concentrated set of claw-marks upon her chest, bleeding and matting her chest fur

? round ?

3/4 - no full dodge used

[ o o c ; ] you didn't take any damage from the hind claws, and if you don't it's considered a full dodge (you said you still hadn't used the full dodge, which means some damage would have had to been taken; it's still up to you to what degree), and it wouldn't be applicable since her attack can still land from where she's at (or so I gleaned from your post; it was a bit hard to follow :c). you also didn't mention the result of her second jaw lunge, so it's automatically assumed to hit. ^^;

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


02-11-2013, 04:34 PM
Thane had gotten himself in quite a pickle as he had failed to keep his jaw from his opponent's reach. It was only to his surprise when the deranged femme clamped down on his muzzle as her two fron canines dug into the top. In order for him to escape this hold she had on him he had to go with it. Oh how he dreaded this for th eonly way to escape was to hurt himself even more. While the femme's jaw was clamped on his own he tried to open his mouth and tried his best to push his top maw up and the bottom of his jaw down, hence parting his mouth open. The male cringed as the femme's canines dug in deeper until he swiftly clamped his mouth shut and had a mere second to pull out his muzzle. The result was two scratches across his muzzle but they weren't as deep as they would have been if he had just straight forward pulled his muzzle out horizontally. There were only two deep injuries there from the canines but only where they had dragged across was the part that had become shallow.

The brute then realized that there was fur all around, as she tried to kick at his underbelly from before she had only taken out a ton of fur from his tail. As the femme then rolled away from him after his paw had made contact with her chest he knew this was going to be a trick. Should she stay there or come back at him he was ready.

"What are you doing, fight!" screamed an anonymous voice inside the male's head.

The brute's aqua blue eyes hardened as the determination melted away into anger. He was not there anymore for it seems as if he was in his own mind now seemingly in a trance as the wolves continued on starting to get drenched in one another's blood.

As the femme pushed away he took out his tail and pointed it outwards to hold his balance as he stood on all fours now. He only had a moment until his oponent lunged back at him. The male then repeated the first rewaction as he had before. He jumped up as the femme would make the scratch in his chest deeper as so would he then aim to sink his claws into her back again as he went over with his neck scrunched and low with his hindlegs tucked in and tail splayed out for balance.

The brute noticed his opponent look over to an odd animal that looked deranged as well. Perhaps a companion of Jupiter but he looked up towards the sky as an eagle's cry rang out through the sky.

The golden eagle cirlced above the two wolves as they fought.

"Couldn't let you go through another one alone Master Thane." the bird said to him from above.

"Well it was nic of you to show up." Thane said with what was left of his humor.

"Just one more, then we both go down together sire." the bird said with determination in his tone.

"One more it is my dear friend." he said in return as the bird circled and the two wolves continued.

Attack: Claws aiming for already deep scratches on back. Jumping over to get at the back (not dodging , still taking damage.)

Defense:neck scrunched/tail for balance/ jumping rather than take on comeback dead on center, only having her deepen the scratch on his chest.

Injury(ies):now deeper scratch on his chest. two scratches deep to shallow going across the top of his muzzle(from second jaw attack). Damage from hind claws on his shoulder (shallow).

Round:3/4 no full dodge used yet :3

OOC: not sure if I got everything but correct me if I am wrong or missing something. ^^ lol sorry I'm like blindly yet intricately going through this like what am I doing and ah I see at the same time. figured we would save the companions for last and have ourself a little party eh? I brought the balloons o3o

Jupiter I


7 Years
02-11-2013, 05:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2013, 09:08 PM by Jupiter I.)
- jupiter cursed silently within the confines of her mind as he leaped to counter her parallel-facing approach, telling herself that she should have expected that action on his part. he was quite fond of leaping, wasn't he? then again, she seemed quite fond of the muzzle attack as well. the flicker of change in her thoughts vanished as she noted the action he was making, but physics wouldn't allow a replica of his last attack. her initial attack had her body already angled nearly-perpendicular to his vertical stance, so any attack he aimed would have had to been at her sides. she preferred this to her underbelly, and tensed herself in anticipation of the pain.

- it had no goals of disappointing, and she felt the claws burying themselves into her ribs until the ivory daggers clicked--luckily--against bone instead of vital organs. her momentum thoroughly disrupted by his partial weight coming upon her, her form slowed down enough for her to slip from under him before his full poundage did further damage to her side. the action was awkward; to dislodge his claws she had to twist her body in a stationary roll so that his paw slid down her skin (the rest of her fur thankfully protecting her from further damage), and at the end there was the pinch of her elastic, healthy flesh being the only thing separating his paw from the earth. she quickly pulled that from his grasp in no-time, and then swiftly swung her neck within hardly a moment, jaws agape and aiming to crunch down on the leg that had just focused its weight upon her bodice. jupiter also aimed to roll once (or if, rather) her teeth hit their mark in an attempt to roll and drag him down with her. the lass repeated her defenses, rolling her shoulders blades forth to add protection to her neck.

- a blood-curdling scream erupted from the bushes, and the obsidian figure she had nearly forgotten about burst from its verdant shelter, having spied the blood already further reddening her fiery fur upon her stomach and behind her shoulders. the tasmanian devil covered the distance with speed surprising for its stubby legs and rapidly lunged for the male's back leg, aiming to crunch its jaws down upon the appendage and defend his companion with some of the strongest jaws known to the animal kingdom. whether the result of this attack was in thane's favor or his, it was then that his beady eyes glanced up to see the bird circling above. if his attack landed he would try and crush the bone of the wolf threatening the she-wolf he had grown so fond of, rotating his body on the pivot point that was the lupe's leg so that he would be in the shadow and shelter of his target. hopefully the bird wouldn't be stupid enough to try and attack him by getting under his master when the wolf was injured as he was (mercury wasn't even quite sure if the bird could reach him at all). if his jaws fell on empty air the small mammal would hurriedly scurry back into the safety of the bramble-like bushes, seeking shelter among the thorns that likely ravage the avian's wings and feet if he attempted to follow.

? 548 words ?

? defenses ?
jupiter rolled shoulderblades forth again to protect neck; tasmanian devil dodged any potential future eagle attack with retreat

? attacks ?

jupiter does a stationary roll to free herself from under him and crunch the paw she just dislodged between her jaws; mercury (tasmanian devil companion) aimed to attack his leg

? injuries ?

set of about 1/4 inch-deep gashes on the middle of her back; deep, concentrated set of claw-marks upon her chest, bleeding and matting her chest fur; similar deep claw-marks going to her rib bones, also matting fur as it expels blood.

? round ?

4/4 - full dodge used on mercury *only* if his attack didn't hit

[ o o c ; ] you did fine, though I'm still not sure how she would rip his wound open if she threw her side into him. cx anyway, that's alright! <33 also, edited to correct word count.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


02-11-2013, 06:19 PM
This was it and he knew it; the last part of the path. Whether it would lead the two to victory or defeat they would both go back to where they came from with a smile on their faces. It was not one to predict victory or to overestimate oneself. Thane knew this was now or never, and so began the beginning of the end.

Cyril circled above keeping watch on the small animal who seemed to not be able to keep those little beady eyes of his off of his master. The bird smirked as he remembered the good old days, this certainly was an interesting battle.

Thane watched as Jupiter rolled out from under his grasp as he landed from his leap. His claws had met his target but had merely missed her vital innards but he did not intend to mess with such important parts for they are life threatening and he was not here to kill or harm any more than that is required. While she had rolled out from under him he kept his limbs and paws in mind for she would have easy access. It was all so quick that he barely knew what was going on but yet his body moved with the attacks. It all seemed to come from heart and the determination of each wolf that drove them to attack each other in such fierce ways.

Cyril knew his part was coming as he whispered one last silent prayers up to the fallen that Thane and himself fought for. His wings spread out wide as he dove down to circle around Thane keeping the little devil at bay. If the animal dare come in close enough to his master the beast's talons would see to that. So the bird flew intricately and cautiously around the two wolves ever so closer than before and had his talons splayed out ready to attack the little beast if it dared dart out.

Thane swished his tail which had clumps of missing fur but he did not care for that at the moment. As Jupiter came to bite down on his paw the wolf dodged the attack by jumping over the femme once more; and as he did so his claws on his hind legs were splayed out ready to claw the opponent as they would push against her to get an extra boost further away from her.

Cyril stopped circling and landed on his masters shoulder

"This may be the end Master Thane but if it has to come to that we leave with pride in our actions and determination for we have worked together and as I said before your not going down without me."the bird said with a humorous wink after his serious stare receded.

"It was one that brought back memories my dear friend, but I just want to say that I am oh so grateful to have you as not just as my companion but as my best friend." he said with his aqua blue eyes full of compassion.

And there the brute stood beaten, bruised, and bloody. Neither he nor his opponent would come out of this looking like a wolfinista but he would leave with pride and dignity as he carried his heart along with him. Yes this male had respect for this femme but the same respect as he did so before.

Attack:Cyril(companion golden eagle) ready to attack the tasmanian devil if he should attempt to touch Thane. Thane using hind leg claws to get one last set of scratches in as he leaps away and uses Jup's body as a launching pad.

Defense: Cyril guarding Thane from Mercury. Thane dodges over Jupiter as she was crouched down ready to grasp his paw. He uses his dodge and her atack misses.

Injuries: deeper scratch on his chest. two scratches deep to shallow going across the top of his muzzle(from second jaw attack). Damage from hind claws on his shoulder (shallow).

Round: 4/4 full dodge used on Thane jumping over Jupiter avoiding her attack at his paw.

OOC: It was fun and I definetly learned from it lol. *releases balloons into sky. And ladies and gents that is Maka's attempt at well idk xD I had to say something else in here but I forgot... oh and the dodge was used on Thane cause your dodge would have been used as I suppose Mercury would have fled from cyril I think. I'm not sure if i am correct but please correct me if I am wrong. And I don't think he received any injuries in 4/4 with the dodge thingamabop but again correct me if I'm wrong xD

Jupiter I


7 Years
02-11-2013, 09:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2013, 09:09 PM by Jupiter I.)
- all at once it had seemed as if it were over, the natural instinct that frowned upon the murder of one of their species in a dominance fight kicking in, the adrenaline pulsing less violently in their systems. mercury withdrew to his master's side, a worried growl slipping from the rosy lips of the usually aggressive creature, showing a tenderness for his mother-figure. he hadn't been a newborn when she had found him, but he just been weaned after losing his mother, and luckily it had been enough for him to trust her. the tasmanian devil slipped between her front legs, settling on his haunches and lifting his upper body slightly from the ground to lap at her chest wound, knowing that the lass would not be able to bend her head at such a sharp angle to groom it herself. meanwhile, after a thankful glance, jupiter tended to the rest of her wounds, though she would have to request mercury's assistance in grooming the ones on her back, including the one she had just received moments ago from the move that had ended the fight. the orange wolf noticed the lack of mercury's tongue cleaning her wounds, and glanced down at him to see the obsidian being looking triumphant before returning to his duties.

- "that dunderheaded feather-flapper couldn't clean that dolt's wounds if he wanted to!" he snarled in an aside to jupiter, disdain in his voice. the femme giggled, characteristic of the happy personality of iterjup, and beamed down at him. "even if he tried with that puny, pitiful worm of a tongue of his, that codfish would only make them worse with that useless beak!" the devil spat, turning and sending spittle rocketing at the ground as he hissed at the avian. his companion quickly ushered him back to her with a guiding paw, and the bloodied she-wolf settled upon her haunches expectantly.

? 316 words ?

[ o o c ; ] this doesn't count towards the fight; it's more of a post just for jup to acknowledge that it's over, since thane has already done so. also, I don't know for sure, but I think maybe the way you warded off mercury would be considered a full dodge since no damage was taken? he had planned to attack regardless, as he didn't notice cyril until he tried to attack, and would have hidden under the cover of thane (as was mentioned) if his attack hit. anyway, I learned a lot from this, and hopefully I'll be learning a lot more once Lu posts the analysis of the rounds! You did a really good job, and it was really fun to RP a fight with you. ^_^

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


02-11-2013, 10:59 PM


sorry for intruding on your fight -- i'm just introducing elysium as another candidate for ludicael's leader! dunno who i'm to fight but i thought i should post here just because posting a challenge thread without having elysium gain knowledge of the battle ICly would not make sense.


text. talk.

A disruption in the usually placid atmosphere had caused the juggernaut to halt in her tracks, going from pacing the face of a land that held too many scents to have been officially claimed by one superior to trekking off in the direction that promised a scuffle. A multitude of squeals -- and one blood-curdling screech in particular -- had captured what was left of her attention for it promised bloodshed that she so desired to be a bystander to. Even witnessing a brawl between two unfamiliar canines was enough to trigger an adrenaline rush within her own system, and as the muffled growls grew louder with every stride she took, the pounding of her heart against her ribcage intensified and her pace quickened. She knew not why the unseen duo were fighting, nor did she care -- she just wanted to get the front-row seat in the arena before the attacking subsided and she was left with yet another dull afternoon, where the only activity on her agenda would be sneering at all of the newbies that had migrated and staked a claim upon her turf.

Finally, she reached a clearing where vegetation was scarce, noticably slowing down, adopting a hunting stance, and slinking behind a bush so that she would remain invisible to those who were participating in the fight who probably would not have given her a second glance anyway due to their concentration. She observed, with avid interest, what appeared to be the conclusion of the fight, mentally scolding herself for not having gotten to her destination sooner. The scene that had unfolded before her own eyes was a bloody battle between two canines -- a larger, darker male, an intricately-designed ruddy wench, and, upon closer inspection with eyes narrowed in bewilderment, a tiny little fuzzy thing that Elysium could not identify that appeared to have sided with the female. Her brows immediately rose in astonishment, and her skull elevated from its guarded stance and gave way to her presense should either look beyond their opponent and into the position (behind the female) that she had taken. Whether or not she'd be noticed, she didn't quite care, she was simply bemused with the fact that a canine had made an alliance with some rodent of sorts, and that the thing was attempting to aid her in the fight. It tickled the beast pink.

All of a sudden, the duo stepped away from one another and tended to their wounds obtained through battle, leaving Elysium thoroughly confused. A frown fell across her wide-set visage, and she planted her rump to the ground as carefully and as noiselessly as she possibly could. Still, she was curious as to why they were fighting, though by the scent of the land surrounding them that seemed to be the duo's own aromas and others that weren't present intertwined, Elysium could only suspect that either wanted to territory for themselves...Aha! She was not one hundred percent positive that that was their reasoning behind the fight, but, regardless, devious little plots of her own began to manifest within her twisted mind. Why not just complicate it that much more -- why not throw herself into this battle to give the others another competitor? The idea appealed to her not only for her favored reason of stirring up trouble, but also because..why the hell not? If she managed to reign victorious over the other challengers, then it was a possibility that she could establish a pack for herself under her own command. A smile cracked her countenance as she mulled the idea over. Yes...she would throw herself into the arena.


02-13-2013, 03:39 PM
She had watched, cobalt blue eyes had been captivated by the two warriors. She was not a violent thing, not in the slightest, in fact she hated war a great deal more than she had ever hated anything but she understood why it needed to occur, what fueled creatures to be so horribly violent to one another. She did not know these strangers, but she did know the art of healing and no matter how foul or nasty someone seemed to be, she did her absolute best to heal them, even if they turned those violent teeth upon her... Asheni did not have it in her to be vicious, violent, or mean.

They clashed, fighting for power, dominance... whatever it was that fueled them forward, Asheni did not care, her eyes followed the wounds, the injuries. She had been on her way back to Glaciem, a variety of herbs and remedies clasped between her jaws. She was their lead medic, this was her job, when she had caught the growls and snarls in the air. It had taken her very little time to reach the field of battle, but it was clear that both sides were considerably injured and her soft nature demanded she stay and wait. Two strangers... both would need her medical attention.

She waited until the fight was over, until claws and teeth retracted from flesh and fur and both parties came to a mutual understanding. Only when they had both released one another did she reveal herself. She was a tiny thing, not much of a threat to anyone, barely reach thirty inches. Her coat was a pretty marbling of black and white and her eyes were the color of the sky on a cloudless day. She was pretty, petite, she had no muscles for fighting or combat, and the herbs in her mouth only added to her harmlessness. She dropped the herbs, and bowed her head, a sign of submission.

"Please, allow me to ten to the wounds this battle has brought forth. My name is Asheni, I am the lead medic of Glaciem." She stated her rank, only so they would know she was not some psychopath performing experiments, she was a master of the arts of healing and she only wished to help.


02-13-2013, 04:57 PM
Thane stood covered in blood as warmth pulsated from him. With every pump of hie heart he slowly recovered and was brought back from the trance of battle. The brute looked himself over and tried to lick the blood off of his muzzle. The scratches that went from deep to shallow were front line and center on the top of his muzzle. No matters, looks weren't what all wolves need. It is what is in the heart that is needed and his was not cold.

The battle had been bloody and fierce as both were injured and were bleeding. As Thane turned his aqua blue gaze over to Jupiter he saw that her fur was matting; suddenly a femme appeared and had stated herself as Asheni and a healer from Glaciem.

The male knew it would be unwise to throw away the opportunity to have wounds attended to. If such wounds would become infected then it only escalades down from there. White lined ears perked up as he spoke in return.

"I appreciate your offer and I shall accept it." he said with a nod.

The period of battle had ceased until the next battle brought on more pain and suffering. There is no such thing as a battle without those two attributes; what was everyone truly doing now, gliding through life perhaps. What was he doing most of all... What has he done in his life besides living in the shadow of death and loss. It was not the point for him to keep on holding on to the past for he must go on.

The Brute sat on his haunches as Cyril looked this way and that; observing the area and its inhabitants at the moment with his golden eyes.

Thane sat as a slight breeze ruffled his fur, aqua blue eyes looked back over to jupiter as he hoped she would have her wounds tended to as well; it would be a shame for one to become infected. There were no hard feelings from him and there woul never be. This was life and time ticked by as they had to spend it wisely.

Lost in thought the brute closed his eyes for a moment and let the breeze gently ruffle his dark fur.

today was the day for him to move on; he opened his aqua blue eyes and turned his gaze back at Asheni. He was ready to be attended to if she would be so kind to do. A smile appeared on his muzzle as every nice thing counted, and this would not be forgotten.



02-14-2013, 02:03 PM
No more posting here until judging is finished. Both of you should never have sat down...wolves don't just look at eachother waiting for something to tell them who won. It should have left off both at arms and nothing else happening. This thread is closed until further notice.



02-18-2013, 10:34 AM
Jupiter v Thane for the right to challenge Pepper

Round 1

-1 for clarity- Very well written, minimal problems with clarity in certain portions

-0 for powerplaying. No obvious signs of power playing

-2 for defenses. Three major defenses were clearly stated, though a few more could have been elaborated upon.

-4 for attack. If she is turning her head to the side to snap at his muzzle and clamp down, then that would mean she is not leaping directly for him, and therefore would have difficulty latching onto his chest with her claws. Also, given the fact that she is leaping toward him, she is placing herself in a vulnerable position with limited balance given that all four paws are off of the earth during her attack.

-0 for injuries.First round

Round one Jupiter Total: 43/50


-6 for clarity- A few run on sentences and changes of tense made parts of this round difficult to comprehend. Your response to Jupiter's attack needed improvement, as you didn't state where the attack landed, and didn't really say for certain that it did. That's your job.

-1 for powerplaying. I saw no powerplaying, though a bit more description is necessary in order to make it fair for the other person involved.

-0 for defenses. Your defenses were well established and thought out.

-4 for attack. Your attack was somewhat vague, as well as your response to Jupiter's attack. If he is leaping to escape her attack on his muzzle, you need to state exactly where her claws hit and what direction he is jumping in. Remember, every single attack has to cause some form of damage unless a full dodge is used, and each attack must be referred to in your post.

-0 for injuries. First round.

Round one Thane Total: 39/50

Round 2


-0 for clarity- again, very well written with no obvious problems in clarity.

-0 for powerplaying. n/a

-7 for defenses. The defenses were minimal at best, and given her vulnerable state she could have attempted to do more to protect herself. Elaborate on defenses, they are incredibly important.

-0 for attack. Her attack makes a lot of sense and is logical given the way she is positioned on her back.

-5 for injuries. Injuries were minor, but not well addressed within the post, not to mention she would have sustained minimal bruising or at least pain when she fell on her back. Remember, the ground is hard and she fell directly onto her back from the air.

Round two Jupiter Total: 38/50


-4 for clarity- Again, a few of your sentences are run-ons. There were also some comma misplacements that caused me to have to read and reread your post to understand fully what you meant.

-3 for powerplaying. I need you to be clearer on where Jupiter's attacks land. 'with his paw on her chest and he would scratch her chest deeply as they landed which would cause impalement of the skin ' You're basically saying that your attack will succeed. Your wording needs to change here, because you're not giving Jupiter a chance to react to what Thane is attempting. This is considered powerplaying because of your wording.

-5 for defenses- Some of the defenses were logical, but others were not entirely probable. Thane would not have been able to rotate his body onto his side to receive her attack at his shoulder in that amount of time. Remember, this isn't slow motion, he would have had just a split second of 'hang time' in order to make this move, and I don't believe he could have accomplished it as you said.

-3 for attack. While the attack makes sense in and of itself, with what I said above and him not being able to rotate that quickly and efficiently, it makes your attack also improbable. There was also powerplaying involved with this as I stated above.

-7 for injuries. Given that I don't believe he could have made that rotation, I am taking extra points away because the injury did not take place in the most probable location. Also, you need to take your injuries in your post, you're not mentioning them as happening, but saying they will happen in the future. The injuries must be accounted for within the post that they are received. Another note, the attack on his muzzle was completely missed, and therefore is an automatic success.

Round Two Thane Total: 28/50

Round 3

-0 for clarity- No immediate issues here

-0 for powerplaying. No immediate issues here

-5 for defense. Minimal defenses, I should think she would have done a bit more to secure herself after narrowly escaping a vulnerable position beneath him.

-2 for attack. Creative attack of shifting her weight back toward him, but a bit more description would have been nice in order to know just where their bodies might impact one another, etc.

-4 for injuries. The impact of him falling on top of her would surely cause more than just the concentration of scratches on her chest. I would expect bruising or something of that sort.

Round Three Jupiter Total: 39/50


-4 for clarity- Mild clarity issues including vague explanations, spelling, and grammatical issues.

-0 for powerplaying. No issues here.

-6 for attack. Attack is hardly probable. He would have to be jumping straight up, as well as to the side which is not the usual way that wolves would jump. Not to mention the odds of him getting high enough to launch an attack on her back are extremely low.
-6 for injuries. Her attack on his muzzle was moderate-severe, and therefore should have inflicted more damage including bruising, swelling, and most likely four wounds instead of two, as she has four canine teeth which would have concentrated the attack to both the top and bottom of his muzzle and possibly rendered it painful to move.
-8 for defenses. No plan for balance, very little defensive tactics mentioned in post, as well as improbability of said defense.

Round Three Thane Total: 22/50

Round 4

-1 for clarity- I understood it all eventually, but some of it was a bit difficult.

-0 for powerplaying. Didn't notice anything here.

-4 for defense. Needs to be more elaborate, there was not much mentioned as far as what her body was doing to defend herself, it was more action-based. Remember defenses must be set and elaborated upon in each post.

-3 for attack. Lots of rolling involved, I'm not sure how much time she would have had to complete this. Added point for the companion's attack.
-3 for injuries. Injuries seemed logical and took proper damage.

Round Four Jupiter Total: 38/50


-2 for clarity- To he honest, I got lost a few times in this post, and had to reread. Concentrate on proper tenses and use of vocabulary.

-1 for powerplaying Not bad.

-6 for defenses. I don't believe that he would have had enough reaction time to leap over her /again/ and miss her attack altogether. You also didn't mention much about defenses at all in this post.

-6 for attack. The attack didn't make much sense to me at all, particularly because I don't believe the leap was logical.

-5 for injuries. Again, I don't believe that the full dodge was used logically. It's a dodge, not an excuse for a special move.

Round Four Thane Total: 30/50


Jupiter: 158/200

Thane: 119/200

And the winner is...

Jupiter! Thane must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.

Jupiter may challenge Pepper for the right to lead Ludicael.


Jupiter- Swelling and mild bruising on back along with two 1/4 inch gashes. Mild-moderate bleeding and bruising on chest and rib bones. Each wound will remain sore for 2 OOC weeks. Permanent scarring on chest and ribs.

Thane Swelling and bruising on muzzle, chest, and shoulder. Permanent scarring on chest and muzzle. Wounds will remain sore for 2 OOC weeks.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
You guys overall wrote really well. I do have a few concerns though, several times defenses were not fully elaborated. Every post requires you to set up your defenses like new, and you cannot assume that they are carried over from the previous post. Also, your wolves behavior post-fight was highly unusual and should never occur again. When a fight is through and the last round is posted, you must cease replying to the thread until you get a response from a judge.

For Starsight
Your writing had no overall issues, however a few of your maneuvers were curious and I?m not entirely sure would actually occur. Overall you did a fabulous job, however, and I commend your thoughtfulness in each post. One of the top things you need to work on is the setting of your defenses in each post, and elaborating on all of them individually.

For Maka
Your sentence structure needs a bit of work, but overall you did a good job. Your posts lacked a bit of realism that is necessary, and that?s what really hurt you in this battle. You also failed to notice several times when Jupiter was attacking Thane, and for that you lost points. Always check and double check to be sure you addressed everything the other wolf is doing. And be sure your wolf isn?t taking time to talk to it?s bird mid-fight, okay?

- By Andy