
heavy lies the crown



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-30-2013, 10:52 AM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2013, 10:52 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's heart strummed loudly in her chest as she made her way from the borders of Valhalla. She was headed east, towards the lands of Seracia, hoping that the King of Seracia would be content with the change in arrangements. Why he would deny, she was not sure, but with each step she began to expect the worst -- a habit formed as of late, since things did not ever seem to go as planned.

But truth be told, she was equally terrified about the prospect of being denied as she was about her offer being accepted. She knew that she had gotten Chrysanthe's hopes up, as well as her own -- she would feel terrible to have to return with such news, to tell Chrysanthe she would have to be the one to go to Seracia to secure the alliance, to wed a male she didn't love, and might never. But, the more that Epiphron reflected on it, it was also nerve-wracking considering that Gerhardt might accept her offer. Since the moment she had spoken up at the pack meeting, unable to continue watching Chrysanthe grow physically ill at the future that lay before her, she had hardly thought of Maverick.

But as the woman drew closer to the borders of Seracia, she remembered how poorly their last meeting had gone. Would he be impressed by her show of courage? Were here actions courageous at all? After all, she would still be a Queen here, someday -- but here, she would get what she wanted. Maverick. She wondered vaguely, as paws carried the slender girl closer by the minute, if she'd done this for the right reasons. Chrysanthe had earned the position; but what if she was the kind of woman Seracia needed? Her actions had not exactly been selfish, but had thoroughly been driven by self-interest, coupled with concern for her sister's well-being.

Despite the doubt that had begun to sprout inside her head, Epiphron held herself with all the confidence of a Queen. She was young, both mentally and physically, and yet the sureness with which she approached the borders of Seracia was startling. Strong shoulders held her cranium, which tipped delicately to the sky, letting loose a loud call from her throat. She could only hope Gerhardt would be the one to answer to it.


05-30-2013, 11:38 AM

The metallic taste of blood flowed freely down his esophagus as he devoured his kill. The King of Seracia had been hunting on this particular day, and his hunt had resulted in the glorious kill of a large doe. He hadn't expected he'd be able to pull her down, but upon noting a significant limp in one of her back legs his confidence had blossomed. Now that she was securely on the ground and her body grew stiff, the King's joy soared. While it was a pity that the creature had to die, he knew it was not in vain. He would grow strong on her flesh and would not waste a bit of it. Even what he could not eat, his pack members would come along to finish off. It was the circle of life, and this is how it went.

He would rise from the doe's body, having eaten a considerable amount of the flesh from her hip and side. It was difficult to feast on that particular area given the small rib bones that got in the way, but if one knew how to do it they would find themselves tasting the best bits of flesh. A bark echoed from his lips, summoning anyone nearby who might want a meal. He wouldn't linger to see who came, but instead pivoted away from the kill, blood still staining the lighter parts of his muzzle, chest, and paws.

Eyes of amethyst scanned across the croplands, noting a lone figure near the border. Her howl came almost as soon as he saw her, and instantly the King drew up his frame and trotted toward her. An ear flicked back skeptically as he came near in hopes of a good encounter. She smelled strongly of Valhalla, and instantly the King's features softened. "I do hope you'll forgive me for my appearance, I've just come off of a little hunting adventure." A smile spread across his lips. "Now, with that settled, what brings Valhalla to my borders?" His identity would be assumed through his speech, but he would give it if necessary. Tail wavered behind him placidly as he came to a halt just a meter in front of her on his side of the border.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-30-2013, 12:13 PM

The wait was not particularly long, but it felt like hours passed before her call was answered. Epiphron was typically adept at maintaining a sense of calmness in the worst of situations, but she found it difficult as she stood there, waiting, to feel anything but nervous. A bit of nausea even overcame her as she stood on all fours, her stance wavering only slightly as the King of Seracia came into view.

At least, she assumed it was Gerhardt, by the way the male held himself as he approached from the distance. Confidence oozed from his stance, despite the blood that stained his muzzle. She held herself with a fair amount of regality; as much as she could muster, when facing the brute who could very well decide her future for her. As he drew close, Epiphron bowed her head in respect, a single red-furred ear flicking as he began to speak. He immediately recognized she was from Valhalla, and asked what she had come for.

"I should be the one apologizing. Hopefully I didn't interrupt your dinner," Epiphron stated softly, hoping he was not terribly annoyed -- but he didn't look irritated whatsoever. So she smiled softly, eyes briefly scanning the lands behind him. Would this be her home soon? All it would take was a single sound of disapproval, and Epiphron would turn and head back home.

"My name is Epiphron Adravendi. I am Cairo's daughter," she explained, assuming he would know her father, and know that it was one of his other daughters that had been offered in exchange for an alliance. "And it is a pleasure to meet you, Gerhardt -- I've heard much about you." Both by her father, and Maverick... but she would ignore the latter for now. "I've come with a proposition for you, Gerhardt. My sister, Chrysanthe, is set to marry your son soon. I would like to take her place, if you could be willing, so that she can remain in Valhalla as Alpha." Did he want a reasoning? She hoped not; it would sound terrible to say that her sister would make a better Alpha than herself, considering she might very well come to rule Seracia someday.


05-30-2013, 12:41 PM

If he could have, he would have cleaned himself up a bit before greeting the Valhallan woman, but as it were he was here, bloodstained and all. The smile remained on his lips, overjoyed to have a Valhallan in the Kingdom once more. The last time it had resulted in a betrothal being set, he wondered if this would be the message dictating when the wedding would take place. He knew it was coming in the winter, but a specific date had not been given. The woman gave her own apology, but he shook his head gently. "I had just finished when I saw you here." She hadn't interrupted a thing, save for a quick bath after his meal. But that could be done any time, as this was probably far more important than bathing. The woman introduced herself as Epiphron Adravendi, the daughter of Cairo. Ah yes, he'd heard quite a bit about Cairo. Collision had mentioned him, had he not? Anywho, Gerhardt was familiar with who the man she spoke of was. "I have not heard about you personally, but your sire's reputation is legendary." He hoped that would suffice for a compliment. The girl was still young and had yet to make a name for herself (that he knew of) but if she was anything like her father she would certainly have one in time.

She continued, stating she had a proposition. How intriguing. Ears flickered forward in a display of interest as he reclined onto his haunches to listen to her proposal. She wanted to allow her sister to stay in Valhalla as alpha, and in turn come to Seracia as Princess and eventually Queen. How interesting indeed. The King pondered this for a moment, before a query came forth from diplomatic lips. "Is there a reason that your sister is unwilling to go forth with our original agreement?" The question was rather light-hearted in tone, as he was not objecting - just merely curious. It didn't rightly matter to the King whom his son married, so long as the girl was of Valhallan blood. Of course perhaps Chrysanthe was willing, but maybe Epiphron was more willing? It all seemed a bit confusing to the King.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-30-2013, 09:44 PM

Epiphron had made sure she took a quick dip before making her way to Seracia, followed by a quick grooming. She wanted to impress Gerhardt; she wasn't sure whether he had met Chrysanthe yet, but she wanted to come off as better than her, if she could. She would not deny that her sister was a brilliant specimen of creature, but she had perhaps been gifted in the department of physical appearance -- and so she would flaunt this, whenever possible, without seeming overly pretentious, hoping to win Gerhardt's heart, as she had won Maverick's.

He said that he had heard of Cairo. No, she hadn't just heard of him, but knew him well, saying his reputation was 'legendary.' It brought a proud grin to her features to hear her father spoken so highly of. As much as she would've preferred for Gerhardt to go on, he instead moved on to the topic at hand.

He, unsurprisingly, asked why she wanted to take Chrysanthe's place. No -- instead, why her sister was unwilling to proceed with the agreement. But he didn't seem angered, or upset, simply curious. Interested. She, too, reclined on her hind legs, sneaking forward a bit closer, but unwilling to cross the borders of Seracia unless invited specifically. "Chrysanthe is more than willing," she corrected politely, her tones soft. "It is I who offered to come to Seracia in her place. I will be honest with you, Gerhardt -- her heart lies with another, and she has rightfully earned her place as Valhalla's Alpha. Though she was more than willing to come forth, and I am sure that she would've done so with enthusiasm and grace, I believe she would be happier at home." If Gerhardt agreed to the change in plans, Epiphron knew that it would be obvious that she had met Maverick before. Ought she hint at it now? "And, sir, I have met your son, Maverick; and I couldn't imagine marrying a greater man."


05-31-2013, 12:55 PM

It was a bit amusing that this girl was here offering herself as Valhalla's half of the betrothal. The options were few, but complicated. She could be doing this because she wanted to leave her pack, or had some ulterior motive in wanting to come to Seracia, or she could be doing it selflessly in attempt to save her sister from being married off. There were of course other situations, but Gerhardt figured it was one of those two. Either way it didn't much matter, because he had a feeling Epiphron didn't want to take no for an answer. And he wasn't planning on telling her no, for the simple interest of keeping things civil with Valhalla. The girl soon interjected, noting that Chrysanthe was willing (or so she said) to go through with the deal as planned. It seemed Epiphron had offered her services rather selflessly, to which the King raised his brow. She went on to explain that Chrysanthe loved another and that she deserved to be alpha of Valhalla. So, Chrysanthe was in love with someone besides his son. She was doing this for her sister, not to her sister. Ah but there was the icing on the cake. She had met Maverick and by her tone thought very highly of him. Was this the girl his son had been running off and lying to be with? "I see." came indecisive tones. "Do you mean to tell me you are the girl my son has been running off and lying to us to see?" He wasn't frustrated, nor angry, and his tones did not take on either of those demeanors. Instead, curiosity seemed to bubble and froth on his very face.

OOC, crap post is crap, sorry.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-31-2013, 04:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2013, 04:48 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron had come to Seracia hoping that things would go her way. While she did expect the worst, given the already poor situation, she had hoped so badly that Gerhardt would've been overjoyed at her enthusiasm, accepting her with an open heart, asking no questions. But life was never quite so easy, and she knew it seemed strange. Like she had ulterior motives, or something to gain from such an act. And she did -- Maverick -- but she was innocent, otherwise.

When she'd first stopped at the border, she'd felt confidence flowing through her, emanating from her posture and her call to the King. But as she stood before the King and his uncertain stare, she grew nervous once again, her limbs suddenly feeling like jelly. And while her stance felt somewhat wobbly, she did not look nearly as uncertain as she felt as he questioned her, asking if she was the one that Maverick had been running off with.

"I..." It would've been less painful to lie, but the moment called for nothing but the truth. If her future did indeed lay in Seracia, with this man's son, she knew it would be unwise to lie about anything right now. "Yes, sir, that would be me," she answered, quite guiltily. She hadn't known that Maverick had lied to his father directly, but was quite certain that she was the one he was referring to. "As soon as I found out about the betrothal, we stopped seeing each other," she quickly explained, not wanting to Gerhardt to think she was the kind of creature who would choose a boy she hardly knew over the honor of her family, over loyalty to her sister and her pack. "But I have been meeting with him, and I'm sorry if I have taken him away from any of his duties." She was honestly apologetic, hoping that her genuine care for the boy could be seen through her slight nervousness, that he would realize she had no ill intentions. "I won't lie -- Maverick made quite the impression on me. I would be dishonest to say that's not a factor in my decision. But I really do not want my sister's heart to be broken, and though she is more than willing to go through with these arrangements, I guess I am just... more willing." It was honest, but hopefully not too honest.


05-31-2013, 05:45 PM

To say that he was a bit confused would be an understatement, but things were starting to piece together. This - he believed - was the girl Maverick had been seeing, and the same one he had been so despondent over losing since the betrothal was announced. This girl - if he was correct - was the one that his son loved dearly and she just so happened to be the sister of his betrothed. How insane was that? No wonder Maverick had been so down and different lately. Pride welled deep in his chest as he remembered how well Maverick had been doing lately. Despite being in love with this girl (if that truly was the case) he was willing to set that aside and to be married to her very sister for the betterment of the pack. He would have to remember to commend the Prince for his quick recovery and for his dedication to Seracia.

The girl would confirm all of his thoughts, first with a single hesitant word, and then an explanation. They had been seeing each other, but stopped as soon as the betrothal was announced. That was good, for it would not have gone well had anyone caught Maverick with someone other than his betrothed. She was kind and apologetic, and the King's features softened (though they had been quite gentle to begin with). She went on to say that even though her intentions were partially selfish due to her affection for his son, she was also sincerely trying to do what was right for her sister. Gerhardt gave a slight nod when she was through.

"Epiphron, my son has never done anything against me in his life before he met you. He has changed lately though I did not know why until now." A sigh drifted from his lips as a feigned forlorn look came across his face. The King was yanking her chain just a bit, but this was his home and he had every right to, did he not? "That being said, I know that my son is dedicated to his home and his family, and he would not go against us unless it was for something he loved equally - or perhaps even more. His actions have proven his affections for you, and his willingness to put that affection aside only serves to reaffirm my belief that he would do anything for this Kingdom." He shifted his weight, coming to the apex of his speech. His words seemed to flow more naturally now, as he was genuinely happy with this agreement. He could just see the look on Maverick's face when he found out who his new wife would be. "And so, if Valhalla is satisfied with the new arrangements, it would give me great joy to allow my son to take you as his wife." He would wait then, to see her reaction.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-04-2013, 07:00 PM

Epiphron was dangerously nervous. Despite how well she hid the anxiety that began to bubble inside her, from her very core, she was sure Gerhardt could sense her apprehension. But was it really unwarranted? She had admitted that she cared for the boy -- and though she had not exactly said she loved him, she was sure the affection she felt for him shone in her warm blue gaze as she spoke of the Seracian prince. And now that she had admitted it, she waited, her fate resting entirely in his hands.

As she made her admittance, the King seemed to warm up considerably. So he was not mad for her affair with Maverick? Not that it was really an affair -- they'd met a handful of times, in vague secrecy, but they'd never done anything that was too outrageous. A few quick kisses, and a number of embraces, coupled with harmless flirtations. She nearly shuddered recalling those moments, realizing that a future with Maverick was becoming closer to reality by the second.

"Epiphron, my son has never done anything against me in his life before he met you. He has changed lately though I did not know why until now." While once she had felt as though she had the upper hand, her stomach sank at this comment, especially as she heard him sigh. Was Gerhardt upset with the change? But no -- he went on say that Maverick was quite dedicated to Seracia, that he had no doubts about that.

And then came the answer she was looking for. Approval. Acceptance. In a single motion, the crown of Valhalla slipped from the girl's head, an entirely new set of burdens coming to rest on delicate shoulders. Postured straightened as joy overtook her, tail waving proudly above her back. "I cannot thank you enough, Gerhardt," she said, voice quivering faintly, dripping with genuine sweetness and gratitude. She was overjoyed, anxious to see Maverick, thankful for the change of situation -- too happy to focus on the fact that she would officially become a member of Seracia in the coming weeks, leaving Valhalla behind forever. She would have to meet an entirely new set of wolves, and even... come to rule them someday. Would they accept a stranger into their home? A former Valhallan as their ruler?

"I can promise you sir, I will not let you down." Tail still wagged behind her in almost child-like glee, unable to contain herself. But she stood up on all fours, regal as ever, confidence and pride emanating from her like heat from a flame.


06-04-2013, 08:45 PM

Her anxiousness was certainly warranted, though not necessary. Had she known the Seracian King a bit better she would likely have been much less nervous - but she didn't and therefore he couldn't blame her. A smile creaked onto his lips as he watched her demeanor shift from worried to downtrodden to ecstatic all in the matter of a few minutes. She wore her heart on her sleeve - that or the King was just good at reading others. Either way, Gerhardt liked this girl. She thanked him and he chuckled genuinely. "Thanks is not necessary." The King rarely liked for thanks to be showered upon him, more often than not he enjoyed offering praise to others. It was more comfortable that way, easier. His own tail mirrored her own as she swore she would not let him down. "I don't doubt that." Gerhardt was the type of wolf who gave loyalty freely, but could take it away in a hot second if it was ever compromised in any way. This girl would have all of his faith put upon her until a time when he would need to take it away - though he hoped that would never come to be.

He paused, imagining the look on his son's face when he heard the news. Gerhardt had not heard much about this girl, but Adette had warned him that Maverick was quite smitten over her. He only hoped the boy had not moved on already. "Would you like me to tell Maverick, or would you prefer to deliver the news personally?" As much as she claimed to care about him, it was likely the girl would want to tell him herself, but if she had to be getting back to Valhalla then Gerhardt would be glad to give the news to his son.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-06-2013, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2013, 09:00 PM by Epiphron.)

And if Gerhardt had known Epiphron better, he would've been stunned that she had given up her place as Valhalla's Alphess to come to Seracia to marry Maverick. She was proud of her pack, of her family -- and Seracia was nothing but a word to her. It meant nothing more than what Maverick had told her. She could only hope that, over time, she would grow to call this place her home. At the very least, she would give it an honest try. For Maverick. For Valhalla. For herself, for the love for the Prince that had begun to grow in her chest and flourish, even in his absence. As hard as she had tried to ignore it, the affection had all but grown as she struggled to stifle it.

Either way, her coming here was certainly strange. Epiphron was essentially asking to become the heir to Seracia. Eventually rule the pack. And Gerhardt, luckily enough, was a good enough judge of character that he accepted her proposal with an open heart and a smile that showed he was not at all disappointed with the change of plan.

She was not normally such an open book, but this man would be her father-in-law. As good as her own kin. Joy spread over her features in the form of an unabashed smile, tail wagging in almost childlike nature as reality began to sink in. Maverick. Her heart lurched in her chest; she'd gotten what she wanted. And oh, how terribly she wanted him, as his father asked her how they would deliver the news. She had not considered that he actually had grown fond of Chrysanthe until now. She had seemed pleased with him, but admitted she was not sure if she would ever grow to love him. Suddenly she grew faintly nervous as she considered speaking to him, but her excitement far outweighed any anxiety she felt.

"I'd love to see him, sir," she answered a bit too quickly, unable to contain her happiness. "I want to tell him myself."


06-07-2013, 12:31 PM
He would wait for an answer, knowing that she would most likely wish to speak to her new fianc? and inform him of the change. No doubt he would be thrilled, but even more than than, perhaps he would regain a bit of his old self that seemed to have been lost after the betrothal had been made. Gerhardt knew this had to have been hard on the boy, but he could not have known how hard until it had come to pass. Even now some part of him wondered how happy Maverick truly was. But that was all in the past, for he would be marrying someone he truly cared about - or at least once had. She answered quickly and he nodded in approval. "Go then with my blessing. Should you cross anyone before you see Maverick, tell them you are of Valhalla." With that, the King pivoted back into his territory, determined to check the remaining borders and give the girl some time to meet with Maverick.

- Exit Gerhardt unless stopped

Ooc, iPad post, please ignore any misspellings