
smooth as a cactus



2 Years
12-29-2014, 12:42 AM
The brute had grown to full size, two years old and although he was not as bulky as he would be if he had been raised in a pack, he was still an impressive brute by most standards. Sharp teeth glinted beneath dark lips, lips that would lift in a sneer as he paced forward. He was an adult now - gone were the long awkward limbs of a yearling, gone was the puppy plumpness and ears too large for his face. Gone was the naivety of his childhood, believing that his bloodline was all that it took to achieve greatness. An inherit hope in family was cast aside, but the possessiveness was still there. They were still his, and he theirs, he simply had to find them and see what they had been up to. Hopefully they were strong and doing well, but he doubted the girls had managed to stay out of trouble. Although his mother had cast them aside, they were still his sisters to him. He had shared a den with them, shared a childhood. They wouldn't completely get rid of him even if they wanted to.

He would admit though, his wanderlust had definitely gotten the best of him, as well as his inability to care about those he saw as lesser than him. Quite a bit of the latter he had grown out of, realizing that he was only as strong as his accomplishments - which were, as of the moment, nothing. Grunting, the brute would finish his climb to the top of the cliffs, sitting among the flowers that littered the frosted ground. They smelled overly sweet, and filled his head with a calming sensation for a moment - one that diminished quickly and left the red male feeling prickly and agitated. He wasn't really sure whether company would soothe the feeling or make it that much worse.



5 Years
01-03-2015, 12:36 AM

The east was an interesting place, she would never be able to deny that. Nor would the giant ever be able to truly leave it behind her. With a small sigh, she examined the cliff face. She'd been here before, she mused. Or maybe not? There was a surprising plethora of cliffs all over the eastern lands of Alacritia. Gorges, seaside cliffs, and the like. Eventually, they all began to blur together. However, this one was quite nice. Frost bitten flowers wilted, leaving the air heavy with their aromas. Soon even that coolness would fall away, leaving nothing but the all consuming heat and dampness only those in the east knew. This was a rather strong scent, but didn't mask the musk of another. Her cerulean gaze fell upon the form of a ruby male, and one brow quirked curiously. That was an interesting shade. Tongue would snake out to clear the remnants of her meal from her maw, sanguine fading from her golden fur.

Gargantuan paws would ease into a startling silence as she padded forward, approaching the male from behind as she examined him. He was a rather fine looking creature, and his coat was something to behold. She was rather intrigued to know if it was real. Or was he one of those wolves that dyed their coats with berry juices and all that? It looked rather thoroughly saturated, for one so young. "Hello." Rumbled a voice like distant thunder, as she appeared at his side. Gazing down at him curiously, she waited a moment before speaking again. Crimson seemed to be a rather dominant pallor upon his frame, as even his eyes were brilliantly filled with the hue. "May I sit?" She asked, for once not out and out flirting right away. It was a strange day indeed.




2 Years
01-03-2015, 11:43 AM
Vivek was facing the edge of the cliff, his eyes fixated on the crashing waves below him. The wind pushed any nearby scents away and replaced them with salt, the sea breeze made it impossible for the brute to smell anyone coming. Regardless, he had not been rendered deaf and blind - the sound of another's footsteps against the frozen earth would gather his attention. With a flick of his dark ears the male would turn his head toward the other, his blood colored gaze sweeping over the other lupine as she seemed to do the same. She was a bright shade, but overall her coat was nothing spectacular. It was the woman's height that caught the scarlet brute's attention. She was quite possibly one of the largest females that he had ever come across - and where as some liked their women petite, he found that he appreciated the underlying strength that size could hold.

Her voice would break the silence that had settled between the two of them, and he would awknowledge her with a smirk that tugged onto his dark lips, as well as a nod. The woman had a nice voice, silken, not the highest of pitches but it didn't nag him like he was absulutely sure that company would moments prior. "I'm not going to stop you." He retorted to her question, but there was no bite to his words - he was a bit curious about her, just enough to keep his recent irritation at bay. It still caressed his subconcious, and if he wasn't careful he might just be prone to snapping.

But the brute was a touch conflicted - the smell of another as well as the invading warmth that the stranger radiated was welcome. And so, he welcomed the female's company. "Who are you?" He would ask, his voice deep, his words spoken clearly despite sound of water crashing into the cliffs below them.



5 Years
01-03-2015, 12:53 PM

His reply was almost bored, however, he didn't object. So, she settled on her haunches beside him, shoulders slumping a little with the relief from hours of walking. Part of her was still hoping that she might happen upon Katja, but the rest of her was outraged and disappointed by that little piece, so it didn't surface much anymore. Her cornflower gaze fell upon the waves below, battering the cliffs relentlessly. She could remember raiding parties that had battered her opponents in a similar fashion, not stopping until all were dead or imprisoned. Ah, those were the days. Blood staining her fur, bones cracking under her teeth, and her enemies falling to her feet and begging for mercy. She missed that, just a little bit. It was a rather nice morning, she realized idly. The sun was warming her coat, which was only starting to itch with the summer molt that was to come. Corded muscles relaxed under the soothing warmth.

His query was blunt, no pleasantries to accompany it. She glanced over at him, examining his features before replying. "My name is Sigyn Æsir." She rumbled, dipping her head politely to him. The man was young, looking like he had very recently reached maturity. No matter, youth left time to make mistakes, and see the world, before your bones started to ache with every morning frost. She herself had yet to find herself in such a state, and was very grateful she was still in the prime of her life. "May I ask yours? Or would you prefer I dream up a title for you myself?" She retorted, raising a brow in question. The marking over her eye shifted, teased by the small smirk that crept onto her inky lips.




2 Years
01-10-2015, 06:21 PM
The bright female beside him seemed that she had been on her feet a while - there was an air of relief when she finally plopped down beside him. Idly he wondered just what her travels had consisted of. There was something about her cheery coloration that stood out, made her seem quiet a benign individual despite her size. He could only wonder whether she was what she appeared, or whether she was a contradiction. "A pleasure, Sigyn. My name is Vivek." He said simply, his lips lifting into a half smirk. "Though I can't help but be curious - what title would you give to me?" The brute asked, red eyes cutting into a curious smolder. Turning toward the woman watching the waves, he would get comfortable a bit closer to her, breathing in her scent. It wasn't as if she was in heat or anything - but the company of another was not something he had indulged in for some time. He had been called a cardinal once before - and curiously this woman reminded him much of a canary. It was a shade that struck him as simple at first glance, but the more he gazed at this woman the easier she was on the eyes. Perhaps he had spent a little too long on his own - but she certainly had her charms about her.



5 Years
02-05-2015, 08:37 PM

The boy was quite respectful, a rare trait these days. He must have had good parenting. Also a rarity in such times. Vivek. How fitting, strong and bold in it's syllables, much like the male appeared to be. Anyone with such a lovely pelt deserved nothing less. His smirk told quite a bit of his amusement, and it was clear that he was going to ask what titles she might bestow upon him. A rumbling chuckle escaped the caramel behemoth, her grin only growing broader as it rolled through the air. Of course, it was only natural. Her gaze returned to his crimson form, cerulean optics narrowing in the slightest to take him in. It would have to be something spectacular, but nothing overbearing. He was worthy of a great one, she thought to herself. "I would call you my sanguine lord." She purred, a smirk playing upon her inky lips. It was a good thing to call him, because he wasn't cherry coloured, nor was he quite crimson. A darker shade, sanguine was fitting. Her gaze remained on his features, wondering what his reaction might be.

Banded forelimbs stirred as her muscles flexed idly. Her tail tip twitched against the terra, stirring the grass beneath her. "And you, my sanguine lord," She crooned, making use of the fanciful name she'd gifted him. "would you give me such a title?" She asked in her low, rumbling voice, watching him curiously. He was quite a remarkable male, and she wouldn't mind their encounter lasting longer. Not in the least.

OOC: Sorry for taking forever!!!
