
Bite Into Me Harder, Sink Your Teeth Into My Flesh


11-18-2014, 11:12 PM

Lightning cracked the sky as he stood on the battlefield, breathing in the scent of death, of blood. Three scents were on his coat, one of which was fainter then the other two. His son's, Shiki's, scent mingled with that of Nia. Pamela's scent was more faint, considering he didn't really touch the woman, merely gave her some attention due to her caring for his child. His heart ached, the child of the damned, the child of sin. He was here, standing upon the battlefield, with a vision in mind. When he left them all this morning... he had the feeling the very earth and skies would need to be moved before he went home. It was said a man could feel death coming before it knocked on his door.

Surely the little fae he had taken had other siblings, and they must have figured it out by now. His sins stared him in the face as he had slept the night before, just another reminder of what waited. Yet... Kau was not afraid. A bit of sick laughter left him, single eye looking up at the rolling skies. He could feel the gods watching him, laughing. Would he die? Would he somehow, miraculously, live? What wraiths of justice would come to cut him down? Who would bear witness to the event? Who would mourn him, if any?

"Come, my devils, my demons. Lets dance... DANCE! Hahahahahaha!" His crazed laughter cut into the air. This was what Kau had been bred for. Hand raised to do. Reap destruction. Cause chaos. He was the son of the bloody Kedieo Empire, and so it was only fitting that, should he die, his last stand be made in a place as fitting as this.



6 Years
11-18-2014, 11:20 PM

The boy was compelled to follow, worry filled his chest in all directions for his new found master and companion. Of course, he knew that Kau was not a good man, not a nice man. Yet he was still nice to him. The kind of stability the mentally unstable deaf boy needed. He had told Tally to remain with Shiki and Pamela. The white boy had grown fond of the two of them, even if they didn't like him. Yet he rode behind Kau's heels before they arrived. Was he wrong to go here, would whoever Kau's adversaries try to take him away. He didn't want to be taken away from Kau.
Nia stood against Kau for a moment looking up at him. "Please don't die Kau" he whispered a little pressing his ears back against his head. He hadn't heard what he had said and he hadn't been paying attention to read his lips. But, his worry level rose still. As the small white boy waited to see what would happen.


11-18-2014, 11:57 PM


He felt the young male before he heard him. The man's madness would ease back for a moment, long enough for him to share a moment, perhaps his last moment, with the younger wolf beside him. Who knew if he would have another day? Kau would frown some, looking at him with a softened gaze. Finally Kau would move, so that he could stand before Nia. "No one is promised a tomorrow, Nia. Not I, and not you. I have done wrong, such sins... and I feel that today, here, is where they will catch up to me. They will tear into me, and I will fight for my life. I can not promise that I will, but I will promise that I will fight with all of my strength to come home." His words were spoken a bit more loudly for the deaf boy, and he closed his eye, taking a breath.

"When the time comes, and blood starts to be spilled, promise me Nia... I want you to promise me that you will run. That you will not witness that which takes place here. That you will go to Pamela, to my son, and let them know that if I don't come home... that I've gone to meet the gods. Where I go after, if there is even a place for the damned like me, I have no idea. I have loved and lost. I have sinned and spit in the face of all those who walked upon this earth." Kau opened his remaining eye.

"I have lived as my line seems to lead their lives -- paths of chaos. I have my regrets, but they mean little now. All there is to do is to wait and see what number the die of fate rolls on for me." This was acceptance. This was willingness to face the jaws of death. He had little choice regardless... but that didn't mean he wouldn't get the chance to go down swinging.



3 Years
11-19-2014, 12:26 AM

Baldur's news had left him electrified. Energized, like a battery filled past its capacity and the wraith was certain if he didn't release it he would explode under the pressure. He would crack like the betrayer Hati and all his father had taught him would be for naught. And Baldur thought he might be in the battlefield. So it was in a fit of impulse he'd raced to the battlefield to select an unsuspecting fool to tear apart. He didn't heed the brother surely following on his heels, simply assuming that Baldur would either follow or... not. Either way he wasn't turning back or waiting.

His pale fur bristled and rippled, crackling as though lightning raced through his limbs. His steps slowed as he reached the violence-stained fields, eager blue eyes darting in search of one he could take this out on and a pair caught his eyes. One pale, weak creature that he dismissed without a glance, the other a... well well. A giant. Taller even than he by a pawful of inches. The wraith paused to breath deeply of the wind, sampling the scent. Mentally retreating back to the day he'd last seen Akemi and the faint, faint scent trapped within her fur. Ohhhhhhh gods yesssss. Someone was smiling on him today.

No rage ignited within his chest, no darkness rose to cloud his judgement. It was with ice in his veins and a faint smile on his face that the Hroovitnisson stalked forward. "Ah, what a pleasure to finally meet you," he hummed. His eyes glinted like blue fire as he took the giant in. "I'm afraid I don't know your name... but no matter. I know who you are." A single bicuspid was bared against his black lips as his lip curled. "You see, you are the one who raped my sister. You left her mutilated, broken, pregnant..." He shook his head in a slightly mocking manner. "No one treats my family like that, I'm afraid. I could kill you for it, but since you were so kind as to leave my sister alive to deal with the trauma you caused her, I suppose I can only return the favor." His teeth bared in a mirthless grin. "I will repay you in kind."

His pelt crackled restlessly as he faced the larger male. "I am going to rape you as you did Akemi," he told the male matter of factly. "I suppose it is too bad that you are incapable of bearing my children - the Hroovitnisson family line is the only thing that could come close to redeeming your inferior genetics. A pity - but nonetheless I will rape you. It will not be pleasant, it will not be gentle, and you will be broken and bleeding and begging me to kill you. Do you understand?" His very tone was light, even pleasant, but it was clear in every line of his body that Skoll meant every word.

Round 0/?



6 Years
11-19-2014, 02:58 PM

If Kau died, he'd be in the same dark place. No direction to go towards. As he watched Kau speak, his heart would beat faster. His bi-colored orbs taking it in. One Nia would scream, the other pass out, but he would become calm. His fear suddenly died down and he looked ahead at the male who seemed to adept to raping Kau. He let a snort center around his throat, a lip lifting. Nia cared deeply for Kau, but he could not do much against a mob. The best he could do was take care of his son, with Pamela and Tally.
"I will not spill my blood, but I will be deeply upset if you die. If you do, take one down with you." Nia said looking at Kau. The silent world around him was filled with vibration. He closed his eyes and opened them again before turning back towards Pamela and Shiki. His heart jumped again, he hoped deep down that Kau would get off with at least only scars instead of death.



4 Years
11-24-2014, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2014, 07:59 PM by Baldur.)

Baldur stalked quietly like a wraith through the battlefield.  Nose keen and eyes alert for any sign of the villains of this world and one in particular.  He'd rip apart any rapist or kidnapper he came across if it meant he had a chance at destroying the one that hurt his sister.  Lightning flashed across the sky and the wind picked up but it may as well have been a calm, spring day.  Nothing would break Baldur's focus.  Ice blue eyes narrowed as misty breath spilled from his maw.  This scent… he followed it and quickly came upon Skoll and another massive brute.  Baldur said nothing and observed the scene, listening to his brother.  Was this man the one?  Their quarry?

An uncharacteristic grin of malice touched his maw.  The living hell he'd grown up in and the living hell he'd just escaped from filled his being with a sudden, sharp and lustful hate that was boiling out of his body. "Finally… when you finish with him Skoll make sure you leave me a piece.  I'll be happy to turn his body into what he really is… shit."  Baldur's tongue ran lightly across his teeth.  They'd enjoy themselves regardless and Baldur could really care less if this brought them to his level.  This was never about morality, it was only about revenge and Baldur barely blinked as Skoll talked of raping the larger male.  They were raised in violence and sex after all and the greatest insult one could bring to another male was this very act.  Baldur just hoped something would rupture internally from Skolls oh so… tender care.  

Baldur merely wanted to take a piece of the man back to Akemi.  He didn't care what, maybe the mans dick, maybe both his back legs so they could watch him crawl around on the ground like the worm he was.  Well… either way, Baldur did intend to piss upon this monster and make sure it was relatively easy to track his scent for awhile.  Should they need to pay him another visit.

Eyes fell on the youngest male there, a boy with split-colored eyes.  At first Baldur thought this boy might have been one of Kau's victims that they'd just had the luck of rescuing but then he spoke and Baldur snarled.  "Silence wretch!  Or you'll be crawling on the ground like your master"  He held no compassion for the ally of their sisters rapist and had no problem engaging the younger male in battle, especially if the violet-eyed male would get offended at seeing his protege put in the dirt.  The only thing stopping Baldur from doing just that was a desire to see his brother meet the giant beast in battle.




3 Years
11-28-2014, 05:55 PM

The scent of her brother's lured her in, a shark in bloodied waters. The battlefield was familiar to her, and being in it's sweet presence once more set her nerves on fire. A shiver coursed down Freyja's spine and she hummed in pleasure. Baldur, Skoll, and two others? Her presence would not make for a fair fight but she was not here on her own honor. No, she was here for Akemi, she was here for blood. With grand presence she stalked into their midst, hackles bristling, mocking golden wire. Her bared fangs gnashed around a snarl. "Well, well," she hissed, eying Skoll. "Isn't this a merry gathering?" She assumed the cowering, fearful imbecile was not their man. That left one other... He was large, she would give him that much. His horrid coloring would not be easy to forget, so it was no trouble taking in his visage, though she did not plan on letting him get away.

"The excrement still lives. I ought to thank you two for saving me a limb." She hoped to bring fear into the male's gut, she hoped to make his limbs quiver, his intestines go weak. She was a goddess of war and she would not be denied this victory! She would take his throat in her jaws or she would be dragged off the field by the gods themselves. The inferno within her burned, its intensity overwhelming. She cried out, "What are we waiting for?!" If the others lacked punctuality it was their own folly, this pile of shit could not be allowed to escape without payment for his crimes. He had well and truly dug his own grave, messing with their superior lineage. He probably had no idea just how dead he was...

"Talk" "You" Think


12-01-2014, 01:47 PM

Kau would say nothing more, letting the news fall to Nia, letting him take it in. His life, his regrets, all moved and shifted in this one direction. He was in for it, yes, but Kau felt oddly calm. It had only been a matter of time. If not today, surely another day. Someday he would die regardless... And if he could make one hell of an attempt to make his mark on this world, make a show of it, then why not enjoy himself before that day came? He would hear another arrive, his words a hum, though they were hardly of true pleasure. Well, not the usual sort perhaps. Kau would turn himself to face the owner of that voice, his purple gaze unwavering.

A man of pure white stood before him and Nia. Neither he nor the stranger knew each other’s name, but when the other man spoke Kau knew immediately what he was getting at. The small fae with the fiery temper was this man’s sister. Sure Kau’s first action had been bad enough, perhaps just a little justified in the beginning. But he pushed the punishment too far and even went after her again and again. He was no saint, had no words to dare make such a claim. This was the road he had taken, the path he made for himself, and whether he came out on top was yet to be seen.

Though the statement the white brute issued for his challenge conditions would be quite, well, unique, and hardly pleasurable, Kau couldn’t help but smirk. The challenge against him was not for his life, but for the right to take him, to mate, to force him as he had the tiny she-wolf. Ears would pin back, Kau’s upper lip lifting. While Kau indeed favored men over women and had slept with them himself... He was never the bitch of some other brute. So it seemed to be a strike not just for honor for that she-wolf, or for the family, but a blow to his pride. Clever. He might just have to applaud the male for coming up with such a plan. If he won that was.

He’d give a soft snort an amused expression on his face. “You think you’ve got what it takes to wreck a man from the inside? To tear his body apart in such a way? Have you ever danced with men in that heat? It sure doesn’t seem to be your forte.” Kau let out a sick laugh.

“Your sister got what she deserved for choosing to attack me when I gave her the chance to walk away unscathed. Sure I took it farther, cause it seemed her own damn kin didn’t teach her about her place in this world. Seems none of you know it.” Kau would hear Nia’s words, giving just a small nod in response. With his tail, as the boy turned back towards where Pamela and Shiki were waiting, Kau would brush it against him. He wanted to come home... But he would promise nothing. The games were over and things were getting far more serious. This was the sort of lifestyle that Kau was used to.

“...and shall you lose, angel eyes, I’m going to show you exactly what I did to your sister.” With those last words spoken, just more fuel for the fire between them, Kau would prepare himself for a true fight even as two others appeared on the scene. My my, it was indeed a party. A fight of survival, as each seemed keen on tearing him apart.

A snarl would rip from his lungs however at the second white brute’s words, shooting a glare in his direction. “The boy has done nothing wrong, or are you so keen to make an already muddled mess even messier?” So help them if they tried to hurt Nia. He would fight til he breathed his last fucking breath. But now... Now it was time to get down to business and ignore these bystanders. He would start with little angel eyes, the one of a pure white coat. Then his brother, unless their golden sibling chose to strike next.

Head would lower, aligning with his spine, chin tucked inward. The other brute was shorter than he was. Kau’s throat, for that reason, could very well become a tempting target. Brow would furrow as lips lifted in a snarl, revealing his fangs. Ears would pin firmly against his skull now, his remaining eye, the left, narrowing as fire burned within the light purple orb.

Shoulders were rolled forward, neck being scrunched to protect the area just a bit better. Hackles were raised to make the giant wolf look larger, more intimidating, though he knew better than to think this male was going to turn away now. Especially not if he was that fae’s sibling. Tail lifted behind him, aligning with his spine as an aid to his balance. His core was tightened, weight distributed across his four limbs and knees bent at their joints. He was ready, and he would not be so kind to grant the other young man the first move.

The white male was a couple feet away from him {confirmed by Tea} so Kau would need to close that bit of distance before he could attack. His movements were hardly graceful, but on the battlefield there was no time for grace, for shows of frills and tricks. No. There was no holding back here.

Paws hit the earth heavily, his body shifting off to his opponent’s left by six degrees or so. He ate the distance in a short charge, not planning to smash into his opponent however. Once he closed the distance his weight shifted, an attempt to make up for the balance now being focused in his back legs as front legs came off the ground. He was going to try to grab for the other regardless of how he moved, and wrap his right foreleg around the the left side of the brute’s neck. Meanwhile Kau’s left foreleg sought to dig it’s claws into the flesh of the white man’s right fore-chest [See diagram], closer to where his shoulder ended and that that area of the body began, as it went back to the earth. Fangs would seek the left blue eye of his opponent, wide enough to clamp down just around the area, to tear it right out of that pretty little head of his.

Fight:: Kau vs. Sköll for Right To Mate / Retaliation

Round:: One Out Of ???


-Attempting to wrap his right foreleg around the left side of Skoll’s neck to use as a support for his balance. {This in hopes to make it easier for his bite to land.}
-Left foreleg is moving more in a clawing motion, coming downward back towards the ground and seeking to tear into the flesh of Skoll’s right frontal shoulder / forechest {see diagram} as it goes back towards the ground to give Kau three legs to stand on.
-Attempted maim of Skoll’s left eye with fangs.

Defenses:: Head lowered and aligned with spine, chin tucked, brow furrowed, ears pinned, eye narrowed, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, tail alighted with spine, core tightened, weight distributed, knees bent

Injuries:: None, First Round.

Notes:: Due to the site move happening during this fight Tea and I have agreed on no defaults. I was also away for Thanksgiving, as I was sure many of us were busy doing. The fight should pick up pace now, however, as I have internet access again as well as a bus pass to ensure that the fight is replied to in a timely manner.

-Secondly, Tea, love lots. Best of luck to you and Skoll! It’s really hard because I don’t want either of our boys to lose, but I’m super excited for this!

Diagram!!: Fight Ref Link. *Click* me!




4 Years
12-05-2014, 10:54 PM
ooc:  Since Nia's inactive I talked with Riv and he's no longer in this thread

A chilling chuckle crackled from Baldur's lips at Kau's warning about the boy.  As Nia turned to leave Baldur moved also to block the boys path a smile twisting his maw as he gazed back at Kau.  "You reveal your hand to readily Kau…. is this how we destroy you hmm? By crushing something precious of yours like you did to us?  Do NOT mistake us for angels.  You started the mess, as far as I'm concerned we're just cleaning up." Baldur gazed at the boy a moment more before stepping aside with a snort.  "Beat it kid."  The boy was barely worth a sniff but heaven help him if he followed in Kau's pawsteps.  There would be no second chance.

Once Nia left the battlefield the fight would begin.  Baldur turned his focus to the fight, eyes watching and observing Kau's every movement, his style of fighting.  He doubted very much that Sköll would be the one to fall… but just in case…. 




3 Years
01-04-2015, 12:11 AM

The man's bluster drew nothing more than an eyeroll from Skoll. He wouldn't waste time or energy responding to the poof's whinging threats, instead ignoring him to stretch shake his body to loosen joints and limber muscles as the taller man prattled on. The other male was only a hand taller than Skoll, the difference not significant enough to worry him. The pansy was probably too used to depending on his size to overpower smaller wolves like Akemi... let's see how he fared against someone much nearer his own size.

The fury the man displayed when Baldur threatened his poor widdle bunny drew a feral grin from Skoll, the flash of fangs shifting to appreciation as Baldur responded. Nice to know his elder brothers weren't all afraid to get their hands dirty after all. "Shut the fuck up, you fucking nonce," he said lazily to the frothing male. Kau had bigger things to worry about than whether Baldur fucked up his whiny little nellie, now, didn't he?

In a snap Skoll shifted his whole demeanor from indolent cherub to killer. His stance widened slightly, his balance centered and weight evenly distributed to all four limbs. His legs were bent slightly, joints loose and his weight balancing lightly on his toes for fast movement, toes spread for more surface area and claws flexed into the dirt for grip. Faster movement was where he would excel against someone larger than him, and he'd had plenty of practice with it against his larger brothers - until he'd outgrown them, anyway. His tail and his skull balanced level with his spine, his shoulders rolled forward to bunch up his scruff... eyes narrowed and ears pinned to his skull, for he wouldn't put it past the pansy to attempt to blind him. His hackles raised, the snowy pelt spiking from hip to skull.

And the larger male attacked.

He charged like a raging bull moose from the short distance away, and rather than meet that charge and risk being thrown, Skoll danced away - sidestepping to his own right and shifting his weight onto his hindquarters to pivot his shoulders to his left at the same time, attempting to continue facing the front blade of Kau's left shoulder at a slight angle - not quite a forty-five degree angle if the front of Kau's shoulder was the vertex. Kau's attempt to maim him barely grazed him due to the movement, a shallow laceration marking the left side of Skoll's brow halfway between his ear and his eye. Kau's left paw merely glanced off Skoll's left shoulder and slid down, gaining no purchase due to Skoll's changed position, and Kau's right paw touched nothing, for Skoll was no longer there at all.

Continuing to hold his weight lightly for agility's sake, Skoll tilted his head so the right side of his face faced the ground, muzzle pointing toward his left and he attempted to lash out with his jaws as he tried to take advantage of the moment after Kau's failed attack on him. He was seeking to wrap his jaws around Kau's throat from beneath and to Kau's left side. Keeping his weight balanced upon his hindquarters he attempted to rear slightly to give him greater range of movement in his attempt to reach Kau's throat. His teeth aimed to slice the throat where it met Kau's jaw, cut open that oh so tender area with all it's breathing and vascular equipment, rather than grip. He must remain mobile.

As he did Skoll's right paw sought to curve behind Kau's left foreleg just below his chest with the intention of jerking the limb toward Skoll, and Skoll's left paw aimed to rise above the level of Kau's chest, seeking to slam down on the lower left side of Kau's neck just above where it connected to his chest and shove as he rocked his weight forward into the blow in an attempt to shove Kau away from him.

Round 1/2

The Judge


01-05-2015, 12:25 PM
Default to Skoll

The fight is defaulted in Skoll's favor, who now has the right to mate with Kau.

Kau must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.


01-08-2015, 08:11 PM
Ooc:: Okay, so because I'm just not... into this fight anymore and killing off Kau I'm going to ignore specifics and all here.

The male danced away from his attack, leaving little damage actually done. The male was infuriated, but he no longer saw his opponent. He saw nothing but red. But he felt  the pain. Beautiful and maddening, it would seize his throat. His head shifting, feeling the tear upon his skin. That searing hotness, flashing through his body. His own head adjustment would be his downfall. Moments after the cut... Kau would taste his own blood. The attacks of the other male would go on, feeling further pain in his neck from some strike, and then he felt the shove. His body gave as it stepped back, and the white and black giant would fall to the earth.

His purple eye was wide open, as if he was trying to see but could not. He couldn't breath, choking on his own blood, body giving in to it's fate. For, in the end, the crazed Kedieo was a mortal. He was a mortal man like any other, and mortals, well, they would die. His mouth would open, an attempt to speak, but there was nothing. Any words he had left were lost. Left orb, facing the sky, would lose the light within, and Kau would slip away from the world, falling into the icy grip that death had reserved for him.

-Exit Kau via Death-



3 Years
01-13-2015, 05:48 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015, 05:48 PM by Sköll.)

So the following is incredibly inappropriate and contains much in the way of gore and grossness and bad language and insanity. If you can't handle that, or seeing Kau's body desecrated, don't read. You have been warned.

The arterial gush of blood suddenly covering him was... actually rather unexpected, startling the Hroovitnisson with the force of the warm flood. The giant crashed to the ground, and Skoll backed away, blue eyes steely as he watched with no expression as his sister's rapist convulsed and bled out. This was not what he had intended for the bastard, and Skoll was irrationally angry and the outcome. No, no, no. He had wanted the fucker to suffer. He had clearly overestimated the other man's nerve and fighting spirit... It wasn't his fault. Damn the man for his weakness!

Impassive, crimson staining his white pelt and coagulating on the tips of his fur and whiskers, he approached the still form once again. He stared down at the man, the beast, with ice in his veins until he suddenly exploded into fury and fire. "No!" he screamed in the male's face. "No! You were not supposed to die until I let you die, you stupid selfish coward!" In his anger he kicked out, striking the corpse in the jaw, and he was made even more furious that it simply lolled. A sound of pure feral rage tore from him, and he ripped into the bigger man's body, a spray of sluggish blood and entrails exploding around him as he shredded the foul thing's abdomen. A wild creature stared out of Skoll's eyes as he turn a gore-covered head to roar in Kau's unhearing ear. "WAKE THE FUCK UP. You were supposed to suffer!" He was oblivious, uncaring of the presence of his siblings, standing ankle deep in the gore of his enemy and bellowing at the heedless corpse. "I will fucking shit on your fucking corpse you pansy bastard! WAKE UP."




4 Years
01-13-2015, 10:23 PM
ooc:  my post got kind of gross to so warning as well  xD  Body desecration.

Icy gaze lay fixed on the battle, every movement of the battling pair was taken in.  Baldur felt restless.  More than anything he wanted to just spring in and start ripping Kau apart alongside his brother but there were mind games to play yet and he would not interfere with his brother's work.  Alas, it seemed Kau wasn't the skilled fighter they were expecting.  How the fuck had Akemi lost to this piece of trash?  Baldur concluded that she must've bee ill or previously injured when Kau came across her.  What a piece of shit…. well, now he'd get what was coming to him at the jaws of his betters, wolves that would forever be superior to his lowly prescence.  

That fact was proven as Skoll spilt a sea of the rapists blood.  A fatal blow.  Dammit Skoll….  Baldur growled lightly knowing that there was no way he was going to get his shot at that slimy tapeworm.  Skoll clearly wasn't pleased either.  Baldur watched quietly as Skoll ripped into the corpse.  He wanted to taste the fuckers blood but knew well enough to stay out of Skoll's way while he raged.  A strange, cold patience descended over the older male.  He watched like a stone, cold, silent and barely living as he took in the carnage.  Really… this wasn't all that different from home, or the ring he'd been forced to fight in.

However, patience never was Baldur's strong point.  She was his sister too dammit!  He deserved a piece of this wretch since the opportunity to truly torture the other had been taken from him.  Silently, he moved to the other side of the corpse and with a mischevious, feral grin he lifted his leg and let loose a stream of urine on the rapists' corpse.  Emptying himself on the other's exposed sides, soaking the pelt through with his scent.   Baldur let out a laugh, voice cracking with unhinged glee.  A sharp contrast to his brothers anger.  Well… he'd always been the clown.

"If you want to shit on him, shit on him."  Baldur moved to the head and at the base of the skull he began to chew.  Shaking his head he ripped through fur and flesh down into the meat, tearing off chunks of the beasts neck Baldur chewed for a moment and swallowed.  Working to expose the rapists spine.  Blood stained his maw and dripped off his fangs as he rested his right paw on the corpse's head before declaring out loud.  "I have devoured part of you Kau and soon you will become a steaming pile of wolf shit, like so many prey animals before you!  From shit you were created and too shit you will return!"  Unhinged grin decorated his face as he let out another chuckle.  Oh come, on!  That was a good one!  He winked at Skoll before going back to his macabre feast.  

Powerful jaws worked as he crushed the spinal column, severing the spinal cord.  Chewing and chewing, ripping and ripping, fangs gnashing and slurping as finally the head was freed from the body.  Tail wagging happily, Baldur picked up the head and trotted off a short ways with it before dropping it on the ground and batting it about like a puppy before he dove in to remove the most annoying bits…. ears…. eyes….   well he didn't want to touch the tongue.  He'd leave that for the crows.

"Hmmm…. what should I do with this?  Think Akemi will like it?  I could bring it to her as a present, maybe decorate it up a bit or something?"  With a kick he sent the head rolling violently into a tree…..  ooops.  


Skaði I


3 Years
Extra large
01-14-2015, 09:45 PM

Following the enraged screams, Skadi came upon the scene only to find that she was too late. What remained of what she assumed was the rapist lay savaged, its carcass heavily desecrated...but not nearly desecrated enough.

Adopting a pout, she groused, "Really, boys? You're all alike - finishing too soon." She skulked towards the corpse, eyes wandering it before fixing on the rump. Not surprisingly the whole thing stank of urine, torn organs and shit. She stepped closer, her head tipping to the side speculatively as she tried to piece together Kau's last moments. Death was an ugly affair. In this case, the newly deceased had shat all over himself moments before or after death. Fear as he realized that he was dying? She hoped so. His excrement ran down his legs and tail, staining the ground beneath the tools that had brought about his demise. It was a pity his death had been premature. Not in the sense that he was young when he had been killed, but in that she hadn't had a chance to toy with him as he had toyed with her sister. They could have had so much fun together.

Walking around the body, Skadi's eyes trailed the growing pool of blood where his head had once been. The neck and all of its components had been sloppily severed at the throat - the work of Baldur, most likely, since he was the one toting it around like a prize.

Wordlessly she made her way back to the rump. Once there she gripped a hind ankle and roughly jerked on it until the corpse lay twisted on its back in an unnatural position. Wiping away the shit that had run too close to her target, Skadi then leaned down and gripped the carcass' testicles between her teeth. Making no attempt to sever them, she then backpedaled and started a lazy, yet no less grotesque tug o' war - her pulling and the weight of the body rocking her forward. Relishing the feeling of flesh being strained to it's breaking point, Skadi continued to pull until the pair tore free. Immediately she dropped them, seeking to completely remove the corpse's external genitalia - which she did by twisting off his penis in a similar manner. The skin of it was tougher and even more unwilling to come free - something that wasn't surprising considering how fond the brute had been of using it (even in death he held on) - and she wound up having to bite down on the base more than once to completely sever it.

Gathering up her prizes, Skadi then ambled over to the corpse's neck hole. She dropped his junk unceremoniously and then nudged them forward, coaxing first the testicles and then the penis down what remained of his throat until nothing but the tip of the latter poked out. "There," she purred, "It's about time the head that did the thinking sat on the shoulders." A grisly arrangement, but fitting nonetheless.

"Speaking" -- Thinking