
Here comes the thunder



4 Years
12-23-2014, 11:23 PM

Reaching the border, Thor paused to tip back his head and summon a high ranking member. After much deliberation he'd decided to try pack life once more. Not for himself, mind you, but for Bera who could benefit from the hierarchy and training she so desperately desired. He'd chosen this pack with care, hunting down gossip and rumors until a decent picture was painted. He knew what he was getting himself into.

Glancing over his shoulder in search of Bera, Thor let his mind wander. He wondered where the rest of his gaggle had gotten off to. Where were his girls? He hoped with Loki, but it wouldn't hurt to go looking for them once Bera was settled someplace.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



1 Year
12-24-2014, 01:35 AM
Walk | Talk | Think 

The earthy-colored wolf followed closely behind, her vibrant green eyes ever watchful ahead while her brother led the way. A new pack, he had said, they would try pack life together, and this time it would be one of his choosing. While she did not exactly like being wrong, there had been something poor about her decision to run off and join Yfir without any foreword to her family, and definitely something poor in the manner that it had been stolen away from the lot of them, she and the other Yfir members. It was still a sore spot - there had been so much potential there - but what was there to do about it now but move on and keep going? 

At least now, she thought and she glanced at her not-so-large-looking brother - since when did he not look big and intimidating? - she had Thor again. It saddened her to think that her sisters had gone off - especially Eostre. While Arnporr had been brave and mouthy and unafraid of anything, Eostre was the one to cower at her own shadow, the one Bera worried about most. She hoped they were well, wherever they were, and wished that they might still be together. Maybe they were with Loki like Thor suspected. At this rate, it was the better option available to them. 

With Thor stopping at the border already and calling out to those within, Bera hurried to join him, offering him a reserved and yet optimistic smile accompanied by a tail wag of encouragement. This was a wonderful thing they were doing, a great thing that she was truly thankful for. He certainly did not have to jump into a pack with her, but the fact he was willing to do it, even when he had been against it while raising them, was terribly sweet. Feeling good about their chances, Bearcub moved to sit within the snow as she waited, straightening herself to her full height - one that now nearly rivaled that of Thor even if she lacked much of the same warrior's bulk as of yet - as she attempted to look as presentable as she could. 


12-26-2014, 12:53 AM

Roman had been busy in the days leading up to giving birth. She'd dutifully cleaned out their den, and replaced the leaves and mosses that lined their nests with fresh plants. The den was homey, but it didn't feel quite right, and she'd spend nearly all of her waking hours aside from her duties trying to perfect it. She'd dug into their den, trying to expand the old set. Piles of rocks had provided a rather spacious cave, but she'd been digging at the dirt wall on the other side- trying to expand it. She wanted the pups to have plenty of room when they came, and she just felt so restless. She had left the depths of their den in search for more mosses and soft grasses that perhaps had been protected from the winter's icy claws in the crooks of trees and boulders throughout her territory- when she heard a strangers call from the borders.

She'd paused to give herself a thorough shake to rid herself of any dirt and debris, as she waddled towards their guests. She was in a rare good mood- such a mood that had grown rarer since she'd gotten pregnant. It seemed she often had quite a bit to be pissy about. She tossed her head in the air, to give a good natured summons to her mate- Drashiel. Perhaps the King would also be interested in speaking with this guest. Roman could only wonder what they would be wanting, and those wonders made her suspicious and crept into her good mood- with her usual bouts of paranoia. Were they spies? Roman shook her head, trying to cling to her good mood, as she approached the border, and she was surprised to scent not one- but two wolves. As she emerged from the shadows of the redwoods, she gave a slight inclination of her head- a polite greeting, as she halted a few feet from them, just at her border. "Greetings. I am Roman Armada, Queen of Regium- What can I do for you two?" She spoke with a firm inquiring tone, as her gaze passed curiously over the pair. Mates? Siblings? Friends? She wondered what their story was.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



4 Years
12-26-2014, 10:40 AM

Baldur was on a mission.  The man had been alone for what felt like ages.  Taken from his family, captured and forced to be a gladiator in foreign lands and on top of that he'd lost Linneá, the ghost of his lover.  It had been like losing her all over again but when the fresh new snows had fallen to cleanse his bloodied form, when he'd felt he was sure to die she'd appeared to him once again.  Ghost, no, no she wasn't a ghost she was an angel!  An angle sent to look after him and because of her he'd pulled through.  Baldur survived.  Baldur smiled.

He felt the warmth of her prescence as she trotted along next to him, could feel the heat of her body as the sun struck his left side.  It was good to be back.  But there was still something missing and that was family, so Baldur set himself to tracking down Thor, one of the siblings he'd felt closest to.  The scent lead north but Baldur did not wane in his desire to track it.  Focused and sharp the scent lead him right to… a packs borders?

Baldur's pure white form blended easily with the deep snow of the north apart from the black spot that masked his left eye.  There he was!  Ice blue gaze fixed on the form of Thor and Bera and his tail set to wagging as he loped up next to them.  "Thor!  Hey!  Wait for me!"   Baldur reached out to playfully nip Thor's shoulder before he noticed the regal woman standing before them.  What was going on was Thor joining a pack?  WITHOUT HIM?!  Feeling suddenly embarrassed Baldur sat down and averted his eyes waiting to hear what exactly was going on before he made a move.




2 Years
12-26-2014, 10:58 AM

Drashiel was trying his best not to become clingy or over-protective but with his wife in the late stages of pregnancy he was more than a little keyed up.  Especially as Roman was fiercely independent and refused to leave her alphen duties in his paws, even for a little bit.  Though he supposed it was for the best.  It enabled him to do some hunting and build up their stores, a daunting task in this frozen winter.  Which, now that he thought about it…. he'd probably need to hold another hunt.  Roman was more than just pregnant, she was massive.  Drashiel had no idea of how many pups they might have or how large the little squirts would be but considering how round she was getting he felt safe betting on the high end.

A howl rang out and Drashiel paused in his tracking to race toward the border.  He wasn't terribly worried, most trespassers and spies didn't bother to howl first but just as he imagined, Roman beat him there to greet two strange males and a young woman.  Tail lifted, streaming behind him dominantly, ears alert as he strode confidently forward, bright peridot eyes examining them.  The trio were well built, and scarred… warriors perhaps?  It was a little odd to see two males with such a young woman but there didn't seem to be anything impure in their relationship.  It was rather like fathers and a daughter.  Were they a…. family?

"I am Drashiel Armada, King of Regium.  I see you have met my wife."  No doubt she'd already inquired as to why they were here.  Drashiel would not bore them with repeated questions.




4 Years
12-27-2014, 11:39 PM

An alphess was quick to answer his call. In greeting Thor dipped his  head to her respectfully before straightening. He wasn't too familiar with pack customs and whatnot, the only experience he had with a pack whose member base wasn't made entirely of family and captives was Valhalla, and he hadn't been there long enough for it to rub off on him. Alacritia was vastly different than what he was used to. "My name is Thor and this is Bera, my sister. We're looking to join your pack. I'm a-" Baldur was suddenly there, his voice loud and intrusive enough to jar Thor from his pleasantries.

His shoulder stung as Baldur nipped him and the brute had to rely on his desire to impress Roman to keep him from dragging the younger Hrodvitnisson to the ground. Having lost his place, Thor started over with introductions, "This is Baldur," he said saucily, brow quirking as he gazed at Roman in an attempt to convey a silent apology.

Another Regium wolf arrived, this one introducing himself as the king. As he had done to Roman, Thor dipped his head in greeting to Drashiel. Addressing him, he said, "As I was just telling your wife, my name is Thor and this is Bera and Baldur," he motioned to each as he introduced them. "I can't speak for Baldur, but Bera and I are looking to join Regium; I as a fighter and Bera as a..." he trailed off and turned to look at his sister. "An apprentice of some kind. A fighter too, right?"

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



1 Year
01-04-2015, 01:55 AM

Walk | Talk | Think 

Try as she might to make herself look like a stern, serious warrior, it was hard for Bera to keep the smile off of her face. There was just something so exciting in what they were doing, in joining a pack alongside her brother and knowing that she was not going to get lonely this time or feel lost if something happened to the pack as a whole, that made her incredibly more optimistic about this venture than she had felt with the last. True, she had been eager and willing to jump right into Yfir all on her own, but now she had Thor with her to to bug and tell everything that happened to her, and to encourage her when things got rough. Maybe this time she could actually complete her training. 

Her optimism was still high when the regal, white queen arrived to greet them, looking decidedly round but fit and in good health otherwise. Like Thor beside her, Bera kept her place and inclined her head when her brother made the introductions for her, more than willing to take a backseat in their negotiations since she could not entirely trust herself not to let her good mood get the better of her and betray her as being nothing more than an overexcited pup, which at the moment was exactly how she felt despite her best efforts. The arrival of Balder hardly made matters any better, and seeing him act so carelessly before the ruling pair of Regium - for the Queen Roman's mate, King Drashiel, had arrived as well - made her struggle to successfully stifle a laugh while her serious, look-alike brother began again. 

In referencing her he paused, and Bera blinked at him as he turned to question exactly what her choice was going to be for ranks if and when they joined. An apprentice fighter? She made one quick nod before she caught herself from repeating the motion again like an excitable child, and added decisively, "Yes," to make it undoubtedly clear. Her goals had not changed; she still wished to be a warrior.  



2 Years
01-10-2015, 09:20 PM
ooc:  for sake of ease pping this a bit so Baldur said he'd like to join to.

The large brown male introduced himself as Thor and the woman his sister Bera.  The while male seemed to be Baldur.   Hmm…. they seemed to be stout and substantially built wolves.  To the Kings eyes they appeared to be worthy warriors but eyes could be deceiving and the only way to know would be to test them.  He looked to Roman and realized the floor was his, he would make the decision on this particular crop of loners.  Very well then.  The young woman was in training so there wasn't a great need to test her.  "We've many young pups in our pack, more able bodies are greatly welcome.  The three of you will be accepted.  Bera as a Civilian in training for the Infantry.  Thor, Baldur…. I would like to see your battle skills to see if you are up to the standards of our Infantry.  Spar each other please."  Drashiel moved aside to give the two males room to battle.




4 Years
01-10-2015, 09:36 PM

Baldur chimed in his willingness to join as well.  No way, Thor wasn't getting rid of him that easily!  The king spoke and offered to accept them but first they would have to spar each other in a mock fight.  Baldur snorted.  That suited him just fine.  He had a few things to work out with his older brother anyway.  Baldur moved away from Thor, attempting to create a ten foot space between then as he turned to face his brother.  Stretching lightly he set his defenses.

"Alright fuzzbutt, it's been awhile. Let's see what you got." In the corner of his mind he heard Linneá giggle.  Oh, yea, she hadn't seen him fight in awhile.  Well, it was time to impress a lady!

"Talk" "You" Think