
Didn't want to take it slow


01-01-2015, 09:35 PM

When she did something she went all out and did it big. This was her first time sneaking out past the back borders by herself and she didn't just explore near by, she got herself completely lost. She had been gone for a couple of days now, but she wondered if anyone even noticed. Momma and Daddy were both gone most of the time and so was her sister, none of her other family really talked to her much. Aunt Natalya was sick and Uncle Helios was all upset and stuff... Who was there to really keep track of her?

She shivered against the cold north wind as she padded through the snow. The white power was much thicker here than it was back home, something she was entirely not used to. So far she found no joy in this thick layer of snow. It kept sticking to her coat and weighing her legs down, making her steps all uncoordinated and ugly. Her vain streak ran deep and she certainly did not enjoy looking so silly. 

Something shiny caught her attention and she stopped in her tracks as she glanced toward it. Her silver gaze blinked in awe and curiosity as she stepped closer, peering at the glittering veins of something in the rocks. A quiet 'ooooh' left her as she studied it, wondering what it could be and how it got there.

Speech Others Thinking



2 Years
Extra large
01-02-2015, 10:00 PM
Bacchus was made for the snow, and he had no problem navigating it deep or shallow. Today he'd find himself loping back to the wash, almost curious if his friend from so many days before might still be around. Though he had his doubts considering the nomad didn't seem to have a place he returned every night. Still, exploring the place on his own would surely be much different than with his older companion. Long legs would carry the tall boy easy over the silver stained marble, his eyes catching the glimpse of the glitter as he passed by. Oddly he'd find the scent of yet another wolf here, very much different from the last scent. Finding himself just as curious Bacchus would make a slow approach, finding his eyes would lay upon a young girl. Surely not too much older than himself, he would simply observe from the other side of the area. She was so different from the wolves in his pack, the orange markings were flashy. Usually he was aware of his manners, but as he watched her he would stare with little restraint.


01-05-2015, 07:48 PM

A crunch in the snow somewhere behind her was what finally pulled her attention from the veins of glittering metal in the rock. Her head quickly turned to see what it was, her silver eyes landing on the tall boy who was just staring at her. Her pale ears flicked back uncertainly, but her attention was easily drawn from his odd behavior to his interesting markings. He was... Blue? Well, not quite blue, kind of like grey-blue, but it was certainly not a color she had ever seen on a wolf before. All of the wolves in her family were, like, brown and white and sandy-gold and light red. Except for Uncle Helios, he was really red, and Aunt Natalya who was really black. Daddy was black and red too. No one was blueish though! And he had these splatters of white all over him, like some snow had gotten permanently stuck to his fur. He was almost as interesting to look at as the sparkly rocks. 

Suddenly she realized they were just staring at each other and she blinked. Oh Momma would be mad if she knew she wasn't using her manners! She smiled and hopped closer to the larger boy. He was certainly tall even though she didn't think he was any older than she was. "Momma says staring is rude," she informed him matter-of-factly before giving a little dip of her head like she had seen Momma and the other older wolves do when they greeted new wolves. "I'm Hera! What's your name?"




2 Years
Extra large
01-05-2015, 09:12 PM
He wouldn't be there for long when she turned, he'd find himself admiring her eyes as she looked over at him with the same curiosity he'd held for her. His gaze was soft as they looked each other over for a long moment, his form almost jumping back as she would be the first to realize their actions. He wouldn't retreat as she bound up to him, recovering much more quickly than he had. Her words would also be a bit of a shock, especially after she had joined in on the staring, but her voice hadn't been incredibly accusing. "My moms say that too," He'd answer back as he mimicked her motions, "Bacchus." He'd add another shorter nod for emphasis. "What are you doing here? Do you live in the north too?" Why hadn't he ever seen her before?


01-07-2015, 12:54 AM

Hera was very careful to remember his name, not that it would be easy to forget. His name was very interesting just like his appearance. She immediately shook her head at his question, replying, "No, I live in the west with my family in Pantheon. I'm up here... exploring I guess?" She smirked and leaned in toward him like she was telling a secret, adding, "I'm seeing how far away I can get before Momma realizes I'm gone." She giggled and leaned away again, her brown and orange tipped tail wagging happily. "My Momma and Daddy and sister have all been gone for a while so I wanted to be gone too!" She nodded with finality, liking the idea of being rebellious. Of course she loved her family very much and missed them a lot, but if they weren't there then why should she stay home?

An idea struck her suddenly, as they usually tended to do, and she grinned, hopping up and down in place with excitement. "I know! You wanna play a game with me, Bacchus? Lets pretend we're mighty warriors and we have to battle over who gets to have those shiny rocks!" She pointed toward one of the veins of precious metals just for emphasis with her left forepaw before looking back at him excitedly. Oh she hoped he wanted to play! Aura never wanted to play fighting games with her and Daddy was too big for it to be fair. He always had to play like a giant or something. Bacchus was pretty big too, but not too big! She looked at him hopefully with wide silver eyes, waiting for his response anxiously.

Speech Others Thinking



2 Years
Extra large
01-07-2015, 01:56 PM
He'd tilt his features slightly as he asked his question, her answer would start with a quick shake of her head. Adding on that she was far, far from home. He'd never even made it much past the south, let alone the other side of the continent! Eyes would widen in slight awe as she told him this, taking in her reasoning like some big secret as she revealed the reason for being here. It seemed everyone in her family was gone, why shouldn't she be gone too? She seemed to finalize her decision, but he would be a bit more curious, "Since your family is gone.. do you want to share mine?" He'd offer her almost bashfully before her idea was struck.

Her grin was enough to cause his own smile to brighten and as she bounced up and down he would grow excited too, wondering what idea could be so wonderful. She would propose a game, one that involved two might warriors fighting for ownership of the veins of precious metals. Yes, he was ready for this. A smirk would appear on his features as his mismatched tail would wag behind him excitedly. "Princess Hera of Pantheon I Bacchus Armada of Regium challenge you for claim over these shiny rocks!" He would announce as he pulled himself up to his full height, offering as official a voice as he could muster.


01-09-2015, 01:07 AM

Share his family? Hera's head tipped to the side as she pondered his offer. No one had ever offered her something like that before. Family was a big deal! She loved her family so much, but they were just always off doing something. It could never be a bad thing to have more family, right? It was a lot to think about through and for someone with such a short attention span it was something she would simply have to revisit later.

For now she launched into the epic story of knights and mighty battles over precious goods that she had constructed in her mind. Luckily for her Bacchus didn't hesitate to join into her game, naming her princess of Pantheon and himself prince of Regium. Immediately she clicked into her role, pulling herself up to her full height as well and taking on an heir of regality, her brown and orange tipped tail curling up over her back. "I accept your challenge, Sir Bacchus!" She settled into a crouch, trying to remember everything she had learned from her play fights with Aura and Daddy.

She bent her knees in a slight crouch and fluffed up her hackles up over her shoulders. Her toes splayed to try and help her balance in the snow and her pale ears pinned back against her head. She narrowed her silver gaze right before she leaped toward him, deciding to go for his long legs. She didn't think she was tall enough to go for his ears like she usually did with Aura, so instead she would attempt to latch her jaws onto his right foreleg right by his knee. Of course she wouldn't try to really hurt him or anything, they were just playing after all. If anything she just wanted to make it harder for him to fight back. As her jaws opened she would snarl to keep her lips out of the way of her teeth and her tail would tuck under her to keep it out of his reach. 

Speech Others Thinking



2 Years
Extra large
01-09-2015, 08:30 PM
She'd make it seem for a moment like she was seriously considering his offer. Had the tables been turned he wasn't sure that he would so easily be able to go through with leaving his family. Surely though if her family was never around coming back with him would not be so difficult? She could always go back to her family if she wanted to. However neither pup would let their thoughts linger there for long, now was the time for action.

She would eagerly accept his challenge, taking on that royal grace a prince and princess should boast. He too would lower himself closer to the ground, knowing how easily his long legs led him to topple over. His mismatched ears would fall to his head as he pulled back his lips to show her his sharp puppy teeth more clearly. He would watch as she suddenly burst towards him he would try to jump back out of her reach. Not quite successfully as her jaws would grasp hold of his white paw. He would growl, it didn't really hurt but her teether were not comfortable in the sensitive webbing of his toes.

He would hop back towards her on his remaining legs, having tried to stop himself as soon as she grabbed hold of his foot. He'd aim his own jaws at the scruff of her neck, an easy reach as her head was down by his paw. A rather exited laugh would bubble inside him as he reached for her, not intending on biting hard in the least.