
poisoned rationality



4 Years
01-06-2015, 04:11 PM

She liked this place, the prey was rather bountiful. Especially now, in the season of her heat, the beaver were plentiful along the creek. The swollen banks were spilling their water onto the floodplains, and turning the landscape into something marshy and ethereal. In the midmorning, there was still wisps of mist rising from the waters, and the dove femme was left wandering through the shallow water in rather comfortable silence. The splash of a beavers entering the water echoed through the mist, a pleasant ambiance, if not a tempting one. The ashen darling watched the world around her with whiskey coloured eyes, intrigued by everything in a different way, and wrapped up in the simple beauty of the morning. 

Her delicate paws slipped into the water with each step, making only gentle plunking sounds each time. She started to hum a quiet tune to herself trying to meld it with the ambiance of the landscape; the birds trilling in the aspens, the beavers busily going about their business, the gentle flow of the water. It wasn't anything special, but the petite dove quite liked the sound of it.


Thanks Luis for this lovely image!


01-08-2015, 09:57 PM

He was a yearling now, growing into his body, and he was beginning to feel a bit more accepted by his family. He still felt jealous of Mystic, his father's supposed favorite. The boy knew what the man said, wanted to believe that Mystic wasn't the only child he loved. But still, Naoise was still hesitant around Kar. His old man was trying to express he cared but... with another litter possibly on the way the boy was not in the mood to be around his folks. But perhaps leaving to head further south without a word wasn't so good either. He had planned to be back by morning, but he had found the bifrost and the morning found him instead in the mists created by a dam.

The youth would pad on, towards the water where he heard creatures stir. He had never seen a beaver before, considering this was his first time away from the orchard. His eyes ate up the world hungry, viewing the sights as beautiful. Perhaps... he could find a friend out here.

Smoke green eyes were not focused on what was ahead, only what he could make out around him in the mist. That of course didn't help scents either, and before Naoise knew how close he was he walked right into the back leg of another wolf!

Naoise would flinch back, surprise on his face and ears tilted backward. He didn't speak -- he just stared at the female he had just run into.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Shelby



4 Years
01-08-2015, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2015, 10:39 PM by Dada.)

She didn't even notice the gentle splish and splash of footsteps behind her, and she should have been ashamed for being so oblivious. However, it was impossible for her to miss the bump against her hind leg that sent her stumbling forward. Her chest brushed against the surface of the still water as she- just barely- saved herself from keeling over headfirst into the water. Whirling around, she was grinning like a dork. It was probably one of her tribesmen, playing a joke on her.

Instead, a stranger. Scents washed into her nostrils, showing that it was yet another wolf from the north. Why was it never one of her clan? The dove so hated the constant threat of being attacked by these warmongers. However, this one had a youthful innocence in it's features. She hesitated, jaws parted in the barest threat of an outcry. The curly pelted wolfess gazed at the strange youth, blinking whiskey optics in a curious, wary way. He was bigger than her by several inches, which was in itself worrying, but she also was wondering if the young looking male yet had the instinct to attack her. Or worse. Eat her up. "Ti o dara owurọ, odo kan." She greeted him hesitantly. Her ears tilted back nervously, hackles partially raised anxiously. She wasn't in a very good position right now, was she?

Translation: Good morning, young one.


Thanks Luis for this lovely image!


01-20-2015, 12:45 AM

Naoise would hesitate as well, looking at the stranger with a bit of wariness. He had not ever met any wolves outside his own family, though his father had warned them of trusting strangers so openly. He would lower his ears some, his eyes meeting her gaze. He would frown, deeply, felling his body shudder some. It seemed, for the longest moment, that they just stared at each other. Luckily, neither of them were the violent sort.

When she spoke... Her words were strange. Naoise’s eyes would widen some, startled by how he didn’t understand her. Her words weren’t aggressive, but hesitant. He would flick his ears some, taking a breath. “I... I’m sorry for bumping into you...” Naoise would say softly, taking a step back. His tail was lowered submissively, his gaze uncertain. “I... Am afraid I don’t understand what... You’re saying...” Naoise would whimper some, tilting his head to the side with confusion.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Shelby



4 Years
02-05-2015, 07:56 PM

The child looked rather startled, as if her speech was something out of the ordinary. As if. He started speaking quickly thereafter, every syllable completely lost on the lass. In one ear, out the other. However, her wary facade did not falter. This was still a northerner, and they were not to be trusted. He might be submitting now, but she could turn her back on him for a second, and the youth might attack her. Narrowed whiskey eyes looked the lad over. His confusion seemed sincere, but liars came in all shapes and sizes. Charcoal tail tip would twitch anxiously, heartbeat stuttering in her chest. "Ohun ti idi mu ọ lọ si ibi yi, odo kan?" She asked slowly, each word enunciated clearly as she held his verdant gaze.

Her tongue would escape her dark lips, swiping across her muzzle quickly. Her whiskers seemed to have captured a few droplets of water, and only now were they starting to annoy the femme. Ivory brow spots would lower over her eyes as she scrutinized him. There was no proof he meant her harm, but neither was there proof he meant to do good here. The tribe could be in danger, and let no one say the dove would not protect her family if she could.

Translation: What reasons bring you to this place, young one?

OOC: Sorry this took forever, also sorry for crappy post. A Wary Dada is a single minded Dada.


Thanks Luis for this lovely image!


02-28-2015, 12:58 AM

Naoise would continue to watch her warily, his posture remaining submissive. She still didn’t look angry. No... By her own body language she seemed just as wary as he was. She would speak again, slowly, enunciating each syllable, not that it helped the lad much. The words were still foreign, and he didn’t understand at all. He would keep his ears lowered, head tilted to the side. How on earth could he make this woman understand that he had no idea what she was saying? He didn’t speak her tongue. He would give a soft sigh. “I’m sorry... I... I still don’t understand.” The male would look around. There was no one there that could possible translate for him. He would look back to the female, trying to think. “Do you know English at all?” He asked the words slowly back. This could be a big problem if they didn’t understand each other.
"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby