
New Season, New Chances



10 Years
01-10-2015, 04:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 04:46 PM by Aures.)

Winter had left the continent and the proof was starting to show. The snow had melted, the grass was returning bright and green, and the flowers were beginning to blossom with the welcoming, warm breezes. All of this made Odette smile. She enjoyed watching the seasons change, but she couldn't help but love her wintery surroundings. With the departure of winter came the rising of temperatures and that was why she had to move. Her thick coat remained, but only a tiny bit of it began to shed as she left Glaciem's lands to venture to the East. She hoped that she wouldn't be hairless when she returned.

Her tan paws brought her to Threar's borders, the evidence of the pack thriving noted in their strong scents. She gave a soft smile, happy to know that others were successful with their homes. She thought of Sibelle and her children leaving and the smile faded with an invisible sigh. What she lost, she would regain in the future. One of the future decisions she had to make was to ensure that her future would continue to exist. Red and blue eyes closed as she tossed back her head to give a call for anyone in the higher ranks of Threar to come. She hoped that she wouldn't be disappointed.




5 Years
01-11-2015, 06:12 AM
There always seemed to be something keeping the Destruction woman from visiting most of the other packs. Her children, the storms, her parents and now finally it seemed for now at least life had slowed. Her own pack was still her main focus for now, strengthening them once more but perhaps it was about time to begin reaching out to the other packs, learning more about them. It didn't do any good sitting there waiting for them to turn up on her doorstep.

Or apparently it did. It had been a while since an unfamiliar alpha had ventured onto the lands to meet with them now however a call would ring out. Of course at this point in time Novella had no way of telling whether it was an alpha or a loner, though as she finally neared the figure waiting upon her borders scents would soon fill her in on the details and point out that this female was part of a pack.

"Hello" She greeted as she came to a stop a short distance from the other. "I'm Novella Destruction, Author of Threar. What brings you to the borders today?" She spoke politely, no reason to be hostile after all and certainly not wanting to give the other any reason to be either.



10 Years
01-11-2015, 01:14 PM

The woman who appeared had a pelt that resembled Bass's. She wondered if she was related to the ruler of Abaven, but for now, she would focus on her small mission. With a soft gaze, she was politely greeted and that encouraged Odette to speak with a calmness that was brimming with excitement. "Good morning, Novella Destruction. I am Odette Adravendi, new Alphess to Glaciem, formerly known as Solstice." Her eyes twinkled at the title, but she didn't let them reveal any more small revelations.

Odette's tail swept behind her at a lazy speed, only to immediately curl up and over her haunches. Snow that had clung to her fur before she left home rose and fell around her backside in small flurry dances. They glinted in the sunlight before evaporating around her massive form. Red and blue eyes watched Novella with a bright curiosity as she continued to speak. "I have come to speak of politics, even though the topic is not the greatest one to talk about." She gave a teasing grimace before pressing onward. "I came from my home to see if there could be an alliance established between Glaciem and Threar. We are a good-aligned pack, a kind that wants to help out others who need it and stand up for the positive vibes that exist in this world." Odette may have sounded like a balled, but she hoped that the description of her home would suffice Novella's (hopefully) peaking curiosity.




5 Years
01-11-2015, 04:33 PM
Glaciem was a name that she hadn't heard for a while nor had she ever been particular familiar with the pack at all. The version she knew of course however had been during Isardis' rule, she knew nothing of the pack's former leaders nor the inspiration towards recreating it now. She would remain impartial on it all though, if not purely for the reason that the woman's name had caught her attention more than that either of the packs. It took her a moment to recall the connection. Adravendi; that was Guinevere's family name.

She wouldn't interrupt to ask anything of the fact however, allowing Odette to continue with her mission statement, smiling softly at the somewhat sour comment towards the topic of politics. Perhaps she too had an aversion to them, maybe that was the real reason for putting off trips such as the one Odette was on now. She disliked making any rash judgements on the other packs though so far Odette seemed to be a likeable person.

"Adravendi." She spoke the surname out loud after a short pause. "Sorry for the subject change, but it will bug me if I don't ask. Are you by any chance related to Guinevere?" She would explain the question shortly afterwards if the other wanted, though if it was merely a coincidence then she wouldn't bore Odette with the reasons for asking. "Feel free to ask your own questions, even pointless ones, perhaps it'll add some more interest to the matter of politics." She added with a small smile.

"As for your pack, it certainly sounds like one we could get along with; Threar too are lightly-aligned and certainly prefer a positive environment." She began, it did indeed appeal to her perhaps even more so if there was some sort of family connection though Dhiren and Guinevere. She wouldn't rush however, there were serious matters to be discussed before any agreements could officially be made. "I must ask you though, what are your standings with other the other packs, particularly those within the East?." Abaven and Ludicael to be specific though she wouldn't mention any names nor Threar's own standings just yet.



10 Years
01-11-2015, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2015, 07:17 PM by Aures.)

She knew that Glaciem had a bad reputation because of the previous ruler's history. The family itself was indeed impressive, but the fact that her father's ruling was buried didn't hit the light until the name left her mouth. Not many wolves remembered Gargoyle or his peaceful reign, but she intended to change that with each positive step she took for the future. When Novella asked if she was related to Guinevere, Odette's eyes lit up. "Why yes, yes I am!" she happily exclaimed. "Guinevere is my first cousin; the youngest, I believe, of their small family." Azalea and Guinevere were Collision's daughters, making them her first cousins by adoption on both sides. Such facts had been overlooked by many, but Odette had held onto them.

Novella's words of making the politics more interesting made Odette softly chuckle. "Yes, please, I wouldn't mind. Ummm."[color] She looked up to the sky above her, attempting to think of facts that would help freshen up the topic. [color=#DB2A21]"You say that Threar is a positive-aligned pack. That is definitely something I find fascinating, considering all that I have witnessed within the past couple of years." Good and evil fought in front of her very eyes since she was a pup, so Odette was aware of the ongoing battles. "To answer your question, I am allies with Abaven..." It took her a minute to remember what she thought the first time she saw Novella and then it hit her. "Are you possibly related to the Azat of Abaven?" Her question was worded in a surprised whisper, hoping that the answer would be in her favor. "Bass Destruction is quite the character."

Talk like this



5 Years
01-11-2015, 07:32 PM
Novella knew nothing at all of Gargoyle's reign nor the man himself. A sad truth perhaps though one that perhaps in time with Odette's help would be amended for Novella and other's like herself. From recent experience she knew full well it was important to remember respected figures. The Adravendi name, whilst not Odette's by blood was still a claim for the girl and the members of it her family. The recognition would spread across her features as Guinevere's name was mentioned and Novella would smile at the reaction and news. "My nephew Dhiren is rather fond of her. He's been raising her daughter as his own." She explained now her own little connection with the other Adravendi woman.

Odette seemed to share Novella's thoughts upon the packs. There certainly was a potential for them to get along one that would only grow stronger still as the Glaciem alphess went on to mention allies. Now it was Novella's turn for a pleasantly surprised look to cross her features. She wouldn't interrupt just yet, for Odette had found her own little question to ask, once more on the topic of families. Such a small world it seemed.

"Bass is my nephew." She responded with a warm smile. "Abaven in fact are currently our only allies as well. Though I have to say, I don't think I would mind allying with Glaciem as well." Whilst family alone wasn't a reason to trust someone, the description of the pack was certainly tempting and the fact that they were allied with Abaven was enough for Novella to accept the offer.



10 Years
01-11-2015, 08:06 PM

Odette was a big fan of families, especially those whom stuck together through everything. While her biological family disappeared a little before her birth, she had Chrysanthe to thank for restoring her faith. The woman whom had become her mother showed her that no matter what kind of relation you were (blood or adopted), it didn't matter as much as the bonds that were made. Now, as she found out that Novella's nephew was fond of her cousin and raising her daughter, she felt a tiny bit closer to the woman in front of her. "I...had no idea," she admitted. "I always wondered what became of Guinevere after Valhalla was won by the Viking woman."

The revelation of Odette knowing about Bass seemed to please Novella. She couldn't help but smile as the woman began to open up more about her relation to the Azat. When she also revealed that she wouldn't mind allying with Glaciem, Odette's eyes widened with more twinkles and excitement. "I would be more than honored to officially claim you as an ally, Novella," she said in awe. Her heart skipped for joy and she gave a soft "Yip!" before quickly turning into a tight circle. "Now that we are allies, you must tell me more about Threar. What are its potentials as a lighter aligned pack and what are your members like?" Funny how she had all of the questions after sealing the deal with Threar.




5 Years
01-11-2015, 08:31 PM
Valhalla was another name that Novella had heard but personally couldn't really speak much of. Perhaps Dhiren would have known more, having spent the time he had with Guinevere. The pair were happy together now but it had taken a few trials and tribulations for them to reach such a state, details that Novella wouldn't share with Odette now, it simply wasn't her place to do so. Instead she would simply leave it at that, Odette didn't seem to want to ask any more on the topic anyway and that sat fine with her.

When she had woken that morning, Novella certainly didn't anticipate that she would be making new friends and new allies for the pack. It was a rather pleasant change of pace to be honest, with so much dark as of late the chance for light to grow was very welcomed. Of course simply being allies wouldn't make them the best of friends, there was still plenty that they had to learn about each other and the two packs though Novella certainly could quite comfortably say so far she liked Odette.

To be honest she wasn't entirely sure how to lead on, perhaps mentioning Frith would be useful, he too was a leader here after all and that was knowledge that Odette surely ought to have. "My mate, Frith, rules alongside of me. We're actually quite a small pack at the moment, it's mainly my family that call Threar home."



10 Years
01-14-2015, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2015, 05:25 AM by Novella.)

Odette was in the same boat as Novella when she had ventured from Glaciem that day. She didn't expect to have such a great beginner's conversation with the Author of Threar. All she had intended on achieving from the visit was an established alliance. So far, she could say that the visit was definitely successful.

The white female, who greatly resembled Bass, was one of the wolves that Odette wouldn't mind seeing in the future. As they continued to get along, she felt like being an Alphess was not as hard as it had been made out to be in the beginning. There was still so much to learn at such a young age, and with good friends, how could she go wrong?

Novella then began to talk about her pack and explained that most of her members were her family. Odette couldn't help but smile before she spoke in turn. "Having a tight knit family within your borders is definitely a blessing. When I was younger and lived in Valhalla, the family bonds were as close as they could get." She quickly remembered falling asleep next to Chrysanthe every night and waking up to her loving gaze each morning. Such memories made her nostalgic, but she pushed away the old feelings and spoke again. "I hope that, in time, Glaciem will become more family-oriented and remain lighter-aligned as it was when my father ruled...They were quite the group of wolves, or so I'm told."




5 Years
01-15-2015, 05:56 AM
It wouldn't be entirely wrong to say that the woman had become a hermit of sorts within her pack. The last time she had truly left the lands, not just to visit Abaven or Sawtooth whilst it was still standing, had been to escape the storms. It hardly counted as an outing. Of course there had been a lot keeping her close and for right reason. She would have been even more devastated if she had left the lands and returned to find her parents had passed away. This little meeting here would just have to be a reminder of sorts for her to try get out more now whilst she was able. One thing was for certain she would certainly have to in order to enjoy this new blossoming friendship.

The Destruction family was certainly a rather large one, bigger than many were even fully aware of. It did mean though it hadn't ever been exactly hard for Novella to surround herself with family. It was perhaps only in her journey to Alacritia that she had ever been apart from them, even then she had some ahead and some behind, if she had sped up or slowed down she would have ran into some of her siblings. The size of the family did say a lot about how small Threar was though, given half the Destructions currently present in the pack were her own children.

Valhalla she hadn't known too well at all. Her pack politics had never needed to be great and even now she was certainly a little behind the times, not knowing anything about much of the lands and packs of Alacritia. She would instead simply smile and nod her head understandingly as Odette spoke. "Good luck with that." A genuine wish for her, both it seemed knew how wonderful it was to be around your family, there was no need to expand upon the matter.



10 Years
01-15-2015, 09:18 PM

Odette had been a hermit herself when she had belonged to Solstice. The power couple had been through struggles and the desire to stay away from them was strong back then. After they had split ways and Crucifix had given Odette the reins, she was able to become more of her old self with a purpose for the world around her. With each day that passed, Odette was becoming stronger, prouder. The kind of woman that her parents would be proud to see.

She missed her parents every day, but didn't show it to those she was unfamiliar with. In time, when she got closer to Novella and Bass, she would probably show more of her personal life than she already had. Novella's wish for her to do well with her pack's future goal made Odette smile. "Thank you, Novella," she softly said. Her tail wagged behind her as she watched the white woman in front of her. "I hope that, in time, my pack's number will grow and thrive as your family has."




5 Years
01-16-2015, 05:52 AM
The family thriving had little to do with Novella herself really. The Destructions had apparently been destined to be large from the moment that Series took Poem as a mate. At least two of their children had followed suit with several litters though of course Novella knew nothing or her aunts, uncle and cousins from her mother's side of the family.

"Would you like to come further into the lands? Maybe take a look around and meet any of the others in the pack or rest a while?" Novella actually had no idea just how far Odette had really travelled but she thought she would offer the other the opportunity, a chance to get to know the pack a little more. Perhaps one day she or Frith could do the same in Glaciem itself. It'd be harder to unite the packs in quite the same way she and Bass had planned for Threar and Abaven but if they could get some sort of relationship it would certainly be good for the alliance.



10 Years
01-19-2015, 11:32 PM

Odette's family had been large on her father's side, but most of the members were lost after Glaciem was taken. She had never met those wolves, save for her siblings (her earliest memories) and the long-lost uncle who disappeared after one meeting. Once she was adopted, however, she became a link in the large chain of the Adravendis. Her world had been turned around and definitely for the better. Even as she stood alone in front of Novella, she knew that both families would want her to succeed.

The Author's words met Odette's perked ears and for the first time since she had come to Threar, a wave of sleepiness swept over her. She didn't automatically show it, but a soft blink of her eyes indicated a semi-foggy gaze as she looked at Novella with a tender smile. "That...would be lovely, Miss Novella." Slowly, she took a few steps towards the white woman and stopped a few paces near her. "Glaciem is my home and I love it so, but I feel as if I will faint on the journey back."

Her large, fluffy tail swept behind her and she waited for her guide to take the lead. She walked alongside the woman, eyes beginning to look up and around at the various pieces of Threar's land. So warm...Almost the complete opposite of Glaciem's icy fortresses. Her smile still danced upon her lips as she asked, "What convinced you to choose such a lovely spot to call home?"




5 Years
01-21-2015, 06:07 AM
The fatigued change in Odette was rather well hidden, Novella certainly chose to comment no further upon the matter. "Well we certainly wouldn't want that." She responded with a smile and began to lead the way through her lands. She stuck to a slower pace, not for the sake of tiredness but purely so Odette could enjoy the walk as well if she wished and from the wandering gaze it appeared that the other appreciated that opportunity.

Another soft smile would grace her features over the compliment of the lands. Indeed they were beautiful, she was certainly glad for the opportunity to call them home though she couldn't really take full claim on the decision to settle here. "When I first came to Alacritia I found my elder sister, Song within the Eastern lands." She wasn't sure if Odette had heard of the other though for a while at least she had certainly been the most famed of the Destructions within these lands and most definitely the one to have caused the rest to settle here.

"She was living within Ludicael at the time and before too long had actually taken over the pack as its own. It grew at a rather quickly during that period and for the well-being of everyone it seemed like the best idea was to divide the pack and so I created Threar. Sunset Falls and Fontamo Bay were right in the middle of the lands for Sawtooth, Song's pack, and the lands that Bass had claimed for Abaven, I couldn't think of anywhere better for my pack." Novella explained she hadn't really wished to share the story of Ludicael, at least not it's present one though now certainly seemed like a good idea to bring that up.

"Sawtooth sadly is no more though. Jupiter Illiadis returned and stole back the pack to recreate Ludicael." Novella began slowly, the tone evidently suddenly more serious than their previous talk. She's kept my family there as prisoners, we're such a small pack and of so few fighters there is nothing Threar has been able to do to help. I'm sorry to bring down the conversation like this, I thought you ought to know though. As far as I'm aware though she is the only enemy to the Destruction family." There had of course been difficulties with Virgil Olympus as well though it seemed as both parties stuck to their promises nothing at all was going to kick off there. It had been about two years of radio silence now, how the time flew.

"Please, tell me more of Glaciem." Novella requested, hoping to lighten the conversation once more. "Where do you call home?"



10 Years
01-21-2015, 04:15 PM

As they walked, Odette took in the detailed colors of Threar's surroundings. She was in awe and couldn't help but love how everything looked peaceful and wanted to draw her in. If she wasn't a Northern girl, she would have considered moving to the East to live within lands like these. The story behind Threar's origin reached her ears and she felt the emotions from such times hit her in Novella's words. It was then that she lowered her gaze to meet Novella's as they kept on walking. "It sounds like your family has been through quite a bit since they came to Alacritis," she said, smile warm despite the slight distractions of her surroundings.

Odette's ears then perked when she heard the name of Jupiter. She faintly remembered hearing about her when she was a pup. The woman had been carried in a conversation Gargoyle had with Ocena, but she didn't know why. As Novella explained what happened to Sawtooth's future, Odette's sparkly gaze faded. "That is so sad, Novella...I hope that those still under her rule are fairing well within her borders." Odette really did, considering she knew what it was like to almost be taken as prisoner.

Novella then changed the direction of the conversation, intending to make the atmosphere more bright. Odette was silently thankful, so she willingly took her turn. "Glaciem is...oh my gosh, I don't know how to properly explain its essence." Her eyes twinkled more as she began to talk about her home. "I live at Waterfall Peak and the Mile-High Woods, two pieces of land that have everything I could ask for in a home. Prey, places to hide, tons of dens, and the views...Oh, Novella," she sighed. "You can see the sunrise on the Peak and the sunset from a great spot in the Woods...both are so breathtaking and the views in between are worth the glance."

They continued to walk and she thought more about what made her home...home. "Glaciem's history is kind of blurry to me, but if you would like to hear it, I would be more than happy to tell what I know." She hoped Novella would; the members of her pack already knew the history behind the name, so she didn't have the chance to talk about it with those who were unfamiliar.

Talk like this



5 Years
01-23-2015, 02:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 02:28 PM by Novella.)
"There has been a lot of good as well though." Novella hastened to add as Odette shared her sympathies for the Destruction family's misfortune. They had suffered but so many wonderful things had happened as well from her siblings and parents their differences to the love and future generations. Life could be a lot worse really though of course there were still many things that needed to get better. Her trapped family was one part of it of course, she still wasn't sure how to help them though after having seen Myth knew that apparently Jupiter's reign differed this time around to her first time.

The subject would move onto Glaciem's home now. Whilst Odette had been fascinated by Threar's lands it seemed her own pack could be boastful about their surroundings as well. Novella would smile as she listened to the vivid descriptions and Odette's cheery voice. "That sounds wonderful." She responded. "Perhaps one day I shall have to visit and see it for myself." A somewhat cheeky hint for an invitation though something told her that Odette would welcome her to visit.

The walk continued and with it the talk. Glaciem was a pack she knew very little about during Isardis reign and certainly knew even less for any rulers before that time. If Odette wished to share the knowledge she had though, Novella would gladly listen. "Of course, I'd love to hear it." She smiled, nodding her head in response and waiting for her new friend to continue.



10 Years
01-29-2015, 09:47 PM

Odette's ears perked at the hastily added comment about the Destruction family. She couldn't help but smile as she let a spot of sunlight appear in the darkness that had been relayed to Novella's family history. "That is definitely good to hear, then. One cannot last long in the dark without the hope of light being there somewhere." Odette knew that both of her families had been through their dark times, but sunlight had always found its way to their destined paths.

Novella listened with rapt attention when Odette described her home and then she voiced her interest in visiting in the future. Her tail wagged behind her with each step she took beside Threar's Author. "I would be more than happy to have you share such times with me whenever you are up to handling the cold shoulder of the North." She gave a happy wink as they walked, followed by a soft giggle as they continued on their uncharted tour of the pack.

Smoothly, Odette slipped into the part of the conversation she had anticipated since getting to know Novella better. Her hostess seemed interested enough so far; she hoped that she would not disappoint. "Glaciem was once ruled by my father, Gargoyle. He became King by having my great aunt pass it down to his paws. For a long time, he ruled, and he chose to live in the North since his pack's members were all used to the climate." So far, she seemed to be doing well. "Papa ruled with a strong upper lip, but his values for his pack were good and family-oriented. From what I have been told, he was a good soul and Mama made him stronger as a man..."

Her smile slightly faded and she softly continued. "Mama and Papa were having their second litter when the crown was challenged for..." A soft sigh slipped through her lips as she continued. "Papa fought my Aunt Eos and lost, somehow...I don't know how he did it, but it happened. They had to move from where they had lived and then moved to the Northern coast...I was born shortly after my family became rogues. While I was growing up at the beach and travelling everywhere at a young age, Glaciem was handed over to an acquaintance of my Aunt Eos and Uncle Syrinx. His name was Isardis and his demeanor was one that craved power and women...He was greedy and had no real love for anyone. With that type of man in charge, Glaciem's reputation turned sour and his reign was one many despised."

Odette looked at Novella with a gaze that now resembled a sad pup's. "I hope that since Glaciem's rulers changed its name and started anew, I can bring back the good reputation that came from my father's reign. Not many wolves remember him or when he ruled, but I do hope that in time, I will make him proud of what I create with the same name he had so long ago." The sadness slowly changed to happiness again, and whatever negative energy remained slowly left. Her smile reappeared and she cleared her throat. "Forgive me if I rambled a bit, Novella. I am just sooo ready to show the world, and myself, that I can do this properly. I have always wanted to be a ruler, even when I was a pup and living on the beach...I had my own sand palace."

"You" Think



5 Years
02-06-2015, 04:53 AM
The request of an invitation wouldn't be ignored and in fact offered to her. The cold of the North was quite unlike what she was used to of course, though she'd certainly make an effort to try cope with the icy conditions. Perhaps Spring or Summer would be best, Winter was surely she would just be asking to be frozen. "Likewise for when you fancy a little warmth." Novella decided to make that point clear. It was only fair that she visited next but Odette was still welcome back to Threar for a visit anytime she found herself in the Eastern parts of Alacritia.

She would fall silent now as they walked, listening as Odette spoke about Glaciem's history. Many of the names meant little to her, even Isardis himself wasn't exactly known to the white woman but she listened anyway, taking in the information that her new friend was giving her. This little challenge to restore Glaciem clearly meant a lot to her, and Novella honestly wished her luck and hoped she would acheive the goal. Already it seemed like she deserved it.

Leadership had been thrust upon the Destruction girl, her family all thinking her ready for such things and nominating her to rule Threar. Still she wandered if they'd made the right choice. Though she'd always aspired to be like her parents, make them proud she never once had considered herself in their shoes; a leader of a pack. Odette clearly had thought a little differently however.

"No need to apologise." Novella responded with a smile of her own.
"It's nice to hear a little of the history. It sounds like a very noble cause and I'm sure you've already made them proud."



10 Years
02-08-2015, 07:15 PM

Novella's company was definitely a welcome aura to Odette. She wondered why they hadn't crossed paths before, why they hadn't established bonds at earlier ages. Such thoughts temporarily remained and as she pushed them away, she focused more on the future. Its light was bright and she couldn't wait to walk through the shining beacon. If only time would slowly hasten in its quest.

Her hostess listened with rapt attention and responded to her apology with veto and a smile. Odette's smile only widened and she gave a tender chuckle. "That is something I have wanted to hear for awhile, Novella. To hear it from you makes it more meaningful." Red and blue eyes twinkled as the two wolves walked through two rows of trees. Already, spring was evident in Threar's lands, for trees were starting to bud and the faint scent of flowers rose and fell on the invisible breezes. "Tell me about Threar, Novella...I want to know more about this place so I can tell my pack members when I return."

"You" Think



5 Years
02-09-2015, 08:28 AM
Though she had arrived in Alacritia as a girl eager to travel, reuniting with her family had promptly put an end to that desire. Every now and then she had taken the chance to explore though perhaps not nearly as much as she had originally intended. Though a better knowledge of the others in the lands would be rather nice, she wouldn't regret it at all. Perhaps now she ought to use her position as an Author to venture out and explore though, meet some of the other packs, build allies. Maybe with a stronger and larger team to back her up she would finally be able to free her family from Ludicael without the worries that the rest of the family might join them in imprisonment or worse.

"I'm sure that can't be true." Novella replied not wanting to take any credit at all for that little bit of joy, it was the truth she was rather sure and coming from her mouth really didn't affect the meaning at all in her opinion. "Certainly a deserved comment though and I'm sure you'll hear many more people saying the same soon." She added with a smile.

"From what I've heard your parents remind me a little of my own. It was my father was the softer of the pair though, so the roles are reversed slightly there." It wasn't quite what Odette would surely want to take back to her pack though the point seemed relevant. "I hope I've kept their values going in Threar. My father was a very wise man and encouraged us all to learn as much as we could, my mother too saw the usefulness in such development and as they did I try to encourage the pack to hone their various skills. It's a little hard with such a small pack, many aren't experienced enough to teach unfortunately though I'm proud to say they still try their hardest to learn." She'd covered that they too were family orientated, loyal and had lighter hearts earlier though perhaps it was wise to point out their skills as a pack as well.