
true mouthpiece [mtg]



7 Years
01-11-2015, 08:18 PM
OOC - POSTS DUE 1/18 6:05 PM ALA TIME.  MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING.  EXCUSED ARE ALECTRONA & RURIK (AOTO) AND HERCULES (NO ONE).  *** ANY OF VIRGIL'S CHILDREN PLANNING ON COMING TO PANTHEON SHOULD POST IN THIS MEETING, I AM PLACING IT LOGICALLY AFTER THEIR CURRENT THREAD WITH HELIOS. *** WHAT TO EXPECT: Announcement of Helios as sole Alpha, announcement of Nat's pregnancy, announcement of her illness, demotions and promotions, and maybe some other stuff I'm forgetting.


It was time.  Helios had been notified and he had reached out to Phoebe, while Natalya had spoken with her brother.  Other than the Matriarch and Patriarch, the other two would be the only ones with knowledge of what was about to happen, the good and the bad.  Hercules and Alectrona were both ill in the den still, something that caused Natalya great fear.  She had already lost one child to illness and the idea that two more may join him caused the worst of emotions to pile up within her.  Chione had taken off after their talk and Natalya feared for her as well, a young girl out on her own with little experience in the world.  Her children would all miss the announcement to the pack and she wondered how they would take the news separately.

There was much to be done today.  Many members would be demoted, given their lack of activity and failure to follow the guidelines she had set in the last meeting.  No trainings had been held, no meetings called.  She and Helios were at fault themselves, for failing to host a hunt, but they had had other things to deal with.  Their children, Nat's illness, the pregnancy.  Pantheon was in need of more members and more support if the Olympus family was to continue and survive.  Natalya hoped that Virgil's children would be joining them today, but it would be a mystery until everyone arrived.

As usual, the Matriarch made her way to her perch on the log they had called their first meeting from.  She chose late evening to summon her family this time, so as not to wake them.  She took a deep breath before releasing the call from her maw.  This would be the last pack meeting she called, and very likely the last she ever saw.  The thought was both painful and bittersweet.



10 Years
Athena I
01-12-2015, 12:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2015, 12:47 AM by Phoebe.)

ooc: fyi, Toothless just adopted who used to be Aura who is now Despoina. Just so all know xD

Ever since she had spoken with Helios she had realized how selfish she had been recently. She had been so afraid of what the others would think or say or do if they had found out about her mistake that she had left her pack and her family high and dry. She did not feel worthy to do what Helios had asked of her, but she would do whatever she could to help her family. Despite her sins and despite her wandering morals, she owed it to the family to do this for them as long as she could.

She heard her sister's call and she would pull herself to her paws with a heavy heart. Oh nothing about this meeting was going to be pleasant, she knew that all too well. However, she still put on a smile and nosed her children to their feet, leading them toward Natalya's call. She had been spending more time with them lately, trying her best to make up for being such an awful mother. She knew it was going to be hard or even impossible, but she was going to try. They arrived and Phoebe wouldn't say a word, she would simply hurry up to her sister's side and press her nose to Nat's cheek, a silent gesture of affection and apology. Then she would take a seat near Natalya, motioning for Hera and Desponia to do the same, waiting for the others to arrive.

"Talk" "You" Think


01-12-2015, 01:35 AM

Of course she was glad their mother was back! And Desp too! But... part of her kept thinking about Bacchus and his offer to share his family with her. She had so much fun playing with him. She hadn't told Momma or Desp about him yet, but she definitely would spill to Desp soon at least, she had to tell someone! But for now she was just enjoying cuddling up to Momma and Desp and being with them. Who knew how long it would last this time after all?

Her pale ears perked up at aunt Nat's call and she lifted her head, watching as Momma got up and nudged her and her sister to do the same. Another meeting? Hera did as she was told and obediently followed along after Phoebe, walking side by side with Desponia the whole way there, her side brushing against her sister's. Finally they arrived and were apparently the first ones there. Momma went to greet Aunt Nat and then quietly sat down. Hera could tell something had been bothering their mother, but of course she had no idea what. She smiled at her aunt before plopping down beside Desponia, leaning her head onto her darker sister's shoulder to wait for the meeting to start.

Speech Others Thinking


01-12-2015, 10:22 AM

Despoina had been peacefully resting next to her mother and sister, eyes shut and a small snore to her until she felt her mother’s nuzzle. Drowsily she rose, yawning as she looked to them both. “Where are we going?” The soft alto voice ran through the air with a crisp and gay sound to it. Before the question was answered, her mother and Hera both began to walk. Curiously the young lass would follow her mother, walking beside her sister with their fur softly brushing against each other. She was so lucky to have an awesome sister. Perhaps later they’d have to go and play or gossip or do something together like sisters did.

Desp arrived at the scene with a wide smile and she remained unaware of what the meeting was about. She spoke once more, the voice filled with a cheerful greeting. “Hello Auntie, I hope you’ve had a good day so far.” The girl sometimes was overly nice, but it was her nature. Desponia had too noticed the sense of bothering that surrounded her mother but she supposed it was just stress or something for grown-ups. She couldn’t comprehend that the meeting was going to give grave or bad news ahead of time. The Pantheon youth simply set next to her sister, eager for everyone else’s arrival.



4 Years
Extra large
01-12-2015, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015, 12:30 AM by Conan.)

Things were starting to change, both in the pack and in his own life. His wife Phoebe had become distant and he had found that his time spent with her had become less and less....There were even times when he felt that he couldn't refer to her as a wife...they had barely spent any time together since they're ceremony and it made the titan feel odd. The girls were growing up fast and he had begun to see less and less of them as well. With Phoebe pulling away from him, he was beginning to feel like he wasn't needed anymore. The separation from the woman that he loved had begun to bring on nightmares of the storm that separated him from her all that time ago. Without his knowledge his body would take him places of its own accord, perhaps an effort of his subconscious to get him away from the storm that he had been dreaming about for weeks now. He had been sleeping in the family den since the ceremony but once the nightmares started Conan found himself sleeping away in the forest, where he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone in his nightmares. The isolation was getting to him, causing the otherwise prompt man to slack on his newfound duties. Perhaps he was never meant to live in a pack again.

Natalya's familiar call would wake him from his latest nightmares, ruby eyes snapping open in panic as he scrambled to his paws, nape bristling as his gaze flitted around wildly. It took him several moments to realize that it was just another nightmares, his body relaxing ever so slowly. Giving himself a shake he would move towards the sound of his lady's call, his large body moving uncharacteristically slow despite his size. It would be a few minutes before he would arrive in the desired location for the pack meeting, spotting Phoebe and the girls sitting near the inky woman. He would make no acknowledgement towards either of them, taking a seat towards the outskirts of the meeting, sticking close to the shadows. Haunches would fold beneath the behemoth as he sat, raising his sooty crown so that his gaze was fixated on the queen. No expression would cross his facade as he sat, awaiting to see what was to be announced that day. Something told him it wasn't good.




8 Years
Chrono I
01-12-2015, 10:01 PM

(OOC: placing this after her out burst with Nat, and before she goes to the battlefield.)

Chione would rise from wherever she had been laying that evening. She had been very distant the rest of family since her Natalya had went their separate ways emotionally. It had hurt Chione more than anyone could ever know, Natalya was probably the only person she felt understood her at one point. But obviously she was wrong. Natalya may have made different decisions if she was in Chione's situation, but it was really something someone had to live.

Just as she did every meeting, she would stand far from the rest of the wolves, somewhere behind where her mother and father sat. Normally she would lay down and just listen to whatever there was to say. But this time she would only sit and look down at her paws. Being this close to them was... weird. She wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

Little did she know that what the great and wonderful news was that they had been called here for would kill her. Something she had no power over anyway... It would be just like Charon, and the destruction would follow.

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon"



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-13-2015, 12:08 PM

The call came too quick. Hani wondered how long she had been alone. She had responsibilities, and she had failed. She didn't know how to lead or teach, and calling a training session felt just outside of her capabiities. She knew she could call them, sure, but then they would arrive. They would want to learn, and they would want her to teach them. Hani barely spoke to anyone in the pack. This place was her home, but only because of her relationship with Natalya. Meetings were still trouble and caused Hani to be uncomfortable, how could she try to call one herself? In her head, she argued with herself, "Just stop letting your feelings control you! I wish it was that easy. Why are you in a pack if you can barely speak to more than one wolf at a time? I don't know! I don't know."

Hani shook herself and made her way to the meeting. Her thoughts stormed on in her head and she would have to remind herself to keep walking instead of crawling back to her den. She knew she messed up, that was true, but even still Hani was excited to see Natalya again. The midnight woman always stood strong. Even though Hani didn't understand the workings of the family, she knew she could trust the woman. Hani drew closer to the meeting. She stayed at the back as usual as family members gathered ahead. She wasn't ready for this. She didn't know what was to come of the meeting, but she wasn't ready.



01-13-2015, 06:27 PM

The man would come swiftly to his sister's call. He knew very well that the news would be devastating, but there was also some good news. Natalya was bearing her last children and would be giving birth to them before going back home to their parents. He was considering going back with her, but it was still undecided.

He would come to take a seat infront of Natalya rather than beside her, giving Phoebe a look before looking up at Natalya with a promising smile. Her words would bring great sadness on everyone during this meeting, but hopefully they could see the happy side with her new children. He would then wait for everyone else to arrive.

Walk "Talk" Think

Helios I


9 Years
01-19-2015, 12:12 PM
((Lolaf's isn't late, nope nope. Sorry guys the past two days were busy for me.)) 

Helios slipped between the gathered wolves, meeting the eyes of many of his members mentally noting each’s attendance and position. Several he knew would be demoted. For the first time in a while he had made an effort to tame his rumpled coat but there was no doubt he still appeared haggard, tired eyes roving across family and other members alike. Finally he’d leap up onto his wife’s perch, a small smile appearing on his face as he nuzzled her. The smile continued on to Chione, doing his best to provide her silent support. This meeting would be hard on them all and the last thing he wanted was to have his daughter feel any more distant from the family. Then he turned on his toes and hardened his gaze as he looked out over the pack. 


"Burn Baby Burn"


01-20-2015, 12:52 AM

Thanatos would slip in behind Helios, moving through the wolves already gathered to find himself a place to sit among his fellow wolves. He would breathe in, sitting down to listen to whatever news his ‘mother’ had to share. He hadn’t been among these wolves for very long, or rather, had been away for far to long. A slave of Yfir, if only by another name. He did not forget the viking woman Katja, and he would not forget his siblings. Why were they not among them? Heart would sink in his chest as his sea gren gaze failed to note their faces. Had... Had they not been rescued? Did they merely choose not to return? Rump was on the ground, gaze shining with a bit of sadness. What other news would be discussed here today?

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Lolaf



7 Years
01-26-2015, 01:34 PM
They trickled in, one-by-one, but the number that showed was a little disappointing. She was thankful Chione had decided to come, though she would not say it out loud. She was also overjoyed when she heard and smelled Thanatos in her presence. At least she would be able to have a few more moments with the boy she had brought up alongside her own. But many others were missing. Thanatos's sister was notably absent, alongside all of Virgil's other children. It appeared none wished to live among their family anymore. Natalya could blame only Virgil for that. She had failed to show her children the importance of remaining loyal to the gods and the Olympus name by failing to remain loyal herself. The family she had once praised was falling to pieces.

Once everyone was settled, Natalya cleared her throat. "Thank you all for coming so promptly. We have much to discuss with you." She took a deep breath, straightening her back and raising her head high, forcing a steady tone. "I guess the best way is to give the worst news first. I am dying. I have contracted an illness that I have not been able to cure. However, along with this curse has come a blessing. Helios and I are expecting our third litter. You will soon have a few new family members to carry on our legacy." A tiny smile played on her lips. Despite her weakness, she couldn't help but be happy about the life growing within her.

"As far as you are all concerned, there are some ranking issues to address. Conan, Hani - due to your failure to host the meetings that were required of you at the last meeting, you will be demoted to Antipeltast and Antiatomist respectively until such time you again prove your ability to lead your factions. Additionally, each of my children will now be known as Spartiates since they have come of age. They will be expected to choose ranks once they are well and ready."

"At this moment I will be stepping down as Matriarch. This is my final meeting as your leader." She tilted her face toward Helios and nudged his cheek, eager to learn how his meeting with Phoebe had gone, hoping that her sister had accepted his request of her.


01-27-2015, 06:03 PM

A bout of confusion hit the girl after all of the wolves had trickled in and the meeting had started. Her Auntie was dying? She frowned, letting a bit of sadness fall into place as she looked at the regal leader. In that news, her Aunt shared that she was expecting another litter which meant more cousins!... she thought. It had never been quite defined as to what having a litter meant in the young girl's mind but she was pretty sure it meant she was having babies. She demoted two wolves because of some meeting things and then said she was stepping down as leader. Desp tilted her head to her side, shooting her sister a confused look. Who was going to step up in her place? Would anyone step in to fill the big shoes that her Auntie had left?



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-28-2015, 11:10 AM

The usual trickled in and Hani remembered once again how little of the pack she knew. She tried to not think about the others as she focused on Natalya. Her friend took a moment, and then began to speak. Her words seemed to ooze out slowly then come out all at once. She was dying? She couldn't be cured? Why didn't she ask Hani for help? The two of them healed together! Natalya had taught Hani to heal, why couldn't they work together? Hani's body felt numb. Her mind fumbled over unanswered questions. She felt herself grow very still, her breath coming in shallow huffs. Sea green eyes focused on the ground. Why hadn't Natalya told her sooner? They were friends, right? Hadn't they been friends? Quickly, after the news of her dying, Natalya demoted Hani and Conan. Hani knew she had reasons. Hani knew she shouldn't be shocked or upset, but she was. It hurt. Everything hurt. She wanted to close her eyes and wake up. She didn't feel real anymore. A tingling, jelly numbness surged in the woman's body even though her heart cried out.

The ground blurred and it took Hani a while to realized she was crying. People could see her! Why was she crying? She didn't want to be here any more. This pack wasn't her home, Natalya had been. Now Natalya, without warning, was leaving, dying, and striking through Hani's rank. It stung like she had been bitten. Her demotion the final slash against her friendship with Natalya. She felt betrayed. She wanted to scream and fight, but she couldn't muster the energy through her numbness. She couldn't be here. She didn't want to be here now or maybe ever again. Natalya had named Hani's rank as Antiatomist. She didn't want that rank. She didn't want any rank! Hani looked up after Natalya had stopped talking. How long had it been since Hani zoned out? It didn't matter. Her vision swam, but she looked straight at Natalya. Her maw opened and her voice choked out, "No I- I'm not going to be the Antiatomist. I-" the woman's voice cracked to a whisper, "I'm leaving. Maybe forever." She turned to leave before she could change her mind, "Sorry..."


Helios I


9 Years
01-29-2015, 12:35 AM
((Assuming Hani was zoned out for Helios stepping down as well :P. If Iko's up for making a thread for Hani and Helios after this meeting lemme know, since I'd like too for sure.))

Natalya spoke and he allowed himself to close his eyes, listening as she delivered their news. The fact she was dying… was- Thinking on it too long made his eyes water and he forced the thought from his mind. Their pups though… yes he could smile for that, one last litter for them to care for. One last litter to bear witness to their love.

Then demotions and he slowly opened his eyes again, nodding solemnly as his wife demoted the two wolves. The mention of their children made him glance back at his daughter, a small sad smile for her benefit only. Then her own news of her self-appointed demotion. Finally adding his own voice Helios would announce his final words as an alpha.

" After speaking with my sister, I too am stepping down. From this point forwards Phoebe will be the leader of Pantheon." He’d smile as encouragingly as he could towards his sister, leaning slightly into his wife’s touch.

”No I-“ Rubies flew to Hani, to the first wolf he had accepted after Virgil had promoted him… a life time ago. Instantly he was after her, calling for her to wait. "Hani!" There wasn’t any command in his voice, only a begging. He had no more energy for a proud façade, only an urge to stop the young woman from simply walking out, walking out of their, his, life. "Please."

"Burn Baby Burn"



10 Years
Athena I
01-30-2015, 02:29 PM

The meeting would begin once at least most of the wolves had gathered and she would sit quietly while her sister spoke, closing her eyes to keep from loosing control of her emotions when Natalya spoke of her illness. With a sigh she would open her eyes again to glance down at her daughters, wondering how the young girls would react. She lifted her gaze when she noticed Conan's scent, peering out toward the edge of the crowd, seeing him sitting on the fringes, basically as far away from her as he could get. Her brows pulled together as she stared in his direction, hurt showing in her gaze. When Natalya demoted him she wasn't entirely surprised. She was certainly going to have to talk to him later...

She didn't realize she had spaced out until she heard Helios say her name, announcing she was the new alpha of Pantheon. She pulled herself up, rolling her shoulders back and holding her head with some kind of authority. She gave Helios a small smile and glanced around the pack at those in attendance. "I want this transition to be as smooth as possible for everyone involved. The structure and ranks of the pack will remain much the same as it has been, but I will be watching everyone closely to see who is contributing the most. I want to get our higher ranks filled in as quickly as possible and get Pantheon active again. Like Natalya said, I want our younger members to pick their desired ranks soon. If you already have one in mind feel free to speak to me now, if not you can come find me after the meeting."

Her ears twitched at the sound of Hani's voice and her silver gaze fixed on the pale woman. She frowned at the woman's sudden departure, but she knew some wouldn't be happy about this change or whatever it was that had upset the woman. Her eyes darted to her brother as he suddenly called out for Hani, begging her not to go, surprising her. Was he close to this woman? She hopped to her feet and stopped him with a tap of her shoulder against his and a firm shake of her head. "No, Helios. Let her go." Turning her gaze toward Hani she added, "You will always be welcome here." She held no ill will toward the woman and for what she could remember Hani had, at least at one time, been a good pack member. She would be welcomed if she ever decided to return.

She settled back onto her haunches beside her daughters, brother, and sister, looking around at those that remained, waiting to see if anyone else had anything to say.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
Chrono I
02-03-2015, 07:21 PM

Chione blocked everyone out from her mind until her mother's voice triggered her ears. But what her mother began to say would literally start breaking her into pieces. Immediately she would stand from her normal laying position and her eyes were narrowed with a slight jaw drop.

Her mother was dying.

Not another word that come from her mother would be heard as Chione dropped her eyes from the back of their heads. She searched the ground for nothing, not really sure how to act. Normally, she would be throwing an out rage that she, Alec, or Herc wouldn't be taking the thrown in her place. But none of that was in audit.

Moments after her mother spoke her words before others, Chione would turn around to go on to her own den. She couldn't stand here another second.

She would be leaving tonight.

-Exit Chione-

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon" "Voices"


02-08-2015, 12:41 PM

The meeting started off with the worst news first and, upon hearing it, Thany would proceed to block much of everything else out. His mind and body seemed to go numb. His second mother... she was dying. Tears filled his eyes, the sea green orbs not leaving her melanistic form. No. No this couldn't be true! The next litter didn't matter. None of it mattered. He couldn't bear to have his family further broken up. His heart would clench, on the outside sitting still while the tears rolled down a stony face. He was trying to hold it in, keep it together, but this time the one of death saw no peace in knowing one would join the afterlife. Slowly he would rise, even moreso than was usual for his young form. His gaze found the ground, his mind a haze. He would turn, slinking from the meeting. He needed to come to terms with this news. Come to peace with it. More importantly... he would need to see his aunt again soon.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono



1 Year
02-08-2015, 03:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2015, 03:09 PM by Hemera.)

Hemera was late, having lost contact with her family. But of course, she had came and sat beside her brother at the wrong time. Her second mother......Dying? No. It couldn't be true. Her blue gaze wide and watering with tears, she spoke. "Mom? Please forgive me for not being here. I....." The brown female's voice was surprisingly quiet, breaking in some places. She moved forward, glancing at the new leader. But mainly, she watched her mother's form. She stopped where she was at, her blue gaze closing for a moment as she fought the tears. With a soft whimper, she vowed to spend time with her stepmother whenever she could.

With a soft sigh, she spoke again, her words coming out too fast. "Are you sure there isn't a cure? Maybe there's more than one herb. Maybe you won't die." The female was trying to calm herself down, really. She knew her adopted mother well enough.

"Hear Me Talk,"

'Read My Thoughts.'


02-08-2015, 09:10 PM

As Natalya gave the news, Timaeus would look around to the faces around him. He wasn't surprised to see the unhappy, sad faces that Natalya would be seeking help from her parents. She wouldn't announce that she was going there to die but it could have been all figured out by a few of them. He would speak after his sister, but before their new found queen just to tell what his plans were.

"I will be help Natalya with her healing here until she is ready to seek our parents help. Then I will be going with her and Helios on their journey there." Sometimes he seemed like a real goof, but right now he was all serious for every word he said. "I have not decided if I will return, my intentions were to seek out Virgil to be sure of her safety but she has gone off the radar."

Whether no one was listening or not, he would still speak his final words. "I am up for any goodbyes before we leave." He would look back to Phoebe to give her the floor as she did. Seeing as someone made their way out he would be disappointed. But it was everyone's own decision, no one was being kept prisoner.

Walk "Talk" Think