
Like a feather on the sands. {Aldoro}



5 Years
01-11-2015, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2015, 07:25 PM by Cygnet.)

The sands stood still, yet the winds were still gently gliding over their surface like a soft hand searching the curves of a woman.  The heat that usually radiated from their core had faded, and the earth was still somewhat frozen.  Even with chilly winds, she could feel the terrain beginning to thaw beneath her though still not what it usually was.  The pads of her slender, delicate paws slid through the red sands as she walked.  It had felt like days though it was only hours since she had crossed paths into this unknown land, and with her fading energy went her happiness as well, doubt was beginning to consume her as the days had passed.  Loneliness was becoming all too familiar for the white doe.

Long tendrils of her coats and tail began to sway in the frigid breeze as it drifted by, the clouds above proving their wrath as they refused to allow the sunlight to expose across the earth, and so the two opposites would dance with the wind, once in a while a streak of golden warmth would flutter over the sandy terrain, soon to disappear, the opening closed by a thick cloud cover.  The white doe's lavender optics striked out against the red sands and dim daylight, only soon to feel a gentle tap of a white snowflake against the white eyelashes that glowed around them.  She would stop to peer up towards the heavens, only to see a few stray flurries caress down towards the ground, and for a moment she felt a brief flitter of amusement in the direct clash of the opposites surrounding her, and then that empty feeling crept back into her chest.




5 Years
01-12-2015, 12:52 PM

“Cygnet,” He murmured, mismatched eyes examining her snowy white form. For a while now he had been crawling around the west, avoiding contact with others. It had become painfully clear that he only caused destruction instead of joy, and he was at least sane enough to keep himself away from innocent woman and men. Six's death had forced a horrible amount of mental pain to wash through the boy's head, causing disruption in his fun, loving personality. And he had quickly changed from cheery to insane. Over time, he's slowly become a little better...but everything still appeared a bit hazy and confusing. Even Cygnet, who he was surprised to see standing here in the dunes with him. He wondered why such a beautiful, delicate woman was this wretched location.

“It's been awhile.” He finished, his expression blank. At the moment, he had thought he was smiling, but his facial muscles refused to move. The dark man just stood there, staring at the snowy white woman who he had dearly missed over the few years they've not seen each other.




5 Years
01-12-2015, 06:06 PM

As waves of semi-chilled wind began to fall over the delicate sandy curves, she felt a sudden stillness come over her, yet the chills of the cold remained, clouding her thoughts like a frozen fog dampening her senses. With a gentle halt of her delicate, fine features, the white doe felt a few small flurries land upon her, only to disappear within moments. That voice, it was familiar, and all too familiar at that. Her gentle, elegant physique turned slightly to her left, only for her lavender optics, dim and tired, to catch sight of him, the one who ran through her thoughts every once in a while, a dark, handsome brute with strikes of ivory and a bi-colored gaze, the blue and gold she remembers so fiercely clear in her memories, even in her distant thoughts she was drawn to them, like a moth to a flame.

Her long, white chocolate eyelashes flicked quickly down and up over and over again to clear her clouded mind, causing the fog to dissipate, and her lavender gaze to open wildly with surprise and overwhelming happiness. Her vocals would clear, as like a silver bell they rang out so quietly yet so clearly into the cloudy desert. "Monsieur Aldoro?" The happy tone in her gentle, angelic voice rang out in every syllable, her accent as strong as ever and eager to speak more beautiful words. Yet, upon hearing him speak again she felt a melting sensation hit her chest, and a heat began to rise from within it, fluttering and dancing within her breast like a dozen fireflies looking to burst forth. Her breath stammered and her reply was soft and eager, "Oui... Oui! It has been ages." Her french poured like liquid gold from her throat. She pushed herself towards him, slow yet as elegant as ever, her long white tail falling behind her as her auds laid pack against her skull, her petite figure following the curves of the small red dunes beneath her feet, paw prints left behind her disappearing into the sands. She approached him carefully and with submissive features, dial carried somewhat low, ears back and flat against her head, her features soft. She longed to greet him as a pack mate would another but she stopped herself short before him, seating herself quietly before him, tail wrapping about her paws brought together. "Monsieur, what brings you to these parts?" Her happiness was cut short by her curiosity to know why he was here, and eager to know he whereabouts, but all at the same time, she wished to do nothing more but be next to him, if anything just to touch and greet him as though they'd known each other for the longest time.




5 Years
01-12-2015, 07:04 PM

"Monsieur Aldoro?" Her beautiful, perfect french spilled off her lips just like how he remembered it. Smooth, soft, comforting. And those amazing purple eyes...he could never forget them. Cygnet's appearance had always been flawless to him. Though, her body wasn't littered with fascinating tiger stripes or spots of all colors. No, it was just a ghostly white, like the snow. If only he had seen her during winter...she would have looked even prettier. Melding into the snow with just those gentle purple eyes to help her stick out. Finally, Aldoro would smile, even chuckle just quietly. He remembered first seeing her, when he cut himself on the thorns. He still had the scar, even. She was so sweet...and they were both so young! It seemed all hazy now...but he could remember it. How fascinating he thought her eyes were. 

“It definitely has.” He hummed in reply, mismatched eyes beaming as she approached him. Still having a little part of him that was affectionate, he expected maybe a playful little hug or a nuzzle. A tap on the shoulder, at least! But she just sat before him, staring at him, teasing him with her pretty eyes. Aldoro frowned and leaned his head forward, nosing her cheek gently. He liked the feeling of being able to show affection toward someone he really cared about...not some random woman who he wanted to get attention from. Cygnet meant a lot to him, she was different from all those other girls!

The boy smirked a bit and leaned his head back, tail thumping quietly against the sand, that stirred into the breeze behind him and disappeared. “I dunno, I could ask you the same question.” He replied, shrugging his shoulders. It was a mystery to even him how he got here...his feet just moved on their own. He was still a little mentally ill, after all. And he didn't exactly feel like explaining the death of his previous wife...he'd probably get all weird again. “But your eyes are still really pretty. So you might want to hide them before I tear them out and sleep with them forever.” It was a silly joke, of course. But he really did love her eyes. And everything about her. Everything. He just wondered what she thought about him...




5 Years
01-12-2015, 07:47 PM

Her lavender gaze fell solely on him, going back and forth between the gold and turqouise optics returning the favor with such a passion she'd never experienced before. Well, apart from that one time a long time ago. A time back when she was nothing but a young lady, fresh into the world, or as her mother would say, hardly of age and ready to be out in public. He had been a handsome fellow, strong and sturdy as a warrior could be, though as much a gentleman as any. A gentle soul with a strong attitude towards life and love. Cygnet and him had been together since before they had known one another, betrothed practically before birth they were sentenced to spend their lives together without the knowledge of such, yet their love had been stronger than any family decision bonding them together...

The thought trailed off into the wind, and Cygnet could hardly do much of anything besides stare at the brute before her, a great deal larger than herself, a handsome, yet troubled soul, and she was nearly mad at herself for what she had just done a moment earlier, keeping her distance from sharing a moment with a friend and dear member of her pack. As he came slowly before her the doe melted once again, nearly giving into the terrain, becoming a puddle at his feet and unable to recoup, but she held herself there, immediately returning his affections with a soft nuzzle to his opposite cheek, burying her closed eyes and obsidian colored nose into his black cheek with a gentle ferocity. Practically unable to pull away from it she waited until they were detached, inhaling his lingering heavy scent as he pulled away from her slowly, her optics slowly opening to once again meet his, and she knew right then that it wasn't a dream, though she'd have to check in a few more minutes to make sure again.

His vocals kissed her ears with a sweetness, as beautiful as he was in every way. Her long lashes delicately flying over her gaze before she felt her mouth form a gentle, sweet smile, and nothing but a sweet hum of a giggle flowing from her lungs at his words. "Well, I believe our stories to both be the same or how do you say..." Her words trailed off for another moment as she quirked her head gently in thought, "...related." She completed her sentence after a moment of thinking carefully towards her english lessons so long ago. Her eyes searching for his almost continuously as they spoke together, thinking back to that moment they had met so spastically and so unannounced. They both had grown so much, and yet not at all. At least, that was how she felt from the moment he had said her name, like she was back at that different time. Her auds laid back against her head as she listened to his next words, her cheeks lifting to lighten her lavender gaze, and a sweet smile caressing her lips as she listened to his every word, refusing to take offense or feeling that strange feeling she, she could do nothing but smile at his innocent words, his somewhat lost syllables filling her ears. Her cheeks flushed red from within and she looked away for a moment, unable to say anything before feeling an emptiness within her. A brief moment of sadness overtook her as she glanced back to the brute, unable to speak right away she only lifted herself from where she sat, pushing herself forward to embrace his with an abrupt action. A sigh pulling from her lungs, very small and delicate as she stood and wrapped her dial about his powerful shoulders, she took in her scent, nearly unable to breath without it as she stood, pushing her ivory face into his obsidian mane.

Before pulling away she remained where she was, shaking gently, her body quivered with a chill that fell down her spine from her neck to the end of her tail as it rested between her hocks, long tendrils nearly reaching the terrain below them. Her heart was at a flutter but she could do nothing but stay where she was, hoping her actions were not out of line, "Aldoro." She spoke his name this time without a formal manner preceding it. Her voice was hardly above a whisper and as shakey as her petite figure, still unable to pull away she felt as if she were in a dream, wanting to savor the moment.




5 Years
01-12-2015, 09:02 PM no-repeat center bottom; outline: 1px; border: 1px solid #ffffff; background-color:#ff7e4a;">
The loss of his wife had been an extremely hard event to push through. For years, it had seemed, Aldoro had dealt with the pains of having illusions of her ghost following him around. Dreams of her visiting him, with his pups in which she was pregnant with when she was killed. She had gone missing, at first, causing the man to search for her everywhere. But then, once she got back, he found her body shredded in the forest. What a cruel world, he would remind himself. He had tried to seek the murderer out, but she seemed to be gone or missing. It made him even more depressed and empty. He had always wanted to murder himself, drown himself. And in the process, he had constantly joined and left packs. Abandoned his duties, abandoned his sanity. Allowing himself to grow perverted and cruel. Currently, things were slowly melding themselves together again. But being here with Cygnet...made him feel more normal and sane then ever. He had a warm feeling bubbling in his chest every time he looked at her, even though those times were only short ones. And only now did he realize how much he had really missed her, through all those agonizing years.

She shuffled in closer and held herself in his embrace, burying her nose into his dark fur. Finally. Aldoro breathed out a quiet sigh of relief, and instantly accepted her loving touch. He nuzzled into her snowy white fur and breathed in her own aroma, allowing a smile to blossom across his inky black lips. "Aldoro." As weird as it have may seemed, Aldoro quickly noted she had not added, "monsieur," to his name. It made him smile even wider, his eyes beaming with joy. He drew his pink tongue along her ears and even added in a few gentle nips. They acted like...they had known each other for so long. He was definitely surprised that she had no problem with all this touching and affection he was offering her.

"Cygnet." He whispered into her ear, his warm breath spilling from his lips as he continued to offer her sweet nothings. Usually, back then when he was three and four, he'd hang around woman who obviously had sexual interests in him. He'd always take advantage of them...but, he had never shown this much true affection toward them. It was practically a, "hit and run" process. It kept filling his mind...this one was different. This one wasn't like all those horny woman. He treated her with more...affection. If he really was only interested in sex, he wouldn't be smothering her in kisses. "I've missed you so much." He said simply, taking a break to stuff his obsidian-hued nose into her soft fur. "You don't know how much you mean to me." The man finally said, eyelids rolling over his mismatched gems.



5 Years
01-13-2015, 04:53 PM

A breeze blew up from the valley's surrounding them both, the tired doe felt it difficult to lift her lavender optics back open, white lashes barely allowing them to peel from their closed position. A gentle, nearly inaudible sigh escaped from her lungs as she felt their lasting embrace soon end. She had nearly felt the warmth in her chest break forth once he had returned the embrace so carefully. His shows of affection caused the ivory doe to feel the need to remain where she was, in their yin-yanged figure, her obsidian nose buried relentlessly into the matching colored pelt, feeling his warmth and comfort.

Finally she forced her gaze to peel open, a look of absolute happiness falling over her visage as she pulled away from him reluctantly. His words falling into her auds with a jostling effect of happiness that pulled into her gut and brought her back to reality. Before she could pull away completely she stopped to feel his continued affections, his kisses and nips pulling the warmth in her chest again, sending sweet goosebumps to flow over her figure. Her gentle pink tongue licked ferociously from behind closed lips, gliding over the brutes cheek and aud, pulling the obsidian fur back over his visage. For a brief moment the snow white doe felt her gaze fall blurry, a cloud of confusion pulling over her eyelids as she felt the lightness that was once in her chest begin to sink and for a moment her legs fell weak before she staggered momentarily. "Oh but I do, only because... I feel the same." She sheepishly allowed her delicate voice to call out to him hastily with a reply, though the sentence grew shy and light in tone, hardly audible.

As she pulled away to speak, her smile grew across her tired visage, her weak limbs growing shakey as she did so, a flashing light crawled over her head and a pounding darkness touching it as well, lavender optics came to a close as the doe felt her stalks give way briefly, her petite figure elegantly catching itself before she fell to the ground all at once. Lightheadedness causing her to focus on what she was doing, and collect herself.

OOC: That was crap, I apologize xD

"Speech" Thoughts



5 Years
01-13-2015, 06:02 PM

Slowly, just slowly, she had seemed to grow lighter and lighter in his gentle embrace. It caused a bit of concern to bubble in his head...but the moment appeared too sweet. The passion that he felt swallowed his concern, causing him to return to his gentle, loving state. Something that he hadn't offered to anyone in so long. So long. Some could even say this pretty white dame was lucky...out of all the woman he's been with, she was the first to be granted real loving kisses and nips from him. The man was even surprised himself, how affectionate he was being toward her. But...he hasn't experienced the feeling of being loved in a while, either. Not even the warm feeling of loving someone and wanting to protect them forever. He remembered how happy he used to be...could he really return to that life? Aldoro inched forward and attempted to close any space that was left exposed between them, his eyes beaming as she returned the sweet licks and nips.

Feeling her grow light again, he paused mid-lick, and pulled his head back just slightly to eye her. Her eyes looked cold for a second, before she staggered, forcing a massive wave of shock upon him. The man quickly moved his head back in a dug his nose into her fur, breathing slowly. He was about to ask if she was alright, but she quickly beat him to it. "Oh but I do, only because...I feel the same." The concern, once again, fled his mind and was replaced by the shock and sudden burst of happiness he felt in his heart. A weak grin slowly stretched it's way across his lips.  “Be with me forever.” He said simply, almost sternly, his voice growing serious but all the same gentle. When suddenly, she collapsed below him, forcing a gasp from his lips. The boy quickly lowered down to her level and nuzzled her head.  “Are you sick?” He stared at her, itching for an answer, stomach bubbling with anxiety. She wasn't hurt, right? He didn't give her some kind of disease?!



5 Years
01-14-2015, 08:39 PM

His voice brought her back to reality with a quick and provocative manner, longing to hear every syllable he spoke. Like the light in a dark forest his vocals lit up the treeline, and the emptiness she felt, cold discomfort, began to disappear slowly as she came back from her near-fall. Her lavender gaze fluttered open with great effort behind them, a heaviness forcing down on her long white lashes, optics that were once bright were now dim yet relaxed. She was eager to return his words, practically rushing to leave no gap of time between the moment he ceased to speak, to the time she started her french-laced words, "Forever, always yours." She felt her connection to this brute grow stronger every time they had seen one another, and she had felt the tension between them boil to the point of feeling like she was incapable of holding back her excitement. And now it had finally happened, everything she had been worried about was now gone, she wouldn't be alone any longer.

Her gaze searched for his relentlessly fluttering open and closed as she did so, refusing to not be able to touch the brute as she spoke out, her tone relaxed yet eager, "No, no... It's nothing, I promise." She let a small smile caress her obsidian lined maw, narrow muzzle giving her love a few gentle licks to his opposite cheek with a reassuring presence behind her loving words. Her mind was clearing for the time being and she found a greater strength increasing in her delicate, thin stems, lifting herself back up to where she had been with such grace and elegance behind her every move. "I must be just tired is all." She spoke out with cautious thought behind each word, though she wished not to let it come between this moment they shared. "I'm sure I just need to rest." She finalized her beliefs before gazing up at the obsidian male, nuzzling at his cheek and neck with gentle compassion.

"Speech" Thoughts



5 Years
01-14-2015, 09:44 PM" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="25" style="width:650px; border:2px solid #daaa94; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#331f22">

"Forever, always yours." He heard her reply, his eyes becoming gentle yet again. A quiet sigh of relief left his lips, though he stayed lowered at her side, nuzzling her to see if she was okay. And, fortunately, she was okay. Maybe she had just become overwhelmed by everything going on...or maybe she needed some rest. Aldoro kissed her head before rising up beside her, embracing her once again and nosing into her warm snowy fur. The man felt so have someone to love and protect again. Someone to live for, someone to be with forever. The empty feeling that had begun to grow in his chest was slowly fading away...and being replaced by the happiness and true passion he felt for Cygnet. How wonderful...he could be his old self again. Maybe in a while, but near all the same. 

Glad to know she was alright, he continued to nuzzle her and smother her in love, eyes continuously fluttering shut as he tried to drift away in the moment. The boy had also gotten into the habit of occasionally shifting closer to the lady so that there was no space between the two of them. He breathed out and relaxed his head upon her shoulder, ears falling back against his head for a moment. "I'm sure I just need to rest." She said to him, before nuzzling his cheek. Aldoro pulled his head away from her and stared at her for a hard few seconds, before leaning back in and licking her tiny black nose almost playfully. “You do seem tired.” Silliness filled his kind gaze, tail gently patting against the sand.

“Maybe we should lay down...or if you would like it, we can go find some place comfy to rest.” Aldoro, once again, leaned in to nuzzle her, mismatched eyes bright with joy. He was so happy...the happiest he's ever been since his former wife's death. He'd never leave Cygnet alone...she'd always be by his side...he'd always be by hers. He'd never let her go. The man inhaled her scent with a calm sigh, cocking his head to the side just slightly. “Whatever you want, my love.”



5 Years
01-22-2015, 08:02 PM

A loving, and absolute look of utter happiness had swept over the snowy colored doe with haste, finally settling into her look of complete and total contentedness and sweet expression. Optics at a glow with lavender pouring from them with a sweet, elegant light. She yearned to touch him and in turn vow to never let go. All these past seasons going in and out of infatuation, looming danger, and of course loneliness had all been pushed behind her, and she felt like for the first time in a long time that she was able to move forward, and this time with a male she could officially call her other half. Someone to spend the rest of her life with.

Upon her moment of brief light headedness, her fear of feeling scared had disappeared all together for she knew she was in safe hands. His words flowed into her auds with an abrupt awakening, bringing her back to the realization she was not as stable as she had thought. Thirst had quenched her throat for a while now, hunger cramping her belly yet she hadn't the time nor energy to facilitate her basic needs. Though with this looming dark cloud above her, she still felt her eyeline had cleared, and that she could once again clear the fog, and it all had to do with the man standing before her, supporting her effortlessly. Upon catching herself the doe continued to keep herself close to him prior to finally peeling away to speak. Optics closed gently as she smiled with his coy affections. Upon hearing his words she grew sleepy once more. "Oui... That may be a better idea." White eyelashes fluttered to clear her lavender gaze and she met his with a softness.

She lifted herself and watched him as she slowly turned to walk away, waiting for him to stay close, at least wanting him to notice her silent request to do so, the petite doe carefully stepped over the terrain with a careful step, each movement more beautiful then the prior, all halting in their place, waiting for her love to join her side.

"Speech" Thoughts