
Take my breath and keep it


01-14-2015, 08:48 PM

She would run and run and run. Crossing plains and forests and small bodies of water. She didn't stop until she collapsed with exhaustion on the coast of an island. Her sides heaved, desperately trying to get enough oxygen to her lungs. Her cheeks were wet with tears. Her muscles burned, her paws bled from the constant movement. Her pelt was matted and dirty, her overall appearance was rather pitiful. She laid unmoving on the beach for she didn't know how long. Slowly the burn left her muscles, though her paws burned. Breathing returned to normal, her tears finally dried. 

After the hysteria, anger settled in heavily, sitting like a rock in her stomach. She would finally rise, shaking out her pelt before begging to groom herself. She remained on the beach for hours before finally moving inland. She moved with a limp, her head held level with her spine, tail limp between her legs. Her paws ached and hated that she was once again moving. Already she had plans, she would rest, regain her strength, and then plunge into the unknown and swim until she died or found a new home. Her senses were practically dead, oblivious to Skah's faint scent that lingered. Paws dragged with each step, leaving behind a faint and bloody paw print. 



01-14-2015, 09:05 PM
He had been feeling lost, disconnected and sick even. The oracle was gone. Not just gone but vanished as if the goddess herself had reached down from above and plucked her from this earth. His heart felt like something was constricting heavily around it and nausea rolled ever constant through his body now a days. He had searched high and low for her, had checked every nook and cranny of this land for her for months without a clue only to leave him sitting at the land bridge as if maybe she might appear before him as she had many times in his dreams. But she wouldn't. She was gone. She had left him. Right when he had needed her the most she had left. He had never been able to warn her of the northerners, had never been able to throw himself into his work to distract himself. No. She had left him high and dry. Anger was beginning to slowly replace his fear and unease, anger at her, anger at the goddess. Anger at every fucking wolf here. Had they not noticed Ojise missing? Today was especially desolate, he had left his post at the land bridge in a huff and slowly made his way across the lands towards the beach. He was angry, that much was obvious but he felt sick too. Despite all the rage it couldn't mask the worry. What would everyone do without an oracle to guide them? The elders had all but disappeared as well. He felt lost... And that was when she came into view, walking directly in front of his path though still quite a ways away. Looking a bit worse for wear but other then that in fairly good health. He had not seen her since she had arrived in a huff and treated his wounds all those nights ago. He had not seen his brother either... She was limping and immediately he would frown, long legs picking up the pace until he silently fell into step beside her.


01-14-2015, 09:21 PM

A shadow would fall over her, causing muscles to tense and her step to falter. Until Skahs familiar scent teased her nostrils. She would immediately relax, falling into a comfortable silence beside him. She would continue on in silence, walking until her paws burned too much to move. She would stop and unceremoniously drop to the earth, allowing her legs to stretch out so her paws didn't touch the ground. Though the air made them burn even more. She would roll onto her side, dirt and leaves tangling into her pelt. Her gaze was fixated straight a head.  He has a kid. The sentence left a bad taste in her mouth causing her lips to curl. Hackles bristled down her pack. He has a fucking child! She would snarl angrily, rolling back onto her belly, ears pinned and eyes narrowed. Finally she would look at Skah, seeing him for the first time in forever. With her. Words rushed out in a hiss, jaws clenched. She had never been so angry before, so hurt. She wanted to take it all back, to forget everything that had ever happened.



01-14-2015, 09:37 PM
And so they would walk, draped in the silence of their own woes. He did not know hers but there was something about the way she tensed when he approached that made him think she was worried about something... If she wanted she would talk when she was ready. If not they would simply part ways in silence eventually. Then all of a sudden she would drop, hitting the ground with little to no grace and sprawling out as if she couldn't figure out what to do with herself. He understood. He had felt like that for almost two months when he had first lost Ojise. Words would drip from his tongue like poison and it was all he could do to remain impassive. Shai had a child... He was nearly oblivious to her words after that as she hissed and spat, rolling around on the ground and complaining. Massive head would turn slowly towards the horizon, looking right past her as he took a moment to process this. "Maybe we truly have been forsaken..." He would whisper mostly to himself as he frowned and slowly lowered haunches to the ground. Ojise was gone, Shai had sired a child out of wedlock while courting another woman and with an outsider without being cast out and the elders had forsaken them. Had they done something to displease the goddess? Head would tip back as he considered this, that pressure constricting further around his chest as he sighed. "Ojise is gone. I am unsure if she had forsaken us and the pack for a life with the northerners or if the goddess is punishing us and has taken the oracle from this earth..." His words were surprisingly soft. He didn't want to speak of his brother anymore, what he had done was unforgivable both by the pack and by the goddess. But none were around to punish him... Were they all being punished for Shai's sins?


01-14-2015, 09:57 PM

He would sit beside her, though he didn't appear to hear anything after she had spoken of his brothers bastard. When he spoke, it was the truth. Her anger would still for a moment. They were forsaken. They were being punished. She was about ask why he was forsaken when he explained. He confirmed her fears. The Oracle was gone, she had abandoned them. She would sight, flopping against his side as he sat beside her. I guess we are forsaken then. Her voice was resigned. I'm leaving this place. She would comment idly, as though she was talking about the weather, not leaving her entire home behind. She would peer up at him, craning her neck back so she could do so. He looked troubled, but then again he always did. But he had lost his Oracle, his sole purpose in life had vanished from beneath his nose. Audits swiveled towards him, listening to the gentle sound of his breaths and awaiting his next words. Would he disagree? Or wish her luck on her journey?



01-15-2015, 03:39 PM
For a moment her anger would ease, passing for a short time as she focused on his words rather then her own rage. He struggled to contain his feelings, features a mask as he stared out into the distance. Instead of arguing with him and disagreeing she would speak a soft agreement and sigh before flopping down and saying she was leaving. Leaving? Finally his gaze would shift down to her and he would study her impassively for a moment before letting a single non committal syllable humm from his lips. "Hmm...." He would reply before lifting his gaze and looking out the to sea again. Leaving? But then again what was there left for her here? The love of her life had cheated on her and sired a bastard child with a northerner. Their friends and family had scattered on the winds and disappeared into nothingness as well as their oracle and the goddess too it seemed. "I'm coming." He would say finally before standing and looking down at her, for the first time a small smile trickling over his lips. There was more hope out there then there was here, this land had been forsaken by the goddess, invaded and corrupted to the point of no return. He had to believe that she would carry them safely to a new land where they could start a new. For the first time in months he felt something other then just tightness in his chest, he felt hope. "Shall we hunt first or... I don't know how to go about this..." He would say as he stepped past her and slowly began to make his way to the beach, ready to take the plunge and leave this place on the back burner. Part of him yearned to say farewell to his sister, to his bother... To this family if any of them were still around but the rest screamed at him to just go, to take the plunge.


01-15-2015, 10:47 PM

Silence would follow a noncommittal answer. She didn't think anything of it, rather, turning her thoughts towards the preparation that would be required for this journey. But when he spoke, stating that he would come, she put on the brakes. She would peer up at him in surprise. He was the last wolf she expected to ever want to leave this place. For a moment she would silently stare at him, contemplating objecting, but then deciding that if she was gonna die on this swim, she'd rather not do it alone. Okay. She would conceed. Immediately he would jump into preparations, rising from his place beside her to move towards the beach. She would watch, carefully keeping her paws from touching the ground. He wanted to hunt. Her lavendar gaze would fall to her paws. That was not happening. I'm not exactly fit to be running around hunting. She would mumble, though a sheepish grin would tug at her lips. He had admitted that he was unsure of what to do, neither had the experience of leaving home before, so she was at a loss as well. Hunting sounds good, perhaps a nap, rest some, and then head out. Uncertainty tinged her words, but she had settled her resolve in going. She would not stay here for a moment longer.
