
Take my hand and we'll make it I swear



3 Years
01-14-2015, 09:31 PM

Taking the opportunity to learn the new land that he was to call home was not something he took as foolish business. Diligently he had been exploring the crevices to the territory known as Glaciem. Damon took a deep breathe as he ran through the trees towards the sound of rushing water. Eyes focused down on the ripples in the pool of the main fall that went down to the level of ground that she stood on. He slowly leaned down to take a drink from the pool before raising his head. He backed up from the pool, taking in the scents of the lands as he looked for prey. The fallen prince had caught a few scents including deer, rabbits, badgers, and other wolves. He knew that the other wolves were those in Glaciem and that badgers should be stayed away from unless he had a few more packmates with him. Deer he needed two or three more wolves for but rabbits... those she could go after.

"Bum bum be da bum dum de dum dum." The man hummed a rhythm as he followed the scents. His job was as a hunter for now and he would get his job done before focusing in anything else  like the rank he wanted to hold of warrior. The determined man would push forward with his head down and his paws lightly hitting the ground. As he neared the white creatures, he grinned a sly smile. He launched himself forward, chasing the rabbits while slowly gaining ground on them before he managed to catch one in his jaws by leaning down and picking it up by the next. A swift and well aimed blow to the neck ended it's life easily without pain. Lorem parentes dono grandem hanc vitam sustinere fratres, sorores, I. A silent prayer in his head completed his hunting ritual as he slowed down his run into a short jog until halting over all. He then looked around to where he could settle down to feast upon the food.