
Hi, my name....


01-15-2015, 01:38 PM

She had been waiting. Waiting until enough time had passed that her grandchildren would be old enough to visit. Today she had set out, extending the invitation to her own children as well as Kylar. She would cross the border of her home, moving across the changing landscape until she found herself once again at her sons home. Her crown would tip back, a beckoning howl sounding from her lips. He should have been expecting her visit. Haunches would fold beneath her, tail curling around her hips. Audits stood at attention, as she waited her son. She had to admit that she was rather interested to see his offspring, to meet their mother in a more official capacity. She had no doubt that her genetics had reigned strong in her son, mingled with his fathers, though she could only hope the whore mother had not damaged her grandchildren in any way. Nostrils quivered, impatient budding in her chest.




7 Years
Dire wolf
01-15-2015, 09:36 PM

As usual, Angel was following his dad around when the call rang out. He'd never heard the voice before--which wasn't surprising considering how few wolves outside of his immediate family he knew--and that made it all the more intriguing. "Who's that, dad?" He wove between his father's paws as the big brute walked, asking questions the whole time. "Are we going to go say hi? Do you think she'll want to play? I like tag." What else did he like to do? "And hide n' seek." Wait...what was he talking about again? Oh, that's right, the caller! "Is she a big puppy like you or a little puppy like me?"

You know what, his daddy was walking too slow! "We're gonna race, 'kay? Okay! OnetwothreeGO!" He was off like a shot, chubby little legs a blur beneath him. The running didn't slow his mouth any. "Look, Daddy, I'm winning! See? Is it this way? Or that way?" Instead of stopping to point, he zigzagged in the direction he was asking about. "It's that way!"

And there she was. She even had markings like him and Phim and Eva and Daddy! But she was all...silver. Why wasn't she blue too? "Hi--where did your blue go?" he chirped quizzically before gliding into another question, "Did you fall asleep in the rain? Daddy carried me inside when it was raining. Does it wash color away? ...did it make your blue go all gone?" His last question was spoken softly and with widened, innocent eyes.

"Talk" "You" Think



01-16-2015, 06:36 PM
                    her motions are serpentine and grandiose as she hounds her mother’s trail with ample diligence, splendor bleeding from dark pores while inherent contempt shrouds her molten gaze. and there is little room for trepidation in her loping jaunt { for her brazen demeanor rejects the mere concept of angst }, an unwavering conviction that she will surpass and conquer any monsters who sought to feast upon her flesh dominating her pompous psyche as she ambles after her idolized mother. quite unsurprisingly, the silver wraith breaches their destination before the sovari babe’s own stunted appendages bring her developing form to a halt adjacent to her mother’s right side, her attention wholly fixated upon the vast territory spanning before them as she awaits the presence of whomever her mother pursues. 

brows furrow as the budding physique of another juvenile manifests among the vegetation of their surroundings, immediately earning the viper’s intrigue as curiosity and scorn festers. yet she retains practiced silence and stoicism { mimicking her mother’s beguiled composure } until the youth approaches her mother with a surplus of queries, causing the babe’s tail to ascend and curve over her spinal column in a display of domineering impertinence. “shut the hell up! the viper snaps as her vexation becomes prominent, minuscule figure lurching toward the other child { her nephew, unbeknownst to the babe } in an attempt to invade his close proximities without directly impacting him. and her chest cavity inflates as her hackles bristle with the attempt to intimidate the younger and presumably smaller child, a low and guttural growl rising within her throat. “-- or i’ll make you,” is the hushed threat that streams from unfurled velveteen lips, her stance solid. and her skull rotates to grant the viper a quick view of her mother’s countenance, searching for the faintest iota of approval from the woman. this kid is annoying; clearly he deserves her cataclysmic wrath.  
before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!



7 Years
Dire wolf
01-17-2015, 01:01 AM

A screechy voice drew his wide eyed attention away from the silvery grown up and onto the petulant child who took it upon herself to stomp on his cheery mood. Wearing a sour expression that suggested she hadn't pooped in days, the girl got in his face and demanded that he be silent. In response Angel adopted a cheshire grin that stretched from ear to ear. If there was one thing he enjoyed doing, it was pushing buttons. Clearly he'd just made a new friend.

Standing tall and proud with his tail rising in a clear challenge, Angel briefly considered the girl before him. He took a challenging step forward in the hopes of riling her up further. There was a height difference between the two of them, but the boy was massive, far bigger than most his age, and because of this he was able to meet the girl's gaze with ease. With uncrushable cheer, he challenged, “Then make me.” She was more than welcome to try.

Widening his eyes at her in a challenge, he immediately began to release a steady stream of words. "You're mean and I don't like you. Were you born grumpy? I bet you were. Did you know if you keep making that face it'll get stuck like that? Then everybody will think you're ugly...or maybe just think you have to poop. Do you have to poop? Maybe that would make you less grumpy. " Or maybe he had it wrong. Maybe she was sour because her face was sour and that was the source of her problems.

"Talk" "You" Think



01-17-2015, 02:21 AM
ooc; shorttt since this won't get off the ground
                    smoldering gaze is unwavering from the younger child’s defiant amethyst as he encroaches further upon the distance that separates one arrogant babe from the next, forcing the viper’s nostrils to flare with unadulterated fury at his inherent audacity. but the sovari requires little coaxing to fulfill her previous threat, and, as the boy prompts her into action with daring tones, a snarl abruptly resounds from the depths of minuscule and slavering jaws before nimble limbs seek to propel the babe at a direct lunge towards her nephew. and her forechest will seek to forcibly impact his own in an attempt to push him backwards whilst tiny jaws will seek to clamp down upon his top jaw, hoping to both deter him from further speech and assert her obvious supremacy. for she has observed her mother in battle against a subservient; surely her expertise resides within battle now. 
before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!


01-17-2015, 02:30 AM

They would first be greeted by a boy that was nearly the spitting image of Valentine. She would smirk as he rushed up to her, questioning her appearance. He was ramble on, not giving her a chance to reply, so she would wait until he finally stopped talking. Despite how much he talked, she had to give him points for creativity. She had never been asked if the rain washed away her blue. Children... Jaws would part to speak, but Dahlia would burst forth, spitting angry words at the boy. Her smirk would grow fractionally in faint approval. One day she would be a force to reckoned with. The girl would look back, obviously seeking approval. Her nephew would begin to speak again, only trying to rile up her daughter more. She would shake her head, watching as the boy pushed all her of her daughters buttons. She would remain silent, until her daughter shot forward, malice in each movement. "Dahlia!" Her voice was sharp and loud, intending to break through her daughters battle driven mind, even as she aimed to connect with the bite, her tiny jaws splayed and seeking blood. "Be nice to your nephew." A brow would lift as she made it clear that this boy was family, no matter how irritating he was.




7 Years
Dire wolf
01-17-2015, 02:49 AM

Success! His retaliatory needling worked; the girl lunged towards him and the victorious angel did the same, erupting forward in the hopes of meeting his aunt in the middle. He lifted up on his hind legs, front paws reaching up and out in the hopes of wrapping themselves around the constipated girl's neck. The boy's head tipped to his right, jaws flinging wide in the hopes of sinking his teeth into his aunt's neck just below the curve of her jaw. Having no fight experience, the boy had no plan in mind, simply to bite and claw and kick at whatever part of the girl made itself available to him.

Throwing himself completely into the fight at hand, he then kicked off completely, sailing towards the girl in the hopes of not only wrapping his paws around her neck and biting it, but, if his grip around her neck was successful, he'd then bring his hind paws up and attempt to repeatedly kick her in the lower chest. If he had any knowledge of felines he would have known that the combo was very catlike, but at present Angel was far too concerned with fighting the mouthy girl to do any serious thinking.

"Talk" "You" Think



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-17-2015, 03:13 AM

Valentine had been hot on his son's heels from the moment they'd heard the call. He'd dutifully answered each and every question by supplying answers to the best of his abilities. Angel was a handful - he'd been that way since day one - and while the questions were sometimes exhausting, there was something about them that the brute also found endearing. He liked his son's curiosity. He liked his honesty and his thirst for knowledge. Granted, it was a little annoying when the boy woke him up in the middle of the night to ask why an owl was hooting so late (and what an owl was, and what it looked like, and what it ate, and where it slept...), but he could appreciate it all the same.

Like his mother, Valentine had simply watched the exchange between the two children while it was just words. The moment it looked like it was going to turn physical, he stepped in, placing a massive forepaw between the two parties before they could meet and then, when Angel went airborne, nabbed the boy by the scruff and hoisted him into the air. The child didn't go quietly, choosing to flail and kick at the girl's face around Valentine's foreleg as he was lifted above her.

In a single sweeping motion, the brute then moved to set his son down beside him. He put him down hard, forcing him into a seated position, and then when the boy immediately bounced back to his paws, Valen commanded, “That's enough.”  He had half a mind to make Angelus apologize, but since the girl had started it (and he would be lying to say he didn't favor his son) he chose not to. The boy was wise, choosing to heed the command and remain where he had been placed.

Turning his gaze to his mother (while watching for movement in the corner of his eye), Valentine shrugged, the gesture suggesting a 'what can you do?' feeling about the situation. “Mom, I'd like you to meet Angelus. He's your oldest grandson.”


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



01-17-2015, 04:29 AM
                    vehement snarls of protest perforate the tense atmosphere as the viper’s inflated chest cavity impacts the forelimb of a bystander as opposed to her initial target, molten gaze abruptly pinpointing the daft boy as his infantile  physique ascends -- away from her wrathful grasp. and a victorious smirk contorts the sovari’s dainty countenance as her nephew performs pitiful attempts to strike, her own jaws snapping languidly at his retreating paws in both an act of sheer defiance and presentation of intrinsic dauntlessness. she retains domineering and obstinate composure while the boy motions as if to lunge back into battle { and imminent defeat }, underdeveloped musculature flexing in preparation beneath taut flesh before the boy’s father demands peace. her adversary adheres to the behemoth’s command with ease, and the viper’s crooked grin only deepens with wry amusement as her hackles flatten upon the length of her spine, her reigning aggression noticeably subsiding -- if but momentarily. 

yet her smoldering eyes widen with shock as she finally registers her mother’s previous claims of relation, utmost horror then chiseling her features whilst her attention wavers back unto the cherished silver wraith. “mum, you’re lying?” she queries tentatively before her pupils once more ravage the unimposing form of her proclaimed kin: the supposed blood of her blood. and her eyes narrow with intensified scrutiny as it lingers upon the boy, their relation confirmed by the dappled markings located beneath his amethyst gaze -- identical to that which embellishes the area beneath her own molten gaze. “well i guess he is fat, like aster,” the viper admits stiffly before casting an affirmative glance towards her mother, nodding solemnly -- as if her mother had not indicated their relation just moments prior. 

as her nephew’s keeper addresses the sovari’s own mother as ‘mom,’ her brows furrow with evident confusion and bitter indignation, petite skull tipping backward to fully regard the monstrosity’s visage. “how come you’re all blue? me and aster and ‘santi aren’t blue. and how come you don’t live with us?” now it is the viper’s turn for excessive inquiry, scornful gaze yet stagnant upon the apparent sibling she had never acknowledged before this encounter.
before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!


01-17-2015, 03:06 PM

When her command went ignored, she moved to rise, but her son would appear, scooping up his own child, effectively separating the two. Silence would fall over them before Valentine spoke, demanding that they both stop. He would introduce them all to Angelus, her eldest grandson. A faint smile would touch her lips before Dahlias outrage would breach her ears. She would laugh, allowing the girl to come to her own conclusion. "And this is your sister, Dahlia." An insult would spill from the girls lips, claiming that her nephew was simply fat like her brother. She would shake her head, not bothering to understand her daughters logic that everyone bigger than her is fat.

Dahlia would turn on Valentine, questions spilling rapidly from her own lips. Valentine had indeed been the only one that maintain his fathers lineage of a 'blue' color, while the rest of her children followed her genetics with various shades of grey and silver. "You brother is the Alpha of this pack." She would state, peering down at her daughter, answering only of her questions, knowing that new round of questions would probably ensue. "Where are the rest of my grandchildren?" Her gaze would lift back to her son, a brow lifting in question. She had no traveled all this way to meet only one rugrat.




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-17-2015, 05:26 PM

"Oh, they're here," Cascade spoke up easily, moving up behind Valen with the smaller two of their children in tow. Smaller being relative - all three were massive for their age. Seraphim was trotting along beside her, Evangeline sulking along behind. She'd heard the call for Valen and come out of curiosity and oh was she glad she had. It was the ever-so-delightful silver queen of Arcanum. Valentine's mother.

She seen the whole of the encounter as she'd herded her children that direction, but she allowed a fleeting look of pleased surprise to flash over her features, as though she'd been hoping to see her former packmate and had finally gotten her wish. Absolutely false - she didn't care one way or another about Cat - but hey, she didn't need to know that.

Moving closer to the blue-gray male Cascade pressed herself against his shoulder affectionately and flashed the gray queen a wicked grin. "Cataleya, I wasn't expecting to see you again. How is your darling little pack these days?" Her eyes fell on the children who had slunk over to Imperium along with Cataleya - like miniature copies of Cataleya and Kylar they were, and apparently the little angels had inherited the personalities as well.

"Oh and look what we have here. This sweet little lady must be your daughter. What an adorable little gem, and such a genteel soul she must have." Her voice dripped honey and sunshine and rainbows as she chattered at the Arcanum alpha, though her eyes gleamed with a carefully hidden malicious mischievousness. She'd seen the way the little brat had gone after her bright little Angelus, the way the silver woman had watched with amusement while the older pup physically and verbally attacked him, and the Saxe was resolved to... remedy the inequity.


OOC: there's a mention of Aster in there but she doesn't directly address him and I was too lazy to take it out so if he's not already there just ignore it lol
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
Extra large
01-17-2015, 06:40 PM

Seraphim had been dawdling. There was all this world to see, and Mommy wanted them to hurry? Instead, the boy had been zigzagging this way and that, investigating every nook and cranny he could find. He would proclaim loudly that he'd surely found a monster, or some great beast, and Mommy, Mommy, come watch me kill the monster! If he was getting on Cascade's nerves, that fact was lost on Phim. When he did finally burst onto the scene, he had the distinct feeling he'd just missed something important. Angel looked miffed, and... woah. Strangers! Phim heard only "-rest of my grandchildren?" before he rushed forward, skidding to a stop just beside his father's massive form. "You've got my eye dots!" he proclaimed in the pale women's general direction. Turning back towards Angel and Eva Phim gave a little wiggle, waiting to see if they'd noticed the same.

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!



5 Years
Extra large
01-18-2015, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2015, 06:19 PM by Tealah.)
When Mama had brought them out to play, it had been great. But then Daddy had to leave to do patrols and Angel had gotten to go with him. Evangeline was left at home with Phim and Mama. So being Evangeline she'd done her best to make both Mama and Phim miserable so that they'd have no choice but to let her go with Daddy next time. It was her turn. So when Mama started herding them somwhere, even though it was exciting to go out, she dulled and flinched along behind them with her bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

But she was bringing them to see DADDY. Phim bounced ahead with a most as many questions as Angel always had - rather than do the SAME THING as he did and have everyone think she was copying him, she stalked forward delicately to her Daddy's side and hid herself behind his enormous foreleg before peeking out suspiciously at the strangers who had come but Phim's question drew a scornful glare from her. "They arent YOUR eye dots dummy," she sniffed at Phim. "They are DADDY'S eye dots. HE'S the oldest." Her gold eyes turned back to the strangers. "Who are you ?" she sneered at the older, less pretty girl.



7 Years
Dire wolf
01-20-2015, 07:43 PM

Loathing the order that kept him in place and kept him from teaching Mean Girl Dahlia a lesson, Angel consoled himself by making faces at her each and every time she looked like she was about to look his way. When she raked a snooty gaze down him he made a point to make a particularly grotesque face at her, contorting his features to the best of his abilities. When she stated that he was fat, he sniffed then parted with the indignant words, "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy, but if I was fat, I'd squish you with my butt until your eyes popped out."

His attention lifted away from the constipated aunt-girl to settle on his grandma. He studied her quizzically, taking in all the little ways they were similar. As Phim and then Eva pointed out, she had the same eye spots (so did Mean Girl Dahlia, but the idea that they were related sucked so he was ignoring her eye spots). She wasn't blue, which was sad, but he guessed her silvery color was kinda pretty. And she had pretty eyes. Hm... He thoguht about it for a second, but it didn't take him long to come to the conclusion that he was okay with being related to her. The aunt-girl? Not so much. He kinda wished that he did have a fat butt so he could squish her eyes out.

"Talk" "You" Think



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-20-2015, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2015, 04:10 PM by Valentine.)

His mother formally introduced his young sister and Valentine nodded to her in greeting, “It's nice to meet you, Dahlia,” A lie given her awful behavior, “My name is Valentine.” He almost claimed to be the oldest, but then remembered that Kylar had fathered others. So technically he was the oldest from Cataleya, but saying so would only complicate things, as would explaining their different sires. The brute decided to leave that up to Cataleya. He would leave it to her if she wanted to explain their different fathers, and what that had to do with their different colors.

Angel's words caused Valen's lips to twitch up briefly in a hint of a smile. Why did he have to be funny? Why couldn't he just be obnoxious? That would have made reprimanding him easier. Using a forepaw, the brute gently nudged his son to get his attention. When he had it, he shook his head slightly to convey that he needed to settle down. Valentine understood that Angel was still unhappy with Dahlia, but he was bordering on behaving just as badly - and he refused to raise a brat.

Answering his mother's question, he stated, “They're with their mother - ah, here they are now.” Cascade moved to lean against his shoulder while Vana moved to stand behind his left foreleg and Phim screeched to a halt in front of Angel. “I'd like you to meet Seraphim and Evangeline. Kids, this is my mother, your grandmother, and Dahlia, your aunt.”


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



01-28-2015, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2015, 08:31 PM by Viola.)

You brother is the Alpha of this pack. She had been pretty precise in her question as to why the titan before her sported a strikingly different coloration than herself, Aster and Basanti. It didn't make any sense to her. If he really was her brother and Cataleya was his mother, then he should like Cataleya shouldn't he or at least similar? He had the same dots underneath his eyes that her mother, herself and her siblings all had that, but that could be just pure coincidence. It didn't mean that they were related. A deep scowl would mar the girl's features as she glanced up at her mother, not pleased that only one of her questions had been answered. It felt like the silver Queen was dodging her other questions, but she would say nothing, seething quietly as she planned to approach the woman at a later date to explain why the man whom claimed to be her brother looked different.

She would continue to watch the silver woman, waiting to see if the explanation as to why the blue behemoth looked so different but the arrival of more wolves would dash any hope of an explanation. Fiery eyes would abandon the silver Queen's figure to focus on the newcomers. Another adult, this one with a strange purple tint to her coat would arrive, two other pups trailing at her heels. The second woman would saunter up, rubbing herself on the cobalt titan as she addressed the silver Queen, inquiring about Arcanum's well-being. Dark hackles would raise against the girl's spine, ears flattening against her skull, not liking the way that this woman was addressing her mother. Cataleya was a Queen and she was to be addressed as such and the fact that this woman addressed her mother by her name frankly irritated the little wench. And then the woman would turn her sights on Vio, exclaiming how she was an adorable little gem, gaining a snarl and flash of teeth from the youth. She didn't like this bitch. Vio didn't care if she was her supposed brother's wife, she didn't like her and she had absolutely no reason to be nice to her. She was of no concern and no use to her.

Vio had already had it with the first boy that had spoken up, insolent and annoying little bastard with all his stupid questions. But no of course, that couldn't be the end of it. Another pup, this one also boy, decided to pull up beside the massive behemoth, exclaiming that the moon-washed Queen had his eye dots. Before Vio could correct the idiot, what she hoped to be the last and final pup decided to pipe up, correcting the boy as she explained that they were the blue beast's eye dots. But that topic was quickly abandoned as the girl turned towards Vio, asking just exactly who she was. A sneer full of fangs would be directed at the girl, tail lashing behind her as she spoke. Why don't you come over here and I'll show you who I am. She taunted, ready to rip into this girl since she hadn't been able to rip into the first boy on account of his daddy swooping in to save him.

I'm not fat, I'm fluffy, but if I was fat, I'd squish you with my butt until your eyes popped out. She would direct her sneer towards the first boy again, sending him a snarl along with a snapping of her jaws. Try it and see how much of your butt is left afterwards. She would leave no doubt that her threat would be fulfilled if he ever decided to take her up on her offer. Her attention would drift from the insolent brat up to the man whom the Queen said was her brother, storing his name away in her memory bank for later, not bothering to say anything in return to his introduction. Audits would come to stand erect, small chest filling out as her tail curled over her haunches, leveling her nephews and niece with a haughty fiery gaze, silently daring any of them to try and come at her again.


before threading with Vio, please keep in mind that this character is prone to using mature and vulgar language!


01-29-2015, 08:10 PM

Honey sweet words would pull her gaze from her son to the last woman she ever wanted to see. Eyes narrowed fractionally as it became abundantly clear that this was the woman her son had knocked up. She could see the pleased surprise on the womans face, but didn't take it to heart, the dark wench could die for all she cared. Her son had such poor taste in women.... "I hadn't realized you stooped so low." Words dripped like honey from her dark lips, a sneer lifting her features as she spoke to her son, though looked directly at his whore. The silver woman was not one to be subtle. Her son's whore would speak of Viola, pulling a chuckle from her throat. These maybe her grandchild, but she had no doubts that her own children would surpass them, especially know that their lineage was soiled. A second babbling child would lower her gaze as he exclaimed that she was had his markings. A smirk would adorn her features. But his sister seemed to have other ideas, claiming that their eye dots belonged to Valentine. "No, little ones, you have my dots. And for that, you should be thankful." At least they had the benefit of displaying her good looks rather than something distinguishable of their mother, and she would happily make that clear.

Angelus would continue to taunt her daughter, something that would probably end badly for him, her daughter had quite the temper. Valentine would make introductions. Evangeline, Seraphim and Angelus. Perhaps if they followed in the correct paw steps they could be great. But her daughters outraged lyrics would pull her from her thoughts, coral gaze landing on her little demoness. The girl was hell embodied. She would spite angry words, threatening to expose them all to her wrath. Oh her daughter would be something great. She would become the perfect weapon that could be unleashed on their enemies. Already her child was ready to rip in her niece and nephews, something that would have to be fixed so long as they all remained loyal. But she felt herself swell with pride at her daughters audacity.




7 Years
Dire wolf
01-29-2015, 08:54 PM

The girl spoke again, nastiness spilling from her lips with ease. Maybe she was so backed up her farts were coming out of her mouth instead? Angelus thought it was as good a theory as any. It would certainly explain why she was in such a terrible mood.

Peering around his daddy's foreleg, the boy searched for his sister's gaze. His tone serious, he explained to Evangeline why exactly the girl aunt was so hateful. "She hasn't pooped in a long, long time. That's why she's not nice." Viola had jumped straight into a fight after he asked if she had to poop, so he figured it had to be true.

To his grandmother, he said, "I like them a lot." He spoke truth. They made him different and were a physical marker that proclaimed his connection to his family. He liked them for that reason until he got to Viola in the family tree. Clearly it was a disadvantage there. He didn't want anyone to know he was related to her.

"Talk" "You" Think



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-29-2015, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2015, 09:20 PM by Valentine.)

The visit devolved further and further and Valentine, fearing irreversible damage was being done, decided to cut it short. He was rather displeased with his mother's handling of Viola's awful behavior. There was no pride to be had in having such a disrespectful child and fostering her behavior with silence and amusement couldn't possibly end in familial loyalty or respect. Granted, his son hadn't responded with tact, but who could blame him? He would have a talk with Angelus later - something he doubted his mother would do with Viola.

In response to the threats that continued to fly, Valen's thundered, “Enough! The next child to speak unkind words will get a beating!” And oh, yes. That did indeed include his precious little sister. She was in need of a good spanking and if his mother wasn't capable of doing it, then he would and damn the consequences.

His gaze flicking to his mother, he said, “Your visit has been a treat like no other,” he stated sarcastically, the corners of his mouth rising slightly. “But I think it's time we end it before too much damage is done.” Valentine valued loyalty as much as she did and he didn't want a wedge to be driven between the new members of his family at such a young age. He had half a mind to suggest that they get them together when they were older and let them fight it out. His amused smile deepened at the thought. “We always have the tournament to try again.”

--exit Valentine and co.--


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-30-2015, 10:49 AM

Cataleya's sneering remarks about her only served to brighten the sunny smile she beamed the bitch's way. "Don't worry darlin', the parts lined up just fine," she remarked airily in a deliberate misunderstanding of exactly what sort of lowering Cat was referring to, fluttering her lashes in mock innocence at her. And perhaps she'd have continued to mock the silver queen if Valen hadn't interrupted as she'd opened her mouth - though she did debate the merits of continuing anyway since he had specified that the next child to speak unkind words... and the possibility of turning his anger to a bit of rough romance did quicken her pulse... but she regretfully pushed the urge aside for the sake of showing Cataleya that some alphas could inspire obedience from their family members. "Say goodbye to your grandmother and your little aunt - politely," she added warningly as Vana opened her mouth in a decidedly spiteful way and as they did (or remained silent, she'd take that too) she quickly shepherded them along in Valen's wake. Though - she couldn't entire resist, as she turned her head slyly, a sickeningly sweet smile aimed at the pair. "Bye, Cat. Have a pleasant trip home." And it didn't even sound sarcastic - or enough so that she could protest her innocence if she was called out on it. She twitched her tail and turned to follow the pups as they returned to the depths of their territory.

-exit Cascade et al-
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!