
You're pretty damn r00d



5 Years
01-13-2015, 06:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015, 06:15 PM by Aldoro.)

The west had practically become his own little home, despite of how hot it was. The sun beat him down like some damn stick, baking him to a crisp. But it was still...nice. After all, there were still some nice little places here. Like the Wolfpaw Lake! He liked this place! The sun wasn't too hot, and the lake provided a swimming pool and food. How nice was that? There was green grass, trees here and there, etc. And he's been here a few times before...he could remember. He met a strange woman who was the queen of some pack...he could tell, she liked to antagonize. But he still got to experience the lake so...good for him. The man sighed and lowered his head to the water, drawing his tongue across the cool liquid and lapping it up into his jaws. He swallowed smoothly and smiled with satisfactory...until suddenly, he propelled himself into the water, causing a massive wave to splash it's way to shore. He paddled his large limbs and hovered his head above the water easily, while his tail playfully slapped at the surface and sent droplets of water flying. Ah, he loved being relaxed like this. It was so nice...after all the stress he's been through. He wondered if another shit head would come in and ruin his fun...?


Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
01-13-2015, 06:42 PM

He was surrounded by idiots. Complete and total idiots that were just waste of his time and really just wastes of space. What were any of these wolves doing with their lives other than wasting it? How is it possible that he hadn't run into any like minded individuals yet? Perhaps he was just looking in the wrong places or there were just none who he could relate to. It was frustrating. He didn't come here to make friends. He came here to see what new opportunities he could discover, but so far none that were to his liking had come along. He just had to be patient he assumed.

Golden fur would rise and fall in time with his breathing, dual-colored body relaxing beneath the heavy shade of a tree. Winter had given way to spring and with it had come the rising of temperature. The sun was shinning much heavier these days and walking around under its full glare wasn't something that Cicero was too keen on doing. He liked being warm like every other wolf, but not to the point where it was uncomfortable, so what better way to escape the heat than by taking a nap in the cool shade. It was going very well, up until someone decided that it was a glorious idea to come and splash in the lake where he had decided to take a nap. For fucks sake

He would growl in irritation as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, silver pools searching for the one responsible for the disturbance. Gaze would fall across the ebony figure of a wolf, male by his scent, splashing around in the lake like some fucking pup. He was sure that there were plenty of other watering holes in this damn place, so why the fuck did he have to come here? Can't you do that somewhere else? Where you don't interrupt someone's nap? He would snap at the man in irritation, golden tail lashing behind him.


"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
01-15-2015, 04:03 PM

He had come here, and yet, after checking to see if anyone was nearby, he had not picked up a single man's aroma?! Was he losing his sense of smell?! Aldoro quickly paddled to the surface at the sound of a loud, irritated voice, head popping from the water and causing more water to splish and splash about. A laugh left his inky black lips...only until he saw the facial expression of the golden man, staring down at him with the absolute worst death stare he has ever seen. Aldoro balanced his weight out atop the water and floated there, head resting upon his chest, though mismatched gaze resting onto the annoyed brute. "OH! I did not see you, sir." He shouted back, an amused smirk playing upon his face as he slapped his tail against the surface of the cold water. Still cold from winter, he cold tell. But he had big fluffy fur so he didn't mind. "But, may I ask you a question?" He said this in a polite manner, and didn't even wait for an answer. "Are you a fucking cat?"


Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
01-15-2015, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2015, 06:21 PM by Cicero I.)

He sit in irritation underneath the tree in the cool shade, silver eyes narrowed on the spot where the black beast had disappeared. It would take a few seconds for this words to pierce through the bubble of the water and reach the man's ears, bringing him back to the surface in a flurry of splashing water. Laughter would bubble from his inky jowls until he noticed the hard look of irritation Cicero was glaring his way, at which point he decided to apologize because he hadn't seen him there. Right. Blind fool. The bi-colored boy's irritation only magnified as the man began splashing around even more. But it wasn't until the idiot decided to ask him the most idiotic question of all time that his irritation turned into rage.

Are you a fucking cat? The boy would immediately rise to his feet, elegant in his movements as he moved to the edge of the shade that touched the closest embankment. Are you a fucking fish? He would snarl, golden tail curled high over his hips, ears flattening against his skull, lips curled in distaste. Of course he would have the misfortune of running into a blubbering fool. Lucky him.


"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
01-15-2015, 07:26 PM

Aldoro watched as the other man sat up, moving over to the edge of his shade and stopping before he entered the sunlight. This made the dark lump of fur want to burst out in laughter. What a prissy little shit. He didn't like the sun, did he? He liked his shade? Was the water too much for him? The large man continued to float on his back, tail constantly slapping at the cold water, chin rested so that he could still eye the younger boy with a look a pure amusement. "Are you a fucking fish?" Finally, he let out a loud chuckle, body flipping over and hovering over to the shore. It was too bad that he had to end his swimming now...but he couldn't really think while flipped over, relaxing on the cold surface of the lake. But, before he completely climbed out, the man purposely kicked his legs up and attempted to splash the golden man, an evil smirk pressing across his face. Oops, poor boy. Now he'd be wet...

The large boy pulled himself out and quickly shook himself dry, wet paws carrying him over to a patch of short grass. He decided to sit there and watch the man, just a few feet away. But he wasn't quite finished just yet. "I don't know, am I? Or are you too blind to figure it out yourself?" Aldoro shurgged his shoulders casually, tail flopping around in the tall grass aimlessly. "But why don't you answer my question, you little shit? Are you a fucking cat or not? Because as far as I know, wolves don't complain about a little water on them." He lifted a single brow, amused expression still planted smug along his face. Now that he thought of it...this man seemed much younger than him. Maybe he was one...two years old? Hm...

