
Tell me a story


01-01-2015, 10:06 PM

He had had his first outing with his mother, he had played in the melting snow and got to explore the place his mother called her own. But Fia hadn't been present! He had known the red woman since he was born. She had always been at his mothers side, a prominent figure in his young life. Today he wished to explore more of his home with the woman beside him. He would rush from the den and burst once more into the sun light. He was steadily becoming accustom to the brightness of the sun. Fia! He wailed. Silver tips ears swirled atop his crown, as he looked about, awaiting her appearance. While he didn't often call her mama, picking up on the names his mother called her, he did think of her as his mother. He did not know any better, he had not yet learned that he should have a mother and a father present. But nevertheless he was happy with his mama's. They tended to his every need to ensure his survival. His tiny tail beat against the earth, haunches having folded beneath him.




5 Years
01-15-2015, 11:40 AM

She is on her way back toward the den with a juicy hare locked between her jaws when the wailing call of Ody breaks the dead silence that usually accompanies the dark forest. A small smile curves the corners of her bloody lips as he wails out her name specifically, and she picks up her pace. It doesn't take but a minute longer to finally reach the den, and her ebony dipped tail wags happily from side to side as Ody's little form slips into her view. "Ody!" She mumbles between the hare that is still in her mouth, and as she closes the distance between them, her excitement grows stronger. Ody is finally old enough to have conversations with and play with, and the nymph is more than pumped to enjoy his pup-hood while she can. She knows Artemis has great plans for this little guy, and she knew it was only a matter of time until Ody completely forgot what fun was. 

When she stands only inches away from the little pup she drops the hare from her jaws and plops it down directly in front of Ody. She then drops the front half of her body and sticks her rump in the air to stand in a playful position, her tail wagging excitedly in the air. "Here you go Ody! You can try it if you want!" She barks to the child, her neck extending outward as she nudges the limp body closer to the boy.  

Walk "Talk" Think

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


01-16-2015, 11:37 PM

He would not have to wait long, the red woman appearing from the trees, her dark jaws filled with freshly killed prey. He would grin, his tail wagging as he bound towards her. She would set the prey down before lowering her front end to the ground in a sort of bow. She would offer him a taste and at first he was hesitant. He would stick his tongue out, lapping at the freshly drawn blood. The tangy liquid exploded across his tongue in a way that was still foreign to him. But not wanting to disappoint, he would part his jaws and tear a bite out of the hare, tiny puppy teeth slicing through the tender flesh as he chewed. He would beam up at Fia, thoroughly pleased with himself. But he wasnt hungry, he wanted to explore! Will you take me on an adventure?! He would ask hopefully, peeking up at her with pleading eyes. He never got to leave this part of the forest, and he wanted to see more, he wanted to see everything!
