
Another Day, More Snow & Ice!


06-02-2013, 01:55 AM
"WHEEEE!" came the joyous cry somewhere up North. Found on The Frozen Field, was someone whom was clearly enjoying herself. From an eagle's eye view, you could see a small blue-ish black dot moving down at an angle, then going back up, only to move down again. Every now and then, that dot would move to a different area and do the same movements. If that eagle decided to land on the cold, hard ground covered in snow, it would see exactly what the dot was: a young-ish wolf, female, who had blue-ish black fur that seemed to have both colors moving in, out, and around each other. Her light ocean blue eyes twinkled merrily as she lightly huffed and puffed to reach the top of yet another grounded glacier. Surrounding her previous accomplishment, were at least three other small mountains of ice. Those three had melted slightly, due to the warmth her body had shared as she had slid down. The lines from her back left imprints on those blank glacier faces, hardening in place as the cold temperature refroze them. The lone female giggled at her mini accomplishments and then turned to face the ground below.
Her leg muscles were being trained as she tried to keep her balance at the top. Little did she realize she was helping her health by playing on the big iceburgs. Such things didn't come to her mind until later, when those muscles would ache and holler from lack of rest. For now, she shook her bottom, tail outstretched, and she stuck all four limbs straight out. Her stomach hit the ice with a soft oomph before she began to pick up speed. With widening eyes, she laughed loudly and said the infamous "WHEEEEEE!" as she got closer and closer to the ground. At the last minute, she took her hind legs and swept them under her belly. Eria kicked off near the bottom of the iceberg and did a front flip in the air.
In a curled up position, she rolled once - no, twice! - air bound before she fell into a waiting pile of snow. A loud SPLAT indicated her landing, sending snow everywhere in the process. The end result was Eria snugly set into the pile that was left. She began to uncurl herself and push up when she realized something: she was stuck. Her hind legs and tail were prominently displayed, standing firmly on the pile. The other half of her was stuck, deep in the pile of compacted snow. "Shoot!", she said in a muffled voice. Sighing in frustration, she started to push with her hind legs, but the snow had formed a brace around her. She had done it. She was stuck. Soft whimpering left her throat as her end half stood there, tail flicking in annoyance. How was she going to get out?!


06-02-2013, 02:18 AM

Golden orbs would flicker across the mysterious white substance. She had never seen such a terrain before and she was undoubtedly... curious. What was it? She blinked rapidly, attempting to dispel the almost blinding whiteness that came from the strange element. She hadn't yet gathered to courage to make the switch from rock to... white stuff... but she was trying and that was a start right? She traced the odd coloring for awhile and finally, curiosity won over self propriety and delicately she extended a single paw, reaching out to touch the white fluff, a yelp escaped her maw and she recoiled as the appendage actually sunk into the terrain. She blinked animatedly, slowly inching forward and attempting to gain enough courage to actually step forth. She did and she frowned rather adorably when her legs became damp with moisture.

...So this was like ice then? Frozen water cept...softer? A smile blossomed across her maw and wasting no more time she shot up into the air, bounding like a rabbit in the snow. Pouncing and sliding in the unfamiliar terrain., laughter would pour from her lips. Jupiter had never minded when they came and went so long as they didn't get into trouble, and this wasn't getting into trouble was it? Giggling with excitement and joy the sandy colored dame bounded through the ice with seemingly little to no direction or purpose, she was here to explore, nothing less and nothing more.

A voice caught her attention and the woman skidded to a halt, ears careening forward as she listened for more sounds. She blinked rapidly and when she heard a delicate curse, she was off, bounding through the snow until she came upon a....rump and two legs? She could see the wolf struggling to free herself and Luana felt for the poor girl! She bounded towards her, skidding to a halt before setting her front paws in motion, attempting to dig her out. "Hold on! Names Luana! I'm gonna help you out!" Her voice was the epitome of joy and happiness, but determination was laced in the tone as she set about her task.



06-02-2013, 02:41 AM
Eria had been struggling, feeling like she wasn't moving and getting nowhere fast. Now, as she again tried to push herself out, she began to feel the grip loosen from the snowy pile. She had heard a voice on the other side of the pile and her body tensed. A brief introduction and the sound of another set of paws nearby caused the black-and-blue furred beauty to panic. Eria didn't know who it was that was digging at the pile, making her mind race. She hoped it wasn't someone who knew the wolves from her past, let alone a close friend of theirs. The memories that flashed in her head caused her to get angry and she gave one final tug.
That tug, along with Luana's helpful digging, caused her to do another set of summersalts. Eria finally stopped at the previously owned iceberg and her back met with its cold face. Sprawl-legged and confused, Eria shook her head and raised a paw to her crown. As she had rolled, snow had collected in her fur and clung to it like she was velcro. After regaining focus in her eyes, she looked up and realized that there was a white fae next to the now broken pile of snow. Immediately, her mind flashed back to the wolves, and her defenses set in. Her eyes narrowed, her upper lip curled, and she slowly rose to her legs with hair standing on her hackles. Her claws flexed, they clung to the ground as she walked and her tail stood on end. Focusing on Luana, she growled and made to approach her in that stance. After a few steps towards her, something happened.
Just as fast as her defenses had been raised, they came down. Eria was halfway between the iceberg and where Luana stood before she coiled into a ball. A soft whimper escaped Eria as she brought her tail beneath her and between her legs. A searing cold was spreading in her inner ear, temporarily freezing on the hairs that were within. Her hind legs rose and she started to act like she was scratching an area near her head. The answer was evident to her actions after a minute: Eria had snow in her ears! The poor thing's ears were packed to the edge and she hadn't realized it. Now, she shook her head and scratched her head on either side before the snow dislodged itself and flew everywhere. Snow still clung to her pelt, but some had fallen off in the change of actions. Bleary-eyed, she raised her head and looked at her rescuer. Slowly, she sniffed the air with flattened ears and her eyes widened. The stranger's scent wasn't familiar, wasn't of those wolves...she had misjudged a good Samaritan. Guilt immediately washed over her and she said softly, "I'm...I'm sorry for that. I were...well, never mind." Rising to all four paws, she took a few tentative steps towards her and the pile and politely dipped her head. "Will you forgive me?"


06-06-2013, 01:35 AM

Luana was the very embodiment of the words happiness and exuberance. Innocence and joy radiated off of her like a toxin, infecting the atmosphere, the air, the very presence of those around her, she was almost impossible not to like. Her desire to befriend nearly everyone and everything, heavily outweighed anything else. She would save a soul merely because she could, talk to anyone she came across with a warm smile and a friendly wave of her tail. She was beautiful in terms of her soul , and it seemed to get her into trouble more oft than not. They didn't understand her love, her passion for life in general, and it wasn't as if the woman had never experienced loss, she had been nary six months old when her mother perished, she had raised herself until she stumbled upon Cetotorah, and then of course a match destined to be was born. Very little could separate the two.

Luana had set about the task of digging out the poor woman with diligence. her forelimbs working frantically to loosen the icy water enough for the poor soul to drag herself free. Luana was fearful that the poor woman was drowning... could one drown in this element? or was it suffocation? Either one the sandy pelted dame redoubled her efforts and the woman finally pulled free with a pop, before the dame could say anything else, the woman advanced, snarling, hackles raising and Luana quickly bounded backwards. She hadn't come looking for a fight, and she had just helped the woman, hadn't she? She lowered her head and her tail, showing she wasn't attempting to express dominance. Just as quickly as the aggression arrived, it was vanquished and Luana would watch in confusion as the poor thing suddenly degenerated into cries and whimpers.

An apology would come and a blinding smile would alight Luana's face, tail wagging animatedly behind her. Golden orbs would flicker in the darkness and laughter would spill, rich and plentiful from her larynx, playfully she trotted forward to a more respectable distance. "You have nothing to be sorry for silly! You didn't attack me! I don't know if you could hear me down there... but my names Luana! What's yours?" Discrepancy already forgotten, the sandy dame was only seeking to make a friend.



06-06-2013, 09:42 PM
Eria couldn't help but be stunned by the quick recovery of this female. She had expected the white femme to be less...happy about what had just happened. Maybe it was time for her to expand her mind and how she thought of other wolves. The only thing that really held her back were the rogue wolves that haunted her memories. Now, as she sat from getting the snow out of her ears, she took in the female's scent again. Yup. Definitely not familiar with the reapers she remembered.
Slowly, she straightened her bent legs and regained her fullest height. Eria wasn't too tall and not too short; she was just right for her genes and personal preference. The bubbly personality that shined from Luana was sucked in and her chest felt warm from the result. Her tail swept to both sides behind her and she let the positive energy from the fae wrap itself around her. She hadn't met someone who was so forthcoming in a long time. Wait, that was a lie. She had never met anyone who was this happy. Eria smiled and replied with her own pleasantries. "I heard some muffled speech when I was down in that pile," she eyed the broken pile of snow with a wary gaze, "but I didn't catch your name the first time." She looked back to Luana and nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Luana. My name is Eria...and thank you for helping me in my dire situation." Eria laughed and reclined to her haunches. "I guess I was lucky that you came along. I don't know how long I would have been stuck."


06-20-2013, 12:32 PM

Luana was a difficult creature to wear down. It took a lot to the make the woman hateful, she was kind and sweet, gentle and soft, she made friends with just about everyone she encountered, but as such was her nature. Ironically her father was Kaios, arguably one of the least impersonal wolves she had ever met. If course Kaios had thrown her aside, Luana hadn't been worth his time and they had only met once... he had never called upon her again.

She wasn't one to let it get her down and if she ever did encounter him again she would probably greet him with a smile and a dusting of her plume. She padded forward slightly to put a more respectable distance between her and this stranger, her pretty eyes were bright and filled with excitement and happiness, glad that the woman hadn't perceived her as a threat for long. "Its lovely to meet you Eria! Think nothing of it! I was happy to help! Are you new to Alacritis? Have you decided on a pack to join?" Her tail battered back and forth excitedly as she awaited the woman's answer.



06-21-2013, 02:19 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 02:23 AM by Eria.)

The aura that surrounded Luana's form was contagious for Eria. She couldn't help but have her smile widen as the white fae took a few more steps towards her. The guard she was used to keeping up due to her past was now resting in another part of her mind. Luana didn't pose a threat to the blackish-blue-furred femora, which was definitely a plus in Eria's book.
Eria showed interest in the questions Luana laid in front of her and she willingly answered each one. "Ummm, let's see..." she said, letting her voice fade before speaking up again. "I guess you could say I still am new. I haven't travelled the whole continent yet. The only places I have found myself are the northern reaches of the world-" She nodded to the nearby icebergs that stood like tall, rotund giants, "and to another place in the South, but the lake was frozen, so the vibrant colors and trees weren't there."
Eria reclined to her haunches in front of Luana, hoping that she would consider doing the same later on. As her thick plumage wrapped around her hind paws, she answered her newfound acquaintance's other question. "Yes, I have already made up my mind to join Glaciem. They are a family unit and have values that are similar to my own beliefs." Her smile widened at the thought of her new home and she lightly chuckled. "I haven't met anyone other than the Alpha and his sister, but I hope that I get to know more of my family members before too long." With eyes twinkling, she asked, "What about you, Luana? Have you joined a pack yet?"



07-09-2013, 12:44 PM

Luana didn't know how to be cruel or hateful. She was a creature of laughter and joy, happiness and excitement, exuberance and love. A never ending inspirational ball of light. She had seen tragedy, her mother had long ago perished in a fire and she had been raised virtually alone with no one but Cetotorah, neither one of them had had their birth parents and so they had clung to one another. One day, she would have him, they would be married and maybe, if she played her cards right, they would have kids. But for now, she wasn't dwelling on the future, she had met a new friend and her excitement could not be cooled.

Luana listened as the woman spoke, her cranium bobbing, agreeing with what the woman was saying. Alacritis as a whole was quite large, she couldn't say she had explored the entire island herself, but she had a pretty good idea of where the vast majority of everything was, and she did adore exploring. ?Do you like it here? Do you plan on staying? I'm apart of Ludicael! Otherwise known as the Lover's Mangrove! Its quite beautiful there and our Alpha Jupiter is one of the most amazing wolves I know! Shes training me how to be a warrior! She can kick my butt right now, but she says I'm getting better!? Luana beamed brightly a soft laugh tumbling from her lips as her plume gently drifted from side to side.

"?Glaciem? I don't know too much about Glaciem, I don't think I've ever been there! Maybe one day if its alright with your Alpha I could come to visit? Oh! And you could come to visit me! That would be so fun!? Luana's smile widened, plume drifting even faster at such a thought, think of all the new faces she could meet! Think of the potential treaty! Oh! It seemed so wonderful! She did hope that Eria would agree!
