
adventure time



5 Years
01-19-2015, 05:53 PM
"Finch!" He had called at the mouth of the den, called for her to show her something. A small adventure for the family’s most timid. He knew it was hard to get her from the den, but he hoped that maybe he could be a small support for her, hopefully help her venture out into the world and learn that not everything tried to bite like the snakes in their homes. He would venture away from the packlands, feeling the same panic he always felt when he knew he had slipped out of the borders.  It hadn’t been long since he had found this place, and it was only by fluke. He had been out, searching for new colors and new plants of spring that hadn’t nor wouldn’t grow in their little corner of the world. It was fascinating to him, the more he saw, the beautiful things that not everyone seemed to see. It hadn’t dawned on Starling just yet that these pretty little things could do some good for them. They were just eye candy right now, nothing more and nothing less. He moved with ease, following a trail he had laid before. He had become a good little tracker of his own pawprints, after he had lost himself for several hours and was unable to get home. He knew where to lay his paws to make the best pawprints, where to brush against a tree to get a tuff of his shedding winter coat into the bark. It didn’t take very long for them to arrive, and it still took his breath away. The colors of the spring trees against the bright midafternoon sky, it sent chills through his body. "Look Finch, isn’t it beautiful?" He breathed, a bright smile on his lips.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Finch I


4 Years

01-19-2015, 06:35 PM

When her voice was called out loud, the growing girl startled and scrambled to an upright position, heart pounding in her chest. Her blue eyes cast towards her brother, narrowing slightly in irritation. He had sacred her! But he didn't stand there long, the brown and white boy soon took off again. Huffing slightly, she peeking out and watched at he dashed away from Abaven lands. Eyes grew wide as she lingered at the mouth of the den, shuffling on her paws. She hadn't ever left the lands that their father controlled, but Starling seemed rather intent to drag her out of her comfort zone. He didn't give her much choice either, not even looking back as he left. Knowing she would be alone if she didn't follow, Finch broke out into a run to catch up to him. She fell into pace behind him in her silent way, eyes looking around nervously. She didn't like leaving the protection of Abaven, nor did she like the idea of an adventure. But if she hadn't followed Starling, she would be alone at the den. At least there she wasn't afraid of something coming up behind her.

Her brother led her to a grove, new growth spreading over the soft feeling earth here. Pink blossoms spread everywhere, her jaws falling open as she spun in a slow circle. It was pink and brown for as long as she could see, soft petals drifting to the earth like rain. She had never seen anything so beautiful before, and it nearly swept her off her paws. Her gaze fell down to her brother, tears gathering in her eyes from the pure beauty of this place. "Pretty," she whispered, the word quickly becoming her most used in her very small vocabulary. But this was the first time that her whole body felt the beauty of it. Looking up, a tiny pedal settled on her nose. She froze, a single paw lifting as she tried to gaze at the pink thing. It felt soft against her damp nose, and every so slowly she tipped her head down towards Starling, a true and genuine smile spreading on her lips.



5 Years
01-20-2015, 05:00 PM
He laughed oh so happily, spinning in his little circle as he watched the rain of a petals fell around them. This is just what he wanted to show his shyest sister, this beauty of a land outside of their plains, and that if you were brave enough to cross those invisible borders you could see it all. He was sure there were dangers out here that no one should face when they were this age, but that didn't mean they couldn't have their fun. He giggled in his soft voice, moving to spin around her and nudge the little girl just slightly. "You don't see these in the plains, do you?" He said with a gentle smile, taking a few steps forward to wade through the petals. He took in a deep breath of their floral scent and closed gentle blue eyes to the midafternoon daylight. "Finch, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" He asked with a gentle smile, looking back at her, his eyes shining as he continued to gaze at his littlest sister. He couldn't see her as a warrior, but maybe a scout. She was speedy, she was quiet, and she knew how to run from danger. "Do you think Mom and Dad would let us start to learn things soon? Or are we too little?" He asked softly, spinning to turn back to her, attempting to press his forehead into her shoulder, to pull in the comfort of his loving sister.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Finch I


4 Years

02-15-2015, 02:53 PM

Her soft blue eyes watched at her brother spun around in circles, her own paw rising to try and catch one of the falling pedals. She had never seen anything so pretty before, and her head spun as she tried to take it all in at once. She wasn't one for wandering so far away, but she knew deep in her heart that it had been worth it this time. Now that Finch had seen it, she knew that she would never forget it, and was glad that she had followed Starling here. She blinked down at the brown and white boy as he came up to nudge her, giggling softly as she batted her paw towards him. He asked if they could see this in the plains, and she shook her head with vigor. No, nothing like this was in Abaven, just a bunch of evil snakes. She hated those terrible things, all gross and slippery. Her brother baffled him next though, asking what she wanted to be when she grew up. Blinking, she walked over and sat down beside him. Leaning her pale bodice against him, she thought for a long while. What did she want to do when she was older? She had no idea. She didn't really want to be a fighter, that was far too scary. She also wasn't interested in herbs and flowers like Starling, so what did that leave her? Her mind wandered, not even knowing what was left. "Um," she whispered, looking up at her brother. "I'm good at hiding..." she wasn't quite sure what rank her Daddy made good hiders, but she was really good at that! "You wanna be what Aunty Harmony is?" Finch asked, starting to open up a bit and use more words than she was used to. He asked her another question, asking if they were too little to learn things. Shrugging her shoulders, she let out a huff. Daddy seemed eager to teach them things, so maybe they could start learning soon?