
Áki's sister



10 Years
Extra large
01-19-2015, 10:31 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2015, 10:40 PM by Áki.)
Announcing.... Áki's sister!

Thanks to Fox for this gorgeous design!

So, because I'm really enjoying this new character, I'd love for his sister to come into play (you may be able to convince me a brother would work, too). I don't have a ton figured out for his history yet, other than that they were part of a small, nomadic tribe and that Áki grew disinterested in the monotony of family life, and eventually left the tribe to explore on his own.

Keep in mind Áki's own personality when applying. Their tribe valued family and individualism, as well as free-will and being self-sufficient. It is unlikely a sibling of his will be completely evil, though just as unlikely they will be completely good either. They were raised to be a bit self-interested, though are (generally) good at heart. They were raised to be strong and fearless, and do not shy away from fighting when the time comes for it. I'd like for his sister to be a bit more dark than him, if at all possible.

Seriously though, have fun with it, as I don't have anything in particular in mind. We can come up with a lot of history things together, too!

Here's a helpful list of female finnish names as well (which is where their family's names come from), here.Also, I'd like for her to be larger if possible and am willing to help pay for whatever is necessary, within reason, including markings and height. Don't let price be a factor in applying; I will help.

[b]Age[/b]: (doesn't have to be a littermate necessarily; I'll assume they have other siblings)
[b]Other[/b]: Feel free to include any interesting ideas you have about their family, the dynamic between the two of them, etc.



01-24-2015, 11:39 AM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2015, 02:49 PM by Visitor.)

Name:  Valpuri Jarvela ( Means 'salvation of the slain in battle' )
Gender:  Female
Age: 4 years

A true neutral character, the titan does not lean toward law or chaos, good or evil.  She usually is level-headed, and able to make good choices.  Yet one weakness she holds is that she is rather self-centered and selfish.  The decisions made are usually ones that will benefit herself in the best way possible, but some exceptions can be made, especially for those she actually has come to trust and even love.  There are few that the woman does hold close as friends, and even fewer as actual family.

There always has been a part of the titan who has longed for some sort of adventure, a way to get away from what is known and go into the unknown.  This more independent and free-spirited side appeared when she discovered of her brother's disappearance, as well as her dauntlessly loyal and respectful side for him, among some others, including elderly wolves.

Other:  Áki and this girl could have been close friends and siblings, and they both got bored of tribal life, so they left in search of adventure or better conditions of living.  Or perhaps even, she was supposedly bethroned to another tribe's male, and expected to follow through, but she ran away after she found out Áki left, so she could find somewhere else to live and be free of authority and laws.  |  We've already been chatting, and my name's Lucy.  :P  I can handle her 42" height, but I may need assistance when it comes to Alessia's markings, if they require any gems.


02-22-2015, 11:40 PM
Name: Sunniva Jarvela
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Years {Spring}
Alignment:: Chaotic Neutral

Nature:: Dominant || Favored Skill:: Fighting

Good Traits:: Calm || Loving|| Open-Minded

Neutral Traits:: Adventurous || Confident ||  Protective || Does Not Lie

Negative Traits:: Smartass || Blunt || Serious || Sharp || Fiery || Selfish || Reckless || Prideful

Sunniva is not exactly an evil character, though it can be said that she is darker than her brother Áki. Her nature is generally a cool and collected calm, confident. She is a female who typically means well, holding a strong relationship with her kin. She is, deep down, loving to those who can get past her rather "cool" exterior and dig down to the warm center that is deep within. She can, honestly, be open minded, but she is also afraid of being hurt or having her views compromised. In that sense the girl is selfish, for she values her own views and freedoms above almost anything else.

When Sunniva does not seem calm and collected she is seen as a smartass. She is blunt and to the point, seeing no reason to sugar coat the truth, or see a reason to ever lie. She can, at times, have a temper, and once she builds to that point she is like a bomb going off. She will be reckless, ready to fight and tear into whatever it is that dared push her boundaries. Make no mistake though -- Sunny does not simply attack and maim over petty things. She will defend her honor but knows where to draw the line when it comes to fighting.

Overall Sunny is a serious character, a borderline chaotic good and chaotic neutral character. She truly does not mean to hurt those that she offends with her words, though her mouth can get the better of her. She bears a lot of pride, and it is hard for her to apologize when she does things wrong. Only the closest to her will know her darkest secrets and fears... the very things that make her tick and can make her crumble.

Other: Best Sibbies! Close as could be, possibly getting into some sorts of mischief {though mostly unintentional and due to Sunny's love little mouth}.  I imagine them sticking together through thick and thin, possibly discovering and developing their true personalities as they grew. There could have been some sort of natural disaster that split the tribe {or maybe something cliche where one of them swept up by a river and carried far, far downstream xD} and got separated. I'd imagine Sunniva would spend her time after separation looking for Áki  -- because while she loves being an individual, she cares very deeply for her brother and wants to make sure he's alright -- somewhere close by so she can make sure no strange faes are trying to get all up on him.

...and gdi it Nyx for the tempt. GDI GDI GDI but I want her. >.> -Flails.-

[Edit] 420 Gems currently. I am hoping to get her to 42" if I get her and put as much in as I can. I also currently have a character slot ready for her so it'd just be a matter of her height and markings.



13 Years
Extra large

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1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-23-2015, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 08:39 AM by Valentine.)

Name: Arija [not 100% set on this, also like Kaiju]
Gender: Female
Age: Either 4 or 2; haven't decided
Personality: Arija is the epitome of fire. She is energy embodied; the sun in a bottle. She's also blind. This deficiency doesn't define her. Instead of allowing it to dictate every aspect of her life, Arija embraced it. She grew around it, her other senses coming together to make up for her lack of sight. Is she exceptional because of it? A wolven Daredevil? Hardly. But she is capable and strong, striving to be the best she can be - as everyone should. She's not soft or cowardly, instead, Arija takes on life with enough tenacity to make a bulldog jealous. Those who are foolish enough to underestimate her will have their ass handed to them smugly, gleefully and with no small amount of malice.

The Queen of sass, Arija takes on the world with snark and dark humor. She's quick with a retort, sarcastic words always primed and ready to go. Rarely is she without a comeback, rarer still is she speechless. When she is in her element, Arija can spit out sass in rapid fire succession, and she excels at simultaneously stripping her opponent bare and

She is fearless and opinionated, but not hasty with her judgements or brash in her actions. Arija is a tad on the selfish side, largely interested in what she can get from a situation instead of what she can give. That being said, she's not heartless. She follows her own code of conduct, her own moral compass, and while she occasionally lists towards the darker, more self-centered side of things, deep down Arija's heart resides (begrudgingly) with the good guys. She errs on the light side, but is prone to selfish acts.

Arija excels in skills that rely heavily on her remaining senses. Tracking is effortless, although without someone at her side she takes it slowly. Arija has the uncanny ability to know when she is being lied to. Without facial cues to go off of she's learned to paint an emotional scape based on speech; the way words are delivered holding a surprising amount of weight. She's not without shortcomings. Hunting is a little too fast paced for her, the cues she needs to pinpoint a location getting lost far too quickly for her to be of any use. Because of this she has had to rely largely on others and/or scavenging.

Unafraid of a fight, Arija has developed a style that is all her own. She fights dirty, luring her opponent in close and then using their weaknesses against them. It's a bit of a guessing game, figuring out where her opponent is and how they're going to move, but she manages. Far from the best, she's still a force to be reckoned with.

Fearless - Selfish - Snarky - Independent - Tenacious

Other: 42" for sure. I'd also love it if she were close to her brother. Arija is fiercely independent, but she'd need a good friend, someone who'd love her despite her flaws, correct her when she's wrong and not only be able to handle her snark, but dish it back.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
02-27-2015, 08:18 PM
Soo.. Keno and Laz will both be playing twin sisters! <3 Congrats and thanks guys~