
We are together now



4 Years
11-03-2014, 07:21 PM

(OOC: Liquid timing this thread just a little bit since it would take place after the thread that has Allen joining Abaven again and Nona taking the rank of Vor)

Nona was quickly making her way around trying to gather the herbs she once had so she could restock on them. The storm wiped out her collection but she wanted to see if she couldn't find anymore. After all she was Vor now and had to step up her game if she were to impress Bass with quickly being able to pick up her new rank and help out more. When she could get enough herbs to provide to her fellow healers she would begin to hold training sessions for them. She did tell Allen that she was going out today to look for herbs and that she might need some help. Nona smiled and chuckled a little as she sat down where she was as she waited for him.

Spending some time with Allen while doing the task she set out for herself would help calm her racing thoughts. None of them were bad thoughts but since becoming Vor she had little time to even think about relaxing for right now anyways. It seemed that Abaven was springing to life as of late in more ways than one which somewhat had Nona excited but more so that Allen was with her now at the moment not in body but he was here in the pack with her. They would both be rather busy but she wouldn't let that stop her from trying to spend time with Allen. Not after he gave up where he was living to come live with her in Abaven. Nona playfully let out a howl for Allen, perhaps they could spend some time together while looking for the herbs she needed to restock on.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


11-03-2014, 08:39 PM

Home. There was excitement in the word, a thought that made his very body tingle with excitement. Abaven was home once more, and Nona was by his side. Paws would carry the aging man on, but though he was creeping towards his sixth year Allen was hardly feeling his age. He felt light, excited, and happy as he padded on. Nona had new responsibilities, a new role that she had to take charge of. He was to play a part of that, and learn what he could as well. A "nurse" to Abaven under his beloved when not serving as a messenger for Bass. For now, the thoughts that would plague his mind were pushed aside, replaced by his excitement. Waking up beside Nona this morning left him feeling the best he had at the start of a day than he had in years.

A gentle chuckle would leave the man as he padded on, his tail swishing behind him, his dark eyes shining with life. He was to be helping Nona collect some of the herbs she had lost due to the storm, and over time hopefully get a hold of enough to keep her stocks nice and full. Then the true fun of lessons could begin. Perhaps even more, if he were lucky. The calico man would breathe in, gaze soon falling upon his beloved.

Paws lead him to her side, an affectionate lick being given to Nona's ear. Her howl still lingered in his ears, a sweet sound, a kiss to his eardrums as it were. "I am here, my love. All stretched and ready to search." He would rumble gently.




4 Years
11-03-2014, 09:14 PM

Nona would smile when she seen Allen approach and felt his kiss upon her ear. Allen made her life become less chaotic and more at ease now that they were together in Abaven. She smiled even more before gently nuzzling his neck affectionately,

"I'm glad you are, we're going to start out by gathering some alfalfa its purple in color and I've seen it grow here in the serpent plains and lover's mangrove so it is easy enough to get a hold of... now the purpose of using alfalfa is to help with the production of breast milk but it can also be used in a couple of other things such as arthritis but always keep a note about it that it can be very dangerous when a pregnant person consumes too much of it so be careful of that"

she explained a little bit about alfalfa and sort of why she wanted it in stock. Nona licked her beloved's muzzle with a wide grin spreading across her maw as she looked at him.

Hopefully he would remember all of that but if he didn't she would be more than happy to repeat it or repeat any other information about other herbs. She spoke up again,

"Now the other herb I want to find is Agrimony which helps with stomach and digestive problems... which is a very handy herb to have however it is slightly harder to find than alfalfa once again this herb can be dangerous to pregnant or someone who is nursing, Agrimony can be used to help deal with burns and swelling so it has another useful function"

Nona paused a little bit before looking around. She did have a habit of finding alfalfa where she normally sat to enjoy the sunlight but it was a little difficult to find now since the storm hit but with a little luck she did find some.

Carefully Nona plucked the alfalfa from the ground next to her and showed Allen before gently setting it down,

"this is alfalfa so you know what you're looking for, I was just lucky to have chose this spot to sit instead of somewhere else"

She chuckled lightly as she looked into Allen's handsome green eyes. She felt truly blessed to have him in her life and since they got to sleep together for once she felt strong and able to do anything in the world with a much more happier step in her stride.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


11-14-2014, 09:00 AM

After a moment of greeting Nona would waste little time in explaining the plans for the start of their day, as well as explaining thoroughly the first herb that they were going to be looking for. Alfalfa... A purple plant that grew fairly plentifully in serpents plains and even in lover?s mangrove. It had several uses, no doubt he?d forgot about one or two by the time the day was over and need to be reminded, but that was all part of the process of learning. You couldn?t get every fact down pact your first day.

A bit of confusion found it?s way to his face, however, when his beloved said that if a pregnant wolfess consumed too much of the alfalfa it could be quite dangerous. So how did one prevent that? Sure it could be useful but... ?So how does one judge how much of a dose it too much or too little for them? Or for giving it for arthritis rather than the production of breast milk...??

She would also speak of another herb she wanted to find. Agrimony, and considering the symptoms it treated were a bit more common than alfalfa, unless it was for elders, it was certainly handy. Though hearing that it was harder to find, as well as another herb to note the doseage of especially in pregnant and nursing femme?s didn?t exactly make him feel comfortable. What if he overdosed them? What if...

Allen pushed the thought from his mind, looking down at the herb that Nona brought to him. So this was alfalfa... He?d lean down, taking in it?s scent for a moment before looking back up, finding his dark green orbs met with her own. A warm smile would spread across his face, and he gave her a teasing lick on her nose. ?I think I got it~? His voice was light. Sure they had a task to do today, but no doubt he?d be distracted by the beautiful femme at his side the whole while.




4 Years
11-18-2014, 11:27 AM

Nona chuckled as she felt Allen's kiss upon her nose. She was glad that he was willing to spend time with her and help out with finding the herbs that she needed to stock up on. Particularly with all that has been happening as of late but would she, herself get a chance to be a mother. She pushed the thought of not becoming one eventually out of her mind before speaking "I'll teach you that after we get the herbs, after all they aren't going to pick themselves and deliver themselves to our den now are they". Nona couldn't help but laugh a little as she stood up and moved to be right next to Allen and gently press her face into his neck. The motion was short before she started to move about keeping a look out for the alfalfa however it would seem Allen would take up her attention once, twice... four times... and now it would seem she lost count.

He was such a handsome wolf and she felt blessed to have him with her. There was a grin now upon her face as she sat there having moved a little bit away from Allen, thinking she would find the herbs she was looking for but instead she did keep finding Allen by just looking over her shoulder repeatedly. Something felt off today but not in a bad way or so she thought anyways. Nona would stand up again and chuckle before she would continue to look around for Alfalfa but once again her gaze would continue to find Allen. Why did she keep looking at Allen was what she wanted to try and figure out, was this even right? Nona couldn't help but laugh once more.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


11-18-2014, 11:46 AM

Even though they set out, it seemed both were plenty distracted just with the company of the one they were with. Allen couldn't help but find himself smiling a bright smile, just happy he and Nona were together, without worry of what lay ahead. Even though he was intrigued by the herbs, and wanted to learn a bit more about them, he found himself also distracted by the thoughts of just snuggling with Nona, and never leaving her side. It seemed a couple times too, as they searched, both were stealing glances at each other, though Allen always did his best to try and pretend like he wasn't actually looking at the fae.

So this left them rather unproductive at the start. Especially with him wanting to remain so close to her. Finally he'd drift off, heading off to the left for a bit. Focus, he tried to remind himself. After a moment he would start to wag his tail, a grin more suited for a younger man, or even a pup finding it's way to his face. "My dearest Nona, I do believe that this is a patch of the alfalfa we seek?" He knew it was -- it looked exactly like the plant she had showed him. His voice was still light, a bit teasing. When was the last time he enjoyed a task so much?




4 Years
11-28-2014, 02:35 AM

Nona couldn't help but chuckle as she moved next to Allen and licked him on the cheek as she was looking over the herb. There was her physical smile that was always there the entire time and an entirely new imaginary smile that played through her mind before she spoke "That is indeed what we're looking for however I would like to find a bit more of it just so I know we can grab more if we run out... but since we're out here with each other and alone... have I ever told you how wonderful it has been to be here in Abaven with you... getting to be so close to you". Nona was in a very playful mood at the moment because she was alone with Allen away from any prying eyes of other pack members. Who knew gathering herbs with your mate could be a rather fun task she thought to herself. She liked her role in the pack but gathering the herbs at times was a rather lonely and boring task because she often times did so alone.

Maybe this would be the day or even the night when they could possibly become even closer than they were already. Nona wanted to become a mother and have pups of her own with her mate Allen to be their father. She believed in Allen that he could be a good father to them as he has been a very good mate to her. Nona let her attention go back to the alfalfa "Now for the proper dosage that I will teach you soon once we get all the herbs we need because I'd rather have the herbs now and then teach you the dosage just because we will have them available to us instead of not having them and besides I trust that you can make good judgement calls on what you think a proper amount is to give someone" Nona laughed as she gently nuzzled Allen's neck. Her eyes not leaving Allen's form alone for a little bit before going back to the alfalfa.




12-05-2014, 12:45 AM
In a matter of moments his beloved mate had moved besides him, verifying that the patch was the alfalfa they sought and even giving him a kiss on the cheek. His beloved was in complete healer mode at the moment, going over how they should collect a bit more of the herb so that they'd have plenty in stock. The man would give a small nod, though it was the words his beloved said next that truly warmed Allen's heart. He would find his smile widening, brushing his body lightly into her own as his heart gave a happy flutter. "I don't believe there has been any need. We both know, we both feel that same feeling together. Such happiness just in each other's presence... and growing closer to one another."[/color] The calico gentleman felt his heart stir. Could there not be a more beautiful moment? A more beautiful time to be alive?

He would let his tongue run over her cheek as well, a rumbling chuckle in his chest.  "Alright, fair enough. Herbs first." He would lower his front half to the ground however, a pup "play-stance" being taken. "Though I don't think you realize how hard it is to focus with such a pretty fae so close to be a distraction." His heart was light, so carefree. He felt as if nothing could go wrong anymore. His dark eyes shown with light, with life. Every touch she placed upon his body, ever kiss and nuzzle lingered and filled him with happiness. She might have still had collecting herbs on her mind, though Allen was having a much harder time concentrating on the herbs he still knew so little about.



4 Years
12-13-2014, 06:35 AM
Nona couldn't help but chuckle at his words before speaking "I'm that pretty of a fae to distract you". She watched him lower his front half before leaning down to give him another kiss on his muzzle. Today was wonderful for her to spend it with her beloved mate despite it not being nearly as productive as she thought it would've been but nonetheless she was happy. Nona cherished his kiss greatly before taking a few steps forward "Now Alfalfa we know where some of it grows which is good so we can come back here at a later date for more in the future but there are more herbs to gather but they are in other places". Her heart would flutter a bit trying to think of what to do next. Perhaps they could play for a bit since they were out here as she turned around to face Allen and playfully lowered her front half to the ground with a laugh as she made a sort of pounce in his general direction regardless if she landed on him or not it didn't matter so long as they were happy together. 

Her eyes would keep a close gaze on Allen as she managed to let a couple of words slip "I love you, my wolf". Nona knew that she wasn't as strong nor probably as fast as him but she would make all the effort in the world to play with him. Today was a odd day for her one where everything was bright and cheerful one that was full of love and joy. One day eventually they might have pups of their own but it was a day that would be on hold for now as she just felt like she wanted to play and have fun with Allen. Where she can forget her duties for a few moments and be a pup again for only a short while despite her age and size now.


12-30-2014, 01:51 PM
How could she think otherwise? Her looks were beautiful, calling to him. Besides, it had been far too long since they had just been able to enjoy each other's company, packs dividing them. It was hard to focus when you were with a loved one after such a time. Being together, truly and completely, well, that was all Allen really cared about right now. He wasn't necessarily thinking to just neglect the others of Abaven, or to shirk the duty of helping collect herbs. But after all he had gone through, and Nona as well, didn't they deserve a bit of time to be selfish and just be together? The herbs could wait an hour or two. Concentrating on his end was hard enough, and it was a relief when Nona shifted her focus.

Allen was caught off-guard, his beloved landing upon him and causing a slight stumble. A laugh left his maw, his dark eyes shining. "...and I love you, Nona." The calico brute would gently push back, keeping his strength in check so as to not topple the female completely to the ground. A playful growl would leave his muzzle, the gentleman granting himself permission to forget his age. Right now he just wanted to focus on the moment. With his shove he sought to shift his body away just a bit in preparation to dart forward. He wanted Nona to chase him, to feel the wind in their fur as they ran.

The day was truly light.



4 Years
01-12-2015, 01:14 PM
Nona could feel him push her and a loud burst of laughter erupted from her maw. Forest green eyes would focus on her mate carefully as she seen him getting ready to do something and chances were she was going to have to chase him. The wind would feel wonderful in her fur but ever more so getting to run with Allen. She believed she could easily obtain the rest of what she needed later but for now some time with just Allen was all she wanted. Her smile was wide together they were happy to just play. The packs they were in were divided though still allies to each other and now Allen was here with her. She was a vor within the pack and she needed to step up her act and be the healer the pack needed.

However for now she was a pup in terms of behavior as she tried to position herself in such a way so she could chase after Allen. Nona didn't find such a behavior wrong at the moment for they were away from one another for awhile when they belonged to different packs which made their time together difficult. There was a loud burst of laughter that erupted from her muzzle as her forest green eyes examined Allen to make sure she wasn't missing any cue to what Allen may do next. Nona began to lower her front again and raised her lower part of her body upwards as she stretched as she was preparing to spring forth as quickly as she could. With a light giggle "I will chase you to the ends of the earth if it means getting to spend this time together". Once more she would erupt with laughter as she started to move quickly towards Allen wanting him to run so she could follow as best she could. 


01-20-2015, 12:20 AM

Allen’s eyes shown, the life, the light in his body seeming to rise all the more. His beloved was with him, his personal sun raining light upon his body. He would wag his tail up in the air, grinning widely. His body would rise off the ground, and the calico would spring forth as if he were a rabbit, mind forgotten of the herbs. There was just them too, their day turning into something truly carefree. He would call over his shoulder to Nona, “Then let the chase begin!” Oh how much younger he felt. How full of energy. The future stretched on with promise. Nona had ranked up, doing what she could to achieve a respectable rank within the pack. She would need to step up her game, just as he would. Allen was going to do all he could to prove to Bass that he deserved to be back in Abaven. But this moment was for them... And perhaps it was the moment getting to him, but Allen could feel his heart racing in a way it had only once before.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah