
Here comes the sunshine



8 Years
Athena I
01-23-2015, 08:20 PM

I think I've lost control

Slowly, very slowly, the golden hued male was getting settled into his new home. Change wasn't something he took lightly, but his older siblings had certainly done everything they could to make it easier on him and his litter mates. The sun was shining bright on the side of the volcano, and as he looked out across the clear blue horizon he reminded himself that not everything had changed. The sun still rose and set, the moon still lit up the night, the clouds still drifted by over head. He still had Selini and Arcus and he had so many siblings around him to make him feel at home. It was just hard to remember sometimes that just because one thing in his life made a major shift it didn't mean that everything was now out of his control.

He laid down on a flat-topped piece of rock that was maybe a foot or so tall, resting in the sunlight with his head laying on his paws. He hummed contently as she sun warmed his form and lit up his pale gold fur. His twin blended into the night, but during the day was really when he was his most comfortable. The sun brought light and warmth. What wasn't to love about that?

please don't hold me back



6 Years
02-18-2015, 09:27 AM
Voltage was on a mission, he decided. It was his job to ensure his siblings had made their temporary home comfortable and he hadn't done such a good job. It was his quiet siblings, the ones that didn't show up in his face all the time (like a certain fire maiden he held quite dear) that he often lost track of. Selini and Astrea he had caught up with and tried to make sure they had settled, but his young sun brother seemed to be a little elusive for Lightbutt. He wandered through the volcano when the sun was at its height, knowing that this was around the time that Solaris would be out and enjoying the element he was so aptly named for. So he wandered with a calm gait (something that was very rare for Voltage), searching for his young brother. He wanted to catch up and maybe bond with the sibling he had been taken away from before Solaris had even been weaned. It wasn't something that he had enjoyed, and infact it had done more damage to him than even his parents rejection. Perhaps he had finally come to terms with some small way, that his parents were just big furry bunny rabbits and wanted to produce a litter to send them out in the world. But he couldn't get too mad, Voltage adored each and every one of his siblings, and he wouldn't trade them for the world. What he would trade, though, was the time lost. He had missed many milestones of his young siblings life, and they were practically strangers when they went to bring them home. He hoped to change that, now. Blinking through the sunlight he finally spotted his brother perched atop a flat stone, and he couldn't help but laugh, remembering how he had found Selini in a rather similar position. With a shake of his head he trotted towards him, tail swishing behind him gently. "At least one of you seem to understand that your namesake has to be in the sky to see it." He said with a laugh, a tease. Selini had been waiting for the moon, and Astrea had been "hearing" the stars in the daytime, but reguardless, Solaris had won points for sunbathing in the sun.

"Burn Baby Burn"



8 Years
Athena I
02-18-2015, 10:02 AM

I think I've lost control

His dark tipped ears perked when a voice reached them, his vivid orange gaze blinking open and head lifting from his paws to turn toward it. Voltage. A smirk touched his muzzle at his older sibling's teasing comment. "To see it, yes, it needs to be in the sky. But I know that even when it's not visible it's still there. The sun never goes away, neither does the moon or stars. So as silly as my litter mates may seem, I know where they're coming from." He chuckled softly and pulled himself up onto his paws and he hopped down from his perch so that he was standing in front of his bright yellow and black brother before settling onto his haunches again.

He hadn't really gotten to speak with any of his older siblings since their arrival here so he was happy that Volt had found him now although he wasn't entirely sure what he should talk about. Small talk wasn't exactly his strong suit and he had really been too caught up in his attempts at adjusting to his new home to keep any sort of track of the other sibling's lives. "How have you been?" he finally asked lamely, figuring it was a better starting point than nothing.

please don't hold me back



6 Years
02-18-2015, 10:31 AM
Voltage grinned down at his sun clad brother, a cheeky look twisting along his features. "I doubt celestial bodies take beach vacations, brother." He said with a laugh. They were always there. Voltage tilted his head towards the sky then, squinting through the bright light as he watched the clouds roll on. It was like himself. While lightning storms hardly happened (and Voltage was always too scared of the Thunder to pay much attention to the streaking lights) he always felt the energy of the earth. Perhaps that's why he was always so full of it. He seemed to channel his element. Much like his starry sister and the twins. So he turned his head back to his brother, grinning. But Solaris seemed almost awkward with their reunion. Voltage couldn't blame him, though. Not many could handle Voltage, and Solaris hadn't spent a great deal around him either. He hadn't even had to experience Lightbutt as his highest energy yet. Oh, he couldn't wait for that. When the sun child spoke Voltage couldn't help but smirk. "I'm doing fairly well, sunny. How are you? Have you been settling in?" He asked with a grin. They were set to move soon, but that didn't mean they couldn't all be comfortable in their cramped quaters in the meantime. He hummed lightly then, tilting his head back up to the sky. "Hey, Solaris, can I ask your opinion on something?" He said with a gentle smile, turning back to his brother. Perhaps he wanted to tap his mind, it was in the deepest of thoughts that he really got to know his siblings. Voltage was high energy physically but his mind moved quickly outside of that as well. They could possibly bond over intellect, he thought, maybe more so than teasing jabs and philosophy his other siblings seemed keen too.

"Burn Baby Burn"



8 Years
Athena I
02-18-2015, 11:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2015, 11:06 AM by Solaris.)

I think I've lost control

Solaris chuckled and rolled his eyes at his brother's joke about celestial bodies taking beach vacations, the ridiculous notion making him picture a moon and sun lounging on the beach, the mental picture making him grin. To top it off Volty called him "sunny" and he wasn't quite sure how to take the nickname. Part of him was amused by it, another part was appalled. He wouldn't comment on it though, deciding that sunny was probably one of the better nicknames his energetic brother could have used. "I have been. Slowly. But I'm good now I think," he replied with a small shrug. Voltage moved on quickly, asking if he could ask his opinion. Solaris blinked and replied, "Of course. What is it?" He couldn't imagine what his older brother would want to ask of him of all wolves, but he would happily answer any questions Voltage had for him.

please don't hold me back



6 Years
02-18-2015, 05:56 PM
Voltage's grin grew larger as Solaris confirmed that he had settled in nicely, but there was a nagging voice at the back of his mind that they would all soon have to uproot again. Luckily, this time, it was permanent...he hoped. He hoped they had judged the place correctly and found somewhere where all his family could live and grow and prosper. They all needed one important thing, whether it was the water, heat, or the moon, and some where very conflicting, but he hoped they had found a place that would merit another move and it wouldn’t upset his younger siblings too much. With a gentle smile he shifted so he was more beside his brother rather than infront of him, moving to lean a shoulder against him for a couple moments before leaning away again. When Solaris said he could ask him, Voltage nodded. "Tell me, little brother, do you think its odd we all seem to have this vast connection with the earth? Did that come first, or our names? Do we feel our connection due to the element “assigned” to us, or were we named for the connection we felt?" He asked deeply. It had been something nagging at him, and for some reason he had chosen his sun loving brother to ask rather than Glacier or Serefina, whom he’d normally take his deeper thoughts too. But he wanted to know what his younger siblings thought of their lives, and perhaps he’d gain a new close confidant in the meantime.

"Burn Baby Burn"



8 Years
Athena I
02-18-2015, 06:59 PM

Solaris watched as his brother moved so that he was sitting beside him and then leaned his shoulder into his. He smiled a little at that, amused by how personable Voltage was. Solaris had to remind himself sometimes that even though they didn't know each other too well yet he and all the older Elementas siblings were still siblings and this sort of interaction wasn't strange at all. He just wasn't used to being this close to anyone. Well, except Selini of course. There were no boundaries between him and his twin.

He turned his orange gaze to meet Volt's gold one and his ears perked as he listened to the interesting question that his older brother posed. Sol's head tipped to the side as he pondered it carefully, not wanting to blurt out an answer just to change his mind. It was a very deep question and one that Solaris had never really considered before. "I like to think that we are named for our connection. I'm not sure how our parents would determine that before they named us... But maybe it's all some sort of coincidence. Maybe they named us for the element our colorings most resembled and it also happens to be the thing we enjoy the most... Or maybe there is some sort of sense parents have about their children." He shrugged slightly and gave Volt a small smile, wondering if that was a good enough answer for his lightening brother. "I'm going to be thinking about that for a while now," he added with a chuckle.

Talk You Think



6 Years
02-22-2015, 04:40 AM
Voltage hummed lightly as Solaris spoke his thoughts on the topic. So he believed it was a coincidence? With a gentle smile he tilted his head towards the sky again, squinting through the light as he basked in the energy of the sunlight. A coincidence...He wondered if that was really it. "Could be.." He said softly, grinning at his brother through squinted stormy eyes. There was something about Solaris that just allowed Voltage to fully relax, even his tail barely flicked and his paws barely shifted in his innate inability to stay still. There was something about Solaris, perhaps it was his sun, or his energy. It wasn't like this with all his siblings. Serefina always made him more energized, Glacier more strong, Gale more playful, Terrae more thoughtful. He was like a mirror, easily able to reflect their greatest qualities. Somehow. He sighed again and turned back towards his brother. "Tell me, little brother...what if one of us doesn't feel a connection to their named element?" He asked gently, tilting his head, honestly curious, perhaps for an even deeper meaning than he would like.

"Burn Baby Burn"



8 Years
Athena I
02-22-2015, 05:18 AM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2015, 05:19 AM by Solaris.)

I think I've lost control

Solaris smiled a little bit as Voltage gave a simple "could be" to his observation. For a moment his brother was silent and he sat thoughtfully while he waited to see if he would have any more to say on the subject or maybe more questions to throw at him. Solaris had never been one to hurry, nor one to have many bursts of anger or energy. He was slow and steady. Dependable, just like the sun. You could always depend on the sun to be in the sky day in and day out in one form or another. Sometimes it was blocked by the clouds or dust, sometimes storms came and nearly blocked it out completely, but it was still there. He sat there and gazed thoughtfully at his similarly colored brother, noticing that while he was a muted gold with charcoal markings, Voltage was marked with deep black and vibrant yellow. It still amazed him sometimes how even those of them that shared a few similarities could still be completely different. Finally Voltage would speak again, posing yet another intriguing question. Again, he would pause and ponder it for several moments before finally answering. "Perhaps whoever feels that way is actually connected to their element... but they've been misinterpreting what their named element is." He smiled a little, giving his older brother a curious, almost knowing look. "Perhaps some of our names aren't quite so obvious. Solaris is very obvious... but that's not why I love the sun. The sun warms me and makes me feel alive and calms me down and wakes me up all at the same time... That's what makes it my element." He paused again, pondering over what was asked of him and his response again. He liked these deeper questions, they made him think. "I think there are many different sides to the same stone," he added, realizing after he said it that it was a bit cryptic, but it was the best way he knew to say it.

please don't hold me back



6 Years
02-23-2015, 02:06 PM
He would listen to his youngest brother, tilting his head at him as he let the words soak over him. Misinterpreted...he glanced to the side then, shifting his haunches as he settled more comfortably. He wondered if he could have possibly misinterpreted his name, his element. "What do you think of Voltage?" He asked with a boyish smile, chuckling softly. "Isnt it obvious aswell?" His coloring, his name, it all seemed to point clearly towards lightening. His coloring even seemed to jolt in a bolt patterns here and there. No, there was no way he was misinterpreted, he decided, he was meant for lightening, and yet he felt no real connection with the storms. He was meant to start fires, and yet he worked his life to put them out. He was meant to break up calm and serenity, and yet he loved to bask here with his siblings, and enjoy the energy they pulled in. Sure, he had an innate inability to sit still for too long, and many aspects of his life and personality could be compared to the lightning bolts in the sky. But there was something that just didn't sit right, there. He sighed and looked towards the ground, shifting brightly colored toes against the rock of the volcano. "Thank you, Solaris.." He said lightly, but he meant it dearly. He could sit and have deep, thoughtful conversations with the majority of his family, and he adored being able to do that. What would he do if he were ever alone? What would he do if they all decided it was time to go out and start their own lives, join their own packs, and scatter. "Do you enjoy it here...with us?" He whispered, hurt almost lacing his voice as he looked up at Solaris hopefully. "I know we're a little more chaotic than life on the island...and you have only been here a short time...but do you enjoy it?" He asked softly, hopeful. He longed to make a permanent home for them, to create stability for a family that had uneven footing for the past few years.

"Burn Baby Burn"



8 Years
Athena I
02-25-2015, 02:27 PM

"Not necessarily," he responded honestly when Voltage asked about the obviousness of his name with a small smile. There were many forms of energy in the world and when he thought of voltage he thought of energy, not so much specifically one element. He wouldn't voice this to his brother right now, but instead let his older sibling brew on that himself. Sometimes he thought it was better for someone to come to those kinds of conclusions themselves. They learned more about themselves that way. There had been times when he had questioned his element as well when he was younger. He wasn't fiery or hot like the sun, but he found aspects of his element that he truly connected with and he was sure Voltage would eventually do the same. Volt thanked him and he gave a small nod in response, more than happy to talk with his brother like this.

His ears perked with surprise and his orange gaze turned to look at his brother when he asked about how much he liked living here. He wasn't so much surprised at the question because it was a very valid question, but he was surprised at the hurt and hopefulness in his brother's voice and gaze. "Of course I do," he replied without hesitation. "You're right, it is certainly more chaotic here, but I like being with all of you a lot. There's so many more cliffs and things around here for Selini and Astrea and I to enjoy the sky from and you and Glacier have done such a good job making us a home here." He smiled and added, "I know I'm not really the most social wolf... but I do enjoy being here with all of you."

Talk You Think



6 Years
02-25-2015, 02:40 PM
Not necessarily? He huffed, his brows pulling together as he stared at his brother. "You're not gonna say why, are you?" He asked with a small smile, shaking his head. It was just like his brother to keep him in the dark, wasn't it. Or rather, it was more like him to have Voltage try and figure it out on his own. But Voltage, despite all his bountless energy, could be rather lazy, and he hated coming up with solutions at time, especially when his sibling had the answer at his finger tips. "Do I gotta bug it out of you?" He said, tilting his head. "I can make your life miserable, you know." He teased, sticking out his tongue. It was obvious he would never do such a thing, but that didn't mean he couldn't threaten it of course! Voltage, in his mind at this time, could only mean lightening. It wouldn't be till later, after walks with Terrae, and talks with Astrea, that he would come to the idea that maybe it was energy and not Lightning. But for now, he would still think he was the misnamed one. So he sighed and shook his head, waiting for Solaris' answer. When his littlest brother began to speak, Voltage's stormy eyes grew a little wider, before he smiled and closed his eyes, lowering his nose to point to the ground. No words would ever explain how great Voltage felt when he heard Solaris say they had provided a great home. He felt his heart sing, felt his chest tighten, and without a word he moved forward in hopes of pushing his chest against Solaris and wrapping his neck around him, hoping to embrace his brother.

"Burn Baby Burn"