

Requiem I


2 Years
01-24-2015, 02:20 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He had wandered much too far and much too long. He had been lost in every sense of the word, and still was, unsure of where he stood with the religious figure he had worshiped and believed in since youth, unsure what his purpose was now that the ties he once thought to possess with that higher power had been severed. The arrow-marked Destruction boy had searched, retreating into the sparsely populated southern continent, in order to try finding himself but to no avail. Requiem was still as lost, still adrift, as he had ever been. Only further from home than he likely needed to be.

He had known he would need to return the moment he had set off for the southern continents. It had always been in the back of his mind, gnawing at him most during those lonely moments when he could not find company or when the thoughts within his head felt too heavy, too loud. He had made a friend in the plain yet lovely Imala, but the tug of family, of his Destruction lineage, had been too strong. Eventually he had abandoned the den she had helped him find and traveled north again, seeking out his family in the last known place he remembered them being.

Only, as he drifted nearer, he began to realize something was amiss. His mother's scent did not touch the border, nor did his brother's even though Dhiren had been next in line to inherit Sawtooth. The black markings on Requiem's brows drew together as he stopped short of the borderline, his stocky frame tensing with uncertainty. Everything still looked the same, perhaps a little more spring-like because of the season, but the scent... That concerned him.

Confused, unaware of all the changes that had taken place to Sawtooth - now once again Ludicael - in the months since he had been dragged away by unjust gods and left confused and alone to find his way back again, Requiem stared inward from the border and lifted his muzzle with a soft howl, calling for anyone who might be able to answer his questions and alleviate his confusion.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-29-2015, 08:39 AM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2015, 08:40 AM by Epiphron.)

(Note: set before pack meeting, after Jupiter's death.)

Her choice had been permanently cemented as soon as Amalia had come to her, with her wife and children in tow, asking for a place to call home. Could she deny her eldest daughter and family a chance, when it she had exactly what they needed, right within her grasp? There would be no forgiving herself for turning them away, for denying them what they needed so desperately.

And so Ludicael would be hers. Soon she would call the wolves that remained, and hope her call reached the ears of family she had not seen some time. Perhaps it might find Erani, or even her sister... she wondered if the prisoners would attempt to flee, or if they might chose to stay here with her. Though she was no Jupiter, she was not a soft woman, and seeing an entire pack argue for their freedom would be irritating a best. The thought of none of them giving her a chance was a possibility, albeit an unpleasant one. But if these prisoners were as soft and as spineless as Jupiter led her to believe, what good would they do her, anyway?

Her mind wandered as she trailed the borders of her lands. Epiphron had grown mostly familiar with the mangrove, but the hot spring encompassed some of Ludicael's territory and she found herself scouting the borders aimlessly. For her family to be secure here, she needed to build and to recruit, but for now she needed time to think.

A call interrupted her hurried thoughts and her attention shifted abruptly to the source of the sound. The wind brought a gentle hint of the wolf's scent but it wasn't familiar to her. On further inspection, it reminded her just slightly of the Destruction wolves that hid amongst the mangrove trees. Her gait would quicken as she directed herself toward the border, spotting the male a good distance away, standing at the borders. His expression struck her as confused and so she drew closer to him, coming to greet him with a slow nod of her head. "My name is Epiphron Adravendi," is the only way she can think to greet herself. She is the ruler of Ludicael, but does she even want to keep the same name for a Kingdom that has never really been hers? Or should the name Ludicael go with Jupiter to her grave? Does she call herself a Queen? Silence follows as she considers, deciding finally to not tell him anything yet. "What is your purpose here?"