
my how things change


01-08-2015, 12:02 AM
((shitty started D:))

It wasn't often she left pack lands, nor was it often that she would leave her children behind but today she had, slowly venturing west towards her king's mother's land. She wasn't entirely sure why she was headed there or what she sot to achieve but she was on her way anyways. Her trip had brought her a considerable ways in a not so fast span of time, long legs moving at a lazy trot rather then a lope. She had taken a few detours, seen some sights but mostly she had searched for drugs, looked high and low for her delicious plant that she was slowly realizing that she couldn't live without. She would slow as she approached this territory, head lowering slowly and nostrils quivering as long limbs took her too and fro. It was a rather pungent odour that she was trying to track do so it couldn't be that hard to find could it? No hopefully not, she would much like to bring some of the delectable plant with her to meet the queen, it always made meetings oh so much more enjoyable after all. 



7 Years
Athena I

01-08-2015, 12:32 AM

Zuriel weaved slowly through the draping willow branches as she began to head back toward the den she shared with her family. She had a few mint leaves and a couple of springs of young lavender held delicately in her jaws. She was so happy that it was finally spring once again and all of her favorite herbs were growing once again. Gray, white, and black fur was ruffled in the breeze as it came through to shake the willow branches. It moved the branches out of the way enough so that she could spot the bright flash of vibrant green as a very strange wolf went by. She stopped in her tracks, blinking with confusion and surprise. Curious, she turned her path a bit to head toward the woman, stopping a fair distance away. She had never seen a wolf like this one with bright green markings and... horns? Zuriel knew it wasn't polite to stare, but she just couldn't help herself. She had seen brightly colored wolves before, her own brother was as red as a poppy, but this woman was.... interesting. Zuriel hid behind a curtain of willow branches, just peaking through them and watching curiously as this green woman sniffed around and searched for something. 

"Talk" "You" Think


01-19-2015, 12:12 AM
The woman was dedicated to her search but though she was fixated she was not completely oblivious to her surroundings. A stray breeze would catch the scent of another and bring it drifting towards her, slowly head would lift and she would inhale slowly, blinking before she would pause and lift her head. She would break from her scouring to allow ruby gaze to travel over her surroundings before finally landing on a small girl peaking through the boughs of a willow. Dione's gaze would have passed over her completely if not for tiny paws poking out from the beneath the boughs that danced just above the ground. A slow smile would pass over her lips before she would step forward and turn around to face the wolf. A child from both scent and the size of her paws. "Hello…?" Dione would ask tentatively, head lowering to make her small form even smaller then she already was. Head would tip slowly, hair drifting over her eyes as she stood a short distance away from the child hidden by branches.



7 Years
Athena I

01-23-2015, 03:49 PM

Zuriel froze when the green woman suddenly stopped what she was doing and lifted her head, the woman's ruby gaze turning to look in her direction. Her heart pounded in her chest, praying that she wouldn't get found out, but when the woman spoke, calling out a 'hello?' she knew that something had given her position away. Although, really when she thought about it, she really wasn't being as sneaky as she thought she was. Still, that didn't mean she wanted to be found!

She watched the woman sink lower to the ground, making her almost the same size as herself. Zuriel still had plenty of growing to do, but she had already begun to grow the long, thin legs that would eventually make up the most of her willowy height. Knowing she had already been found out, Zuriel poked her head through the willow branches, her mismatched, liquid blue gaze never leaving the strange woman in front of her. Slowly she'd step out into the open, her ears staying pressed back against her skull shyly. Leaning her head down toward the ground breifly, she'd place her gathered herbs on the ground between her paws before finally replying with a simple, "Hello."

"Talk" "You" Think


01-23-2015, 05:28 PM
The child would continue to hide despite Dione's lowered stature and warm smile, the only thing left she could do was wait. And though she was not naturally a patient woman she would wait silently as the child would debate coming out and showing herself. It was a bit of a wait but eventually the gangly youth would step from her curtain of willow boughs and place a bundle of herbs at her paws before speaking a soft greeting. A smile would touch Dione's lips as she lifted her head slightly, tail thumping against the ground as she rotated her head so she could peer out at the girl from beneath her bangs. "Hey, what are you collecting? Do you know plants? I'm looking for one in particular..." Dione would ask casually, reaching forward to sniff at the plants that the young girl had already procured for herself. No, none of them were what she was looking for but she couldn't help but be impressed by the collection the girl had found at such a young age.



7 Years
Athena I

01-23-2015, 06:57 PM

Zuriel's ears would lift from her head with interest when the green woman asked about her herbs, watching as the woman leaned forward to sniff at them. Her tail wagged and a small smile curled at her lips. Herbs were the one thing that could get her excited and someone taking an interest in her knowledge of them was always something that made her very happy. "I do know plants. I found some mint and some lavender over on the other side of the willows, that's what these are." Her voice was still quiet, but not as shy as before. She smiled at the other woman, her two-toned gaze wide and curious. "What are you looking for? Maybe I've seen it!" She started thinking of all the plants she had seen around here and wondering what this woman could be looking for. There was more mint, but this was all the mature lavender that was over there. Maybe she was looking for some motherwort? But she didn't look pregnant, that didn't make sense. Oh, or maybe some marigold! That one was always helpful. She waited for a reply excitedly, wondering if she could be of some help.

"Talk" "You" Think


01-24-2015, 03:53 AM
The girl would ever so slowly come out of her shell, seeing to perk up at the prospect of being able to help especially when it came to herbs. Was she a little healer? Or maybe a poison master...? Dione could hope... The child would smile slowly, he little tail beginning to windmill behind her in an excited manor. The girl would speak, telling Dione what she had found and where Dione could find some of her own if she liked. A moment later the girl would ask Dione what she was looking for and slowly Dione would push herself into a seated position. She would swipe her paw across the ground a few times, removing leaves and grass so she had a blank canvas of dirt. "It's called cannabis." She would say as she started dragging one claw through the earth to show the 7 pronged leaf of the plant she was looking for. "It smells very potent, it has leaves like this and then usually flowers too. There are three different types, sativa which is tall and slender, indica which is short but bushy and ruderalis which looks like a weed and is relatively useless... Sativa and indica have many uses. They ease nausea, restore appetite and aids in relaxation. Have you seen anything like this around? It would be hard to miss by smell alone..." Dione would ask as she pulled her paw away and scooted back a bit to give the girl some room to see the rough sketch she had drawn. Really it was 7 lines drawn to show the relative lengths of the prongs of the leaves. "They are quite green and the edges of the leaves are kind of spiky... I've been looking for quite some time but.. nothing!" Dione would say with a sigh, brows furrowing as she looked down at her drawing.



7 Years
Athena I

01-27-2015, 12:39 AM

Zuriel would watch and listen quietly just like she did when Erani or her mother were giving her a lesson in something. It was just like any other chance to learn for her, of course she was oblivious to the fact that she was basically helping this woman find drugs. As she listened to all the characteristics that the green woman listed off, her eyes falling to the ground to study the stick-figure representation of the leaf she was describing, Zuriel began to think back through all of the dozens and dozens of leaves that she had dragged home with her. It sounded awfully familiar...

Suddenly she remembered and her eyes darted up to the horned woman's face. "I think I know what you're talking about! I've seen this before!" she said excitedly, her tail wagging. Her excitement faded a bit when she remembered her grandmother's reaction to the smelly plant when she brought it home. "Grandmother told me to stay away from it... but if you really want it that much I can take you to where I found it!" She smiled hopefully, her tail waving behind her happily. Erani had never really explained why she shouldn't collect that plant any more so she didn't have a problem taking her new acquaintance to it.

"Talk" "You" Think


01-27-2015, 01:03 AM
The girl would watch, entrapped and attentive as Dione described the plant to the girl and drew her little diagram to show the basics of the plant she was looking for. For a moment the child would consider the drawing before her gaze would snap back up at Dione's face. The tiny green demon would study the girl as it all dawned on her. She had seen it before! Dione's tail would begin to sway as the girl said that she knew where to find it and that her grandmother had told her to stay away from it. But either way she would agree to take Dione to the plant. "I would appreciate that and yes, its not for everyone, only for those who need it." Dione would agree, nodding slowly before standing and slowly stretching until she stood again and smiled down at the girl. "I'm Dione by the way, whats your name? And who's your grandmother? She seems like a very wise woman… Did she teach your about plants?" Dione would ask, offering easy topics for the girl to talk about as she walked if she liked. Dione wasn't usually one for small talk but she felt like the talking was loosening up the girl slowly.



7 Years
Athena I

01-27-2015, 01:33 AM

The gray and silver girl smiled happily and nodded as she turned toward to start walking toward the spot she had last seen the plant in question. It had been quite some time, or at least it seemed like it had been in the scope of her short life, since she had seen the plant, but she was hopeful that it was still there. As they walked, weaving this way and that through the willow trees, the woman introduced herself and posed several easy questions for her to answer. Zuriel was grateful for them since it gave her an easy way to fill the otherwise awkward silence. "I'm Zuriel. My grandmother's name is Erani and she is the one that taught me about the plants and stuff. She's really, really good at all that stuff. She teaches me a lot about healing too, but I really just like collecting the herbs. There's so many of them and they do so many different things!"

She smiled happily as she spoke, slowly getting a little more relaxed around this new woman. It helped a little bit she thought to know her name. Dione. She liked it. Her attention would get pulled away from the conversation however as they neared where she thought she should start looking for this 'cannibus' plant miss Dione was looking for. "I think it's right over here..." she mumbled as she trotted forward, her two-tone gaze glancing around and her nose searching for the strong scent. Finally she caught a whiff of it and her tail wagged happily. "Over here!" She nosed through some bushes and thick grasses that were in the way, finally revealing the plant in question. She looked back at Dione hopefully. "Is this it?"

"Talk" "You" Think


01-31-2015, 05:10 PM
The girl would agree to take her and immediatly she was up and making a rather zig zagged path though the willow boughs. Zuriel... The girl would easily answer Dione's questions, speaking about herself and her grandmother. Her grandmother was a master of herbs? Interesting... "Where are your parents? Do you live with your grandma?" Dione would ask easily, curious if the girl was orphaned. The sweet smell of her plant would reach her suddenly and slowly the woman's head would lift, inhaling sharply befre exhaling languidly. The child would move forward to push back some boughs to reveal a sativa plant, large in budding beautifully. Dione's jaw would drop almost in disbelief, barely registering Zuriel's question. "It's beautiful, perfect even! My daughter is about your age and also loves herbs. You two should meet sometime. She is trying to collect seeds of as many plants as she can and grow her own close to home. We live in the south so it's warm there. I promised her I would bring her seeds from a canibis plant home..." Dione would murmur softly, reaching forward touch the plant as if in wonder.



7 Years
Athena I

02-11-2015, 11:45 AM

Dione questioned her on her parents and grandparents and she would answer the question without thinking much of it. She was distracted by her search enough that it was easy for her to get past her shy nature at open up a bit. "We all live together. My mom, grandma, dad, and siblings. Buuuuut Grandma and Mom haven't been around much lately, neither has my brother Regulus... And my Dad got in this big fight and now he can't see any more so he's been really sad and hasn't been around much either." Sadness tugged at her when she thought about her scattered family. She missed the days when Mom would take her and her siblings out on adventures and Regulus would get into all kinds of trouble but it was always fun to watch.

She was quickly distracted from her thoughts however when Dione suddenly bust out happily in response to seeing the plant Zuriel had found, staring at it like she was in awe. Zuriel smiled happily and her tail wagged as she stood by the plant proudly, happy that she had been able to help her new friend find what she was looking for. Her ears perked up and she listened to Dione talk about her daughter that also loved herbs and that she was actually growing them. Zuriel's mouth dropped open and she blinked as she thought of all the possibilities. They could have as much of any herb they wanted! And since it was warm in the south they wouldn't all die out when it got cooler like it did here! She jittered with excitement as she realized all of these things and she peered up at Dione hopefully. Why had she never thought of growing them before?! "Oh could I please meet your daughter and learn how to grow herbs too, miss Dione? I'm a really fast learner and I'd really like to help out!" She was practically bouncing in place as she waited for Dione's answer. She didn't think she had ever been this excited!

"Talk" "You" Think