


01-25-2015, 01:49 PM

She had left her siblings- abandoning them to whatever game they desired. She didn't have time for games or the interest to play them. Her family made her so mad these days! They acted like nothing had happened. They'd lost everything! Then they'd ended up in this stupid pack in the South, and she didn't want to be here. She didn't want to be anywhere. She wanted her Momma, and that's the one thing she couldn't have. She'd managed to ditch Greek, which was a welcome relief. She just wanted to be alone, and her wandering had found a small pool of water- left over from recent rain no doubt, and she sat down heavily beside it.

With a bored expression she batted rocks into the pool, lost in her own mind and thoughts. She felt numb, as she'd felt since she'd found her Daddy with Momma. Was she broken?! Why couldn't she feel. Lifting her left paw, she bit into it- hard and let out a squeak of pain. Well she could still be hurt! Shaking it, she felt tears slip from her eyes. "I'm sorry, Momma." She whispered. She just couldn't shake the cold feeling that she was the reason that Momma was dead.

Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak  



3 Years
Extra large
01-25-2015, 03:00 PM
The boy Was usually sneaking about the territory watching some pack member or another. Usually his obsession was Mercy, the sister who meant everything to him. After she'd broke down in his arms he'd found it almost impossible to leave her side, but as she found herself in a fitful sleep the destruction boy had left her side. Long white limbs would pull him forward through the cover of the shadows, his bright sunny gaze flicking around to catch anything of interest.

He'd find his attentions falling on a rather young girl. He'd keep his distance, only really wishing to observe, but his curiosity would grow more eager as he watched her snap at her own foot. Ears would fall back in alarm, disturbed that she could do easily bring herself harm. Her squeal made the pain she experience obvious. If something was wrong with her.. Valen wouldn't be very happy if he'd seen one of the pups disturbed and he'd not at least checked on them. Ellis had done well teaching him this far, and he felt more confident that he might be able to help the child.

Slowly the pale being would rise, his eyes not leaving the babe as he drew more near, ears to his skull as he watched her with curiosity. If she up and ran off at least he'd tried to help. "Are you hurt?" his deep voice soft as he inquired about her well being.


01-25-2015, 04:11 PM

She pouted with a sulky sigh, staring forlornly at her foot where blood welled from the slight marks her sharp teeth at left. She missed Momma, and now her foot hurt. She visibly jumped when someone else spoke- a voice she didn't recognize. 'Are you hurt?' Slowly, she turned her head. Her mixed eyes studied the approaching male, for a few moments before she deftly shook her head. He was tall- taller than Momma had been, but his white fur reminded her so much of Roman. She fought the urge to bury herself into it. Holding her paw out she sighed. "It's bleeding." Her words were flat as she glanced down at the trickle of blood that seeped through her tan fur. Slowly her eyes crept upwards, seeking to meet the strangers gaze before she dropped them. She didn't want someone else to see how much she hurt. She peeked a sly glance up at the other wolf, noting the eyes he had- they were like liquid gold. He smelled like the pack- Imperium it was called. Slowly her paw rested on the ground, and she sighed. "Who are you?" She asked quietly, as the tears that had pooled in her eyes, escaped. Why'd he have to look so much like Momma? Why wasn't she here?!
Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak  



3 Years
Extra large
01-25-2015, 04:39 PM
She would jump, obviously not paying enough attention to her surroundings, though he was a quiet creature. She would turn towards him, obviously more curious than frightened as she watched him. The boy had little experience with those younger than himself. Arks had been small when he'd first met her but he had also still been very small. Only a few moments would pass before the girl shook her head offering the paw that was now stained red with the blood of her injury. "It is," he'd agree softly. She'd really done a number on herself, an he made a note to keep himself from pup's teeth.

Her bright eyes seemed troubled, the dual colored gems resting on him for only another moment before averting them from him once more. His thin frame would sink to the ground, more curious about this pup as she set her paw back down. His focus would be on the wound for until she spoke, her emotions obvious in her innocent voice. He wouldn't miss the tears rolling down her sweet cheeks either. It was a bit late to be crying about her injury, something else was going on in her world. "My name is Revenge," he would start, his voice still quiet as he refrained from consoling the little girl. "I'm a healer, do you want me to try and make your paw better?" he'd try and give her a soft smile. He was a comfort to Mercy, but could he offer his shoulder to this tiny child? "who are you?" He'd reflect her question, curiosity in his voice.


01-25-2015, 06:10 PM

Her paw throbbed from where she'd bit into it. The pain was uncomfortable but it wasn't agony. The wolf spoke again, agreeing that her paw was bleed- but then he'd be foolish not to notice the crimson liquid that was dripping slowly from her foot. The stranger sat down, and Bellona wondered if he was moving so slow as to not frighten her. He spoke again, introducing himself as Revenge, and Bellona nodded slightly, her eyes wide as she stared up at him. He was so... big. He spoke again, saying he was a healer- and offered to make her paw better and she slowly extended it to him, nodding meekly.

He asked who she was and Bellona looked down. "My name is Bellona Aurum Armada." She said factually- before going on to say. "I'm Drashiel and R-R-roman's daughter." She said, her voice catching on her mothers name with a slight sob. She looked down and away from the white wolf and his golden eyes, as she tried to compose herself. She mustn't let him see her cry! Letting out a shaky breath she looked up and tried to focus on anything else. "Are those black marks around your eyes dyed? My Momma- had dyed marks around her eyes." She said weakly, her tone bleak and words catching as she said "Momma".

Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak  



3 Years
Extra large
01-25-2015, 06:50 PM
As she looked at him he couldn't help but to wonder at her awe. He was nothing impressive in his mind, certainly nowhere as impressive as Valentine. He was tall, and maybe that was enough. It seemed though that she would not be so timid as to keep herself from his care, and Gingerly would offer him her injury. She would look down and Revenge would find his focus shifting to the punctures in her skin.

Pale ears would perk at her words, obviously taking in her words as his features looked down at the paw. She would explain her lineage rather well, and he would not miss the catch in her voice at the name of her mother. He'd spare a quick glance back up at her as she spoke, "That's a very pretty name." he would whisper before she continued. Though he couldn't say the names were familiar. His attention back on his work his salmon tongue would slip from his lips to clean her wound of the excess blood. Already the holes were beginning to scab.

She would ask her next question and again he'd look bak up to her bicolored gems, again her words would catch and he could only assume something had happened to the woman who had birthed her. He would not make comment on his thoughts but would answer her question. "It's possible, I've had them as long as I can remember. My father has them too." The boy would finish removing the rest of the excess blood, her injury much less severe than the dripping blood had made it seem. "Alright, I've got to put pressure on it and it might hurt a little," he wouldn't ask for permission but had mostly wanted to make her aware of the potential for pain. His own paws would then surround her tiny foot as he gently squeezed it for long enough that the bleeding really had finished. (if she let him)


01-25-2015, 08:41 PM

As she extended her paw, she would look at him and glance away, the process repeating itself multiple times until she blurted out. "You're really tall." She said softly. It was true! In comparison to her height, he was a giant- but she knew that she'd be pretty tall when she grew up! Momma had said so! She felt his tongue gently brushing away the blood on her foot and though occasionally, she'd feel a prickle of discomfort she didn't say anything. She didn't want to seem whiny, and she was already crying. A slight smile pulled at her jaws as he complimented her name and her ears pricked with interest as he talked of his funny eye markings.

She listened quietly, and nodded slightly before speaking. "Momma got hers from her Momma. They were red and gold, but different from yours." She said softly. Her tears had stopped falling. He spoke again, and she nodded slightly but wasn't prepared for the pain that would shoot up her leg when the pressure was applied. She nearly whined, but stifled it- and merely winced, though her bicolored eyes looked up to meet his golden eyes steadily. She wouldn't show anymore weakness. She sighed slightly. "I shouldn't have bit it." She said sullenly. Had he seen that? Would he scald her for purposely hurting herself? She glanced away before turning back to try to meet his gaze, and let out a little sigh.

Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak  



3 Years
Extra large
01-25-2015, 11:29 PM
She seemed quite unable to make up her mind if she wanted to look at him or look away from him, though he would often look up from his work he was just trying to make sure she didn't hurt too bad. Her quick comment would cause him to smile, "Indeed I am." the boy would add quickly before finishing up the cleaning, their conversation shifting to the markings her mother had worn. Again, he couldn't help but think that something had happened to this girl's parent. The tears she cried halted before he applied the pressure to her wound. She would only wince as she looked up into his gaze, quite determined to show she was made of some tough stuff.

He'd release her limb and a soft sigh would filter through her lips, admitting she should have never bit herself. Obviously regretting the decision now, he'd still find an amused smile sneaking at the corners of his lips. "Probably not," he found himself telling her as her gaze flitted between him and space. "I'll be around if you decide to do it again though." He'd tease her softly, pushing himself from the ground to stand above her. He hadn't been sure of children before he'd run into her, but Revenge couldn't deny that he'd enjoyed the encounter. "Well, you're all fixed up. Just let it scab over and go easy on it for a couple days." His large features would turn back down the path he was on. "Do you need anything else?" He wanted to make sure she was comfortable, but his first priority was Mercy and he'd have to start thinking about getting back to her.

Though if Bellona asked he wouldn't be opposed to staying longer.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


01-26-2015, 06:06 PM

'Indeed I am.' His voice was pleasant to here- it was mature, not showing the immaturity that her siblings had when they spoke. They seemed to only care about games and pup things. Bellona wanted to learn how to fight, heal, hunt- she wanted to do it all. She watched Revenge as he worked with a less reserved gaze. "How long have you been a healer?" Bellona asked, trying to sound more grown up than a three month old pup. She almost didn't regret her vicious bite into her own paw, she'd met someone who new, and he intriuged her. He didn't ask if she was "okay" or pretend like nothing had happened. He spoke again 'probably not' he agreed, and her ears flattened slightly- but she relaxed as he went on. Was that a smile on his jaws? It was! She felt a shy smile pull at her own features.

He spoke again, telling her to take it easy on her paw- and turned to go and Bellona felt her a hard knot form in her stomach. Would she sound childish if she asked him to stay? He was the first wolf since Momma died that... made the pain a bit more bearable- he didn't push he for anything. "Wai-" She haltered, her paws shuffling nervously. Was she crossing some unspoken line by asking a near stranger not to leave her alone? She looked down at the ground, and sullenly flicked her tail before looking up. "It's okay. You can go- I'm sure you have more important things to do." She spoke ruefully, and the disappointment was heavy in her tone. She oddly wanted his company- and his was the first wolf since Momma had died that she wanted to talk more too. Would he continue on his way- or was he some sort of mind reader? How could she ask him to stay?

Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak  



3 Years
Extra large
01-26-2015, 06:55 PM
Bellona was the first pup he'd really gotten anywhere close to, thus he had no one to compare her to but the adults he lived with. She seemed rather mature, obviously still inexperienced in life but he still couldn't boast much either. "Not very long. I'm glad your injury wasn't too bad, otherwise I would have had to call for my teacher." He'd tell her easily. He found it odd how simple words left his mouth as she brought her curiosities to him. However he'd finish up much too soon, as he turned back to her the disappointment in her eyes and her voice were unmistakable. He'd tilt his head curiously, she did look awful lonely out here by this puddle. "I can stay for a while if you want me to." He'd step back towards her eagerly, "My sister probably isn't awake quite yet." He'd shrug lazily as his bright gaze found her bicolored eyes, his smile hanging softly from pale lips. "Do you have brothers and sisters?" He decided to strike up another conversation, a reason to stay even if she wouldn't ask him to stick around.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


01-27-2015, 10:09 PM

Bellona was rather inexperienced with wolves that weren't her family, but Revenge seemed kind enough. Gingerly she tested her paw, putting some weight on it. Pain radiated up her leg, but the bleeding had stopped, so she knew that she'd be okay. She smiled slightly, and curiously asked another question in response to his answer. "Healing is interesting. Are you a warrior as well?" She asked with interest. Was she the only one who wanted to do everything. "Can you hunt?" She asked curiously. She had never met a healer. Her sister showed some interest in the plants and things but Bellona couldn't tell the apart enough yet. It was all so strange.

She tried and failed to hide her disappointment as he turned away, but it seemed he rethought his intention to leave. Her ears pricked slightly with interest as he spoke- and she felt herself nod shyly. "Thank you." She whispered, looking up at him, blinking. She was tired of feeling so alone... He had a sister? Cool! He asked if she had siblings, and Bellona nodded. "I have four. Three sisters and a brother. Integra, Sirius, Atriedes, and Narcissa." She listed them off. "They spend all their time playing- and stuff." She said rather dismissively. "What's your sisters name?" She asked curiously. She was eager to steer the conversation away from her siblings- Narcissa was sick, but the others... Bellona couldn't relate to anymore.

Greek Speak -- Bellona Speak  



3 Years
Extra large
01-28-2015, 02:14 PM
As her paw was taken care of the tiny girl would become more curious, about him in particular as he told her about his interest in healing. Her curious questions would elaborate as she wished to know how he did in the other fields. He was hardly a warrior, he could barely defend himself, but he knew very well how to hunt for himself and the pack. After his lesson with Cascade he felt quite a bit more confident in those abilities as well. "It is, but i'd much rather be studying poisons." He'd admit to her. He'd never really intended on healing anyone but this was where Valentine needed him. "I'm not really a warrior, I'm not even very good at defending myself." Mercy was the warrioress, he was just her backup. "I can hunt though, I should hope most wolves know how to, you can't always count on your pack mates to provide food for you." And indeed even he found that he'd hunt for himself as well as the pack at times.

She would easily accept his presence again, and he'd find her thanking him for his return, he'd only smile softly as he went on. She'd answer his question about her siblings, her answer much like he would have given about his own siblings at her age. With a simple nod he would let that part of teh conversation die and tell her about his lovely sister. "Her name is Mercy," He'd tell her, haunches coiling beneath him as he lowered himself back into a relaxed position. "She looks a lot like me, but is more of a warrior than a healer. She's the reason I'm here really." Had she not joined Imperium he would have never found himself here. Though wherever she was he wanted to be.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]