
getting sun dazed


01-20-2015, 04:21 PM
She was silent when she awoke, head lifting slowly as she looked down at the four tiny bodies curled up near herself. She was leaned against her mate who was fast asleep still but she would not wake him up, nor her children that had been birthed from her body. Instead she would slowly reach over her children and touch the brown and white mess laying beside her only daughter. "Come... We're going for a walk." She would murmur softly before slowly lifting herself away from her family, stepping through them with dainty paws before ducking slightly to get out of the mouth of the den. It was one of the many perks of being so small. Outside she would pause, shoulders rolling back languidly as she stretched each hind leg out behind her. Stepping forward she would wait, head lowered slightly as she waited for the little brown and white boy to join her. It was before sun up, but it was time to patrol and she thought maybe he might appreciate a walk along the forest to see if his parents had returned. Even though she knew they weren't coming back it was better then nothing...


01-27-2015, 02:57 PM

It was only the second day that he was going to spend with Dione and her family and already his hope that his family was going to return was diminishing by the hour. If they had dropped him off in some unknown land it must've been because they really didn't want him. He was of no use to them anymore and they didn't want to burden themselves with his care. Had they expected him to be able to fend for himself or were they hoping that he would starve and die? He would never know and he wasn't sure he would ever want to know.

A soft touch would stir the boy from his restless sleep, sleepy eyes focusing on Dione's figure as she whispered to him that they were going on a walk. He would glance around to Ganja and her siblings, noticing that Dione wasn't waking any of them up. Why did she just want to go on a walk with him alone? Wariness would help the boy severe the grip of sleep as he stood, not bothering to stretch himself as he tip-toed over the sleeping bodies of the other wolves in the den, following the green woman as she exited the den. He would pad up to her side, looking up at her for a moment, awaiting directive before he would allow his gaze to stray, taking in the morning landscape.



02-02-2015, 12:32 AM
Aakil would rise wearily, obviously not overly impressed with the fact that Dione had chosen to awaken him on this particular day but regardless he would slowly tip toe around her other children without waking them up and join her outside. She had always loved the mornings, had always been a morning person but hey she wasn't about to force her cheerfulness down his throat. So instead of speaking she would move away from the den, heading towards the boarder and motioning for him to follow. She would remain quiet for quite some time, waiting until they reached the boarder and allowing him to fall into step with her before she would speak. "It's been almost a week... I am honestly sorry for your loss, but my family doesn't belong in this pack, we are treated like outcasts and freaks so we will be leaving probably today, maybe tomorrow. Now is the time for you to decide. You can stay here with my older daughter and possibly wait for your parents to return. Or you can come with us." Dione would say, giving the boy his options as to what he would like to do with his life. She wouldn't force him to come along, if he wasn't already a compliant boy then why would she want him anyways? She wanted obedience and discipline... Would he give her either?