
Last Kyleyla Puppy Available!


01-26-2015, 05:42 PM
Soo one of the infamous kids of Cat and Kylar is up for adoption again. Her name is Dahlia and her profile can be found here.

Per request, her name and personality will have to be new.

Cats profile can be found here and Kylars profile can be found here

Please note that she is going to be Chaotic Evil character, and will be raised as such. Cataleya will expect her full loyalty and she will remain in Arcanum. I don't mind if you have other plots with her, but do note that her family will be of the upmost importance to her. She will be raised to follow in Cat's footsteps, so please make sure you are comfortable playing a character that will be mean/cruel, and probably end up in many fights.

Also note, that any sort of inactivity, will result in her being taken back by myself or Dee with or without warning.

Please fill out the following form in your own words.

Personality: 150 words
Appearance: 150 words

There is no end date for this adoption as of yet, Dee and I want to make sure that we find the right player for Dahlia.



8 Years
Chrono I
01-26-2015, 06:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2015, 05:00 PM by Chione.)

I was going to save this sort of character for one of my Alvin babies but I've been really looking forward to a Chaotic Evil Character as of late.


I can pay for anything needed! besides eye markings since that is already paid for And I am still willing to keep the current appearance if you'd like ^^ I'd just really like an eye color around the pink-red area. Also let me know if you want anything changed with my ref ;3

Agria Sovari (Ah-gree-uh So-vair-ee)

Agria is a large wolf with an average build, her fur hiding most her muscles but she is well stronger than her appearance. She stands at 36 inches tall and weighs 149 pounds. She stands tall most of the time, trying to intimidate others but her ears lay forward with a menacing grin for every word she speaks.

Agria looks a lot like her father, but has the familiar markings under her eyes that come from her mother. She is a base color of a dark grey, but underneath on her stomach and chest is a darker grey that also covers underneath her tail. The same color covers her skull, and goes down her nose and around her eyes. It covers half her muzzle but does not connect the color on her chest. A little bit of her chin is the lightest of her pelt, along with most of her ears. A light grey goes along the back of her haunches and her elbows as well as her jowls, the dots under her eyes, and the tips of her ears. Her eyes are a darker pink, showing her true resemblance to her mother.

Personality: will be written like the rest of my profiles, you should be familiar xD

Agria finds all joy in seeing anger or frustration in someone's eyes; more so than fear. But both bring her great pleasure. Her dark appearance doesn't draw away from her evil desires, and though she isn't as tall as her father, she uses her height to tower over others when she can.

(Due to the stuff going on with Cat and Ky right now) Agria leans more towards her mother and can even be protective when things go so far. She believes her mother can take down anyone in her path, and doesn't get concerned unless she falls. Then she will want instant revenge on the other.

Agria does have a bit of a goofy side, though still going with her evil desires. She can be extremely sarcastic, mainly with her family members, but joke around with her opponents or enemies too. She can be "affectionate" more so when she is younger by jumping on her siblings, parents, and/or friends and basically chewing on all their parts. But when she does get a love interest, she can be rather rough and wants to draw some blood, but also doesn't mind if blood is drawn from her, she actually enjoys it.

Though she can act really seductively, she plays hard to get. She can get all up in your face and rub all over your body and then be like "Peace bro". Maybe it's for the chase or just to see the reaction. She like the attention from others and can get rather upset if someone ignores her or the attention is drawn to someone else. Most the time she can hold in her jealousy, but it is shown all on her face.

She takes things very seriously. At meetings she is respective and can get aggravated if someone isn't. She expects everyone to bow down to her parents, and hopes that she can get to that point one day. Though she does hold a sibling rivalry, she does care for them and won't get upset if their parents chose another sibling for something important. She also follows anything her mother says, being extremely loyal to the family and the pack.


01-26-2015, 10:38 PM
Name: Viola Sovari

Entitled: Being born into the ruling family of Arcanum has given this little wench a sense of entitlement. With powerful parents behind her, Rue sees the rest of the world as hers. She may not be old enough to take it for herself now, but when she gets to be as big as her mother, she very well plans on staking her claim on anything that suits her fancy. Nothing is off limits for her, be it land or other wolves. She will take what she wants when she wants and how she wants it and there won't be many around to stop her.

Loyal: She has siblings and a father, but in all reality she could care less about either of them. Her sole focus and the one whom her world revolves around growing up is her mother. She reveres Cataleya as a goddess, aspiring to be just as great, if not greater than the Queen, so it is no surprise that her loyalty solely lies with Cat. She would do anything for her mother. Kill, kidnap, torture, fuck, etc. Cataleya names it, Rue does it. There is nothing too extreme that the girl wouldn't do for her mother. Her very life is up for grabs if the Queen so requests it.

Detached: Even at an early age, the girl deals very little with emotions. She cares for no on but her mother, really only showing flashes of emotion around Cat. With everyone else, she's as cold as the icy winters in the north. She holds sympathy for nothing and no one. Life is unimportant to her, unless of course it's her mothers. She can kill without batting an eyelash, feeling no remorse afterwards. She wears no conscious and has no interest in finding one.

Murderous: Not only did she inherit her charm and good looks from her mother, but the need to take lives as well. She craves the taste of blood, whether her victim offers it up voluntarily or she takes it by force. The cries of her unlucky victims is sweet music to her ears and she revels in the pain the experience at her paws. She enjoys prolonging their suffering as long as she can, wanting them to feel every single little thing that she does to them. Killing is her favorite past time and it's not surprising to find the girl, as she grows up, practicing on innocent creatures.

Seductive: She wont know much about seducing others as a pup, but lessons from her mother will bring the little succubus right up to speed. Once she discovers the power of her body, she won't hesitate to use it get what she wants. And for the times where she's not looking for power, she'll indulge herself in the carnal pleasures, much like her mother, though she will try to be more cautious lest she end up with little demon spawns to care for.

Violent: If she can't charm her way through something, then you better believe she will muscle her way through it. She has to get her way, no matter what. When she's not fighting to get her way, the girl is usually on the calmer side, unless of course you try and disrespect her mother. Say one bad thing about Cataleya and it will be the last thing you ever say in your life.

Appearance: Though she dons the Sovari surname, there is no mistaking where this little succubus gets her good looks from. She's nothing more than a pup now, but time will mold her into a 155lb demoness who will be a force to be reckoned with at 36in of height. A blanket of solid grey swathes the babe from head to toe, a perfect blend of her mother's lighter grey and her father's inky ebony. Cataleya's lighter grey leaves its mark across the girl, coating the inside of her sooty ears, swallowing her toes at the joints and bathing her underside, starting from the middle of her chest to swoop down and envelop her underbelly, the underside of her tail also sporting the same light tone. A mask of darker grey, appearing inky in some lights and originating from the top of her chest, consumes the lower half of her face. It stains her throat, making its way over the entirety of her jaws, spreading out to her cheeks, reaching as far as the bottom of her brilliant fiery orange eyes. It narrows upwards between her eyes to form a stripe of sorts, much like her mothers, though Rue's is uninterrupted, trailing down her skull, tracing her nape and spine until it reaches the base of her tail, at which point it disappears into her sooty coat. Four distinct dots of grey, like those of Cataleya, rim the bottom of the girl's eyes, branding her as the Queen's daughter.



2 Years
01-27-2015, 03:05 PM
Name: Venus


Short Tempered: Venus is far from a calm female. If one of her siblings goes as far as to nip her, that will set her off. She will take a very long time to finally calm down, maybe even snapping at her siblings in a grouchy manner a few days after. If anyone insulted her, or her family, that would make her furious. In her rage, she may even lunge at her siblings, only seeing red. Her short temper is backed up by her sharp words, and the fact that she'll do anything to hit the other wolf's nerve. She really doesn't care.

Violent: Venus is a violent pup; that's obvious from the way she speaks. Even when she's kidding, she throws around violent threats like they're nothing. Some of these threats aren't very detailed, and others are too detailed, describing the blood and the look on the other's face. She even does this to prey, whispering it to them, even though she knows that they can't understand her. Sometimes, if she wants to, she'll bring the threats to life on her prey. After that, though, she has to hunt some more. Her threats leave little more than the head of her prey.

Protective: Although Venus is a violent, short tempered pup, she loves her family. If her siblings needed protected, Venus would jump right into battle. Even if it's the littlest thing her siblings need protected from, the pup will do it. From the smallest bug, to the biggest bear, Venus would protect her family. If she had to, she would kill, or die, for her family. And because of her violent nature, she'd only prefer to do one of those two things. If a wolf were attacking her parents when they couldn't, she would go in their place without a single thought.

Flirt: When Venus sees a male that catches her eye, she could care less if he's someone's mate or not. She will go over there and begin to flirt with them. If they flirt back, then that's even better for Venus. If they have a mate, and they say so, the female will become determined to make their mate mad by still flirting. Of course, the only males she knows to not flirt with are those with the Sovari name, or her mother's eye dots. Other than those wolves, any male is free game. And Venus will take advantage of that.





8 Years
Chrono I
01-27-2015, 04:43 PM
Just thought I'd let the both of you know that Venus and Rue are both names that have been taken ^^


01-27-2015, 06:09 PM
Thanks for the concern Chrono, but it was just a place holder while I found something better ^^


01-27-2015, 06:15 PM
So, even though we have only a few applications, and it wasnt planned to have this closed so soon, Dee and I are anxious to get the family active and together. We have both decided that Wolf will be playing Viola!

Thank you everyone who applied <3