
...and then a little bumblybee came by


01-28-2015, 12:59 AM

Naoise wasn't sure how to feel right now. His mind, his body, was still recovering from the news. Right now, as he wandered by this river, he could think only of his father. Kar was going to fight for Mystic's freedom, and Naoise couldn't help but wonder if somehow, deep down, all of this was his fault. If it was his fault that Mystic had been away from home and claimed, because he had been too jealous and too stubborn to play with her. Now... now she might be gone forever! The boy had thought that was what he wanted... all he wanted... but... but it wasn't! Not that Naoise would cry, but it didn't help the ache that was in his heart.

A sigh was heaved as he padded along. Moping would do him no good. No good to him, and no good to his remaining sister. The child would look towards the water, trying to focus his mind on the uniqueness of the water. It was different. Long, flowing, endlessly moving. Naoise would slow to a stop, coming to the edge. He had seen his father fishing with Mystic before... it didn't seem that hard. Carefully he'd stick one paw in the water only to draw it back out again. Nose would wrinkle with displeasure, a low growl leaving him. No way! That water was far too cold!

With a sigh he turned away from the water and flopped down. He'd roll onto his back, trying to focus on the clouds in the sky. Goodness, he needed a distraction.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Shelby



1 Year
01-28-2015, 01:24 AM

The girl has been running after a butterfly, although one eye was on the river. She was a little too close, and she still wasn't comfortable. This was exactly how she had come to fall in the river a first time, but she just wanted to play! She should probably try to hunt for herself to fill out her lanky, almost skeleton form, but the butterfly had been too pretty. She was only a season away from being a year old, but she was still pretty young at heart. Charm was as tall as she would be getting, which really wasn't large. Her frame was tiny, and it made her come off as being a lot younger than she really was. She jumped up to swipe at the bug again before a growl caught her attention. Gray ears pulled forward as she peered at the boy down below, grumbling at the water that he had just swiped at. Charmeine gasped, leaping forward with alarm clear in her wide cyan eyes. "Be careful! 'he river is big and scary! I' 'ook me all 'he way down here and away from my family!" she cried, thin body shaking as she backed away from the water's edge. She whined as her eyes fell on the water, head lowering. The girl still hasn't able to pronounce her t's, giving her a much more cute appearance, even if she was cowering in fear.