
Stunning Lights Don't Effect Me



01-28-2015, 12:30 AM

The tiny boy wandered away from the den, hardly half a month old and already so somber. Usually young ones of his age were quite giddy and bouncy, but Cohen walked as if he carried the weight of the world on his tiny little shoulders. He just didn't feel like he mattered to anyone at all, which made it a lot easier to just walk away. Surly his Mother was having a cow right now, but it was all just for show. They may say that they loved him but he knew how it really was. He knew that he was nothing but a burden, which is why he made his way towards the beach. The sound of the waves was constant, he heard it all the way as he walked down towards the shore. He was mildly shocked when he saw that the sand was black. It shimmered in the morning sun, and while it would catch most wolves attention, Cohen just shrugged his shoulders and walked on. Not much effected to stoic child, not even this very odd beach. He walked until he felt like sitting, and did just that. Falling to his rump he sat and watched the water, pale green eyes not really looking at anything but off into the distance.


01-29-2015, 03:55 PM
There was another young boy who was not the happy-go-lucky sort of young man he should have been as a child. Seven months old or so, already towering compared to his mother's miniscule height, he shot up like a bulky weed. But Einarr was no happy child. He found his existence on his mother to be painful, if only because of his real father. After the event between his uncles, and his sister leaving for a time with Freyr, he had finally asked his mother to tell him the truth. It was hard, for one so young, to learn his true father was a bastard. The man hadn't cared for them, maimed his mother. Einarr hated that dark side of the world, the blood that flowed through his veins. But he would not give up and wish death upon himself for the sins of his sire. Nor would he blame his mother and Freyr for all they had done. They wanted him to be happy, but fact was he wasn't.

He had wandered away from Secretua again, surely to give his mother some sort of panic attack, but he had needed to get away from the festivities. Too much positive energy honestly made the boy feel ill. He would walk along the sands, searching for something. That was when he saw another child. A younger boy, smaller than he. Einarr would stalk towards him quietly sitting in the sands. Surprisingly, he felt the want to reach out towards the other. Perhaps it was how he sat, looking coldly out at the water, as if the world was his enemy.

"Life sucks, doesn't it?"



02-01-2015, 04:32 PM

The sound of another didn't even phase him, not in the least. He had just thought that the other being would just walk passed him and leave him be, everyone else seemed to do the same. Why should they come and talk to the little boy who didn't matter? He didn't even realize that he was breaking his parents heart. But it all stopped when the stranger said something, something that rang clearly in his head. Of course life sucked, didn't it for everyone? The only sign of Cohen even hearing him was the soft flicker of his ears towards him, and then a simple shrug of his tiny shoulder. His eyes never left the horizon, just watching it as if something amazing was going to happen. It wasn't that the boy didn't not care to be living, he had no death wish. But there was something more out there for him, he could feel it in his young bones. At last he turned his head towards the stranger, pale green eyes looking at nothing but the strangers eyes. "Why should you care?" He asked rather bluntly. His words were by no mean harsh, in fact they were rather flat and stony. But it was an actual question directed at the other. Why would this stranger care if life sucked for him, he didn't even know his name. For all Cohen knew, this man knew nothing of his life or the lives of the ones around him. So why did he stop to ask him a question, why didn't he just keep moving on? Its not like Cohen meant anything, and nothing to this mocha and brown man.


02-28-2015, 12:54 AM

The other would take his time acknowledging him but when he did the other pup would look at nothing but his eyes, speaking in a blunt way. “Why should you care?” Care? It wasn’t so much a matter of caring as simply stating an opinion. Einarr would breathe out some, though not in anger. The way the other spoke just seemed to confirm Einarr’s suspicions that he seemed to understand how the older male felt. That the world sucked, and no one really cared. The mocha and chocolate boy would sit, his gaze turning out over the water, rather than holding that gaze. His ears would perk some, his expression a far more solemn then it should have been for a pup his age.

“I don’t really care about the specifics, if you want me to be truthful with you. I’m just fascinated someone else seems to know the same sort of pain I hold. In a way its kind of nice to know I’m not alone in seeing the darkness of this world... Yet sad at the same time.” Einarr would close his eyes, a bit of a bitter smile on his face. “But while we’re here... We can always see what the other knows, if you’re interested. I know I’m not a friend, probably won’t ever really be, but sometimes a bit of company is nice, right?” He was being surprisingly talkative too. The male would open his red-violet eyes and look back at the other pup. How would he respond?


Table by:: Eldarwen